zend framework under document root in subdir - zend-framework

I developed a application with Zend Framework and now I want to be able to place the app in an subdirectory of a Documentroot.
e.g. http://www.example.com/myapp/
I read quite a lot of Docu how this could work, but all in all these solutions don´t fit my needs. Is there a trivial way to do the subdir thing, without adding the concrete path to any file which generates the pages.
There are some examples in the net, where a basePath is set in the application enviroment and so there is a method call bevor each "form" creation which prepends the path before the link.
$form->setAction($this->_request->getBaseUrl() . $this->_helper->url('sign'));
This was from: http://johnmee.com/2008/11/zend-framework-quickstart-tutorial-deploy-to-a-subdirectory-instead-of-web-root/
But this is only works for small examples, I have tons of forms, tons of views and tons of scripts. I can´t belive this (lets call it hack :) ) is the only solution to do this.
Any ideas?

You don't have to do anything special. See my tutorial at http://akrabat.com/Zend-framework-tutorial which is developed entirely within a sub-directory.

As they say on the web page:
I’m told this last issue has been
lodged has a defect and not necessary
from releases “1.7″ and beyond. The
helper->url will henceforth prepend
the baseUrl to its result.
So you should be fine. Do you actually use the $form->setAction() method on every form already? Because if you use it in combination with the url helper, the baseUrl will already be included.


Setting up Dynamic Links in Firebase with Wordpress site

I am really struggling here... All I actually want to achieve is that I can get the Generate-Strong-Password function inside my app but that is actually harder than I thought.
I learned that I should go with Firebase Dynamic Links because I have a Wordpress-Website from All-Inkl.com.
I followed this Tutorial and there is actually an Apple-Site-Association-File at the moment. But I can't access my Website anymore as it looks like this:
Inside my Firebase Project I am getting this error which says that there not all the necessary "A-Files" are inside my Website:
My DNS-Settings:
I've been struggling for weeks now to get this done so if anyone has any idea how I can fix it I would be extremely grateful!! (btw, I am a total newbie when it comes to websites; I know my way around Swift though)
It seems that different domain providers accept different values for DNS entries ('A records' = 'A-Datensätze', in this case).
Try editing the entries for the Host field (which currently hold your website's URL) to one of the 'common inputs' listed here: https://firebase.google.com/docs/hosting/custom-domain?hl=de#domain-key
As the URL to your site doesn't seem to be what your provider accepts, I would suggest you try replacing it with the next option, i.e. replacing it with # .
Hope this helps solving your issue!

Converting a Brownfield PHP Webapp to Zend Framework

We're thinking of converting our PHP Webapp from using no framework (which is killing us) to use Zend Framework. Because of the size of the application I don't think starting from scratch is going to be a viable option for management so I wanted to start researching how to slowly convert from the current site structure to one using Zend Framework but there isn't a lot of information on this process.
So far my plan is to dump the current code base into the public/ directory of the Zend Application, fix the numerous problems that I'm sure this will crop up and then start rewriting modules one at a time.
Has anyone had experience doing this in the past and how did it work out for you?
I've done a few of these now. What worked best for me was putting ZF 'around' the old app, so all requests go through ZF. I then have a 'Legacy' controller plugin, which checks whether the request can be satisfied by ZF, and if not, sends it to the old app:
class Yourapp_Plugin_Legacy extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
$dispatcher = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getDispatcher();
if (!$dispatcher->isDispatchable($request)) {
// send to the old code...
exactly how you then send the request to your old app depends a bit on how it is implemented. In one project, I examined the request, determined what file from the old code the request would have gone to, and then required that in. It sounds like this might be appropriate for you. In another project my solution was to route all these requests to a LegacyController in the ZF project, which ran the old code to get the resulting HTML and then rendered it inside the Zend_Layout from the new project.
The advantages of this approach are that you can gradually introduce ZF modules as you rewrite parts of the old app, until you reach the point where 100% of requests can be served by ZF. Also, since the ZF project has initialized before your old code is run, your old code can use the ZF autoloader, so you can start replacing classes in the old code with models written in a more ZF-style, and have them used by both parts of the app.

How to get request properties in routeStartup plugin method?

I'm developing a multilanguage application, and use routes with translated segments. For multilingual support I created special Multilingual plugin.
To use translated segments I need set translator for Zend_Controller_Router_Route before routes init. So only possible place for this in my plugin is routeStartup method, but there is one problem here - for determine right locale I need to use properties of request (Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract), like module, controller and action names, but they are not defined yet here in routeStartup method. They are already defined, for example, in routeShutdown - but I can't set translator for route there, because it have to be done before routes init.
So what can I do:
can I get request properties somehow in routeStartup
or can I re-setup translator later in routeShutdown
P.S: there is a question with exactly the same problem Zend_Controller_Router_Route: Could not find a translator, but proposed answers is not the option for me, because I can't just retrieve language code from url with Regex, I have much more complicated code to define right language code.
What about putting your code in preDispatch? That's what I personally do when I need to check if the person is logged in. Maybe you can move your code there too?

How do I make a separate View path/directory for iPhone in Rails?

I'm making an iPhone version of an existing Rails app. I'd like to make the mobile version accessible via a subdomain such as iphone.mysite.com.
I know I can use formats and the respond_to block for individual erb files, such as index.iphone.erb as show here:
Creating an iPhone optimised version of your Rails site using iUI and Rails 2
But I'd like to keep entirely separate view directories for the mobile version and regular version such as this:
Here's what I've tried in my Application controller:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
before_filter :set_site
def set_site
When testing this, however, the view switches to the view associated with the last requested subdomain by any user.
For example, if I visit http://iphone.mysite.com, then immediately go to http://www.mysite.com in another separate browser, I see the mobile version instead of the regular one. Refreshing it will correct this and bring up the right version. But if I go back to http://iphone.mysite.com in the other browser and refresh, it brings up the non-mobile site! I'm tearing my hair out and not understanding what's going on.
Any advice would be much appreciated.
Edit 1
Vlad below found a link with a possible solution however it is not working for me. Here is the code I tried. I made a file called subdomain_view.rb and placed it in config/initializers:
# Put all of this in a bootstrap-only initializer
ActionController::Base.class_eval do
APP_ONE_VIEW_PATH = "app/views/iphone"
APP_TWO_VIEW_PATH = "app/views/default"
cattr_accessor :application_view_path
self.view_paths = ["app/views", APP_ONE_VIEW_PATH, APP_TWO_VIEW_PATH]
# This is where you determine the switching mechanism for your application. Here, it is a simple GET parameter.
# You can probably argue that this specific piece SHOULD be in your actual app_controller class definition, as it is the only piece
# of info pertinent to the rest of your application.
before_filter do |controller|
ActionController::Base.application_view_path = request.subdomains[0]=="iphone" ? APP_TWO_VIEW_PATH : APP_ONE_VIEW_PATH
require 'aquarium'
ActionView::PathSet.class_eval do
include Aquarium::DSL
before :find_template do |join_point, object, *args|
object.each_with_index do |path,i|
object.unshift(object.delete_at(i)) if path.to_s == ActionController::Base.application_view_path
# I'll leave the exercise of testing this or implementing it for your particular app up to you.
With the above code, I am getting the same view no matter what subdomain I put in. Any suggestions on what might be wrong? Am I putting this code in the wrong place?
First, you have an error in your approach. You only 'set' a view path, you don't 'unset' it. When you do something like
this actually persists between your requests (internally, you are setting a class variable, and because classes are cached in production, this variable remains set between requests). Therefore, the current view path is the view path of your last request.
IMO, you should dynamically compute view_path for your current subdomain (this implies some ActionView hacking). A nice solution is provided here.
I was able to solve the problem by using a gem called themes_for_rails:
After installing the gem, here's what I added to my application files:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
theme :theme_resolver
def theme_resolver
MyAppName::Application.routes.draw do
gem 'themes_for_rails'
I placed my themes in [application_root]/themes. Make sure you don't put it in [application_root]/app/themes.

How do I get my Objects to work in ASP.NET MVC2

I'm rather new to MVC2 (never been in MCV1) though I'm a WebForms developer for some years now...
in my MCV 2 start project I created a App_Code folder that I would put my Business Classes on it, I also add 2 References to 2 DLLs used for the API I'm about to use.
But I don't get Intellisense on the referenced objects
What am I doing wrong?
alt text http://www.balexandre.com/temp/2010-07-28_1343.png
Is this so much different from the WebForms part?
Even if I put the Object in Models instead App_Code (where I normally put all code in WebForms) I still don't get the normal intelisense, so... it just tells me that something is wrong ... dang! MVC is hard! I probably should do this in WebForms...
alt text http://www.balexandre.com/temp/2010-07-28_1509.png
This has nothing to do with MVC2, and everything to do with you're doing it wrong. I can tell that its a possibility, as you're using App_Code (I mean, who does that?). I'd definitely suggest backing up and reading some MVC tutorials, as it IS much different (although not in the way you're asking about).
I'm not exactly sure WHAT you're doing wrong, however. It might bethat PerceptiveMCAPI is internal to the assembly, it might be because there is a bug in VS, it might be that you haven't imported the correct namespace... it could be a number of different things.
I'd do the following: 1) load the assembly in reflector and make sure you have the namespace and type name and that it is public 2) use the fully qualified name of the type 3) compile, check all errors and 4) restart VS.
If all else fails, Connect.
See the Models directory -- that's where your model classes would go, assuming the class is a view model class. Having said that, it should be able to pick up and provide intellisense for whatever references you add. App_Code isn't really intended for a Web Application project (the type used by MVC) where the code is compiled statically, but rather for a WebSite where the code is compiled dynamically at runtime. It could be the "special" nature of the directory that is causing the problem because it doesn't fit the project type. You might try simply creating a different directory (if Models isn't appropriate) and not use the special App_Code directory for your code. A separate class library project with a project reference in the web application would be another alternative and is the one I usually use for non-viewmodel/controller code.