How to find if debug information only contains relative paths or absolute paths? - operating-system

How to find if debug information contains relative paths or absolute paths?
I am trying to Outputting annotated source (opannotate) using the following link.
I would like to know about it in order to give the following options along with opannotate.
--base-dirs / -b [paths]/
Comma-separated list of path prefixes. This can be used to point OProfile to a different location for source files when the debug information specifies an absolute path on your system for the source that does not exist. The prefix is stripped from the debug source file paths, then searched in the search dirs specified by --search-dirs.
--search-dirs / -d [paths]
Comma-separated list of paths to search for source files. This is useful to find source files when the debug information only contains relative paths.

If the C_FLAGS during compilation contain the -g parameter, then all the paths of individual source files are included in the .debug_info section in the resulting binary executable.
The following command will dump to the console, a complete list of all the paths to various .c source files that are present in the binary built with debug-info.
$ readelf --debug-dump=info <binary-executable> | grep "\.c" | awk '{print $8}'
To search for the path of a particular source-file within the debug-info of the binary, one can modify the grep "\.c" to grep "<filename>" as appropriate.
For more details, checkout this excellent article on debug-info in binaries.


How do I diff only certain files?

I have a list of files (a subset of the files in a directory) and I want to generate a patch that includes only the differences in those files.
From the diff manual, it looks like I can exclude (-x), but would need to specify that for every file that I don't want to include, which seems cumbersome and difficult to script cleanly.
Is there a way to just give diff a list of files? I've already isolated the files with the changes into a separate directory, and I also have a file with the list of filenames, so I can present it to diff in whichever way works best.
What I've tried:
cd filestodiff/
for i in `*`; do diff /fileswithchanges/$i /fileswithoutchanges/$i >> mypatch.diff; done
However patch doesn't see this as valid input because there's no filename header included.
patchutils provides filterdiff that can do this:
diff -ur old/ new/ | filterdiff -I filelist > patchfile
It is packaged for several linux distributions

Using wget to recursively fetch .txt files in .php file, but filters break the command

I am looking to download all quality_variant_[accession_name].txt files from the Salk Arabidopsis 1001 Genomes site using wget in Bash shell.
Main page with list of accessions:
Each accession links to a page (e.g., where Aa_0 is the accession ID) containing three more links: unsequenced_[accession], quality_variant_[accession], and quality_variant_filtered_[accession]
I am only interested in the quality_variant_[accession] link (not quality_variant_filtered_[accession] link), which takes you to to a .txt file with sequence data (e.g.,
Running the command below, the files of interest are eventually outputted (but not downloaded because of the --spider argument), demonstrating that wget can move through the page's hyperlinks to the files I want.
wget --spider --recursive "
I have not let the command run long enough to determine whether the files of interest are downloaded, but the command below does begin to download the site recursively.
# Arguments in brackets do not impact the performance of the command
wget -r [-e robots=off] [-m] [-np] [-nd] ""
However, whenever I try to apply filters to pull out the .txt files of interest, whether with --accept-regex, --accept, or many other variants, I cannot get past the initial .php file.
# This and variants thereof do not work
wget -r -A "quality_variant_*.txt" ""
# Returns:
# Saving to: ‘’
# Removing since it should be rejected.
I could make a list of the accession names and loop through those names modifying the URL in the wget command, but I was hoping for a dynamic one-liner that could extract all files of interest even if accession IDs are added over time.
Thank you!
Note: the data files of interest are contained in the directory, which is also home to a .php or static HTML page that is displayed when that URL is visited. This URL cannot be used in the wget command because, although the data files of interest are contained here server side, the HTML page contains no reference to these files but rather links to a different set of .txt files that I don't want.

Find unused resource files (.jsp, .xhtml, images) in Eclipse

I'm developing a large web application in Eclipse and some of the resources (I'm talking about files, NOT code) are getting deprecated, however, I don't know which are and I'm including them in my ending war file.
I know Eclipse recognizes file paths into its directory because I can access the link to an image or other page while I'm editing one of my xhtml pages (using Control). But is there a way to localize the unused resources in order to remove them?
Following these 3 steps would work for sites with a relatively finite number of dynamic pages:
Install your site on a filesystem mount'ed with atime (access time).
Try harvesting the whole site with wget.
Use find to see which files were not accessed recently.
As I know Eclipse doesn't have this (need this too).
I'm using grep in conjuction with bash scripting - shell script takes files in my resource folder, put filenames in list, greping throught source code for every record in the list and if grep find it it is removed.
At the end list is printed on console - just unused resources retain in the list.
UCDetector might be your best bet, specifically, the custom marker aspects of this tool.
In Eclipse I have not found a way. I have used the following shell command script.
Find .ftl template files which are NOT referenced in .java files
cd myfolder
find . -name "*.ftl" -printf "%f\n" |while read fname; do grep --include \*.java -rl "$fname" . > /dev/null || echo "${fname} not referenced" ; done;
Find all .ftl template files which are NOT referenced in .java, .ftl, .inc files
cd myfolder
find . -name "*.ftl" -printf "%f\n" |while read fname; do grep --include \*.java --include \*.ftl --include \*.inc -rl "$fname" . > /dev/null || echo "${fname} not referenced" ; done;
Note: on MacOSX you can use gfind instead of find in case -printf is not working.
Example output
productIndex2.ftl not referenced
showTestpage.ftl not referenced

wget to exclude certain naming structures

My company has a local production server I want to download files from that have a certain naming convention. However, I would like to exclude certain elements based on a portion of the name. Example:
folder client_1234
file 1234.jpg
file 1234.xml
folder client_1234569
When wget is ran I want it to bypass all folders and files with "1234". I have researched and ran across ‘--exclude list’ but that appears to be only for directories and ‘reject = rejlist’ which appears to be for file extensions. Am I missing something in the manual here
this should work.
wget has options -A <accept_list> and -R <reject_list>, which from the manual page, appear to allow either suffixes or patterns. These are separate from the -I <include_dirs> and -X <exclude_dirs> options, which, as you note, only deal with directories. Given the example you list, something along the lines of -A "folder client_1234*" -A "file 1234.*" might be what you need, although I'm not entirely sure that's exactly the naming convention you're after... : how do you specify path arguments?

I am trying to use from Three20 on my iPhone project, and I can't find the proper format for the path arguments (as in "Usage: [options] path1 path2 ...").
For example, when I run the script in my Xcode project directory like this
~/py/ -b
it analyzes just the main.m and finds 0 strings to localize,
then it diffs against existing fr.lproj and others, and finds that thes contain "obsolete strings".
Can anyone post examples of successful comand line invocations of, for options -b, -d and -m?
Taking a quick look at the code here I see that if you don't specify any command line options, it assumes you mean the directory wherever the script lives in. So the option is to either copy .py file to where your .m files are, or simple use the command
~py/ -b .
That is, give the current directory (.) as the path argument.