Is it possible to use a cassandra table as a basic queue - queue

Is it possible to use a table in cassandra as a queue, I don't think the strategy I use in mysql works, ie given this table:
create table message_queue(id integer, message varchar(4000), retries int, sending boolean);
We have a transaction that marks the row as "sending", tries to send, and then either deletes the row, or increments the retries count. The transaction ensures that only one server will be attempting to process an item from the message_queue at any one time.
There is an article on datastax that describes the pitfalls and how to get around it, however Im not sure what the impact of having lots of tombstones lying around is, how long do they stay around for?

Don't do this. Cassandra is a terrible choice as a queue backend unless you are very, very careful. You can read more of the reasons in Jonathan Ellis blog post "Cassandra anti-patterns: Queues and queue-like datasets" (which might be the post you're alluding to). MySQL is also not a great choice for backing a queue, us a real queue product like RabbitMQ, it's great and very easy to use.
The problem with using Cassandra as the storage for a queue is this: every time you delete a message you write a tombstone for that message. Every time you query for the next message Cassandra will have to trawl through those tombstones and deleted messages and try to determine the few that have not been deleted. With any kind of throughput the number of read values versus the number of actual live messages will be hundreds of thousands to one.
Tuning GC grace and other parameters will not help, because that only applies to how long tombstones will hang around after a compaction, and even if you dedicated the CPUs to only run compactions you would still have dead to live rations of tens of thousands or more. And even with a GC grace of zero tombstones will hang around after compactions in some cases.
There are ways to mitigate these effects, and they are outlined in Jonathan's post, but here's a summary (and I don't write this to encourage you to use Cassandra as a queue backend, but because it explains a bit more about Cassandra works, and should help you understand why it's a bad fit for the problem):
To avoid the tombstone problem you cannot keep using the same queue, because it will fill upp with tombstones quicker than compactions can get rid of them and your performance will run straight into a brick wall. If you add a column to the primary key that is deterministic and depends on time you can avoid some of the performance problems, since fewer tombstones have time to build up and Cassandra will be able to completely remove old rows and all their tombstones.
Using a single row per queue also creates a hotspot. A single node will have to handle that queue, and the rest of the nodes will be idle. You might have lots of queues, but chances are that one of them will see much more traffic than the others and that means you get a hotspot. Shard the queues over multiple nodes by adding a second column to the primary key. It can be a hash of the message (for example crc32(message) % 60 would create 60 shards, don't use a too small number). When you want to find the next message you read from all of the shards and pick one of the results, ignoring the others. Ideally you find a way to combine this with something that depends on time, so that you fix that problem too while you're at it.
If you sort your messages after time of arrival (for example with TIMEUUID clustering key) and can somehow keep track of the newest messages that has been delivered, you can do a query to find all messages after that message. That would mean less thrawling through tombstones for Cassandra, but it is no panacea.
Then there's the issue of acknowledgements. I'm not sure if they matter to you, but it looks like you have some kind of locking mechanism in your schema (I'm thinking of the retries and sending columns). This will not work. Until Cassandra 2.0 and it's compare-and-swap features there is no way to make that work correctly. To implement a lock you need to read the value of the column, check if it's not locked, then write that it should now be locked. Even with consistency level ALL another application node can do the same operations at the same time, and both end up thinking that they locked the message. With CAS in Cassandra 2.0 it will be possible to do atomically, but at the cost of performance.
There are a couple of more answers here on StackOverflow about Cassandra and queues, read them (start with this: Table with heavy writes and some reads in Cassandra. Primary key searches taking 30 seconds.

The grace period can be defined. Per default it is 10 days:
(Default: 864000 [10 days]) Specifies the time to wait before garbage
collecting tombstones (deletion markers). The default value allows a
great deal of time for consistency to be achieved prior to deletion.
In many deployments this interval can be reduced, and in a single-node
cluster it can be safely set to zero. When using CLI, use gc_grace
instead of gc_grace_seconds.
Taken from the
On a different note, I do not think that implementing a queue pattern in Cassandra is very useful. To prevent your worker to process one entry twice, you need to enforce "ALL" read consistency, which defeats the purpose of distributed database systems.
I highly recommend looking at specialized systems like messaging systems which support the queue pattern natively. Take a look at RabbitMQ for instance. You will be up and running in no time.

Theo's answer about not using Cassandra for queues is spot on.
Just wanted to add that we have been using Redis sorted sets for our queues and it has been working pretty well. Some of our queues have tens of millions of elements and are accessed hundreds of times per second.


Can Cassandra or ScyllaDB give incomplete data while reading with PySpark if either clusters are left un-repaired forever?

I use both Cassandra and ScyllaDB 3-node clusters and use PySpark to read data. I was wondering if any of them are not repaired forever, is there any challenge while reading data from either if there are inconsistencies in nodes. Will the correct data be read and if yes, then why do we need to repair them?
Yes you can get incorrect data if reapir is not done. It also depends on with what consistency you are reading or writing. Generally in production systems writes are done with (Local_one/Local_quorum) and read with Local_quorum.
If you are writing with weak consistency level, then repair becomes important as some of the nodes might not have got the mutations and while reading those nodes may get selected.
For example if you write with consistency level ONE on a table TABLE1 with a replication of 3. Now it may happen your write was written to NodeA only and NodeB and NodeC might have missed the mutation. Now if you are reading with Consistency level LOCAL_QUORUM, it may happen that NodeB and 'NodeC' get selected and they do not return the written data.
Repair is an important maintenance task for Cassandra which should be done periodically and continuously to keep data in healthy state.
As others have noted in other answers, different consistency levels make repair more or less important for different reasons. So I'll focus on the consistency level that you said in a comment you are using: LOCAL_ONE for reading and LOCAL_QUORUM for writing:
Successfully writing with LOCAL_QUORUM only guarantees that two replicas have been written. If the third replica is temporarily down, and will later come up - at that point one third of the read requests for this data, reads done from only one node (this is what LOCAL_ONE means) will miss the new data! Moreover, there isn't even a guarantee of so-called monotonic consistency - you can get new data in one read (from one node), and the old data in a later read (from another node).
However, it isn't completely accurate that only a repair can fix this problem. Another feature - enabled by default on both Cassandra and Scylla - is called Hinted Handoff - where when a node is down for relatively short time (up to three hours, but also depending on the amount of traffic in that period), other nodes which tried to send it updates remember those updates - and retry the send when the dead node comes back up. If you are faced only with such relatively short downtimes, repair isn't necessary and Hinted Handoff is actually enough.
That being said, Hinted Handoff isn't guaranteed perfect and might miss some inconsistencies. E.g., the node wishing to save a hint might itself be rebooted before it managed to save the hint, or replaced after saving it. So this mechanism isn't completely foolproof.
By the way, there another thing you need to be aware of: If you ever intend to do a repair (e.g., perhaps after some node was down for too long for Hinted Handoff to have worked, or perhaps because a QUORUM read causes a read repair), you must do it at least once every gc_grace_seconds (this defaults to 10 days).
The reason for this statement is the risk of data resurrection by repair which is too infrequent. The thing is, after gc_grace_seconds, the tombstones marking deleted items are removed forever ("garbage collected"). At that point, if you do a repair and one of the nodes happens to have an old version of this data (prior to the delete), the old data will be "resurrected" - copied to all replicas.
In addition to Manish's great answer, I'll just add that read operations run consistency levels higher than *_ONE have a (small...10% default) chance to invoke a read repair. I have seen that applications running at a higher consistency level for reads, will have less issues with inconsistent replicas.
Although, writing at *_QUORUM should ensure that the majority (quorum) of replicas are indeed consistent. Once it's written successfully, data should not "go bad" over time.
That all being said, running periodic (weekly) repairs is a good idea. I highly recommend using Cassandra Reaper to manage repairs, especially if you have multiple clusters.

How to run a Kafka Canary Consumer

We have a Kafka queue with two consumers, both read from the same partition (fan-out scenario). One of those consumers should be the canary and process 1% of the messages, while the other processes the 99% remaining ones.
The idea is to make the decision based on a property of the message, eg the message ID or timestamp (e.g. mod 100), and accept or drop based on that, just with a reversed logic for canary and non-canary.
Now we are facing the issue of how to do so robustly, e.g. reconfigure percentages while running and avoid loosing messages or processing them twice. It appears this escalates to a distributed consensus problem to keep the decision logic in sync, which we would very much like to avoid, even though we could just use ZooKeeper for that.
Is this a viable strategy, or are there better ways to do this? Possibly one that avoids consensus?
Update: Unfortunately the Kafka Cluster is not under our control, and we cannot make any changes.
Update 2 Latency of messages is not a huge issues, a few hundred 100ms added are okay and won't be noticed.
I dont see any way to change the "sampling strategy" across 2 machines without "ignoring" or double-processing records. Since different Kafka consumers could be in different positions in the partition, and could also get the new config at different times, you'd inevitably run into one of 2 scenarios:
Double processing of the same record by both machines
"Skipping" a record because neither machine thinks it should "own" it when it sees it.
I'd suggest a small change to your architecture instead:
Have the 99% machine (the non-canary) pick up all records, then decide for every record if it wants to handle it, or if it belongs to the canary
If it belongs to the canary, send the record to a 2nd topic (from the 99% machine)
Canary machine only listens on the 2nd topic, and processes every arriving record
And now you have a pipeline setup where decisions are only ever made in one point and no records are missed or double processed.
The obvious downside is somewhat higher latency on the canary machine. If you absolutely cannot tolerate the latency push the decision of which topic to produce to upstream to producers? (I don't know how feasible that is to you)
Variant in case a 2nd topic isnt allowed
If (as youve stated above) you cant have a 2nd topic, you could still make the decision only on the 99% machine, then for records that need to go to the canary, re-produce them into the origin partition with some sort of "marker" (either in the payload or as a kafka header, up to you).
The 99% machine will ignore any incoming records with a marker, and the canary machine will only process records with a marker.
Again, the major downside is added latency.

Apache Kafka persist all data

When using Kafka as an event store, how is it possible to configure the logs never to lose data (v0.10.0.0) ?
I have seen the (old?) log.retention.hours, and I have been considering playing with compaction keys, but is there simply an option for kafka never to delete messages ?
Or is the best option to put a ridiculously high value for the retention period ?
You don't have a better option that using a ridiculously high value for the retention period.
Fair warning : Using an infinite retention will probably hurt you a bit.
For example, default behaviour only allows a new suscriber to start from start or end of a topic, which will be at least annoying in an event sourcing perspective.
Also, Kafka, if used at scale (let's say tens of thousands of messages per second), benefits greatly for high performance storage, the cost of which will be ridiculously high with an eternal retention policy.
FYI, Kafka provides tools (Kafka Connect e.g) to easily persist data on cheap data stores.
Update: It’s Okay To Store Data In Apache Kafka
Obviously this is possible, if you just set the retention to “forever”
or enable log compaction on a topic, then data will be kept for all
time. But I think the question people are really asking, is less
whether this will work, and more whether it is something that is
totally insane to do.
The short answer is that it’s not insane, people do this all the time,
and Kafka was actually designed for this type of usage. But first, why
might you want to do this? There are actually a number of use cases,
here’s a few:
People concerned with data replaying and disk cost for eternal messages, just wanted to share some things.
Data replaying:
You can seek your consumer consumer to a given offset. It is possible even to query offset given a timestamp. Then, if your consumer doesn't need to know all data from beginning but a subset of the data is enough, you can use this.
I use kafka java libs, eg: kafka-clients. See:
Disk cost:
You can at least minimize disk space usage a lot by using something like Avro ( and compation turned on.
Maybe there is a way to use symbolic links to separate between file systems. But that is only an untried idea.

Why do we need message brokers like RabbitMQ over a database like PostgreSQL?

I am new to message brokers like RabbitMQ which we can use to create tasks / message queues for a scheduling system like Celery.
Now, here is the question:
I can create a table in PostgreSQL which can be appended with new tasks and consumed by the consumer program like Celery.
Why on earth would I want to setup a whole new tech for this like RabbitMQ?
Now, I believe scaling cannot be the answer since our database like PostgreSQL can work in a distributed environment.
I googled for what problems does the database poses for the particular problem, and I found:
polling keeps the database busy and low performing
locking of the table -> again low performing
millions of rows of tasks -> again, polling is low performing
Now, how does RabbitMQ or any other message broker like that solves these problems?
Also, I found out that AMQP protocol is what it follows. What's great in that?
Can Redis also be used as a message broker? I find it more analogous to Memcached than RabbitMQ.
Please shed some light on this!
Rabbit's queues reside in memory and will therefore be much faster than implementing this in a database. A (good)dedicated message queue should also provide essential queuing related features such as throttling/flow control, and the ability to choose different routing algorithms, to name a couple(rabbit provides these and more). Depending on the size of your project, you may also want the message passing component separate from your database, so that if one component experiences heavy load, it need not hinder the other's operation.
As for the problems you mentioned:
polling keeping the database busy and low performing: Using Rabbitmq, producers can push updates to consumers which is far more performant than polling. Data is simply sent to the consumer when it needs to be, eliminating the need for wasteful checks.
locking of the table -> again low performing: There is no table to lock :P
millions of rows of task -> again polling is low performing: As mentioned above, Rabbitmq will operate faster as it resides RAM, and provides flow control. If needed, it can also use the disk to temporarily store messages if it runs out of RAM. After 2.0, Rabbit has significantly improved on its RAM usage. Clustering options are also available.
In regards to AMQP, I would say a really cool feature is the "exchange", and the ability for it to route to other exchanges. This gives you more flexibility and enables you to create a wide array of elaborate routing typologies which can come in very handy when scaling. For a good example, see:
Finally, in regards to Redis, yes, it can be used as a message broker, and can do well. However, Rabbitmq has more message queuing features than Redis, as rabbitmq was built from the ground up to be a full-featured enterprise-level dedicated message queue. Redis on the other hand was primarily created to be an in-memory key-value store(though it does much more than that now; its even referred to as a swiss army knife). Still, I've read/heard many people achieving good results with Redis for smaller sized projects, but haven't heard much about it in larger applications.
Here is an example of Redis being used in a long-polling chat implementation:
PostgreSQL 9.5
PostgreSQL 9.5 incorporates SELECT ... FOR UPDATE ... SKIP LOCKED. This makes implementing working queuing systems a lot simpler and easier. You may no longer require an external queueing system since it's now simple to fetch 'n' rows that no other session has locked, and keep them locked until you commit confirmation that the work is done. It even works with two-phase transactions for when external co-ordination is required.
External queueing systems remain useful, providing canned functionality, proven performance, integration with other systems, options for horizontal scaling and federation, etc. Nonetheless, for simple cases you don't really need them anymore.
Older versions
You don't need such tools, but using one may make life easier. Doing queueing in the database looks easy, but you'll discover in practice that high performance, reliable concurrent queuing is really hard to do right in a relational database.
That's why tools like PGQ exist.
You can get rid of polling in PostgreSQL by using LISTEN and NOTIFY, but that won't solve the problem of reliably handing out entries off the top of the queue to exactly one consumer while preserving highly concurrent operation and not blocking inserts. All the simple and obvious solutions you think will solve that problem actually don't in the real world, and tend to degenerate into less efficient versions of single-worker queue fetching.
If you don't need highly concurrent multi-worker queue fetches then using a single queue table in PostgreSQL is entirely reasonable.

How to build a fault-tolerant app in Storm?

The short version of the question: how to build a fail-safe word count program (topology) in Twitter Storm that produces accurate results even when failure occurs? Is that even possible?
Long version: I am studying Twitter Storm and trying to understand how it should be used. I have followed the tutorial and find it a very simple concept. But the word count example outlined in the tutorial is not fault tolerant (because bolts save some data in memory). Saving the same data in back-end DB however leads to double counting if an event is re-submitted to the start of chain (which happens when some of the bolts fail).
Should I see Twitter Storm as real-time platform for producing partially accurate results and still depend on MapReduce to get the accurate ones?
It really depends on what kind of failure your trying to hege against. There are a few things that you can do:
Storm bolts are supposed to ack a tuple only after they have processed it. If you write your spouts and bolts and topology to use this, you can implement an "exactly one time" system which will guarantee accuracy.
Kafka can be a good way to put data into Storm because it uses disk persistance to keep messages around for a long time even after they are consumed. This means you can retrieve them if there's a failure by a consumer down the line.
In general though, it's difficult to guarantee that things are processed exactly once in any streaming system. This is a known problem, and it is a very difficult problem to solve efficiently.
Storm has the concept of transactional topologies. In practice, this means you will want to process items in batches, then commit to your database at the end of the batch, storing the transaction ID in the database alongside a count. This also has the practical benefit of reducing the load on your database with fewer inserts.
Batches are processed in parallel and may be replayed on failure, but are guaranteed to be committed in order. This is important because it makes it safe to write code that fetches the current count row, checks the transaction ID against the one in memory, and if the two differ (meaning it is an uncommitted batch), adding the new count to the existing one and committing that updated count.
See the following link for much more information and code examples: