ZF2 Album tutorial using stored procedures - zend-framework

Please also suggest which namespace to use. I am new to zend and MVC.
public function getServiceConfig()
// what code here?
//what code here?
//what code here?
//do we have to use this class or a different class?

I can understand the sudden confusion when starting out with ZF2. However, the manual has really done a good job at helping those who are just starting out. You can find the most up-to-date information here : http://zf2.readthedocs.org/en/latest/user-guide/overview.html
Once you've got the Skeleton Application working I believe some of your confusion will be relieved. If not, come back and ask more specific questions OR you could even join the FreeNode IRC channel at #zftalk.
But to also help answer some of what you've asked here:
getServiceConfig() is where you will interact with the ServiceManager. Try to stay away from closures and work with Factories.
Album.php is sort of like the Hydrator. You don't have to use a Hydrator but for example purposes it was put here. It can make like easier in the long run.
AlbumTable.php is the Database Table you will be interacting with.
The namespace which is used in the tutorial is called Album. The Skeleton application comes packaged with a namespace called Application to start with.
You can manually download ZF2 here: https://packages.zendframework.com/
The latest skeleton application can be found here: https://github.com/zendframework/ZendSkeletonApplication
You may also choose to use Composer to install your entire application which tends to make the installation process much easier for those just starting out, so in your situation I'm going to recommend you use that. You can find instructions on how to use Composer here: http://zf2.readthedocs.org/en/latest/user-guide/skeleton-application.html


Ansible CallbackBase result object content

Our dev team provides us an Ansible package to work with. I noticed thy develop a custom stdout_callback and I'm trying to understand it.
I'm looking at the code of the class CallbackBase available here and I noticed the result variable but I can't find a description of it's content.
Is there a place I can find such information?
Next question, how does Ansible call such callback? CallbackBase contains several methods but I'd like to know where those methods are called.
Thanks for your feedbacks

How to selectively clear cache (using tags or other option) with Memchached backend and Zend Framework

We use Memcached and Zend Framework in our web project. Now, we need to clean cache selectively using tags as specified in Zend_Cache API.
Unfortunately, memcached doesn't support tags.
I have found these workarounds:
Memcached-tag project. Has anybody tested it? How to implement it with Zend?
Use wildchards like in this question, but it seems a bit confusing, less transparent and harder to implement with Zend.
Use this implementation or this one, for supporting tags in Memcached, beeing aware of the drawbacks.
Any other option?
Thanks in advance
You're right. Memcache don't support tags.
You can use another key-value to implement tag for memcache.
EX :
$this->objCache->save($arrResults, $strKey,array($strMyTag),$intCacheTime) // note : array($strMyTag) don't work for Memcache
MemcacheTag::setTag($strKey, $strMyTag) // our work around
About setTag Method & MemcacheTag:
function setTag($strKey,$strTag){
$arrKey = $cacheOjb->get($strTag);
$arrKey[]= $strKey;
function deleteCacheWithTag($strTag){
$arrKey = $cacheOjb->get($strTag);
foreach ($arrKey as $strKey){
This work around is quite simple and it works for my projects.
*Note: these codes need some modification, sorry for posting in a hurry

Converting a Brownfield PHP Webapp to Zend Framework

We're thinking of converting our PHP Webapp from using no framework (which is killing us) to use Zend Framework. Because of the size of the application I don't think starting from scratch is going to be a viable option for management so I wanted to start researching how to slowly convert from the current site structure to one using Zend Framework but there isn't a lot of information on this process.
So far my plan is to dump the current code base into the public/ directory of the Zend Application, fix the numerous problems that I'm sure this will crop up and then start rewriting modules one at a time.
Has anyone had experience doing this in the past and how did it work out for you?
I've done a few of these now. What worked best for me was putting ZF 'around' the old app, so all requests go through ZF. I then have a 'Legacy' controller plugin, which checks whether the request can be satisfied by ZF, and if not, sends it to the old app:
class Yourapp_Plugin_Legacy extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$dispatcher = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getDispatcher();
if (!$dispatcher->isDispatchable($request)) {
// send to the old code...
exactly how you then send the request to your old app depends a bit on how it is implemented. In one project, I examined the request, determined what file from the old code the request would have gone to, and then required that in. It sounds like this might be appropriate for you. In another project my solution was to route all these requests to a LegacyController in the ZF project, which ran the old code to get the resulting HTML and then rendered it inside the Zend_Layout from the new project.
The advantages of this approach are that you can gradually introduce ZF modules as you rewrite parts of the old app, until you reach the point where 100% of requests can be served by ZF. Also, since the ZF project has initialized before your old code is run, your old code can use the ZF autoloader, so you can start replacing classes in the old code with models written in a more ZF-style, and have them used by both parts of the app.

node-mongodb-native example code vs docs code? which to use?

I just wrote my first nodejs program using the node-mongodb-native driver. I used the documentation code from the github page, i.e.:
var mongodb = require("mongodb"),
mongoserver = new mongodb.Server('localhost', 6574),
dbConnector = new mongodb.Db('test', mongoserver);
dbConnector.open(function(err, db){
console.log('oh shit! connector.open error!');
However, upon looking at some example code on the github page, I discovered that the set up code looks very different from what I used. Does anybody know if there's any real difference between the different methods? I'm completely new to all this stuff and can't really tell if there's any reason to use one over the other. The code I wrote seems to run fine, but if the creator of the driver is using different code, I figured it would be worth checking if there are any reasons for that.
Thanks in advance for any replies!
Hi I'm the creator and no there is no particular reason you can't use your style. As when it comes to docs I usually tell people to start with the integration tests as there are many examples on how to do stuff. Unfortunately due to having a fulltime job the docs are not kept up to date at the pace I would like to.
I'm hoping to do something with that come late september but right now I'm trying to just get the driver up to the expected features of mongodb including making it work with 1.9.X and higher.
I'll accept any docs pull requests happily as the more the community help me the more it helps itself :)

zend framework under document root in subdir

I developed a application with Zend Framework and now I want to be able to place the app in an subdirectory of a Documentroot.
e.g. http://www.example.com/myapp/
I read quite a lot of Docu how this could work, but all in all these solutions don´t fit my needs. Is there a trivial way to do the subdir thing, without adding the concrete path to any file which generates the pages.
There are some examples in the net, where a basePath is set in the application enviroment and so there is a method call bevor each "form" creation which prepends the path before the link.
$form->setAction($this->_request->getBaseUrl() . $this->_helper->url('sign'));
This was from: http://johnmee.com/2008/11/zend-framework-quickstart-tutorial-deploy-to-a-subdirectory-instead-of-web-root/
But this is only works for small examples, I have tons of forms, tons of views and tons of scripts. I can´t belive this (lets call it hack :) ) is the only solution to do this.
Any ideas?
You don't have to do anything special. See my tutorial at http://akrabat.com/Zend-framework-tutorial which is developed entirely within a sub-directory.
As they say on the web page:
I’m told this last issue has been
lodged has a defect and not necessary
from releases “1.7″ and beyond. The
helper->url will henceforth prepend
the baseUrl to its result.
So you should be fine. Do you actually use the $form->setAction() method on every form already? Because if you use it in combination with the url helper, the baseUrl will already be included.