MongoDB default items with user overwrite - mongodb

So the problem seems very simple but every way I approach the solution it seems to be a poor implementation approach with either duplicated content or messy data.
The Problem
I want to provide an option for “overwrites” per user on “default” items. Basically I have a mongodb database with a collection containing items with the following information:
There is a set of 20-30 items in this collection, which each user using the app views.
Most users will be happy to see the default but if a user wishes to say change the icon for an item or the name then how do I handle this “overwrite” on the ”default” item for just that single user.
Possible solutions
My thoughts are to implement one of the following options but all just seem a little wrong (I have provided my thoughts on this):
for each “overwriten” item add a duplicated item to the collection with the changes and a user_id field to link the user - this seems like a little bit of duplicated content as the user might only change the icon and not the name/description. Also if the name is changed int eh future on the default item how do you handle this and also how do you understand that this item must replace one of the “defaults” for just that user. I worry it will be a little bit of a performance issue too when looking up the items and then replacing the changed item
having all the items duplicated per user in the same collection - very much duplication of content but might be the best performing option but could cause issues in the future if new “default” items need to be added or default options need changing
collection per user - same as the previous. This options seems all kinds of wrong but maybe I’m just new to this and it is actually the best option.
collection containing overwrites - this seems like a good idea but equally a bad one due to looking up and comparing. If everything is changed then why not just have all new items rather than effectively a find a replace.
Reason for wanting to get this right
Maybe I’m over thinking this but it seems like I will face this issue a lot and I think I need to get it right to remove future issues with performance, data management and updates to default items.


When and how to load data for an infinite list when page/index of data is hard to know?

I'm writing a Flutter web/mobile calendar application / todo list, the main feature of which is a long list of items (appointments, tasks, and the like).
Much of the time, the list won't be longer than a few hundred items. But it should be able to scale to thousands of items, as many as the user wants. Not too hard to do should the user make many repeating items. I'm using ReorderableListView.builder to virtualize the list. The part I'm struggling with is when to load the list data and how to store it.
Important: When the user picks a day, the list can jump to somewhere in the middle... and can scroll back to the top of the list.
The easiest thing to do would be to just load all data up to the users position. But this means storing a potentially very large list in memory at best, and in the web application it means requesting way more data than is really needed.
A good summary of the problem might be: Jumping to particular day is more challenging than jumping to a known index on the list. It's not easy to know what an item's index would be in a fully constructed version of the list without fully constructing the list up to that item. Yes, you can get items at particular date, but what if you wanted to get fifty items before a particular date, and fifty items after a particular date (useful for keeping scrolling smooth)? There could be a huge gap, or there could be a whole ton of items all clustered on one day.
A complication is that not all items in the list are items in the database, for example day headers. The day headers need to behave like regular items and not be attached to other items when it comes to the reordering drag animation, yet storing them as records in the database feels wrong. Here's an image of the web application to give you some idea:
I like the answer here (Flutter: Display content from paginated API with dynamic ListView) and would like to do something like it.
I would do this both for web app, where there's http bottlenecks. I would also do this for the mobile app, even when all data is in the database. Why keep the entire list in memory when you don't have to? (I have very little mobile development experience, so please correct me if I'm wrong)
Jumping to particular day is more challenging than jumping to known index on the list. It's not easy to know what an item's index would be in a fully constructed version of the list without fully constructing the list up to that item.
Solution I'm leaning toward:
ReferencesList + keyValueStorage solution
Store the item ids in order as well as key value pairs of all items by id as a json list in NoSql. This list will include references to items, with day headings included and represented by something like 'dh-2021-05-21' or its epoch time. This list will be very lightweight, just a string per item, so you don't need to worry about holding it all in memory. Item data can be pulled out of storage whenever it's built. (Should this be a problem in Sembast or hive? Hive, and here's why: )
When a date is jumped to, run a binary search on this list to find its exact position and scroll to that position. You can easily preload, say 30 items before and 50 items after that position.
other solutions:
SplayTreeMap + QuerySQLByDate Solution:
When jumping, since you don't know the index, insert it into a new SplayTreeMap at an arbitrarily high index, say 100 * number_of_list_items_in_database just to be safe. Run two queries, on ascending from scrolled to date, and one descending from it. Cache these queries and return them in paged form. Should the user reach the beginning of the list, simply prevent them from scrolling further up the list manually with a ScrollController or something like it.

Displaying results of perform find in a portal

I have some global variables $$A, $$B, $$C and what to search within a table for these terms in fieldA, fieldB and fieldC (using Perform Find). How can I use the result of this Perform Find to display the results in a portal.
The implementation by my predecessor replaces a field fieldSEARCHwith 1 if it is in the Perform Find results and 0 otherwise, and then uses a portal filtered by this field. This seems a very dodgey way of doing it, not least becuase it means that multiple users will not be able to search at the same time!
Can you enhance the portal filter to filter against the variables themselves? Or you can perform the find, grab IDs of the found set, put them into a global field, and then use the field to construct the relationship. Global fields are multi-user safe.
The best way is not to do this at all, but use list views to perform searches. List views are naturally searchable and much more flexible than portals (you can easily sort them, omit arbitrary records, and so on). It's possible to repeat this functionality in portals, but it's way more complex. I mean, if there's some serious gain from using a portal, then it's doable, but if not, then the native way is obviously better.
List views are easier to search, as FileMaker still hasn't transitioned to the 21st century and insists on this model... Most users however want a Master-Detail view, like a mail app, and understandably so as it's more intuitive (i.e. produce a list view on one side, but clicking on it updates detail/fields in the middle).
If this is what you want, you may want to cast an eye at Modular FM, where someone has already done the hard work for you:

How to create a Plone form widget that works like MultiContentTreeFieldWidget but preserves the order of items

I have a dexterity behaviour that allows me to relate items and store the relations as UUIDs
relatedItems = schema.List(
title=u"Related Items",
description=u"Search for content that is related to this item",
This works great except that if you have a few relations then every time you edit the item their order changes. We're displaying the related items in the right hand column of the page (e.g. see this article about food) and want to control the order so that we can put more interesting teasers first.
Debugging it looks likely this reordering is down to the fact z3c.formwidget.query.widget.QuerySourceRadioWidget.update uses a set when processing request parameters. Presumably this is to prevent duplicates but has two nasty side effects:
a field’s value gets updated when it hasn't changed
order is lost when it might be important
Is there an alternative to MultiContentTreeFieldWidget that works in a similar way but preserves the order you add items? Even better is there a widget that does this and also allows you to reorder items as well?
I didn't find an alternative but subsequently z3c.formwidget.query has been updated to use a list instead of a set when processing request parameters. Version 0.7 fixes this
Add the following to your [versions] section in buildout to resolve
z3c.formwidget.query = 0.7

Options for handling a frequently changing data form

What are some possible designs to deal with frequently changing data forms?
I have a basic CRUD web application where the main data entry form changes yearly. So each record should be tied to a specific version of the form. This requirement is kind of new, so the existing application was not built with this in mind.
I'm looking for different ways of handling this, hoping to avoid future technical debt. Here are some options I've come up with:
Create a new object, UI and set of tables for each version. This is obviously the most naive approach.
Keep adding all the fields to the same object and DB tables, but show/hide them based on the form version. This will become a mess after a few changes.
Build form definitions, then dynamically build the UI and store the data as some dictionary like format (e.g. JSON/XML or maybe an document oriented database) I think this is going to be too complex for the scope of this app, especially for the UI.
What other possibilities are there? Does anyone have experience doing this? I'm looking for some design patterns to help deal with the complexity.
First, I will speak to your solutions above and then I will give my answer.
Creating a new table for each
version is going to require new
programming every year since you will
not be able to dynamically join to
the new table and include the new
columns easily. That seems pretty obvious and really makes this a bad choice.
The issues you mentioned with adding
the columns to the same form are
correct. Also, whatever database you
are using has a max on how many
columns it can handle and how many
bytes it can have in a row. That could become another concern.
The third option I think is the
closest to what you want. I would
not store the new column data in a
JSON/XML unless it is for duplication
to increase speed. I think this is
your best option
The only option you didn't mention
was storing all of the data in 1
database field and using XML to
parse. This option would make it
tough to query and write reports
If I had to do this:
The first table would have the
columns ID (seeded), Name,
InputType, CreateDate,
ExpirationDate, and CssClass. I
would call it tbInputs.
The second table would have the have
5 columns, ID, Input_ID (with FK to
tbInputs.ID), Entry_ID (with FK to
the main/original table) value, and
CreateDate. The FK to the
main/original table would allow you
to find what items were attached to
what form entry. I would call this
table tbInputValues.
If you don't
plan on having that base table then
I would use a simply table that tracks the creation date, creator ID,
and the form_id.
Once you have those you will just need to create a dynamic form that pulls back all of the inputs that are currently active and display them. I would put all of the dynamic controls inside of some kind of container like a <div> since it will allow you to loop through them without knowing the name of every element. Then insert into tbInputValues the ID of the input and its value.
Create a form to add or remove an
input. This would mean you would
not have much if any maintenance
work to do each year.
I think this solution may not seem like the most eloquent but if executed correctly I do think it is your most flexible solution that requires the least amount of technical debt.
I think the third approach (XML) is the most flexible. A simple XML structure is generated very fast and can be easily versioned and validated against an XSD.
You'd have a table holding the XML in one column and the year/version this xml applies to.
Generating UI code based on the schema is basically a bad idea. If you do not require extensive validation, you can opt for a simple editable table.
If you need a custom form every year, I'd look at it as kind of a job guarantee :-) It's important to make the versioning mechanism and extension transparent and explicit though.
For this particular app, we decided to deal with the problem as if there was one form that continuously grows. Due to the nature of the form this seemed more natural than more explicit separation. We will have a mapping of year->field for parts of the application that do need to know which data is for which year.
For the UI, we will be creating a new page for each year's form. Dynamic form creation is far too complex in this situation.

Any tips or best practices for adding a new item to a history while maintaining a maximum total number of items?

I'm working on some basic logging/history functionality for a Core Data iPhone app. I want to maintain a maximum number of history items.
My general plan is to ignore the maximum when adding a new item and enforce it whenever I need to fetch all the items anyway (e.g. for searching or browsing the history). Alternatively, I could do it when adding a new item: fetch the current items, add the new one, and delete the oldest one if we're at the maximum. The second way seems less efficient, since I would be fetching all the items when I otherwise wouldn't need to.
So, the questions:
Which way is better? Is there an even better way to do this that I'm not considering?
How many items would be a reasonable maximum? The history is used for text field autocompletion, so more items means better usability, unless the number of items is so huge that it's slowing stuff down.
Whichever method is easier to implement is the right one. You shouldn't bother with a more efficient/more complicated implementation unless it proves it's needed.
If these objects are in a to-many relationship of some kind, I'd use the relationship to manage the maximum number. (Override add<Whatever>Object: and delete the extraneous items then).
If you're just fetching them, then that's really your only opportunity to filter them out. If you're using an NSArrayController, you might be able to implement a subclass that detects when new objects are added and chops off the extra ones.
If the items are added manually by the user, then you can safely use the method of cleaning up later. With text data, a user won't enter more a few hundred items at most and text data takes up very little room. If the items are added by software, you have to check every so many entries or risk spill over.
You might not want to spend a lot of time on this. Autocomplete is not that big, usually just a few hundred entries. I would right it the simplest way, with clean up later, and then fiddle with it only if you hit a definite performance bottleneck.
Remember, premature optimization is the root of all programming evil. That and the dweebs in marketing.