Greetings & Salutations one and all
I'm new to mixxx been using it for about 4hrs and its a brilliant piece of software so thanks once again for this amazing program. The issues i'm having is that it creates and double m3u.m3u. extension when I'm live broadcasting. I had issues with getting this to work but figured it out with lame.dll which I didn't have to rename as this solution is for version 1 and below.
It works now after putting the lame encoder.dll file into the mixxx folder, which I think might be the issue i'm not sure. the live broadcasting connects successfully and it connects to my icecast server without issue, however when I click on m3u on icecast admin page or connect directly to it the web e.g. http://externalIP:8000/stream it show me the m3u.m3u error, which is causing the streaming error as its creating a double m3u file and as we know only .m3u works not m3u.m3u. so I think its the encoding creating this double extension but I'm not sure hence the post. any ideas??
mixxx m3u.m3u error
Make sure you configure a mount point in Mixxx.
Like /stream.ogg or /radio.opus, depending on the format/codec.
Also make sure that it does NOT end in m3u! The mountpoint is a virtual media file, not a playlist. The server will automatically generate another virtual file, a m3u playlist for it.
I have recently started working with a fresh install of FMS 4.5.0 and am having some issues getting my media to load with the VOD application.
After uploading some of my own FLV/F4V content to "/webroot/vod/", I am currently only able to load the samples from the installation.
Is there some sort of configuration that needs to be made to access my media?
Do I need to create a manifest for each video?
I have been running tests through:
And have had luck accessing the videos that came with the install by using the following:
Video Source (URL): http://[my host]/vod/sample1_1000kbps.f4v
But when I change this to point to one of my recently uploaded videos it fails everytime.
Another strange note, I was able to play one of the samples but then I changed its name and it was still able to load that one specific video using the same filename when the file's name had changed. This leads me to believe that it isn't really loading the right files or perhaps I am uploading to the wrong directory. But I can't find any other directories that have video in them.
Please let me know if there is any more info you need to help me. I'm fairly new to this and am not sure what to include.
Thanks in advance for any help!
EDIT: This was a pathing issue.
This has been resolved.
Apparently my webroot directory for the server was not set up correctly and after it was pointing to the right directory it was fixed.
I migrated with a project from Bitbucket to GitHub and I cannot find a way to attach a file to an issue (ex: screenshot, specs, etc).
How to do it?
You upload it somewhere and add the link in a comment. GitHub's Issues is rather primitive and doesn't allow attaching files.
Update: You can post images to GitHub issues now. The easiest way is to copy the image (right click, Copy image) and then paste it into the text box where you describe the issue.
Just drag and drop
As of December 7, 2012, you can attach images by drag/drop or use a file chooser. See for more details.
To attach a file to an issue or pull request conversation, drag and drop it into the comment box.
The maximum size for files is 25MB and the maximum size for images is 10MB. Chrome plug-in will enable you to add any type of file to a github issue. It's stored on ZenHub's AWS server instead of From their website...
GitHub only allows you to upload image files. ZenHub adds the ability
to upload any type of file into issues and comments, transferring
securely to Amazon S3. With this you can really take your workflow to
the next level; try using GitHub for everything! Centralized
collaboration and transparency are awesome.
As of 11/03/2015 you can now upload these types of files to github without any extension or plug-in: PNG, GIF, JPG, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, TXT, or PDF
As an illustration of the previous answers, see this comment:
I create a repository called catfood where I keep misc stuff (like screenshots and other attachments).
That way I can reference them in issues.
Some images showing the types of layout templates we want to have generated by templates:
Example One - Three Percentage Columns
Example Two - Two Percentage Columns Left
Example Three - Two Percentage Columns Right
Back in 2009, GitHub expressed the intent to add attachment to issues.
Attachments are something we'd like to add.
That topic wasn't raised since in the GitHub group though...
The format for embedding images into a GitHub comment is:
Use to upload any contents like code, log, html files etc. and share the link.
It's a bit of a kludge but you could create a junk branch, then commit the file to that branch and purge it later.
EDIT: This script may be of use to you:
I found an easy way to embed images in issues using Skitch. Just set up Skitch sharing and auto-copy the URL to the clipboard. Then paste it in when writing up the issue. I blogged about it here.
One quick/easy hack is to upload your attachment (say PDF or Office doc) to Dropbox, then include the Dropbox URL in the Github issue.
Mildly easier than using S3; many organizations are already using Dropbox; and Dropbox has good support for viewing many documents inline in the browser already.
8 years later (Dec. 2020), you can not only drag and drop images to PR/issues, but also... videos!
And in May 2021, this is now generally available.
Video upload public beta
You can now upload .mp4 and .mov files to issue, pull request, and discussion comments to share reproduction steps, design ideas, and experience details with your team.
The public beta will gradually rollout to all GitHub accounts over the coming week.
OK, here's what I use for screenshots.
It's free, fast, automatically uploads the image and pastes a URL link to your clipboard which you can Ctrl-V into the GitHub issue instantly.
It was a big sigh of relief when I discovered this :)
If your image is already uploaded to github, then you can attach raw link to issues. For example, if your image's location in github is:
then you can can change blob to raw like this:
and then you can use this link to show image:

I can't get offline mode in iphone mobile Safari to work.
I have included my cache manifest file in the root of my directory.
<html lang="se" manifest="cache.manifest">
My cache.manifest looks like
I also included a .htaccess file in my root directory with the content
AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest
When I'm trying to open my app on my Iphone it still says "Can't open page" (or similar, have my page in swedish).
Does someone have any suggestions what I'm doing wrong?
Your mark-up and cache file look fine, but if the site won't go off-line there's a problem with the cache. It only has to fail on one element, and the whole thing won't work. Have you tried debugging your cache file? This post will help:
Jonathan Stark, Debugging HTML 5 Offline Application Cache
Note this won't tell you which asset causes the failure (if any), but it will tell you if your cache is working or not.
I actually had a similar issue yesterday. Try removing the CACHE: and just listing the items for the cache. I found this by accident and it seems to now work on IOS for me. Also, I added a comment field at the top to make sure I can invalidate the cache. I would give that a try.
I also had the same problem. I included the lines below in the cache.manifest file & it fixed for me.
I was struggling for 2 hours with this and finally I've managed it! HORAY! I've added "/" to cache, this was the problem...
I have complete code of facebook connection. But When i dragged the complete code into my application then 112 errors will occurs. wherever i have use use that code "FBConnect/FBConnectGlobal.h"Then error will arises "FBConnect/FBConnectionGlobal.h" No such file or directory. Even i have given all the path in project setting/project active setting.
So please tell me some solution how to rectify some solution. and also tell me exact place where i have set the path and what to give in that path
I think Ayaz is right, you checked of the "copy items.." box. However, try and start over, deleting the FBConnect folder and do it without copying it. If you start changing the headers you will probably have to do it for all the classes and if there is an update to the FBConnect library you need to start all over again.