Rx auto-detach behavior, what is it for? how does it work? - system.reactive

Rx provide the Observable.Create and Observer.Create factory methods, which have auto-detach behavior.
What is it use for? How does it work?

Rx will automatically detach the observer the first time you call observer.OnCompleted() or observer.OnError() or when an unsubscribe occurs. This guarantees the Rx grammar (the observer will see nothing after it gets a Completed or Error event or after it unsubscribes), even if your custom observable is rogue and attempts to send multiple errors or completions.


In RxSwift, how can I unit test that an observable sent no event?

I am new to testing un RxSwift.
I manage to test that an Observable emits values with RxBlocking. But I can't find the syntax to make a test pass if an Observable did not send any value.
I think I should use toBlocking(timeout: ),but I can't find how (I have an error that it timed out, but the test fail).
Thank you for your help
Does your observable complete? It looks like you're testing to see if the observable emits any events not values
Assuming you are testing on the XCTest Framework,
If you are testing to see if the observable emits no elements before it completes,
XCTAssertNil(try observable.toBlocking().first())
If you are testing to see if the observable does not emit any elements, nor completes
// Check error if necessary
XCTAssertThrowsError(try observable.toBlocking(timeout: timeout).first())

reactive 4.2.0 net Subject<T> ReplaySubject<T>

I am using ReplaySubject as a pipe when I feed the Observer with OnNext messages and then I subscribe to the message in another part of the code.
I tried ISubject first, by using Subject.Create(observer:, observable:) but this seems to do nothing, or in other words, the Observer is a sink that goes nowhere. Is there some code that will make the Subject do something pipe-like. For example, I want to inject onNext messages with a integral countN and I want the observable to broadcast N-many 0.00E0(s) in sequence.
It seems I need to implement the ISubject interface. Is there source code for a simple implementation that functions the same as ReplaySubject, with simple, proper memory handling of buffer size and Observer collection and Disposable return object.
Ok, so you use
new Subject<Int32>()
to get a subject that is a pipe-line.
Someone care to explain what Subject.Create does?
Can you inherit from Subject or ReplaySubject? Should you be able to?

Create BehaviorSubject from Observable

Say I have an observableA which gets data from network and emits it, if I do subscription to this observable each time it tries to request data from network which is heavy.
I want to create BehaviorSubject and connect it to observableA, so that any other threads/objects will subscribe to BehaviorSubject in order to get latest emitted data.
So far I couldnt manage it to code. I cannot create empty BehaviorSubject and call inside observableA, because they are not related to each other.
I cannot subscribe to observableA and get BehaviorSubject as observer, any idea how can I accomplish it? or maybe even better?
You can use multicast. E.g.,
Observable<String> o = ...;
ConnectableObservable<String> co = o.multicast(BehaviorSubject.<String> create());
I had similar scenario in javascript where I wrapped promise within Rx and I didn't want to make network call again when I subscribe to observable. This is how I ended up implementing:
subject = new Rx.AsyncSubject();
observable = Rx.Observable.fromPromise(....).subscribe(subject);
You can now consume the promise response as subject.subscribe(...) and it will always emit promise result from subject as we are using AsyncSubject (AsyncSubject - Represents the result of an asynchronous operation. The last value before the OnCompleted notification, or the error received through OnError, is sent to all subscribed observers).
In Rx.NET we'd use one of the Publish overloads that accepts an initialValue parameter. Essentially, it's just a shorter way of doing a multicast like zsxwing described. I'm not sure whether Rx.Java offers these overloaded Publish methods.

Why does `libpq` use polling rather than notification for data fetch?

I am reading libpq reference. It has both of sync and async methods. Bu I discovered something strange.
When I see PQsendQuery function, it seems to send a query and return immediately. And I expected a callback function to get notified, but there was no such thing and the manual says to poll for data availability.
I don't understand why async method is written in polling way. Anyway, as libp is the official client implementation, I believe there should be a good reason for this design. What is that? Or am I missing correct callback stuffs mentioned somewhere else?
In the execution model of a mono-threaded program, the execution flow can't be interrupted by data coming back from an asynchronous query, or more generally a network socket. Only signals (SIGTERM and friends) may interrupt the flow, but signals can't be hooked to data coming in.
That's why having a callback to get notified of incoming data is not possible. The piece of code in libpq that would be necessary to emit the callback would never run if your code doesn't call it. And if you have to call it, that defeats the whole point of a callback.
There are libraries like Qt that provide callbacks, but they're architectured from the ground up with a main loop that acts as an event processor. The user code is organized in callbacks and event-based processing of incoming data is possible. But in this case the library takes ownership of the execution flow, meaning its mainloop polls the data sources. That just shifts the responsibility to another piece of code outside of libpq.
This page is describing how I can get be notified for async result fetch.
The result creation event is fired in response to any query execution
function that generates a result, including PQgetResult. This event
will only be fired after the result has been created successfully.
typedef struct {
PGconn *conn;
PGresult *result; } PGEventResultCreate; When a PGEVT_RESULTCREATE event is received, the evtInfo pointer should be cast to a
PGEventResultCreate *. The conn is the connection used to generate the
result. This is the ideal place to initialize any instanceData that
needs to be associated with the result. If the event procedure fails,
the result will be cleared and the failure will be propagated. The
event procedure must not try to PQclear the result object for itself.
When returning a failure code, all cleanup must be performed as no
PGEVT_RESULTDESTROY event will be sent.

GTK+ Forwarding signals from Widget to Widget?

In GTK+, once I've connected some callback to some widget signals, how can I, from within those callbacks, forward the signal to another widget ?
It seems the signal api does not provide functions with the same arguments as the signal callbacks arguments, so I'm not sure how would I 'forward'a signal directly.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if term 'forward' is applicable to glib signal mechanism. In fact it is a notification chain related to an event, the callbacks of the subscribers are called one by one if the event occurs. I think in your case, if you want to forward a signal from A subscriber to B subscriber, forwarding would mean the same if you made subscriber B receive the signal after subscriber A (that is if B had been subscribed after A) if the order was relevant. Or if you need subscriber A to get the result of the callback of subscriber B then you can, for instance, call B's callback from A's callback directly without any GTK+/glib APIs.