Paypal - how to restrict receiving payments only from debit and credit cards with indian address - paypal

I'm trying to use a Paypal "Pay Now" button on my website here:
When I click the "pay now" button on the right side, it takes me to a paypal page where there are options to enter details about the debit or credit card.
Is there a way on this page, by which I can only allow users who have an address in India to make a payment here. The website where this "Pay Now" button has been setup has certain legal restriction due to which it can accept payments only from Indian debit and credit cards. Hence, in the country drop-down field I would like to give only India as an option.
Is this possible?
Will greatly appreciate any inputs that can be provided!
Thank you.

Since user fills the card information on PayPal's payment page, you can not check if the details are of India or outside. However you should be able to achieve this by asking PayPal to do this check (if you have customization allowed in your agreement.)
One approach would be to ask the user's country before redirecting to paypal payment page. But there is a chance that user will select India on your page and United States on PayPal's page.


Enable credit card/guest payment for PayPal Invoice

I've created an invoice using PayPal Invoicing REST API. Invoice is created properly and later sent but there is no option to pay without PayPal account. When customer clicks on link in email or invoice link in my application, login pop-up is shown and there is no option to pay with credit card - something like this (2nd image on page)
In my app settings on PayPal "Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments" is enabled and "PayPal account optional" is enabled.
Guest availability in the checkout depends on very many factors, including the IP address and geographic location of the buyer, the amount of the transaction, the device used, and any number of other things. Other than disabling "PayPal Account Optional" as a possibility in your account, you cannot control this behavior of the PayPal checkout page.
"Advanced Credit and Debit Card Payments" , or a more simple standard "Debit or Credit Card" button integration using the JS SDK give you control over the behavior on your own site (not in the checkout itself). So you could conceivably create your own invoice page and link to that page, if you want to do that work rather than use what's ready-made by PayPal's invoice system.

How do I set up monthly contribitions in Paypal

I am a novice when it comes to coding buttons in Paypal. We are a non profit ORG and we currently have the "donate now" button for a 1 time contribution. I want to change this to allow for a monthly (reoccurring) contribution amount. What button/API do I use and can you share some sample code?
I am also not sure how this process would work. Does the person that wants to contribute on a monthly basis (ex: $10/month) need to have their own paypal account? Or, does our paypal business account store the persons credit card info and would know to bill the person monthly? Our current donate button doesn't require the person to have a paypay account. They just enter their credict card info at the time of the 1 time donation. But it does allow them to log on to paypal if they do have an account. Any info would be helpful....
I recommend you to use PayPal standard subscription button.
For sample code, click here
By default, the buyers either have a PayPal account or have to create a PayPal account to buy your subscription plan.
But you could contact & request to PayPal Customer support team to enable Enhanced Recurring Payments for your PayPal business account.
With ERP, the buyers could buy a subscription either using PayPal account or direct credit card without PayPal account.

How to integrate a "donate" button into a website in India?

We are developing a website for a charity trust in India. For this we need to add a "donate" button to the website for anyone who wants to donate to the charity through a payment gateway.
However, both Paypal and Google Wallet / Google Checkout restrict the use of the "donate" button in India (Google, rather than a donate button, provide a "support" button).
Are either of these payment gateways possible to integrate into a website in India? Or are there any other alternatives?
Indian merchants cannot use Donation buttons through PayPal. If you tried to pass cmd=_donations in your button code the buyer would get an error.
If you want to allow buyers to enter their own amount during the checkout process you can do that with a Buy Now button. Leave the amount field blank to allow that.
Update (Dec 1 2015):
CitrusPay does NOT support donations as of Apr 2014
Original Answer below:
Yes we have few alternatives.
Here i have given one real time Example Payment gateway:
In India you can able to Integrate the Donation Button to your website for the Charity Donations through the Citrus Pay Payment Gateway.
Only thing you need to Contact +91 87677 09900 customer care of Citrus Pay. They will guide you based on your requirement Mail.
Citrus is the Quick responding payment gateway, comparing other payment gateway for small transactions. See the Citrus Customers
Also Citrus Providing the Mobile Support. You can integrate Mobile native apps.
Note : Once if you share your details. They will share their details like payments, Terms & Conditions, Support limitations & Integration tips and Guidance and Details.
You can make a "buy now button" and place a "donate button" in place of "buy now button". Also there are other configurations which you can find in, how to create donate button for indian website
Hope This will help you.
Why dont you use State Bank of India Collect OR create buy now button using paypal with price as blank (allows user to choose any amount) and then get code. Now replace a link from code

Paypal integration to accept credit card payment directly

I have a question regarding PayPal integration with my website. I have a Premier account with PayPal. I tried integrating it with my website by adding a 'Buy Now' button. When I click on it it asks the end user to create a PayPal account. However, I want the users to be able to make a payment directly with their credit/debit card without creating a PayPal account.
I am not a technical guy, so I might have missed out on something. I want to know if it is possible to integrate paypal without me having to code something technically. Kindly advise.
According to PayPal, buyers do not need a PayPal account to pay you:
They can pay with their credit/debit card (Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, and Discover) — all without having a PayPal account.
Sources: Do my buyers need a PayPal account to pay me? and Buttons for single purchases
To create the button, simply visit PayPal's button creator wizard and supply the required information. Once submitted, PayPal will autogenerate the HTML for you. See: Create PayPal payment button
This happened because the account was a PayPal account in UAE, and this feature is not enabled there yet.

PayPal - subscribe button with credit card

I'm using the PayPal subscribe button in my site.
Is it possible to allow user to subscribe (through the paypal subscribe button) with their credit card without having a paypal account?
I know that the donate button allows it.
any ideas
Normally, no.
However, in the US and UK you can sign up for PayPal 'Enhanced Recurring Payments' (US) or 'Premium Services' (UK) which allows you to do just that.
Here is the link to the sign-up page for the UK: