Redirect to - redirect

Context: I'm developing a website for a conference happening early next year. I'm using to process registrations and Github Pages to host the website.
At the moment, users register by visiting I'd like to clean that up, and point them to instead.
I've read about 301, 302, and masked redirects, but as far as I've seen so far, those are applicable to subdomains. For instance, I can make this work with, but not with
What are my options?
TLDR: how do I point to

You can set up a redirect on the page to but the user will see that they were redirected to.
If you want it to show as a clean url to the user, the webserver at will have to be configured to answer to your desired url such as


How facebook like websites is able to load the profile, instead of a directory when a request like is recieved?

When the{username} is requested how is server able to load page with data corresponding to that user, instead of navigating to a directory named in that {username}, and possibly showing a 404 error ?
It's achieved typically using a pattern called "front controller", where all requests are handled by the same file (let's say index.php, talking specifically about PHP now). So all URLs are like this:
That file serves as the bootstrap for the application, reading extra parameters (anything after index.php) and dispatching requests to the appropriate handlers/controllers.
Then there's multiple ways you can get rid of that ugly index.php, depending on how you configure your web server (loads of questions here about that subject: htaccess remove index.php from url as an example).
Read more about it here:

Checking user ip address after redirect

As part of a session security feature I am checking $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} to make sure the users IP is the same during the whole stay on a website.
Some parts of the website show a waiting screen, if for example the rendering of a file takes some seconds, and I redirect the user to a result screen by the use of a meta tag <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="$time; URL=…">.
Unfortunately after this redirect the $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR} variable does not return the users IP but the one from the server.
Is there something I am missing to get this to work properly and/or are there alternatives I could use to redirect the user?
For various reasons htaccess or http-header redirects are not an option and I don't want to use JavaScript for this.
I am already using a 'click me' button to allow the user to manually skipping the wait.
You could try to alter between temporary/permanent type of redirect. Check in server logs, the the http code is 301 or 302?
I misread the accesslogs … it was actually a different script executed on the server, therefore having the servers IP, which caused all this.

Drupal - need redirect to specified page when node is deleted

I'm using the pathologic module, and currently when a node is deleted users will get a 404 error. I want to set up a Rule such that when ANY node is deleted, a redirect is put in place to send users looking for that path to the HOME page.
Do I need Rules for this, and if so, what is the best method? I haven't been able to successfully get this to work so far because of the interaction between the nid and the pathologic-created redirect. Many of my users have been sent URLs in email, etc. and I don't want them to get a 404.
Thanks in advance!
One soulition could be for you:
install module
write your own module in which you implement hook_node_postdelete($node) in which you set a drupal_goto()

List of Facebook CDN addresses

I need to compile a list of the addresses of all the CDNs used by Facebook.
I need these for a captive portal application that allows user to connect to WiFi with facebook. We allow through the firewall for Graph API calls, but one of the issues we had is that the Facebook login dialog takes forever to load and loads without stylesheets/images. We fixed that by white-listing, but we want to make sure we won't have surprises later.
Those start from character A and ends at H, if Facebook would add a new domain it must be like :
So future CDN domains would be
And So on.. till character Z
akamaihd is used for old photos and for special photos(cover ph. example..) only as I see...
They created new servers and there is some new logic in them as well. Example: and more but I have seen some shared photos on interesting links. Example this:

Rails redirect issue with HTTPS because of symlink

This is a little different than all the other Rails 3 redirect https questions out there. Let me explain.
In order to publish our site with Phusion Passenger we had to create a subdomain and use a symlink (or softlink or alias) from the www/rails folder to /home/user/app/railsapp.
In order for the HTTPS to work (because of various domains issues) we need to have a rewrite mod that actually creates this route:
Notice the trailing /rails route.
This route does not exist on our app. So what I need is a way to redirect anything that comes in with that route to:
So I thought I'd do this, in the routes.rb file have this:
match '/rails' => 'sessions#redirect_to_login'
In sessions_controllers.rb:
def redirect_to_login
redirect_to login_path, :status => :moved_permanently
This results in the app complaining that it can't find /rais/login/ so it's still seeking that /rails bit.
If I add something like redirect_to "/" which in turn will send you to with a redirect when you're not logged in, I'll get an error of too many redirects in the browser.
redirect_to login_url didn't do the trick either.
It gets a bit more complicated in the sense that whenever I'm using the https protocol for that site, it will append that /rails route so I need a way to remove it from all the links. For example, will get translated to
Either remove the /rails or redirect all https traffic to http except for the login page.
I'm sure there is a relatively easy fix for this, but I can't figure it out.
Help is appreciated.