How can i change Default Splash image in coco2D? - iphone

I am new to cocos2D.
As my title says, how can I change my default splash image?
In my project, I removed all of the built-in images (splash image) come with cocos2d when you create a project. Then I ran my app. Why do I still see the built-in image (splash image that i removed) when my project it started?
I tried to find my solution on google but i could not find anything useful.
So, please help me resolve this issue. It may be very useful for a beginner.

I think the file is called 'Default.png', and you replace it with what you want. If you've already deleted the 'Default.png' file, create a new one.
The 'Default.png' should be placed in the root.
Then Build ->Clean All Targets
Create an image 320×480 for portrait mode

Place the following
Which is at
Framworks --. runtime-src -->classes folder

Just delete "Default.png" from your resources. And add an image with name Default.png which you want as Splash into your resources.

Be sure you replace all the Default files in the Resources folder with your own art. For example:


Is there a way to insert an image in Xcode?

I'm very new to Xcode and Swift, so for now I'm creating a UI that requires an image to appear on the screen. I would like to add the image to the LaunchScreen.storyboard file in Xcode. Can anybody help me?
I'm very new to Xcode and Swift, so for now I'm creating a UI that requires an image to appear on the screen. I would like to add the image to the LaunchScreen.storyboard file in Xcode. Can anybody help me?
Images are typically stored in .xcassets files, which show up as folders in your project. Your project probably already has one called Assets.xcassets, and you can just drag and drop images into that file. Then you can add an image view to your LaunchScreen.storyboard and set it to use the image you just added.
Beyond that, let me suggest that you go through some of Apple's SwiftUI tutorials. They'll help you learn about Swift, but you'll also get a lot of exposure to just using Xcode. If you have to figure it all out on your own, it'll take a lot longer.

Change Application Image/Appearance

How can I change this picture of my application?
Right now it's just the default image, but I just can't find a way to change it.
Edit: These are all the icons I have already set:
you have to reference an image as app icon in the Player Settings.
and all images you require in
Note that the given image resolution has to match the required resolution.
And also the Splash image
Alternatively you can also configure them using the Package.appxmanifest in VisualStudio before deploying or building the app package
Note I'm also pretty sure the ending e.g. imageName.scale-200.png is mandatory so check if your images are named correctly!

Initializing a CCSprite with a png

I'm starting to use Cocos2dx and I'm having an issue creating a CCSprite from a .png I have. It's like it couldn't found the image from the resources or it is not compatible, because if I choose another one, it works. I also tried with a jpg and it didn't work, so apparently, it just works with some kind of images.
How can I make an image compatible for the CCSprite?
You don't need to add it the project as (or.bat) does that.
The image should be in the folder called 'resources' (which will be in the same folder as 'Classes' and 'Proj.Android'.
When you build you app it will be copied in so check that it gets put in there after you build.

iPhone 5 - what naming convention the new images have to follow?

What name convention the new images have to have to be loaded by the new iPhone 5?
We see that we have to have 3 default images to be loaded by the device
Default#2x.png and
what about the other images used by an app?
Is there a naming convention that will automatically load the correct image?
The new default is Default-568h#2x.png. (note hyphen)
There is no other corresponding change. If you need a different image for the new iPhone 5 screen then you have to create it as a separate name. There is no 1x/2x/new phone auto switching behavior.
If you are looking for something similar to ~iPad or ~iPhone (like ~586h) there isn't anything build in like that. But you can easily add it yourself by expanding UIImage class.
Have a look at this source snippet (UIImage+Retina4) for information about how to achieve. Just add this UIImage category and there will be support for ~568h#2x files.
I solve this problem here. Just add #2x~568h suffix to images or ~568h to xib's. Also you can use this images in xib's.
With the introduction of Asset Catalog in Xcode 5, all you have to do with the images is simple drag and drop to its corrosponding related areas. Everything else will be handled by the Xcode itself..
You can create new catalog by going to the above mentions option in the screenshot.

How to display background image or foreground image of an iphone app

This might come across as a very silly question. I am trying to place an image behind my first "Hello World" app on iphone, since this morning. I tried doing so using Interface Builder using UIImageView object from library and also tried doing so programmatically.
Googling hasn't be much of an help either. Can any one please demonstrate a simple app that shows how to display an image in an iphone app, in background and/or in foreground?
The step you're missing is likely adding the image to the project.
Drag an image from the finder to the Resources section of the project outline. Xcode infers the action from the file type, and images will be copied to the Resources folder. You can check it out in the Targets section of the project outline, if you disclose your Hello World target you'll see the different build phases, including a "Copy bundle resources" build phase.
Anyway once the image is added to your project, the UIImageView inspector image name will autocomplete your image name, and all should work. No code needed.
You could try to add a UIImageView, in IB, to your view and arrange it to the background (behind all labels, etc)
edit: I just realized, you already tried it in IB. I was ignorant, I'm sorry.
The thing is, I do this same trick myself, and it works. If you add a UIImageView to your view in IB, what happens? Does it stick to the foreground? If so, you can re-arrange the position of the object by using the 'Layout' menu.
edit2: I just searched the iphone reference library, and the "Hello World" example also shows how it is done. (