PayPal recurring donation amount (user-defined) option - paypal

I see how to add a select box for pre-determined recurring donation/subscription amounts but can there also be an option for the user to decide how much they wish to donate (and perhaps how frequently)?

With Donate and Buy Now payment buttons your buyers can enter their own price to pay on the PayPal checkout page. You can accomplish that by just leaving the amount value empty.
Subscription buttons require that an amount (the a3 variable for Subscriptions) value be provided during the redirect to PayPal so if you leave the field blank you would get an error. However, if you change the a3 input type to be text instead of hidden in your HTML form buyers can enter the amount on a text field on your website before being redirected to PayPal.


How can I limit the set of fields Paypal shows on express checkout?

Whenever our service initiates an express checkout and redirects the user to PayPal page the user sees the cart on the left and the following on the right:
Note that even the address and the phone number are required while we're an online service and don't need shipping information - once PayPal confirms the payment we'll happily "ship" over the Internet, so all we really need is a PayPal payment confirmation and I guess that requires just a credit card number, expiration date and the CSC.
Yes, I know that users who have already registered with PayPal can switch to "my PayPal account" option but that doesn't help people who don't have a PayPal account and those are forced to see this page with 12 fields.
Wait, that was the form for people who have their "country" identified as the USA. Here's what people tracked to Colombia see:
Even more fields and we only need a payment confirmation.
Is it possible to make PayPal limit the set of fields on that page?
Looks like you can avoid user to enter Billing and Contact information on guest checkout only if you properly transmit REAL shipping/contact data by your own in your SetExpressCheckout call.
If you set random data above with invalid city/state/zip PayPal will display Billing and Contact information inputs.

Adding an amount text field to "pay now" PayPal button

I want my users to be able to choose the amount before clicking on the "pay now" PayPal button. On the page to build such button on PayPal website, one can add custom fields and call it "amount", but the value entered in this field will not be taken into account when users click the button: they are directed to PayPal website to validate payment, however the amount is zero.
How to create an amount field so that when the user enters a value X and clicks the button, this value X appears as the amount on PayPal payment page?
If you post a sample of the button code you're working with I could adjust it for you accordingly. It sounds like you just need to set something like the following in your code.
<input type="text" name="amount" value="" />
That would make a text field display so the person could enter the amount they want, and since the name is amount, when posted to PayPal it would see it the same as if it were a hidden field.
The easiest way to allow your customers to choose the payment amount is to simply leave the amount field blank when creating the button in the button factory. No custom fields are necessary. The customer will be prompted to enter an "item Price on the hosted checkout page and that is what the customer will pay unless you have profile tax or shipping enabled.

Paypal - how to restrict receiving payments only from debit and credit cards with indian address

I'm trying to use a Paypal "Pay Now" button on my website here:
When I click the "pay now" button on the right side, it takes me to a paypal page where there are options to enter details about the debit or credit card.
Is there a way on this page, by which I can only allow users who have an address in India to make a payment here. The website where this "Pay Now" button has been setup has certain legal restriction due to which it can accept payments only from Indian debit and credit cards. Hence, in the country drop-down field I would like to give only India as an option.
Is this possible?
Will greatly appreciate any inputs that can be provided!
Thank you.
Since user fills the card information on PayPal's payment page, you can not check if the details are of India or outside. However you should be able to achieve this by asking PayPal to do this check (if you have customization allowed in your agreement.)
One approach would be to ask the user's country before redirecting to paypal payment page. But there is a chance that user will select India on your page and United States on PayPal's page.

Paypal Adaptive Payments remove memo option?

I've set up my site to use paypal adaptive payments, while testing, when going to submit a payment, after logging into paypal account on the paypal page there is an option:
Send a note to your customers about this payment.
And then the user can enter a memo. This memo can be set via the API as well if I don't want the user to enter it.
However, I want to remove this field entirely as I don't really need it, but mainly because "Send a note to your customers about this payment" doesn't make sense since the person paying is the buyer so they are the 'customer' (on my site no one is actually the customer since its a gift rather than a purchase, but regardless it doesn't make sense).
So is there a way to completely remove the memo section, or to at least remove/change the "Send a note to your customers about this payment." text?
I have an answer from PayPal support:
I understand you would like the Memo area removed however this is a
mandatory field that we've been instructed we have to have when we
were successful in gaining our licence to operate and removing this is
not an option.

Paypal - Recurring Donations URL

Paypal makes it really easy to create a donate URL. A donor can enter a custom $ amount or use a fixed one. We'll use the custom amount, since it's more flexible. Is there anyway to allow the donor to enter a custom amount, and have PayPal display a checkbox for example to allow this amount to be a recurring monthly donation via a URL?
We checked out the "subscribe" button, but it only returns a form, not a URL, and didn't see anywhere to let the donor choose the amount.
Basically, this should be an optional field in the donate URL. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
You'll need to use standard subscription buttons or the Recurring Payments API. Either way you could setup your page so the user chooses those options on your site prior to being sent over to PayPal.
use cmd=_donations. Paypal will prompt for an amount and whether it is recurring.
PayPal now has recurring donations, for mobile checkout, by default. See this blog post.