Open remote folder in local VSCode like "code ."in WSL2 - visual-studio-code

Is it possible to use $ code . in remote server ssh session just like I do in WSL when I want to open current working directory in remote host in local VSCode?
In local WSL, I can issue $ code . and that would open the current directory in VSCode which is installed on Windows 10.
I am trying to get the same behavior in another remote Linux which I have connected to remotely through ssh. So when I am on that remote machine and issue $ code . it would open that directory in VSCode installed on local window.

I don't imagine this would be simple to do but I certainly share your desire to want to be able to do it.
Here's an explanation of why it doesn't work, and a hint at why it's probably quite a difficult thing to setup:
The way code . works from WSL (or PowerShell) is by launching VS Code in the given directory (passed as the first argument as the dot).
When you run code from WSL it uses wslpath to convert the path to the Windows accessible one, and the WSL magic executes code.exe (which is, after all, a Windows binary and not a Linux one) in Windows with the WSL path (\\wsl$...);
In order for this to work you need to achieve three things:
Work out which remote you're connected to, and be able to pass that information to vscode
Execute code.exe on your local machine, but from your remote terminal
A couple of ideas you could play with if you wanted to try and implement it:
A script on your remote could output a vscode:// URL for you to click (or find a way to get your client to auto-load it).
You might be able to use a forwarded port in your SSH session to contact something on your PC (perhaps custom made, or maybe with Windows RDP or a telnet/ssh server perhaps?)
Perhaps mount a local directory as part of your SSH connection (I don't know all the edges of SSH but it does a lot of cool stuff! SCP might help?) and be able to execute/trigger things?
Just some musings! It's not something I need enough to put any effort into it, but I came across your question looking for something else and found it interesting. Hope that's helpful to anybody, any thoughts/feedback is welcome!


code tunnel -h doesn't list options and doesn't open a tunnel to WSL

I'm following the guide
and I am noticing that code tunnel -h in a ubuntu terminal window just launches the code UI.
Using the command palette to get the URI results in a tunnel to my Windows version of VSCode rather than the WSL:ubuntu (which is the one I care about)
How do I fix this?
It appears that, for now, you need to manually install the CLI in WSL in order for it to work. The downloads can be found here. Since you are on Windows, I would recommend the x64 CLI download. When you extract the tar.gz file, you will get a file named code. I would recommend moving it to your home directory for ease. To open the tunnel, run ./code tunnel (from wherever you put the code file) to force the new CLI. If you use code tunnel it will still use the Windows version.

Is it possible for VSCode to execute and debug via SSH, with local source code?

I am struggling to execute my codes on my Linux VM, with all files inside my local Windows machine.
So, I have my source code at for example: D:\myCodes\ and
the files are shared to my Linux VM at /media/sf_codes
I linked all my relevant files at /media/sf_codes/src/ to /opt/myCodes/src/. All other files are irrelevant, and only contains about diagrams, SQL files, etc etc that has nothing to do with the Linux VM. So I only link the src folder into the project folder at /opt/myCodes.
I have tried to use Remote-SSH extension, but it just to won't load all files. It is either load local files, and disables all SSH shell, or it opens a folder at the Linux VM. Which is not necessary because the files are local. And I need to su it under different user to be able to write the files, which complicate things a lot. I was able to do it using Docker or WSL, but their use of HyperV complicate things, and broke many things. So I am back with VirtualBox.
I don't need fancy stuffs like sync or whatever magic they provide, just open SSH shell in terminal, preferably multiple ssh terminals to multiple Linux VMs, and work the files in local folder, and that's it.
I think if they can sync the files, what I need is a basic thing to do, and somehow I missed that. How can I do that in VS Code?

Remote debug of Rust program in Visual Studio Code where VSCode sits on Windows

dear Craig McQueen!
I am referring to: Remote debug of Rust program in Visual Studio Code
My config is slightly different that is why I cannot get everything going here:
VScode installed on WIN32 with RUST components successfully!
remote system: odroid C2 ARM64 with UBUNTU18.04 with Kernel 5.14nwith IP: - user odroid.
I need to remote-compile a Rust program called: c2_mmap_gpio on the OdroidC2
This is already a project on the WIN32.
I did all the steps but it doesn't work.
I think it is not possible to try to run a (bash) on a windows machine, right? If yes workaround on this?
I think I need to input my user PWD somewhere to be able to ssh into the remote linux machine, right?
Correct, the I described in my answer is good only for a Linux system, and not suitable for a Windows system. For a Windows development system, you would need to write a Windows batch file or Powershell script that provides the equivalent functionality to that Bash script.
I'm not proficient in Powershell scripts, and I'm happy using Linux
as my host development machine, so I don't have plans to write such a script.
Regarding needing to enter a password for the SSH operations... Good point. That's something I didn't think to mention in my answer. You need to remove the need for a password to be entered, in one of two ways:
Install your public SSH credentials onto the target, using ssh-copy-id (or the Windows equivalent). Then you should be able to SSH to the target without needing to enter your password.
Give a blank password to the target user on the target, using passwd -d <username>. Note this reduces security, so this is not recommended, especially if the target is accessible via the public Internet.

Is it possible to open VSCode from Windows terminal while SSH'ed into a virtual machine?

I'm working on some tutorials and trying to do something, but no idea if it can be done. I am using windows terminal in Windows 10. I have an Ubuntu virtual machine running.
I'd like to:
Open Windows terminal
SSH into the Linux Virtual Machine
Type in the code . command and have it open a version of VS Code on my Windows PC that is working on the folder in the Ubuntu VM.
I tried install code locally and on the command line in the other machine, but it doesn't work. I am sure there are other ways to do this but wanted to explain how I was doing it to show I at least tried something. Thanks for your help.
It's not quite as easy as the code . technique you get with the Remote - WSL extension, but Microsoft also provides a Remote - SSH extension that can be used to directly access the remote machine (without requiring WSL in-the-middle).
Once the Remote - SSH extension is installed in VSCode (and it may have already been installed in an extension pack with the WSL extension), and you have installed an OpenSSH client in Windows, there are several ways to access files on the remote host through SSH:
From the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), type Remote SSH to filter on those commands. From Connect to Host, you can add a new configuration, etc.
From the Activity Bar on the left, select the Remote Explorer icon, then in the dropdown at the top, select SSH Targets. You can add hosts here through the + icon.
There's a direct shortcut to Open a Remote Window at the far left of the status bar. This will give you similar filter options on the Command Palette as above.
Once a host is configured, you can browse it just as (well, almost) if it were local, open files, edit, etc. The one thing you can't do (as far as I'm aware) is any type of sudo/su editing on files that you don't have permissions to directly.
Full details in the VSCode docs here.

Open remote Server Files in local emacs

I used to be a comfortable emacs user and for close to 10 years I completely got away from using emacs (I know its a shame) but I have a wage memory of setting something in .emacs to open remote files in a server via local emacs.
Just to make the scenario clear:
Login to a remote server (ssh) -> emacs somefileInRemoreServer.file &
File get open using the local version of emacs.
My questions are:
Is this possible?
how can I accomplish this?
I have both mac and ubuntu on mac I use Aquamacs. It would be a great help if I can get instructions on both versions.
I'm not sure whether you want to ssh prior to using emacs or ssh using (in) emacs.
If you want to let emacs do all the work check out the links added by phils, TRAMP mode is the way to go for remote editing IN emacs.
If you want to use ssh to mount a remote filesystem (resulting in "local" editing with emacs) you should check out sshfs (man, wiki).
I think it comes with pretty much any of the current distros (or can be installed easily otherwise). It is a fuse extension which allows to mount a remote directory to a local one without any further requirements on the remote side than ssh.
I do like TRAMP for editing one or two files but using sshfs is great for working on a whole project directory which is placed remotely and which you do not want to sync using another method.