How can I upload to GitHub through Putty? - github

I'm very new to GitHub and I'm trying to figure out how I can upload to GitHub through Putty. I am using Windows 8 and am using a Linux environment through Putty. I was following this guide: and it worked until (step 3) where it wanted me to copy the contents of the file to clipboard. I am assuming this is not possible because my Linux environment does not have clipboard.
The issue is mostly due to the fact that my code is on the linux envirnonment and I am not sure how I can upload it to GitHub. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can do this?

Cat the file out, and copy the contents from the putty session (just highlighting the text in putty will copy it to your clipboard):
cat ~/.ssh/
Make sure to remove any new lines inserted caused by putty wrapping the text.

You will have an easier time using MinGW on Windows, or even the Github for Windows client (the latter works "out of the box")
If using MinGW, I would recommend opening C:\Users\YourUserName\.ssh\ in a text editor, such as sublime text, and copying the text, instead of using cat, because that will ensure that you do not get extra whitespace inserted by the shell (Windows command prompt is pretty bad with that sort of thing).
If using the Github for Windows client, you don't need to do any of this (it happens behind the scenes for you), and instead you simply need to login to your Github account in the client.


Open remote folder in local VSCode like "code ."in WSL2

Is it possible to use $ code . in remote server ssh session just like I do in WSL when I want to open current working directory in remote host in local VSCode?
In local WSL, I can issue $ code . and that would open the current directory in VSCode which is installed on Windows 10.
I am trying to get the same behavior in another remote Linux which I have connected to remotely through ssh. So when I am on that remote machine and issue $ code . it would open that directory in VSCode installed on local window.
I don't imagine this would be simple to do but I certainly share your desire to want to be able to do it.
Here's an explanation of why it doesn't work, and a hint at why it's probably quite a difficult thing to setup:
The way code . works from WSL (or PowerShell) is by launching VS Code in the given directory (passed as the first argument as the dot).
When you run code from WSL it uses wslpath to convert the path to the Windows accessible one, and the WSL magic executes code.exe (which is, after all, a Windows binary and not a Linux one) in Windows with the WSL path (\\wsl$...);
In order for this to work you need to achieve three things:
Work out which remote you're connected to, and be able to pass that information to vscode
Execute code.exe on your local machine, but from your remote terminal
A couple of ideas you could play with if you wanted to try and implement it:
A script on your remote could output a vscode:// URL for you to click (or find a way to get your client to auto-load it).
You might be able to use a forwarded port in your SSH session to contact something on your PC (perhaps custom made, or maybe with Windows RDP or a telnet/ssh server perhaps?)
Perhaps mount a local directory as part of your SSH connection (I don't know all the edges of SSH but it does a lot of cool stuff! SCP might help?) and be able to execute/trigger things?
Just some musings! It's not something I need enough to put any effort into it, but I came across your question looking for something else and found it interesting. Hope that's helpful to anybody, any thoughts/feedback is welcome!

How do I open files on server in a text editor from the command line?

I'm sorry if this seems like beyond a beginner question, but I mean this seriously. I'm moving around my ubuntu server via the command line, trying to open a file called 'authorized_keys'. I tried: root#ubuntu: open -a atom authorized_keys only to learn this open -a command does not work in this ubuntu environment. I can download the files to my machine via sftp and open them, but is that the only way? Besides using nano/vim?
The tutorial I'm watching on deployment shows this guy using MobaXTerm, a windows product that allows both sftp and the command line to be present. So he is just clicking on the files on his server and they are opening. However, I am on mac, and only using the command line. Thanks for any help. I am also not sure If I tagged this question properly, feel free to move it.
Just read all of this and realized that I it would make sense if downloading and reuploading the file via sftp would be the only way.

Is there any extension in Visual Studio Code , which is similar to Tramp Mode in Emacs?

TRAMP (Transparent Remote Access, Multiple Protocols) is a package for editing remote files, similar to AngeFtp or efs. Whereas the others use FTP to connect to the remote host and to transfer the files, TRAMP uses a remote shell connection (rlogin, telnet, ssh). It can transfer the files using rcp or a similar program, or it can encode the file contents (using uuencode or base64) and transfer them right through the shell connection.
It seems like as of now there is at least one similar package to Tramp mode for VSCode. I couldn't directly find in the documentation how you would open a remote shell inside VSCode, but it seems like it would have to be possible given the rest of the plugin.
I have a terminal menu in VSCode that I can open up and directly ssh to stuff, so that seems to cover both sides of the "Tramp" mode usage
You can use FUSE for a somewhat similar effect. It's not editor specific, but mounts remote file systems via SSH, FTP and whatnot directly to your local file system so you can use it with any Editor.
You didn't mention on what operating system you, but here's the link to the version for macOS:

External editor for IPython notebook

I am using IPython notebook and I want to edit programs in an external editor.
How do I get the %edit to open an editor such as Notepad++.
Running %edit? will give you the help for the %edit magic function.
You need to set c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor, which is in your I'm not quite sure where this is located in Windows; on OS X and Linux, it is in ~/.ipython. You'll want to set the variable to be the full path of the editor you want.
Alternatively, you can create an environment variable EDITOR in Windows itself, and set that equal to the full path of the editor you want. iPython should use that.
I'm using Windows 7 and 8 (and 10TP) and Python 3.4.2.
I started with ipython locate to tell me where ipython thought config files suggested elsewhere should be. When I saw it was different I read around and came up with the following:
On my system, the ipython locate gave me c:\users\osmith\.ipython, not the _ipython you'll see mentioned in the YouTube videos done with Windows XP,
Look in the directory ipython locate specifies for a profile directory; if you aren't actively doing anything with ipython profiles, it should be .ipython\profile_default, if you are using profiles, then I leave it to you to s/profile_default/${YOUR_PROFILE_NAME}/g
Check the profile_default directory for a file, if it's not there, tell IPython to initialize itself: ipython profile create
Open the config file in a text editor,
If you are the kind of person who hasn't messed around with their console overly much and installs things in standard places, you can skip straight to this step by typing: ipython profile create followed by start notepad .ipython\profile_default\
Search for the string c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor,
The comment above this indicates you can also use the EDITOR environment variable, but hard coding file paths never hurt anyone so lets do eet:
Copy the line and remove the leading hash and spaces from the copy.
Replace the text between the apostrophes ('notepad') with the path of our desired editor, e.g.
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor = 'c:/program files (x86)/noddyeditor/noddy.exe'
There is a catch here, though; some modern editors get a bit fancy and automatically and, when invoked like this, detach from the console. Notepad++ and Sublime Text, for example. Sublime accepts a "--wait" option, which works some of the time; this tells the command invocation to hang around until you close the file, for some definition of until and some other definition of close.
However, the following setting will work most of the time for sublime text:
c.TerminalInteractiveShell.editor = '"c:/program files/sublime text 3/subl.exe" --wait'
(assuming c:\program files\ is where your sublime text 3 directory is)
Try the 'Pycharm' editor
This works for me.

GitHub for website development

OK< I know I can use Eclipse for Java programming and such but I work using WAMP for editing PHP, XHTML, JavaScript files... what IDE is best to edit the files and use GitHub? Because I don't know want to go to localhost and then copy my files to my local GitHub repo...
Cloud9 IDE might be what you are looking for! It's an online IDE with out-of-the-box intergration with GitHub, heroku etc. and gives you the ability to share workspaces as well.
Eclipse has the egit plugin that is really nice. You can use aptana which is based around eclipse but includes all the web views. It can basically edit everything you mentioned and really well, while providing a nice wrapper for your git repos
well is not an IDE but vim with some git plugins is the best for me.
Eclipse should have some git plugins also, I think.
The best way to learn git is yo use it from command line!
Emacs + tramp + the command line ?
Update: magit is reported to support tramp
My experience: I have a distant linux server running a rails app. and private git repositories / apache (using several VirtualHosts with or without ssl). That server runs a ssh server. I use bare ssh session for command line usage (git, nominal admin.) and emacs + tramp to remotely edit the files presents on that server. I you are not rebuked by anti-eye candies tools (as for not-at-all drag'n'drop stuff), I would suggest you to give emacs a try (see EmacsW32 and nXhtml if you are under Windows). I assume you can install a ssh server on your WAMP machineā€¦ If this is the case, you could open your file from emacs just by using the following syntax (assuming you would edit the /home/renaud/.bashrc on the distant server):
With putty on windows: see that and this posts.
It works the same for directories. You shall be prompted for your password once, and then edit the file/directory as if it is just on your machine. For the git part, I have verified myself since I do the git stuff directly from a ssh terminal, but latest magit
is reported to support tramp (i.e. remote git plumbering from my understanding).
If you have never used emacs before, it will not be easy. You will have to learn emacs basics first and customize it to fit you needs. My opinion is that's worth to give it a try. I could help you with basic configuration if needed.
(I use myself emacs almost for everything on my linux box from simple text editing to Java programming.)
After some testing, magit works very well remotely (tested on linux)! A new mode added to my configuration thanks to your question!