How to run a Kafka Canary Consumer - apache-kafka

We have a Kafka queue with two consumers, both read from the same partition (fan-out scenario). One of those consumers should be the canary and process 1% of the messages, while the other processes the 99% remaining ones.
The idea is to make the decision based on a property of the message, eg the message ID or timestamp (e.g. mod 100), and accept or drop based on that, just with a reversed logic for canary and non-canary.
Now we are facing the issue of how to do so robustly, e.g. reconfigure percentages while running and avoid loosing messages or processing them twice. It appears this escalates to a distributed consensus problem to keep the decision logic in sync, which we would very much like to avoid, even though we could just use ZooKeeper for that.
Is this a viable strategy, or are there better ways to do this? Possibly one that avoids consensus?
Update: Unfortunately the Kafka Cluster is not under our control, and we cannot make any changes.
Update 2 Latency of messages is not a huge issues, a few hundred 100ms added are okay and won't be noticed.

I dont see any way to change the "sampling strategy" across 2 machines without "ignoring" or double-processing records. Since different Kafka consumers could be in different positions in the partition, and could also get the new config at different times, you'd inevitably run into one of 2 scenarios:
Double processing of the same record by both machines
"Skipping" a record because neither machine thinks it should "own" it when it sees it.
I'd suggest a small change to your architecture instead:
Have the 99% machine (the non-canary) pick up all records, then decide for every record if it wants to handle it, or if it belongs to the canary
If it belongs to the canary, send the record to a 2nd topic (from the 99% machine)
Canary machine only listens on the 2nd topic, and processes every arriving record
And now you have a pipeline setup where decisions are only ever made in one point and no records are missed or double processed.
The obvious downside is somewhat higher latency on the canary machine. If you absolutely cannot tolerate the latency push the decision of which topic to produce to upstream to producers? (I don't know how feasible that is to you)
Variant in case a 2nd topic isnt allowed
If (as youve stated above) you cant have a 2nd topic, you could still make the decision only on the 99% machine, then for records that need to go to the canary, re-produce them into the origin partition with some sort of "marker" (either in the payload or as a kafka header, up to you).
The 99% machine will ignore any incoming records with a marker, and the canary machine will only process records with a marker.
Again, the major downside is added latency.


How to share data between microservices without sync RPC (use topics as changelogs) and deal with consistency?

I learned about using Kafka's topics as a changelog to avoid doing synchronous RPC, but I don't understand how we deal with consistency as topics are not persistent (retention policy).
i.e, I run an application, 2 microservices:
The User Service, is used to update users' data in the system(address, First Name, phone number...).
The Shipping Service, uses Users' data to create a shipping order and send it to the shipping company's system.
Each service has its own db to persist the Users' data.. To communicate any changes made on a User's data, the confluent's teacher proposed to create a topic and use it as a changelog. User Service inputs the changes, other microservices can consume.
But What if:
User X changed his address 1 year ago
the retention policy of the changelog is 6 months
today we add BillingService to the system.
The BillingService won't know the User X's address, so its view is inconsistent. Should I run a one-time "Call UserService to copy its full DB" when a new service enters the system? Seems ugly solution.
More tricky and challenging:
We have a changelog with a retention policy of time T
A consumer service failed more than time T
Therefore, it will potentially miss some changelogs. How do we deal with that? We are never confident how the service knows everything it has to know about the users.
Did some research, but found nothing. I really think I don't have enough vocabulary yet to do good research, as the problem sounds pretty common to everyone. Sorry if it exists a source dedicated to this problem that I did not find!
If the changelog topic is covering entities that are of unbounded lifetime (like your users, hopefully), that strongly suggests that the retention period for that topic should be infinite. Chances are that topic is sufficiently low volume that infinite retention is viable (consider that it can probably be partitioned).
If for some reason that's not viable, you can arrange for producers to at some period shorter than the retention period publish out "this is the state of this entity" for every entity they own to the topic. For entities which don't change very much, this is pretty wasteful and duplicative (but for those a very long to infinite retention period is more viable), for entities which do change a lot, this is a rounding error in terms of volume.
That neatly solves the first case and eventually allows for the second to be solved. For the second, there is basically no solution, which means that you have to choose the retention period for a topic such that you can guarantee that no consumer of this topic will ever be down (or not deployed) for longer than the retention period: this typically means that a retention period shorter than, say, 7 days, should be really heavily scrutinized. Note that if you have a 1 week retention period and a consumer has been down for more than a few days, you can temporarily bump up the retention period to buy you time for the consumer to get fixed, and if there's a consumer which can be down for more than a week without anybody noticing, how important is that consumer, really?
This is quite common issue in replication - a node goes offline for a significant amount of time. For example, a node's hardware completely failed/lost and it takes weeks to order/get new one.
In that case, in distributed systems, we don't do fail recovery, but we provision a new node as a replacement. That new node is completely empty, hence it needs some initial state.
If your queue has all events since the beginning of time, you could apply those events one by one to the node - that would do the job - but in a very inefficient way (imagine processing years of data).
There is a better process - first restore data for the new node from the most recent backup, and then reapply newer items.
Backing up data is important. Every Microservices should do its own job saving/restoring its data. As a result, the original Kafka system won't have to keep data forever.
As a quick summary: in distributed replication these are two different problems - catching up a lagging node and provisioning a new node. And if a node is lagging for a long time, then this becomes provisioning problem.

How to ensure consistent reading in distributed system?

In a distributed system, if only half of the nodes are successfully written, the subsequent nodes that read the unwritten data will be inconsistent. How to avoid this situation?
client write --> Node1 v
--> Node2 v
client read --> Node3 x(The latest data was not read)
My plan:
Compare the data version with other nodes when reading data
If the current node version is found to be lower, it will be routed to other nodes to read data.
I am going to ignore tags [mongo and elastic] :)
What you are planning to do is called Dynamo style replication. That system is eventually consistent by design. (I read a while ago that it could get strongly consistent with some effort, but I don't remember if that paper was correct.)
Back to dynamo and quorum: with three nodes you want to have at least 2 nodes to save writes to assume the write has succeeded. Important point is that you need two nodes to report back to customer the success, but the data is still should to be sent to three nodes.
Let's assume that data is written to two nodes, third failed, but camed back online later. To read the data, you have to read it from any two nodes as well. You will sent read requests to all three, but only two is needed to report back to the customer. This will give you quorum: 2+2>3. This guarantees that there is an intersection in between writes and reads.
This will work ok when the network is good and nodes are healthy. But you will run into major challengers, lost updates and conflict resolution to name a few. But in either way, the system will not be strongly consistent based on design itself.
Let me describe another interesting issue to illustrate weak consistency:
node 1 gets the write
the rest of process fails; node 1 has new data, but node 2 and 3 don't
now, when you read, under the quorum condition, you may or may not see the value from node 1 - since you are picking any two nodes for a read, node 1 may not be in that set.
Long story short, dynamo is not good for strong consistency, and we get to the Raft part of the solution.
Raft will get you what you need. A consistent system. There is a catch to watch for. Most examples are focused on writing - raft maintains a log of messages and consensus is used to agree on the order (and content) of these messages.
But when you do a read, you can't just go to a node, or any two nodes, or three and read the value. You will have to do read via Raft as well, by attaching a read operation to raft's log. This is called linearizable read.
I'll stop here, as this is pretty complicated topic (but not an impossible one to learn).
Hope this gave you enough ideas to explore.
I saw both mongodb and elasticsearch is being tagged, I don't know which case you are thinking, but the two database is very different.
For mongo, replicas are not by default used to increase reading speed, see, the default reading preferences will only look at primary and excludes all replicas. The writing of Mongo is also to the primary first and the replication will happen asynchronously possibly after the write to primary finishes, see Because of that, if you do a force read to the secondary, you are not guaranteed to have the newest data.
For elasticsearch, elasticsearch naturally does not guarantee you always read the most recent data, see, so in either way even if there is only one node you may get data that are out of date.

Is it possible to use a cassandra table as a basic queue

Is it possible to use a table in cassandra as a queue, I don't think the strategy I use in mysql works, ie given this table:
create table message_queue(id integer, message varchar(4000), retries int, sending boolean);
We have a transaction that marks the row as "sending", tries to send, and then either deletes the row, or increments the retries count. The transaction ensures that only one server will be attempting to process an item from the message_queue at any one time.
There is an article on datastax that describes the pitfalls and how to get around it, however Im not sure what the impact of having lots of tombstones lying around is, how long do they stay around for?
Don't do this. Cassandra is a terrible choice as a queue backend unless you are very, very careful. You can read more of the reasons in Jonathan Ellis blog post "Cassandra anti-patterns: Queues and queue-like datasets" (which might be the post you're alluding to). MySQL is also not a great choice for backing a queue, us a real queue product like RabbitMQ, it's great and very easy to use.
The problem with using Cassandra as the storage for a queue is this: every time you delete a message you write a tombstone for that message. Every time you query for the next message Cassandra will have to trawl through those tombstones and deleted messages and try to determine the few that have not been deleted. With any kind of throughput the number of read values versus the number of actual live messages will be hundreds of thousands to one.
Tuning GC grace and other parameters will not help, because that only applies to how long tombstones will hang around after a compaction, and even if you dedicated the CPUs to only run compactions you would still have dead to live rations of tens of thousands or more. And even with a GC grace of zero tombstones will hang around after compactions in some cases.
There are ways to mitigate these effects, and they are outlined in Jonathan's post, but here's a summary (and I don't write this to encourage you to use Cassandra as a queue backend, but because it explains a bit more about Cassandra works, and should help you understand why it's a bad fit for the problem):
To avoid the tombstone problem you cannot keep using the same queue, because it will fill upp with tombstones quicker than compactions can get rid of them and your performance will run straight into a brick wall. If you add a column to the primary key that is deterministic and depends on time you can avoid some of the performance problems, since fewer tombstones have time to build up and Cassandra will be able to completely remove old rows and all their tombstones.
Using a single row per queue also creates a hotspot. A single node will have to handle that queue, and the rest of the nodes will be idle. You might have lots of queues, but chances are that one of them will see much more traffic than the others and that means you get a hotspot. Shard the queues over multiple nodes by adding a second column to the primary key. It can be a hash of the message (for example crc32(message) % 60 would create 60 shards, don't use a too small number). When you want to find the next message you read from all of the shards and pick one of the results, ignoring the others. Ideally you find a way to combine this with something that depends on time, so that you fix that problem too while you're at it.
If you sort your messages after time of arrival (for example with TIMEUUID clustering key) and can somehow keep track of the newest messages that has been delivered, you can do a query to find all messages after that message. That would mean less thrawling through tombstones for Cassandra, but it is no panacea.
Then there's the issue of acknowledgements. I'm not sure if they matter to you, but it looks like you have some kind of locking mechanism in your schema (I'm thinking of the retries and sending columns). This will not work. Until Cassandra 2.0 and it's compare-and-swap features there is no way to make that work correctly. To implement a lock you need to read the value of the column, check if it's not locked, then write that it should now be locked. Even with consistency level ALL another application node can do the same operations at the same time, and both end up thinking that they locked the message. With CAS in Cassandra 2.0 it will be possible to do atomically, but at the cost of performance.
There are a couple of more answers here on StackOverflow about Cassandra and queues, read them (start with this: Table with heavy writes and some reads in Cassandra. Primary key searches taking 30 seconds.
The grace period can be defined. Per default it is 10 days:
(Default: 864000 [10 days]) Specifies the time to wait before garbage
collecting tombstones (deletion markers). The default value allows a
great deal of time for consistency to be achieved prior to deletion.
In many deployments this interval can be reduced, and in a single-node
cluster it can be safely set to zero. When using CLI, use gc_grace
instead of gc_grace_seconds.
Taken from the
On a different note, I do not think that implementing a queue pattern in Cassandra is very useful. To prevent your worker to process one entry twice, you need to enforce "ALL" read consistency, which defeats the purpose of distributed database systems.
I highly recommend looking at specialized systems like messaging systems which support the queue pattern natively. Take a look at RabbitMQ for instance. You will be up and running in no time.
Theo's answer about not using Cassandra for queues is spot on.
Just wanted to add that we have been using Redis sorted sets for our queues and it has been working pretty well. Some of our queues have tens of millions of elements and are accessed hundreds of times per second.

Why ZooKeeper needs majority to run?

I've been wondering why ZooKeeper needs a majority of the machines in the ensemble to work at all. Lets say we have a very simple ensemble of 3 machines - A,B,C.
When A fails, new leader is elected - fine, everything works. When another one dies, lets say B, service is unavailable. Does it make sense? Why machine C cannot handle everything alone, until A and B are up again?
Since one machine is enough to do all the work (for example single machine ensemble works fine)...
Is there any particular reason why ZooKeeper is designed in this way? Is there a way to configure ZooKeeper that, for example ensemble is available always when at least one of N is up?
Maybe there is a way to apply a custom algorithm of leader selection? Or define a size of quorum?
Thanks in advance.
Zookeeper is intended to distribute things reliably. If the network of systems becomes segmented, then you don't want the two halves operating independently and potentially getting out of sync, because when the failure is resolved, it won't know what to do. If you have it refuse to operate when it's got less than a majority, then you can be assured that when a failure is resolved, everything will come right back up without further intervention.
The reason to get a majority vote is to avoid a problem called "split-brain".
Basically in a network failure you don't want the two parts of the system to continue as usual. you want one to continue and the other to understand that it is not part of the cluster.
There are two main ways to achieve that one is to hold a shared resource, for instance a shared disk where the leader holds a lock, if you can see the lock you are part of the cluster if you don't you're out. If you are holding the lock you're the leader and if you don't your not. The problem with this approach is that you need that shared resource.
The other way to prevent a split-brain is majority count, if you get enough votes you are the leader. This still works with two nodes (for a quorum of 3) where the leader says it is the leader and the other node acting as a "witness" also agrees. This method is preferable as it can work in a shared nothing architecture and indeed that is what Zookeeper uses
As Michael mentioned, a node cannot know if the reason it doesn't see the other nodes in the cluster is because these nodes are down or there's a network problem - the safe bet is to say there's no quorum.
Let’s look at an example that shows how things can go wrong if the quorum (majority of running servers) is too small.
Say we have five servers and a quorum can be any set of two servers. Now say that servers s1 and s2 acknowledge that they have replicated a request to create a znode /z. The service returns to the client saying that the znode has been created. Now suppose servers s1 and s2 are partitioned away from the other servers and from clients for an arbitrarily long time, before they have a chance to replicate the new znode to the other servers. The service in this state is able to make progress because there are three servers available and it really needs only two according to our assumptions, but these three servers have never seen the new znode /z. Consequently, the request to create /z is not durable.
This is an example of the split-brain scenario. To avoid this problem, in this example the size of the quorum must be at least three, which is a majority out of the five servers in the ensemble. To make progress, the ensemble needs at least three servers available. To confirm that a request to update the state has completed successfully, this ensemble also requires that at least three servers acknowledge that they have replicated it.

Do NoSQL datacenter aware features enable fast reads and writes when nodes are distributed across high-latency connections?

We have a data system in which writes and reads can be made in a couple of geographic locations which have high network latency between them (crossing a few continents, but not this slow). We can live with 'last write wins' conflict resolution, especially since edits can't be meaningfully merged.
I'd ideally like to use a distributed system that allows fast, local reads and writes, and copes with the replication and write propagation over the slow connection in the background. Do the datacenter-aware features in e.g. Voldemort or Cassandra deliver this?
It's either this, or we roll our own, probably based on collecting writes using something like
rsync and sorting out the conflict resolution ourselves.
You should be able to get the behavior you're looking for using Voldemort. (I can't speak to Cassandra, but imagine that it's similarly possible using it.)
The key settings in the configuration will be:
replication-factor — This is the total number of times the data is stored. Each put or delete operation must eventually hit this many nodes. A replication factor of n means it can be possible to tolerate up to n - 1 node failures without data loss.
required-reads — The least number of reads that can succeed without throwing an exception.
required-writes — The least number of writes that can succeed without the client getting back an exception.
So for your situation, the replication would be set to whatever number made sense for your redundancy requirements, while both required-reads and required-writes would be set to 1. Reads and writes would return quickly, with a concomitant risk of stale or lost data, and the data would only be replicated to the other nodes afterwards.
I have no experience with Voldemort, so I can only comment on Cassandra.
You can deploy Cassandra to multiple datacenters with an inter-DC latency higher than a few milliseconds (see
To ensure fast local reads, you can configure the cluster to replicate your data to a certain number of nodes in each datacenter (see "Network Topology Strategy"). For example, you specify that there should always be two replica in each data center. So even when you lose a node in a data center, you will still be able to read your data locally.
Write requests can be sent to any node in a Cassandra cluster. So for fast writes, your clients would always speak to a local node. The node receiving the request (the "coordinator") will replicate the data to other nodes (in other datacenters) in the background. If nodes are down, the write request will still succeed and the coordinator will replicate the data to the failed nodes at a later time ("hinted handoff").
Conflict resolution is based on a client-supplied timestamp.
If you need more than eventual consistency, Cassandra offers several consistency options (including datacenter-aware options).