How many ids can I write at the iPhone app store ID field? - iphone

Can i set more than one iPhone app store ID?
I have created two mobile IOS application that i want to link them to one FB app.
That means two iPhone app store ID.
How can i do that. Is it possible?

No, every AppID defines just one App, there's no possibility or sense in doing it with more.

you can share the same facebook app id across applications (ios applications), the facebook developers web site explains how to do that: share-appid-across-multiple-apps-ios-sdk


Share 1 Facebook App ID with multiple iOS Apps using ACAccountStore

I have an iOS app configured to use Facebook login via iOS's ACACcountStore. I'm not using the Facebook SDK.
I'm creating another app (for the same company) and I'm trying to take advantage of the existing Facebook App that I've set up for the first iOS app.
I've read that you can add multiple bundle ids in the Facebook App's Settings. I've done this, but unfortunately, I get an ACErrorPermissionDenied error when trying to log in.
Using iOS's built in Facebook login, am I able to share one Facebook App Id with multiple iOS apps with different bundle ids?
Ahh, figured it out.
The good news is that this is definitely possible. Just go into your Facebook app's settings and add another bundle id.
Make sure that the bundle id you've set in your app is exactly the same as the one you add to facebook.
In my case, I was formatting part of my bundle id like so:
MY_CUSTOM_BUNDLE_ID_SUFFIX is a User-Defined setting in my Target's Build Settings. I had it set to:
When processed with the rfc1034identifier, the . was converted to a - so it ended up being, so the mismatch is what was causing login to fail.

UIWebView with one or two features and App Store review

We have a mobile site for our existing website. We have just created an iOS application with back and forward buttons along with an activity indicator. Will it be rejected by Apple? If yes, what else we can include to get the app approved for the App Store?
It will be rejected
The App Store submission guidelines say:
Apps that are not very useful, unique, are simply web sites bundled as Apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected
I've also heard many stories about people who have made 'apps' for their website that might even have features like automatically logging in the user, that Apple still rejected.

Interface to the AppStore?

I have a requirement that a client wants to be able to allow users to download apps from within an app (which I will call the main app), based on a user's score (when a user achieves a certain score, they can have an app). We would like to do this without linking to the app store directly, so that users of the main app can be granted access to another app.
So, is there a way to interface to the app store while hiding the official app store from the user? I have seen similar functionality in Passbook, but not exactly what we are looking for. Any ideas? Thanks! Viv
Possible duplicate
How to link to apps on the app store
If your app is in Apple appstore, you can use itms:// service to install apps directly. Check the above link that tells awesome stuff about the apple app store itms services.

Facebook Login in two different apps of one iPhone

I developed two apps with facebook integration in both the Apps , my requirement is if i opend one app and login to facebook account , and if i open second app it should login at the same time .
This isn't really possible, since both apps would then have to use the same Facebook App ID.
And since the Facebook App ID is should be part of the App URL scheme, iOS can't see the difference between the two apps and will open the one installed last.
You can try an store the Facebook login data in the keychain and use that in the other app, but not sure if that will work.

iOS game and Facebook game: same app id?

I have built a game for iOS that uses Facebook Connect, and I will be making a Facebook version of the same game. Do I use the same applciation ID for both games?
Yes you would use the same app id for both games. In the "basic" tab of your app settings you specify what formats your application will be used on. This means you won't have to bug your users to authenticate 2 different apps (I'm assuming you might want them to use both versions).
Right how it is now, you can't do that from the app management screen. Or at least for website app and facebook app is impossible to use same app id (you have to put the url for website)