Mongoid: correctly using association callbacks with forms - mongodb

I have come across a problem which I am struggling to solve elegantly. I am more versed in RDBMSs so the way I am doing things may not be ideal.
What I am doing:
I am having to keep track of items within a HABTM association. Whats more, there is a condition on the count as only items that are 'active' are counted. I have successfully used the association callbacks to track additions and removals from the collection.
The problem:
I am also adding items to the collection via forms by setting the opposite instance's id to the form as a hidden field. This works fine, however the problem is that this adds the opposite instance straight to the collection without invoking the callback (the age old problem).
My Question:
Is there a more elegant way to add add instances to the collection that invokes the callback?
Let me know if you need any more specific examples and I'll happily provide some.

Have you try using the following mongoid3 callbacks?
More information here


Disable global query filters *inside* another global query filter

Currently using EF Core 3.1 (although upgrading to EF Core 5 soon, so if this becomes easier in that version, I'm still interested).
I'm implementing some global query filters to restrict access to entity data based on various criteria.
One of the filters operates on a type called "Encounter". An Encounter is linked to a single Person (via foreign key PersonID), but a Person can have many Encounters. The Person record has a navigation property to all linked encounters via Person.Encounters.
The query filter for Encounter is to restrict records based on the value of a particular property on Encounter (call it EncounterType). This works fine if my query filter is something like this:
x => x.EncounterType == "MyType"
However, I need to extend this logic so that an Encounter is allowed/loaded if any encounter linked to the Person meets the criteria.
So, the query filter for Encounter needs to be something like this:
x => x.Person.Encounters.Any(y => y.EncounterType == "MyType")
This does not currently work, because we run into a cycle and a StackOverflowException1; the global query filter for Encounter ends up expanding itself infinitely. (I think it's because we access the Person.Encounters navigation property and evaluate the same Encounter query filter for each encounter in Person.Encounters.)
What I really want to do is to completely disable the global query filter for any navigation properties used in this particular expression. In this scenario, I want to consider all other Encounters linked to the Person, without further filtering.
I know when actually running a query, I can call IgnoreQueryFilters(). I want something like that, but available inside the expression or when adding the query filter with HasQueryFilter().
Is this possible? Is there any other way I can accomplish this with global query filters?
[1] Which, while frustrating, is pretty cool for me...I've never posted a question about an actual stack overflow on StackOverflow :)

MongoDB default items with user overwrite

So the problem seems very simple but every way I approach the solution it seems to be a poor implementation approach with either duplicated content or messy data.
The Problem
I want to provide an option for “overwrites” per user on “default” items. Basically I have a mongodb database with a collection containing items with the following information:
There is a set of 20-30 items in this collection, which each user using the app views.
Most users will be happy to see the default but if a user wishes to say change the icon for an item or the name then how do I handle this “overwrite” on the ”default” item for just that single user.
Possible solutions
My thoughts are to implement one of the following options but all just seem a little wrong (I have provided my thoughts on this):
for each “overwriten” item add a duplicated item to the collection with the changes and a user_id field to link the user - this seems like a little bit of duplicated content as the user might only change the icon and not the name/description. Also if the name is changed int eh future on the default item how do you handle this and also how do you understand that this item must replace one of the “defaults” for just that user. I worry it will be a little bit of a performance issue too when looking up the items and then replacing the changed item
having all the items duplicated per user in the same collection - very much duplication of content but might be the best performing option but could cause issues in the future if new “default” items need to be added or default options need changing
collection per user - same as the previous. This options seems all kinds of wrong but maybe I’m just new to this and it is actually the best option.
collection containing overwrites - this seems like a good idea but equally a bad one due to looking up and comparing. If everything is changed then why not just have all new items rather than effectively a find a replace.
Reason for wanting to get this right
Maybe I’m over thinking this but it seems like I will face this issue a lot and I think I need to get it right to remove future issues with performance, data management and updates to default items.

How to manage a pool via a RESTful interface

As I am not sure I stated the question very well originally, I am restating it to see if there is a better response.
I have a problem with how best to manage a specific kind collection with a RESTful API. To help illustrate the issue I have I will use an simple artificial example. Lets call it the 'Raffle Ticket Selector'. For this question I am only interested in how to perform one function.
I have a collection of unpurchased raffle tickets (raffleTickets). Each with a unique Raffle Number along with other information.
I need to be able to take an identified number of tickets (numTickets) from the raffleTickets collection without uniquely selecting them. The collection itself has a mechanism for random selection.
The result is that I am returned 5 unique tickets from the collection and the size of the collection is decreased by 5 as the 5 returned have been removed.
The quesition is, how do I do it in a RESTfull way?
I intuatively want to do METHOD .../raffelTickets?numTickets=5 but struggle with which HTTP Method to use
In answering; you are not allowed to suggest that I just PATCH/PUT a status change to effect a removal by marking them taken. It must result an actual change in the cardanality of the collection.
Note: Calling the method twice will return a different result set every time and will always alter the collection on which it is performed (unless it is empty!)
So what method should I use? PUT? POST? DELETE? PATCH? Identpotent restrictions would seem to only leave me with POST and PATCH neither of which feels ideal to me. Or perhaps there is another way of providing the overall behavior that is considered the correct approach.
I am really interested to know what is best practice and understand why.
Original Post on which the first response was based:
I have a pool of a given item which is to be managed with a RESTful API. Now adding items to the pool is not an issue but how to I take items from the pool? Is it also a POST or is it a DELETE?
Lets say it is a pool of random numbers and I want to retrieve a variable number of items in a single method call.
I have two scenarios:
I am not checking them out as once taken they will not be returned to the pool.
I only want to check them out and they effectively remain part of the pool but have a status altered to 'inUse'
The important thing in each case is I do not care which items I get, I just want N of them.
What is considered the RESTful way performing each of the two actions on the pool? I have an opinion on the second option but I dither on the former so I am interested in your thoughts for both so I better understand the thought pattern
Not sure if I understood well your question. It will mostly depend on the way you developed the API side of your REST communication.
In a generic solution, you would use DELETE to take items out of a list. However, if you just want to PARTIALY update the items, you could use PATCH instead of POST or PUT.
Give this a look:

Mongo pagination

I have a use case where I need to get list of Objects from mongo based off a query. But, to improve performance I am adding Pagination.
So, for first call I get list of say 10 Objects, in next I need 10 more. But I cannot use offset and pageSize directly because the first 10 objects displayed on the page may have been modified [ deleted ].
Solution is to find Object Id of last object passed and retrieve next 10 objects after that ObjectId.
Please help how to efficiently do it using Morphia mongo.
Using morphia you can do this by the following command.
Since you are querying for retrieving the items after the last retrieved id, you won't be bothered to deal with deleted items.
One thing I have thought up of is that you will have the same problem as with using skip() here unless you intend to change how your interface works.
Using ranged queries like this demands that you use a different kind of interface since it is must harder to detect now exactly what page you are on and how many pages exist in the future, especially if you are doing this to avoid problems with conventional paging.
The default type of interface to arise from this type of paging is merely a infinitely scrolling page, think of YouTube video comments or Facebook wall feed or even Google+. There is no physical pagination or "pages", instead you have a get more button.
This is the type of interface you will need to use to get ranged paging working better.
As for the query #cubbuk gives a good example:
Except it should be greaterThan(lastId) since you want to find everything above that last _id. I would also sort by _id unless you make your OjbectIds sometime before you insert a record, if this is the case then you can use a specific timestamp set on insert instead.

How to keep track of objects deleted from an ObservableCollection in CRUD scenarios?

In our multi-tier business application we have ObservableCollections of Self-Tracking Entities that are returned from service calls.
The idea is we want to be able to get entities, add, update and remove them from the collection client side, and then send these changes to the server side, where they will be persisted to the database.
Self-Tracking Entities, as their name might suggest, track their state themselves.
When a new STE is created, it has the Added state, when you modify a property, it sets the Modified state, it can also have Deleted state but this state is not set when the entity is removed from an ObservableCollection (obviously). If you want this behavior you need to code it yourself.
In my current implementation, when an entity is removed from the ObservableCollection, I keep it in a shadow collection, so that when the ObservableCollection is sent back to the server, I can send the deleted items along, so Entity Framework knows to delete them.
Something along the lines of:
protected IDictionary<int, IList> DeletedCollections = new Dictionary<int, IList>();
protected void SubscribeDeletionHandler<TEntity>(ObservableCollection<TEntity> collection)
var deletedEntities = new List<TEntity>();
DeletedCollections[collection.GetHashCode()] = deletedEntities;
collection.CollectionChanged += (o, a) =>
if (a.OldItems != null)
Now if the user decides to save his changes to the server, I can get the list of removed items, and send them along:
ObservableCollection<Customer> customers = MyServiceProxy.GetCustomers();
At this point the UpdateCustomers method will verify my shadow collection if any items were removed, and send them along to the server side.
This approach works fine, until you start to think about the life-cycle these shadow collections. Basically, when the ObservableCollection is garbage collected there is no way of knowing that we need to remove the shadow collection from our dictionary.
I came up with some complicated solution that basically does manual memory management in this case. I keep a WeakReference to the ObservableCollection and every few seconds I check to see if the reference is inactive, in which case I remove the shadow collection.
But this seems like a terrible solution... I hope the collective genius of StackOverflow can shed light on a better solution.
In the end I decided to go with subclassing the ObservableCollection. The service proxy code is generated so it was a relatively simple task to change it to return my derived type.
Thanks for all the help!
Instead of rolling your own "weak reference + poll Is it Dead, Is it Alive" logic, you could use the HttpRuntime.Cache (available from all project types, not just web projects).
Add each shadow collection to the Cache, either with a generous timeout, or a delegate that can check if the original collection is still alive (or both).
It isn't dreadfully different to your own solution, but it does use tried and trusted .Net components.
Other than that, you're looking at extending ObservableCollection and using that new class instead (which I'd imagine is no small change), or changing/wrapping UpdateCustomers method to remove the shadow collection form DeletedCollections
Sorry I can't think of anything else, but hope this helps.
If replacing ObservableCollection is a possibility (e.g. if you are using a common factory for all the collections instances) then you could subclass ObservableCollection and add a Finalize method which cleans up the deleted items that belongs to this collection.
Another alternative is to change the way you compute which items are deleted. You could maintain the original collection, and give the client a shallow copy. When the collection comes back, you can compare the two to see what items are no longer present. If the collections are sorted, then the comparison can be done in linear time on the size of the collection. If they're not sorted, then the modified collection values can be put in a hash table and that used to lookup each value in the original collection. If the entities have a natural id, then using that as the key is a safe way of determining which items are not present in the returned collection, that is, have been deleted. This also runs in linear time.
Otherwise, your original solution doesn't sound that bad. In java, a WeakReference can register a callback that gets called when the reference is cleared. There is no similar feature in .NET, but using polling is a close approximation. I don't think this approach is so bad, and if it's working, then why change it?
As an aside, aren't you concerned about GetHashCode() returning the same value for distinct collections? Using a weak reference to the collection might be more appropriate as the key, then there is no chance of a collision.
I think you're on a good path, I'd consider refactoring in this situation. My experience is that in 99% of the cases the garbage collector makes memory managment awesome - almost no real work needed.
but in the 1% of the cases it takes someone to realize that they've got to up the ante and go "old school" by firming up their caching/memory management in those areas. hats off to you for realizing you're in that situation and for trying to avoid the IDispose/WeakReference tricks. I think you'll really help the next guy who works in your code.
As for getting a solution, I think you've got a good grip on the situation
-be clear when your objects need to be created
-be clear when your objects need to be destroyed
-be clear when your objects need to be pushed to the server
good luck! tell us how it goes :)