How to get paginated/sliced data of subdocument array in mongo collection? - mongodb

I have a collection like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26"),
"fiTpcs" : [
"fiTpcsCnt" : 5
The list of fiTpcs is long and can go to hundreds later. When I retrieve my collection, I want to get a limited list of fiTpcs, say 20 at a time and fire separate requests to get subsequent data from fiTpcs. I just want to ensure that the queries don't get slow later when I have a lot more data. Is there a way to do it in mongodb? until now, I have been doing
db.userext.find({"_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26")}).pretty();
which always gets me the full fiTpcs array. I am using java driver with Spring and a solution using Spring/java would also be fine. Please note - if the solution requires mongo to scan through the whole fiTpcs array and then slice a part of it, it doesn't really add any performance benefits, that is not what I am looking for.

I may not understand your question in full depth, but seems like $slice is the droid your are looking for:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26"), "fiTpcs" : [ "uuid1", "uuid2", "uuid3", "uuid4", "uuid5" ], "fiTpcsCnt" : 2 }
>{}, {"fiTpcs" : {$slice : 3}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26"), "fiTpcs" : [ "uuid1", "uuid2", "uuid3" ], "fiTpcsCnt" : 2 }
>{}, {"fiTpcs" : {$slice : [1,3]}})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26"), "fiTpcs" : [ "uuid2", "uuid3", "uuid4" ], "fiTpcsCnt" : 2 }

After a couple of days of thinking/trying various options, this is what I did finally. I modified my document like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("51f4ad560364f5490ccebe26"),
"page" : 1, //1 is the default
"slug" : "some-unique-string-identifier"
"fiTpcs" : [
"uuid1", //these could be long text, like a long comment/essay
"fiTpcsCnt" : 5
I keep a "pageCount" and "totalFiTpcsCnt" in memcached. I have set MAX_FITPCSCNT = 500 (500 for now, experimental). When I create a new document of type userext, I set the page value to 1.
If I have to push a new object to fiTpcs array:
1) check if "totalFiTpcsCnt" is a multiple of 500. If yes, create a new document of type userext with the same slug, fiTpcsCnt as 0 and fiTpcs array as null.
2) update the last userext - query by slug and "pageCount", push to fiTpcs. Evict cache for "pageCount" and "totalFiTpcsCnt".
Whenever I need my userext document, I always take just the first page. This way I'll never need to query for more than 500 objects of type fiTpcs at a time and I will still have totalFiTpcsCnt always updated in memcached.


how can i form a mongo best match query for below case to achieve performance

for a collection as below
Document 1
"entity" : "university",
"parEnityHRCHY" : "Planet>continent>country>state>city",
"parEnityVal" : "earth>North America>Massachusetts>Boston",
"entityVal" : [
"New England"
Document 2
"entity" : "university",
"parEnityHRCHY" : "Planet>continent>country>state",
"parEnityVal" : "earth>North America>Massachusetts",
"entityVal" : [
i want to fetch the best match "entityVal" for the input "entity","parEnityHRCHY","parEnityVal"
if the value is not available at the exact match it should look recursively till the root.
for eg. in above case if "university" value are not available at the city level it should look at the state level like
if matches exact below condition return result.
"parEnityHRCHY" : "Planet>continent>country>state>city",
"parEnityVal" : "earth>North America>Massachusetts>Boston",
else look at one level up
"parEnityHRCHY" : "Planet>continent>country>state",
"parEnityVal" : "earth>North America>Massachusetts",
and so on until the root element.
please suggest some approach, i am planning to use $text search , max number of documents in collection approx 1 Million, max HRCHY level 10.
You can try something like this:
db.doc.find({"parEnityHRCHY" : "Planet>continent>country>state",'parEnityVal':{$regex:"earth>North America>Massachusetts"}})
But I am not sure If you're looking for something like this.

Mongodb tail subdocuments

I have a collection with users. Each user has comments. I want to track for some specific users (according to theirs ids) if there is a new comment.
Tailable cursor I guess are what I need but my main problem is that I want to track subdocuments and not documents.
Sample of tracking documents in python:
db = Connection().my_db
coll = db.my_collection
cursor = coll.find(tailable=True)
while cursor.alive:
doc =
print doc
except StopIteration:
One solution is to run intervals every x time and see if the number of the comments has changed. However I do not find the interval solution very appealing. Is there any better way to track changes? Probably with tailable cursors.
PS: I have a comment_id field (which is an ObjectID) in each comment.
Small update:
Since I have the commect_id bson, I can store the biggest (=latest) one in each user. Then run intervals compare the bson if it's still the latest one. I don't mind not to be a precisely real time method. Even 10 minutes of delay is fine. However now I have 70k users and 180k comments but I worry for the scalability of this method.
This would be my solution. Evaluate if it fits your requirement -
I am assuming a data structure as follows
"_id" : ObjectId("5335123d900f7849d5ea2530"),
"user_id" : 200,
"comments" : [
"comment_id" : 1,
"comment" : "hi",
"createDate" : ISODate("2012-01-01T00:00:00Z")
"comment_id" : 2,
"comment" : "bye",
"createDate" : ISODate("2013-01-01T00:00:00Z")
"_id" : ObjectId("5335123e900f7849d5ea2531"),
"user_id" : 201,
"comments" : [
"comment_id" : 3,
"comment" : "hi",
"createDate" : ISODate("2012-01-01T00:00:00Z")
"comment_id" : 4,
"comment" : "bye",
"createDate" : ISODate("2013-01-01T00:00:00Z")
I added createDate attribute to the document. Add an index as follows -
You can search for latest comments with the query -
The time used for "greater than" comparison would be last checked time. Since you are using index, the search will be faster. You can follow the same idea of checking in for new comments in some interval.
You can also use UTC time stamp, instead of ISODate. That way you don't have to worry about bson data type.
Note that while creating index on createDate, I have specified descending index.
If you will have too many comments within a user document, over a period of time, I would suggest that, you move comments to a different collection. Use user_id as one of the attributes in the comment document. That will give a better performance in the long run.

Optimizing Compound Mongo GeoSpatial Index

I have a MongoDB $within that looks like this:
db.action.find( { $and : [
{ actionType : "PLAY" },
location : {
$within : {
$polygon : [ [ 0.0, 0.1 ], [ 0.0, 0.2 ] .. [ a.b, c.d ] ]
] } ).sort( { time : -1 } ).limit(50)
With regard to the action collection documents
There are 5 actionTypes
The action documents MAY or MAY NOT have a location with a ratio of approximately 70:30 for PLAY actions
Otherwise there is no location
The action documents will ALWAYS have time
The collection contains the following indexes
# I am interested recent actions
db.action.ensureIndex({"time": -1}
# I am interested in recent actions by a specific user
db.action.ensureIndex({"userId" : 1}, "time" -1}
# I am interested in recent actions that relate to a unique song id
db.action.ensureIndex({"songId" : 1}, "time" -1}
I am experimenting with the following two indexes
LocationOnly: db.action.ensureIndex({"location":"2d"})
LocationPlusTime: db.action.ensureIndex({"location":"2d"}, { "time": -1})
Identical queries with each index are explained below:
The geosearch will cover documents of ALL types
The geosearch will cover documents with NO Location and WITH Location in a ratio of roughly 60:40
My questions are
Can anybody explain why isMultiKey="false" on the second explain plan?
Can anybody explain why there are more yields on the 2nd explain plan?
My speculative thoughts are
The potential for NULL location is reducing the effectiveness of the
GeoSpatial index.
Compound Indexes of the GeoSpatial variety are not as powerful as standard compound indexes.
A sample document looks like this.
{ "_id" : "adba1154f1f3d4ddfafbff9bb3ae98f2a50e76ffc74a38bae1c44d251db315d25c99e7a1b4a8acb13d11bcd582b9843e335006a5be1d3ac8a502a0a205c0c527",
"_class" : "ie.soundwave.backstage.model.action.Action",
"time" : ISODate("2013-04-18T10:11:57Z"),
"actionType" : "PLAY",
"location" : { "lon" : -6.412839696767714, "lat" : 53.27401934563561 },
"song" : { "_id" : "82e08446c87d21b032ccaee93109d6be",
"title" : "Motion Sickness", "album" : "In Our Heads", "artist" : "Hot Chip"
"userId" : "51309ed6e4b0e1fb33d882eb", "createTime" : ISODate("2013-04-18T10:12:59.127Z")
The geo-query looks like this,-0.019226&spn=0.14471,0.264187
For various reasons approximately 250,000 documents exist in our DB at the point 0.0
I played with this for a number of days and got the result I was looking for.
Firstly, given that action types other than "PLAY" CAN NOT have a location the additional query parameter "actionType==PLAY" was unnecessary and removed. Straight away I flipped from "time-reverse-b-tree" cursor to "Geobrowse-polygon" and for my test search latency improved by an order of 10.
Next, I revisited the 2dsphere as suggested by Derick. Again another latency improvement by roughly 5. Overall a much better user experience for map searches was achieved.
I have one refinement remaining. Queries in areas where there are no plays for a number of days have generally increased in latency. This is due to the query looking back in time until it can find "some play". If necessary, I will add in a time range guard to limit the search space of these queries to a set number of days.
Thanks for the hints Derick.

Get the latest record from mongodb collection

I want to know the most recent record in a collection. How to do that?
Note: I know the following command line queries works:
1. db.test.find().sort({"idate":-1}).limit(1).forEach(printjson);
2. db.test.find().skip(db.test.count()-1).forEach(printjson)
where idate has the timestamp added.
The problem is longer the collection is the time to get back the data and my 'test' collection is really really huge. I need a query with constant time response.
If there is any better mongodb command line query, do let me know.
This is a rehash of the previous answer but it's more likely to work on different mongodb versions.
This will give you one last document for a collection
db.collectionName.findOne({}, {sort:{$natural:-1}})
$natural:-1 means order opposite of the one that records are inserted in.
Edit: For all the downvoters, above is a Mongoose syntax,
mongo CLI syntax is: db.collectionName.find({}).sort({$natural:-1}).limit(1)
Yet another way of getting the last item from a MongoDB Collection (don't mind about the examples):
> db.collection.find().sort({'_id':-1}).limit(1)
Normal Projection
> db.Sports.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bfb5f82dea65504b456ab12"), "Type" : "NFL", "Head" : "Patriots Won SuperBowl 2017", "Body" : "Again, the Pats won the Super Bowl." }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bfb6011dea65504b456ab13"), "Type" : "World Cup 2018", "Head" : "Brazil Qualified for Round of 16", "Body" : "The Brazilians are happy today, due to the qualification of the Brazilian Team for the Round of 16 for the World Cup 2018." }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bfb60b1dea65504b456ab14"), "Type" : "F1", "Head" : "Ferrari Lost Championship", "Body" : "By two positions, Ferrari loses the F1 Championship, leaving the Italians in tears." }
Sorted Projection ( _id: reverse order )
> db.Sports.find().sort({'_id':-1})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bfb60b1dea65504b456ab14"), "Type" : "F1", "Head" : "Ferrari Lost Championship", "Body" : "By two positions, Ferrari loses the F1 Championship, leaving the Italians in tears." }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bfb6011dea65504b456ab13"), "Type" : "World Cup 2018", "Head" : "Brazil Qualified for Round of 16", "Body" : "The Brazilians are happy today, due to the qualification of the Brazilian Team for the Round of 16 for the World Cup 2018." }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bfb5f82dea65504b456ab12"), "Type" : "NFL", "Head" : "Patriots Won SuperBowl 2018", "Body" : "Again, the Pats won the Super Bowl" }
sort({'_id':-1}), defines a projection in descending order of all documents, based on their _ids.
Sorted Projection ( _id: reverse order ): getting the latest (last) document from a collection.
> db.Sports.find().sort({'_id':-1}).limit(1)
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5bfb60b1dea65504b456ab14"), "Type" : "F1", "Head" : "Ferrari Lost Championship", "Body" : "By two positions, Ferrari loses the F1 Championship, leaving the Italians in tears." }
I need a query with constant time response
By default, the indexes in MongoDB are B-Trees. Searching a B-Tree is a O(logN) operation, so even find({_id:...}) will not provide constant time, O(1) responses.
That stated, you can also sort by the _id if you are using ObjectId for you IDs. See here for details. Of course, even that is only good to the last second.
You may to resort to "writing twice". Write once to the main collection and write again to a "last updated" collection. Without transactions this will not be perfect, but with only one item in the "last updated" collection it will always be fast.
php7.1 mongoDB:
$data = $collection->findOne([],['sort' => ['_id' => -1],'projection' => ['_id' => 1]]);
My Solution :
db.collection("name of collection").find({}, {limit: 1}).sort({$natural: -1})
If you are using auto-generated Mongo Object Ids in your document, it contains timestamp in it as first 4 bytes using which latest doc inserted into the collection could be found out. I understand this is an old question, but if someone is still ending up here looking for one more alternative.
[{$group: {_id: null, latestDocId: { $max: "$_id"}}}, {$project: {_id: 0, latestDocId: 1}}])
Above query would give the _id for the latest doc inserted into the collection
This is how to get the last record from all MongoDB documents from the "foo" collection.(change foo,x,y.. etc.)[{$sort:{ x : 1, date : 1 } },{$group: { _id: "$x" ,y: {$last:"$y"},yz: {$last:"$yz"},date: { $last : "$date" }}} ],{ allowDiskUse:true })
you can add or remove from the group
help articles:
Mongo CLI syntax:
Let Mongo create the ID, it is an auto-incremented hash

In MongoDB, how does on get the value in a field for an embedded document, but query based on a different value

I have a basic structure like this:
> db.users.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("4f384903cd087c6f720066d7"),
"current_sign_in_at" : ISODate("2012-02-12T23:19:31Z"),
"current_sign_in_ip" : "",
"email" : "",
"encrypted_password" : "$2a$10$fu9B3M/.Gmi8qe7pXtVCPu94mBVC.gn5DzmQXH.g5snHT4AJSZYCu",
"last_sign_in_at" : ISODate("2012-02-12T23:19:31Z"),
"last_sign_in_ip" : "",
"name" : "Trip Jameson",
"sign_in_count" : 100,
"usertimes" : [
...thousands and thousands of records like this one....
"enddate" : 348268392.115282,
"idle" : 0,
"startdate" : 348268382.116728,
"title" : "My Awesome Title"
So I want to find only usertimes for a single user where the title was "My Awesome Title", and then I want to see what the value for "idle" was in that record(s)
So far all I can figure out is that I can find the entire user record with a search like:
> db.users.find({'usertimes.title':"My Awesome Title"})
This just returns the entire User record though, which is useless for my purposes. Am I misunderstanding something?
Return only partial embedded documents is currently not supported by MongoDB
The matching User record will always be returned (at least with the current MongoDB version).
see this question for similar reference
Filtering embedded documents in MongoDB
This is the correspondent Jira on MongoDB space
db.users.find({'usertimes.title': "My Awesome Title"}, {'idle': 1});
May I suggest you take a more detailed look at, it'll explain things for you.