How do I diff only certain files? - diff

I have a list of files (a subset of the files in a directory) and I want to generate a patch that includes only the differences in those files.
From the diff manual, it looks like I can exclude (-x), but would need to specify that for every file that I don't want to include, which seems cumbersome and difficult to script cleanly.
Is there a way to just give diff a list of files? I've already isolated the files with the changes into a separate directory, and I also have a file with the list of filenames, so I can present it to diff in whichever way works best.
What I've tried:
cd filestodiff/
for i in `*`; do diff /fileswithchanges/$i /fileswithoutchanges/$i >> mypatch.diff; done
However patch doesn't see this as valid input because there's no filename header included.

patchutils provides filterdiff that can do this:
diff -ur old/ new/ | filterdiff -I filelist > patchfile
It is packaged for several linux distributions


rename command doesn't rename

This should work on my CentOS 6.6 but somehow the file name is not changed. What am I missing here?
rename -f 's/silly//' sillytest.zi
This should rename sillytest.zi to test.zi but the name is not changed. Of course I can use mv command but I want to apply to many files and patterns.
There are two different rename utilities commonly used on GNU/Linux systems.
util-linux version
On Red Hat-based systems (such as CentOS), rename is a compiled executable provided by the util-linux package. It’s a simple program with very simple usage (from the relevant man page):
rename from to file...
rename will rename the specified files by replacing the first occurrence of from in their name by to.
Newer versions also support a useful -v, --verbose option.
NB: If a file already exists whose name coincides with the new name of the file being renamed, then this rename command will silently (without warning) over-write the pre-existing file.
Fix the extension of HTML files so that all .htm files have a four-letter .html suffix:
rename .htm .html *.htm
Example from question
To rename sillytest.zi to test.zi, replace silly with an empty string:
rename silly '' sillytest.zi
Perl version
On Debian-based systems ,rename is a Perl script which is much more capable
as you get the benefit of Perl’s rich set of regular expressions.
Its usage is (from its man page):
rename [ -v ] [ -n ] [ -f ] perlexpr [ files ]
rename renames the filenames supplied according to the rule specified as the first argument.
This rename command also includes a -v, --verbose option. Equally useful is its -n, --no-act which can be used as a dry-run to see which files would be renamed. Also, it won’t over-write pre-existing files unless the -f, --force option is used.
Fix the extension of HTML files:
rename s/\.htm$/.html/ *.htm

GNU make: Can I delete obsolete files?

In my workflow, I have lots of xxx.smr files in a folder and I need to convert them into other file format xxx_step3.mat by importing some data from xxx_info.xlsx. I learned that GNU make is powerful in keep all the files up-to-date.
In a very simple "explicit" format (without sophisticated wild card usage), Makefile for this process would look like this. To handle multiple xxx.smr files and their descendants, I should be able to do that by modifying this file.
.PHONY: all clean
all: xxx_step3.mat
xxx_step3.mat: xxx_step2.mat xxx_info.xlsx
matlab -r "merge2files('xxx_step2.mat', 'xxx_info.xlsx')"
xxx_step2.mat: xxx_step1.mat
matlab -r "convertmat('xxx_step1.mat')"
xxx_info.xlsx: master.xslx
matlab -r "extractfromMasterxlsx('master.xlsx', 'xxx_info.xlsx')"
xxx_step1.mat: xxx_step0.smr
#echo "\nCreate " $#
# I can't do this step from the command line so I leave message
rm -f xxx_step1.mat xxx_step2.mat xxx_step3.mat xxx_info.xlsx
However, I realized that, when some of xxx.smr files were found to be surplus and deleted at some point, running GNU make with this Makefile does not delete the obsolete descendant files, including all the intermediate files and the final xxx_step3.mat files, that are dependent on those deleted xxx.smr files.
For example, I start with the three xxx.smr files and run Make.
A.smr, B.smr, C.smr
It will create all the descendants, including the final target files:
A_step3.mat, B_step3.mat, C_step3.mat
Later, say, I find the B.smr contained a fatal error and decided to delete from the folder.
A.smr, C.smr
Running Make at this stage will result in ... no change, because both A_step3.mat and C_step3.mat are newer than its direct prerequisites (and than A.smr and C.smr). However, actually I need to remove all the descendants of B.smr, such as B_step1.mat, B_step2.mat, B_step3.mat, and B_info.xlsx. If those obsolete files are kept, the final target B_step3.mat will be included in the subsequent analyses and affect the results.
I wonder if there is a "smart" way of removing xxx_step1.mat, xxx_step2.mat, xxx_step3.mat, xxx_info.xlsx files, when their corresponding xxx.smr files have been deleted.
Or should I just implement this with MATLAB or Python etc?
Since a Makefile is a collection of shell commands, on your clean: target, you can collect and remove all the files that correspond to your xxx.smr files using a for loop and parameter expansion/substring matching. To find all files that correspond to each xxx.smr file, find all xxx.smr files. Then for each xxx.smr, extract xxx and remove all xxx_step?.* and xxx_info.* files. After each of the step? and info files are removed, then remove xxx.smr. In multi-line form it would look like:
for i in *.smr; do
for j in ${i%.*}; do
rm -f "${j}_step?.*" "${j}_info.*"
rm -f "$i"
Or, in a single line:
for i in *.smr; do for j in ${i%.*}; do rm -f "${j}_step?.*" "${j}_info.*"; done; rm -f "$i"; done
Note this will remove all xxx_step... and xxx_info... files for each xxx.smr file. Make sure this is what you intend and run on a test directory first. You can tighten the extensions above to just remove xxx_info.xlsx by replacing xxx_info.* with xxx_info.xlsx, etc...

Copy multiple files to different directories in Makefile

I have a Makefile where I currently have two files that should be copied to different directories. Currently, I've tested
echo ${dirs} | xargs -n 1 cp ${sources}
So I understand that this will not work since it will try to copy both source files to one of the directory every time. But is there a way that I can execute the copy command for every source file and directory each?
Best regards,
I think it is possible to deduce what you want from what you wrote, but as others pointed out, you should be more clear, so we don't have to spend time deducing it.
Anyway, since you want to not copy all files to all directories, you must somehow tell Make where you want to copy which files. The easiest way is to list the full paths of the copies you want in a variable such as $(COPIES), and not just ${dirs}. In this answer I am going to assume the destination directories already exist.
.PHONY: all
all: $(COPIES)
$(COPIES): %: $$(filter $$(PERCENT)/$$(notdir $$*), $(sources)) Makefile
cp $< $#

wget to exclude certain naming structures

My company has a local production server I want to download files from that have a certain naming convention. However, I would like to exclude certain elements based on a portion of the name. Example:
folder client_1234
file 1234.jpg
file 1234.xml
folder client_1234569
When wget is ran I want it to bypass all folders and files with "1234". I have researched and ran across ‘--exclude list’ but that appears to be only for directories and ‘reject = rejlist’ which appears to be for file extensions. Am I missing something in the manual here
this should work.
wget has options -A <accept_list> and -R <reject_list>, which from the manual page, appear to allow either suffixes or patterns. These are separate from the -I <include_dirs> and -X <exclude_dirs> options, which, as you note, only deal with directories. Given the example you list, something along the lines of -A "folder client_1234*" -A "file 1234.*" might be what you need, although I'm not entirely sure that's exactly the naming convention you're after...

diff of two files from two different directories

I have two or more directories which contains an ample of files.
I want to take a diff between the two files(which will be of same name for sure) but exists in different directories.Please help on how can in do this in perl scripting.Thanks.
You don't need Perl to accomplish it.
diff -r -N folder1/ folder2/