Very slow execution of Matlab code under ubuntu - matlab

I was using MATLAB 2012a under windows 7 and I was executing some intense code, and I mean by intense in terms of memory usage and processing time, however, the code was working fine on Windows. Now, I changed my OS to ubuntu 12.04 and I installed Matlab 2013a. The amount of memory used is considerably less than the way it was in Windows, but the time taken by matlab to execute the same code is extremely high-really high.
I need to mention that my code contain nothing that may take such huge time except a statement of sparse with symbolic substitution as one of the arguments as follows
for i=1:ord
Note: that Kv is a symbolic matrix and Arg is a function to provide OLD and NEW and it depends on a number of global variables.
I have the feeling that I missed to add something to ubuntu that might help accelerate the execution of the Matlab codes.
Any ideas ?

I had a similar problem at windows, but I believe the solution is same on Ubuntu LTS.
So, if you increase the Java Heap Memory of Matlab, the Matlab will consume more memory from your system but it will be faster.
To do that go to:
File->preferences->General->Java Heap Memory and increase to the maximum.
The default value is 128, that is too little.

If heap memory limit doesn't fix the issue, then try increasing matlab process.
First start matlab, then do
ps aux|grep MATLAB
In my case the result is:
comtom 9769 28.2 19.8 4360632 761808 tty2 S<l+ 14:00 1:50 /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Production_Server/R2015a/bin/glnxa64/MATLAB -desktop
Look at first number (PID). Then use it with command renice to change process priority:
renice -3 -p 9769
That's it. The GUI is very slow because it's built against outdated Xorg libs. So changing priority helps, you may notice some gnome effect's tear, but matlab's interface will work a lot better.


Matlab out of memory error while solving ODE

I have to integrate an ODE of 8 variable in matlab. My simulation time is 5e9 with a time step of 0.1. But it shows memory error. I am working with i7 core ,2.6Ghz CPU with 8GB RAM. How can I simulate ODEs for a large time samples?
Assuming you're working on 64 Bit version of MATLAB you might want to let MATLAB squeeze the memory to the edge using the Preferences -> MATLAB -> Workspace -> MATLAB Array Size Limit.
If you are getting this erro because you really mximized the memory in the system do the following:
Make sure you're using 64 Bit OS and 64 Bit version of MATLAB.
Before you call the ODE function, clear manually (using the clear() function) variables you don't need any more (Or can recreate once the function finishes).
Increase the swap file of your system. It will help with larger memory consumption but might make things much slower.
You can find more tips and tricks in Resolve "Out of Memory" Errors and memory().

How to fully use the CPU in Matlab [Improving performance of a repetitive, time-consuming program]

I'm working on an adaptive and Fully automatic segmentation algorithm under varying light condition , the core of this algorithm uses Particle swarm Optimization(PSO) to tune the fuzzy system and believe me it's very time consuming :| for only 5 particles and 100 iterations I have to wait 2 to 3 hours ! and it's just processing one image from my data set containing over 100 photos !
I'm using matlab R2013 ,with a intel coer i7-2670Qm # 2.2GHz //8.00GB RAM//64-bit operating system
the problem is : when starting the program it uses only 12%-16% of my CPU and only one core is working !!
I've searched a lot and came into matlabpool so I added this line to my code :
matlabpool open 8
now when I start the program the task manger shows 98% CPU usage, but it's just for a few seconds ! after that it came back to 12-13% CPU usage :|
Do you have any idea how can I get this code run faster ?!
12 Percent sounds like Matlab is using only one Thread/Core and this one with with full load, which is normal.
matlabpool open 8 is not enough, this simply opens workers. You have to use commands like parfor, to assign work to them.
Further to Daniel's suggestion, ideally to apply PARFOR you'd find a time-consuming FOR loop in you algorithm where the iterations are independent and convert that to PARFOR. Generally, PARFOR works best when applied at the outermost level possible. It's also definitely worth using the MATLAB profiler to help you optimise your serial code before you start adding parallelism.
With my own simulations I find that I cannot recode them using Parfor, the for loops I have are too intertwined to take advantage of multiple cores.
You can open a second (and third, and fourth etc) instance of Matlab and tell this additional instance to run another job. Each instance of matlab open will use a different core. So if you have a quadcore, you can have 4 instances open and get 100% efficiency by running code in all 4.
So, I gained efficiency by having multiple instances of matlab open at the same time and running a job. My jobs took 8 to 27 hours at a time, and as one might imagine without liquid cooling I burnt out my cpu fan and had to replace it.
Also do look into optimizing your matlab code, I recently optimized my code and now it runs 40% faster.

armadillo linear system solver (with openblas)

I've been testing various open source codes for solving a linear system of equations in C++. So far the fastest I've found is armadillo, using the OPENblas package as well. To solve a dense linear NxN system, where N=5000 takes around 8.3 seconds on my system, which is really really fast (without openblas installed, it takes around 30 seconds).
One reason for this increase is that armadillo+openblas seems to enable using multiple threads. It runs on two of my cores, whereas armadillo without openblas only uses 1. I have an i7 processor, so I want to increase the number of cores, and test it further. I'm using ubuntu, so from the openblas documentation I can do in the terminal:
however, running the code again doesn't seem to increase the number of cores being used or the speed. Am i doing something wrong, or is the 2 the max amount for using armadillo's "solve(A,b)" command? I wasn't able to find armadillo's source code anywhere to take a look.
Incidentally does anybody know the methods armadillo/openblas use for solving Ax=b (standard LU decomposition with parallelism or something else) ? Thanks!
edit: Actually the number of cores stuck at 2 seems to be a bug when installing openblas with synaptic package manager see here. Reinstalling from source allows it to detect how many cores i actutally have (8). Now I can use export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=4 etc to govern it.
Armadillo doesn't prevent OpenBlas from using more cores. It's possible that the current implementation of OpenBlas simply chooses 2 cores for certain operations.
You can see Armadillo's source code directly in the downloadable package (it's open source), in the folder "include". Specifically, have a look at the file "include/armadillo_bits/fn_solve.hpp" (which contains the user accessible solve() function), and the file "include/armadillo_bits/auxlib_meat.hpp" (which contains the wrapper and housekeeping code for calling the torturous Blas and Lapack functions).
If you already have Armadillo installed on your machine, have a look at "/usr/include/armadillo_bits" or "/usr/local/include/armadillo_bits".

Deployed Matlab application using significantly more memory than Matlab scripts

I was testing a stand-alone application we developed in Matlab when I noticed that its memory usage, according to Windows Task Manager, was peaking several times above 16gb. I decided to run Matlab's profiler with profile -memory on on the scripts behind the compiled version to see where the memory peaks were occurring, using the exact same input. However, the highest peak memory it found was 2400860.00 Kb, or about 1/4 as much, for the function that essentially acts as the program's main().
Thus, I was wondering if people have noticed huge memory usage differences between running a compiled Matlab program and running the original scripts in Matlab. I noticed it took a lot longer running in Matlab, but I figured that was due to the profiler keeping track of all of the memory allocations and deallocations, rather than reading and writing to a swap space on disk.
To make a real quick answer to this question. Yes, MATLAB compiled applications run with more overhead than MATLAB scripts.
This is because MATLAB deployed applications open up a version of MATLAB which is stored in the memory called the MCR. The MCR runs with more overhead than MATLAB.
One thing that I have found useful in situations like this is to recompile and see if that helps at all. If it doesn't, you could try to lower the memory usage by running calculations in segments.
This might be helpful for better memory usage:
Matlab executable too slow
Comment if you have questions.

Why for my case Matlab 64 bit is longer?

To increase the timeliness of my programs matlab, I got Windows 7 (64bit) and 64bit Matlab. and I've installed on a partition of the hard disk. Unfortunately, I was shocked to see that the execution time of the program is longer with 64bit Matlab. I do not know what's the problem. knowing that I have a core 2 Quad processor and 3GB of RAM.
In general, 64-bit does not make code faster. It just lets you access more memory. Your code will only speed up if it was memory constrained in a 32-bit process. In Matlab, this would usually cause Out Of Memory errors, not slowdowns. And since you only have 3 GB, you probably weren't hitting the 32-bit limit of 4 GB. So you probably shouldn't expect a speedup. A slowdown is surprising, though.
Are you using object-oriented Matlab, especially the old (pre-MCOS) style? There is a known bug in 64-bit Matlab on Windows that increases the overhead of method dispatch. OO code will run slower in 64-bit Matlab than 32-bit Matlab, with the slowdown increasing with the density of method calls. In my codebase (heavily OO), it's about a 2x slowdown. That's about the magnitude you're seeing.
See Is MATLAB OOP slow or am I doing something wrong?. (It's discussed tangentially there.)
You can still run 32-bit Matlab on 64-bit Windows. (Though it's not officially supported.) This arrangement does not suffer from the method dispatch slowdown, plus it gets 4 GB of virtual memory instead of the 2 GB it would under a 32-bit OS. (Probably only useful if you have >=4GB RAM.) If the 32-bit does run faster on the exact same machine, you should report it as a bug to MathWorks; the more users that mention it, the more likely it is to get fixed.
Matlab has a built-in profiler, which is a tool that tells you how many times each function is called and how much time it takes to execute. You should use the profiler to find out where the bottle-neck is, i. e. what parts of your program take the most time.
If you do this on both the 32-bit and the 64-bit platforms, you may find out why the 64-bit version is slower.