surfnorm function more efficient way Matlab - matlab

After constructing the point cloud I want to get the normal of each point and I used the built-in matlab function surfnorm but its takes a lot of processing time. So if anyone could assist me do this a better and more efficient way.

I wonder if the following code would help you. There are three steps here.
Create 500 randomly spaced points (x,y), and compute a corresponding value z (the height of the surface) for which I chose a sinc like function
Resample the random points using the TriScatteredInterp function - this permits me to obtain points on an evenly sampled grid that "roughly correspond" to the initial surface
Compute the normal to "some points" on that grid (since there are 480x640 points, computing the normal at every point would just create an impossibly dense "forest of vectors"; by sampling "every 10th point" you can actually see what you are doing
The code I used was as follows:
randomX = rand(1,500);
randomY = rand(1,500);
r = 5*sqrt(randomX.^2 + randomY.^2);
randomZ = sin(r) ./ r;
% resample the data:
[xx yy] = meshgrid(linspace(0,1,640), linspace(0,1,480));
F = TriScatteredInterp(randomX(:), randomY(:), randomZ(:));
zz = F(xx, yy);
%% at each point, the normal is cross product of vectors to neighbors
xyz=reshape([xx yy zz],[size(xx) 3]);
xv = 10:30:479; yv = 10:30:639; % points at which to compute normals
dx = xyz(xv, yv+1, :) - xyz(xv, yv, :);
dy = xyz(xv+1, yv, :) - xyz(xv, yv, :);
normVecs = cross(dx, dy); % here we compute the normals.
normVecs = normVecs ./ repmat(sqrt(sum(normVecs.^2, 3)), [1 1 3]);
quiver3(xx(xv, yv), yy(xv, yv), zz(xv, yv), ...
normVecs(:,:,1), normVecs(:,:,2), normVecs(:,:,3));
axis equal
view([56 22]);
And the resulting plot:


Matlab - plot speed vector of a satellite in Keplerian orbit

I have to plot the speed vector of an object orbiting around a central body. This is a Keplerian context. The trajectory of object is deduced from the classical formula ( r = p/(1+e*cos(theta)) with e=eccentricity.
I manage into plotting the elliptical orbit but now, I would like to plot for each point of this orbit the velocity speed of object.
To compute the velocity vector, I start from classical formulas (into polar coordinates), below the 2 components :
v_r = dr/dt and v_theta = r d(theta)/dt
To take a time step dt, I extract the mean anomaly which is proportional to time.
And Finally, I compute the normalization of this speed vector.
clear % clear variables
e = 0.8; % eccentricity
a = 5; % semi-major axis
b = a*sqrt(1-e^2); % semi-minor axis
P = 10 % Orbital period
N = 200; % number of points defining orbit
nTerms = 10; % number of terms to keep in infinite series defining
% eccentric anomaly
M = linspace(0,2*pi,N); % mean anomaly parameterizes time
% M varies from 0 to 2*pi over one orbit
alpha = zeros(1,N); % preallocate space for eccentric anomaly array
%%%%%%%%%% Calculations & Plotting
% Calculate eccentric anomaly at each point in orbit
for j = 1:N
% initialize eccentric anomaly to mean anomaly
alpha(j) = M(j);
% include first nTerms in infinite series
for n = 1:nTerms
alpha(j) = alpha(j) + 2 / n * besselj(n,n*e) .* sin(n*M(j));
% calcualte polar coordiantes (theta, r) from eccentric anomaly
theta = 2 * atan(sqrt((1+e)/(1-e)) * tan(alpha/2));
r = a * (1-e^2) ./ (1 + e*cos(theta));
% Compute cartesian coordinates with x shifted since focus
x = a*e + r.*cos(theta);
y = r.*sin(theta);
hold on;
% Plot 2 focus = foci
hold on;
% compute velocity vectors
for i = 1:N-1
vr(i) = (r(i+1)-r(i))/(P*(M(i+1)-M(i))/(2*pi));
vtheta(i) = r(i)*(theta(i+1)-theta(i))/(P*(M(i+1)-M(i))/(2*pi));
vrNorm(i) = vr(i)/norm([vr(i),vtheta(i)],1);
vthetaNorm(i) = vtheta(i)/norm([vr(i),vtheta(i)],1);
% Plot velocity vector
% Label plot with eccentricity
title(['Elliptical Orbit with e = ' sprintf('%.2f',e)]);
Unfortunately, once plot performed, it seems that I get a bad vector for speed. Here for example the 30th element of vrNorm and vthetaNorm arrays :
As you can see, the vector has the wrong direction (If I assume to take 0 for theta from the right axis and positive variation like into trigonometrics).
If someone could see where is my error, this would nice.
UPDATE 1: Has this vector representing the speed on elliptical orbit to be tangent permanently to the elliptical curve ?
I would like to represent it by taking the right focus as origin.
With the solution of #MadPhysicist, I have modified :
% compute velocity vectors
vr(1:N-1) = (2*pi).*diff(r)./(P.*diff(M));
vtheta(1:N-1) = (2*pi).*r(1:N-1).*diff(theta)./(P.*diff(M));
% Plot velocity vector
for l = 1:9 quiver(x(20*l),y(20*l),vr(20*l)*cos(vtheta(20*l)),vr(20*l)*sin(vtheta(20*l)),'LineWidth',2,'MaxHeadSize',1);
% Label plot with eccentricity
title(['Elliptical Orbit with e = ' sprintf('%.2f',e)]);
I get the following result :
On some parts of the orbit, I get wrong directions and I don't understand why ...
There are two issues with your code:
The normalization is done incorrectly. norm computes the generalized p-norm for a vector, which defaults to the Euclidean norm. It expects Cartesian inputs. Setting p to 1 means that it will just return the largest element of your vector. In your case, the normalization is meaningless. Just set vrNorm as
vrNorm = vr ./ max(vr)
It appears that you are passing in the polar coordinates vrNorm and vthetaNorm to quiver, which expects Cartesian coordinates. It's easy to make the conversion in a vectorized manner:
vxNorm = vrNorm * cos(vtheta);
vyNorm = vrNorm * sin(vtheta);
This assumes that I understand where your angle is coming from correctly and that vtheta is in radians.
The entire loop
for i = 1:N-1
vr(i) = (r(i+1)-r(i))/(P*(M(i+1)-M(i))/(2*pi));
vtheta(i) = r(i)*(theta(i+1)-theta(i))/(P*(M(i+1)-M(i))/(2*pi));
vrNorm(i) = vr(i)/norm([vr(i),vtheta(i)],1);
vthetaNorm(i) = vtheta(i)/norm([vr(i),vtheta(i)],1);
can be rewritten in a fully vectorized manner:
vr = (2 * pi) .* diff(r) ./ (P .* diff(M))
vtheta = (2 * pi) .* r .* diff(theta) ./ (P .* diff(M))
vrNorm = vr ./ max(vr)
vxNorm = vrNorm * cos(vtheta);
vyNorm = vrNorm * sin(vtheta);
Note 2
You can call quiver in a vectorized manner, on the entire dataset, or on a subset:
quiver(x(20:199:20), y(20:199:20), vxNorm(20:199:20), vyNorm(20:199:20), ...)

Points distribution in n-dimension

How to distribute the points to be like Fig.A
This matlab code for Fig. B :
N = 30; % number of points
r = 0.5; % r = radius
d = 50; % dimension
C_point = 0; % center point
figure, clf
C = ones(1, d) * C_point;
C_rep = repmat( C,N,1);
X = randn(N,d);
s2 = sum(X.^2,2) ;
radius = r * (rand(N,1).^(1/d));
X = X.*repmat(radius./sqrt(s2),1,d) + C_rep;
%% Plot 2D
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
x = r*cos(t) + C(1);
y = r*sin(t) + C(2);
hold on
plot(C(1),C(2),'b.', 'MarkerSize', 10) % center point
hold on
plot(X(:,1), X(:,2),'r.','markersize',10);
axis equal;rotate3d off; rotate3d on;drawnow;shg;
hold on
ax = axis;
Source of the code
What I should change to be like fig. A
The OP's code computes points uniformly distributed within a d-dimensional box, projects those onto a d-dimensional sphere, then samples the radius to move them inside the d-dimensional ball. This is perfect except that the points inside the box, when projected onto the sphere, do not form a uniform distribution on that sphere. If instead you find random points distributed in a Gaussian distribution, you are guaranteed uniform angle distribution.
First compute points with a Gaussian distribution in d dimensions (I do all here with minimal changes to the OP's code):
N = 1000; % number of points
r = 0.5; % r = radius
d = 3; % dimension
C_point = 0; % center point
C = ones(1,d) * C_point;
C_rep = repmat(C,N,1);
X = randn(N,d);
Note that I use randn, not rand. randn creates a Gaussian distribution.
Next we normalize the vectors so the points move to the sphere:
nX = sqrt(sum(X.^2,2));
X = X./repmat(nX,1,d);
These points are uniformly distributed, which you can verify by scatter3(X(:,1),X(:,2),X(:,3)); axis equal and turning the display around (a 2D rendering doesn't do it justice). This is the reason I set d=3 above, and N=1000. I wanted to be able to plot the points and see lots of them.
Next we compute, as you already did, a random distance to the origin, and correct it for the dimensionality:
radius = r * (rand(N,1).^(1/d));
X = X.*repmat(radius,1,d) + C_rep;
X now is distributed uniformly in the ball. Again, scatter3(X(:,1),X(:,2),X(:,3)); axis equal shows this.
However, if you set d=50 and then plot only two dimensions of your data, you will not see the data filling the circle. And you will not see a uniform distribution either. This is because you are projecting a 50-D ball onto 2 dimensions, this simply does not work. You either have to trust the math, or you have to slice the data:
figure, hold on
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 100);
x = r*cos(t) + C(1);
y = r*sin(t) + C(2);
plot(C(1),C(2),'b.', 'MarkerSize', 10) % center point
axis equal
I = all(abs(X(:,3:d))<0.1,2);
plot(X(I,1), X(I,2),'r.','markersize',10);
The I there indexes points that are close to the origin in dimensions perpendicular to the first two shown. Again, with d=50 you will have very few points there, so you will need to set N very large! To see the same density of points as in the case above, for every dimension you add, you need to multiply N by 10. So for d=5 you'd have N=1000*10*10=1e5, and for d=50 you'd need N=1e50. That is totally impossible to compute, of course.

Interpolation x-vector

I'm using the interp1 function to interpolate some points on this graph
My problem is that I want the new points to be equidistant. But in the interp1 function the input arguments are the x(before) , y(before) and the x(new) which is the vertical coordinate and not the contour distance.
My question is if there is any other function which solves my problem? If not, does anyone know how can I transform the x-vector?
an example with my problem is here:
hold on;
hold off;
You can do this by reformulating your curve as a parametric function of length along the curve. What you want is for the final points (where you interpolate) to have equal length between them. It's possible to do this by approximating the 'true' curve as a piecewise linear curve that connects the original data points.
Say we have some data points in matrix xy, where each row is a point and the x/y coordinates are on columns 1/2:
% make some fake data
% triple exponential function has nonuniform spacing
x = linspace(.4, .8, 20)';
y = exp(exp(exp(x)));
x = (x - min(x)) ./ range(x);
y = (y-min(y)) ./ range(y);
xy = [x, y];
Find the length of each point along the curve, starting from 0 at the first point:
% distance of each point from previous point
% note that points need to be in order
ds = [0; sqrt(sum(diff(xy, 1, 1) .^ 2, 2))];
% integrate to find length along the curve
s = cumsum(ds);
Now, consider both x and y to be a function of s. Interpolate x and y at a set of equally spaced lengths along the curve:
% find a set of equally spaced lengths along the curve
si = linspace(s(1), s(end), 20)';
% interpolate x and y at these points
xyi = interp1(s, xy, si);
Verify that the solution works:
% distance between successive interpolated points
% they should all be equal
sqrt(sum(diff(xyi, 1, 1) .^ 2, 2)
Original data:

3D points linear regression Matlab

I have a set of 3D points (x,y,z) and I would like to fit a straight line using Least absolute deviation method to those data.
I found a function from the internet which works pretty well with 2D data, how could I modify this to adapt 3D data points?
function B = L1LinearRegression(X,Y)
% Determine size of predictor data
[n m] = size(X);
% Initialize with least-squares fit
B = [ones(n,1) X] \ Y;
% Least squares regression
BOld = B;
BOld(1) = BOld(1) + 1e-5;
% Force divergence
% Repeat until convergence
while (max(abs(B - BOld)) > 1e-6) % Move old coefficients
BOld = B; % Calculate new observation weights (based on residuals from old coefficients)
W = sqrt(1 ./ max(abs((BOld(1) + (X * BOld(2:end))) - Y),1e-6)); % Floor to avoid division by zero
% Calculate new coefficients
B = (repmat(W,[1 m+1]) .* [ones(n,1) X]) \ (W .* Y);
Thank you very much!
I know that this is not answer to the question but rather to different problem leading to the question.
We can use fit function several times.
% XYZ=[x(:),y(:),z(:)]; % suppose we have data in this format
M=size(XYZ,1); % read size of our data
t=((0:M-1)/(M-1))'; % create arbitrary parameter t
% fit all coordinates as function x_i=a_i*t+b_i
temp=[0;1]; % define the interval where the line shall be plotted
%Evaluate and plot the line coordinates
The advantage is that this work for any cloud, even if it is parallel to any axis. another advantage is that you are not limitted only to polynomes of 1st order, you can choose any function for different axis and fit any 3D curve.

Equally spaced points in a contour

I have a set of 2D points (not ordered) forming a closed contour, and I would like to resample them to 14 equally spaced points. It is a contour of a kidney on an image. Any ideas?
One intuitive approach (IMO) is to create an independent variable for both x and y. Base it on arc length, and interpolate on it.
% close the contour, temporarily
xc = [x(:); x(1)];
yc = [y(:); y(1)];
% current spacing may not be equally spaced
dx = diff(xc);
dy = diff(yc);
% distances between consecutive coordiates
dS = sqrt(dx.^2+dy.^2);
dS = [0; dS]; % including start point
% arc length, going along (around) snake
d = cumsum(dS); % here is your independent variable
perim = d(end);
Now you have an independent variable and you can interpolate to create N segments:
N = 14;
ds = perim / N;
dSi = ds*(0:N).'; %' your NEW independent variable, equally spaced
dSi(end) = dSi(end)-.005; % appease interp1
xi = interp1(d,xc,dSi);
yi = interp1(d,yc,dSi);
xi(end)=[]; yi(end)=[];
Try it using imfreehand:
figure, imshow('cameraman.tif');
h = imfreehand(gca);
xy = h.getPosition; x = xy(:,1); y = xy(:,2);
% run the above solution ...
Say your contour is defined by independent vector x and dependent vector y.
You can get your resampled x vector using linspace:
new_x = linspace(min(x),max(x),14); %14 to get 14 equally spaced points
Then use interp1 to get new_y values at each new_x point:
new_y = interp1(x,y,new_x);
There are a few interpolation methods to choose from - default is linear. See interp1 help for more info.