How to fetch particular users photos from Instagram - iphone

I am trying to fetch a particular user's photo using Instagram, lets say one particular sports team, I am unable to proceed further since the API's seem to return images of all users with similar handle? Is there a way around it?
Let me know please.

I am not sure what you're using, but the Instagram API absolutely provides an end-point for an individual user's photos.
Once you've obtained the user's ID you can use the /users/user-id/media/recent and /users/self/feed endpoints as required. What API calls are you currently using, if not those?


Instagram Graph API getting users geolocation without login and access token

I know that you want to suggest me private api or any scraper. I used them but they don`t return accounts geolocation. In my application I want to get instagram accounts geolocation, likes, comments, followers and follows in order to get engagement of account.
If you say it is not possible look TrendHero website it returns all information about users, followers rank, country information and other handy information which you can find in your insights (in instagram account) without users permissions.
My first impression, without caring to dive deep into the company you linked, is they are simply using scrapers. That's typically how those big contact databases are done.
The Instagram APIs simply don't provide the access they used to. That's how it is. Simply asserting there must be a way doesn't mean there actually is.
#WizKid Instagram can't actually prevent scraping. They just make a little fuss about it.

Which Instagram API should I use to collect public data?

Does either the Instagram Basic Display API or the Instagram Graph API allow me to simply get any public user's posts/media programatically? Everywhere in the documentation it says "User data" but it feels like I can only get data of the user that got authenticated using the API. I've set up a Facebook dev account and currently spending 4th hour on calling both APIs without success. Can anyone who has used them help me clear this up?
Most likely, Instagram API Date 365, a tool I currently work for, may help you as an alternative to using Instagram Basic Display API or the Instagram Graph API because this API is created especially for scraping bulk data about posts and users.
You can get such post data as post content (text, language, list of hashtags, list of tagged users), owner ID, location ID,
engagement info, etc. Also, it is possible to download comments (selected or on a specific post) and replies to them.
You can view this for more info.

Interact with Facebook data

I would like to know if there is a way to extract some informations from facebook users and pages without creating a facebook app.
In other words, I would like to know if it is possible to do on facebook what can be done on Twitter using their streaming API (facebook is more suitable for my purposes), or if is there a dataset that I can query without having to interact with every single user to get his/her permission (without using access tokens).
To be more specific, I need to know two kind of infos from users: the place where they live and their likes on page and nothing more, users can be anonymous or with a fake ID or whatever.
Thank you!
For privacy reasons, it is not possible at all. You must authorize a user with the correct permissions to get that kind of data.
Also, you would not be allowed to use the data in any way without asking the user for permission, and scraping is not allowed on Facebook. Even if it would be possible without the Graph API, it would not be allowed.

How can I get user's best friends throught Facebook Graph API

I am designing an App for iPhone and I want the user to share my App to his or her best friends. Now I can get user's friendlist throught Facebook Graph API. But how could I find user's best friends? I have an idea that I can use the user's wall to find which friend often appears on the wall. However, some pages and famous people like Obama always appears on the wall. Could someone give a feasible solution?
Define “best friends”, please.
If that is supposed to be something based on the user’s personal perspective at the very moment – then probably best to just let them choose their “best friends” the want to a request to themselves via a simple multi-friend selector.
Or are you referring to a user’s list of “close friends”, the default friend list on Facebook that every user can add friends to? That’s available via API, check the /me/friendlists connection.

Get id's of people that are using your facebook app at this moment

How can I get a list of all the people that are using my Facebook app at this moment?
Is that even possible?
I need it in order to compare with user's friends, so the users would know if one of their friends playing the game right now...
You would need to store and surface this information in your own system. There is no Facebook API or method that returns this information.