Run time error 9 when using arrary in Macro - macros

I have been using the followng Macro and it works fine:
Sub PremTable()
Dim i, m, j As Integer
Dim PDFDiv, PDFClass, PDFSex, PDFPlan, LimAge As Variant
Dim FlagD, FlagC, Band, FlagP, FlagB, IssAge, Dur As Integer
PDFClass = Array("N", "S")
PDFSex = Array("M", "F")
PDFDiv = Array("G", "E")
PDFPlan = Array(10, 20, 30)
LimAge = Array(70, 60, 50)
j = 0
For FlagD = 1 To 2
Range("div").Value = PDFDiv(FlagD)
For FlagP = 1 To 3
Range("plan").Value = PDFPlan(FlagP)
For Band = 1 To 3
Range("band").Value = Band
For FlagS = 1 To 2
Range("sex").Value = PDFSex(FlagS)
For FlagC = 1 To 2
Range("class").Value = PDFClass(FlagC)
m = 18
For i = 1 To Range("LimAge").Value - 17
Range("IssAge").Offset(i + j, 0) = m
Range("age").Value = Range("IssAge").Offset(i + j, 0)
Worksheets("Premium Tables").Range("M1").Offset(i + j, 0).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True
Range("DIV2").Offset(i + j, 0) = Range("Div")
Range("PLAN2").Offset(i + j, 0) = Range("plan")
Range("BAND2").Offset(i + j, 0) = Range("band")
Range("SEX2").Offset(i + j, 0) = Range("sex")
Range("CLASS2").Offset(i + j, 0) = Range("class")
m = m + 1
Next i
j = j + i - 1
Next FlagC
Next FlagS
Next Band
Next FlagP
Next FlagD
End Sub
Now I have another very similar spreatsheet that I want to use this macro to creat tables, but it always give me the "run time error 9" for all of the arrays having text format variables (for example: Range("class").Value = PDFClass(FlagC) causing an runtime error 9)
Please advise! Thanks very much!


Remove Marks on Charts

I have a problem with my code, I want to evaluate a Report with Charts.
What my Macro currently does is, Create for every single column a Row for a nominal, upper, lower tolerance. Then It creates with this values a chart.
After this it starts with the Sorting and then it removes the Marker Points, but here my Problems already start.
I would like to create the charts later for example on pos A100 or A50 or something.
Then the Marker Points, I would like to keep the Points on the result line but not on the 3 created, but I found no way 
Remove the Markers, but it removes all, i would really like to remove them only for
Would be nice if someone would have an idea.. :)
Thanks in advance,
' Unload UFormTools
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Original Values").Select
Dim lngC As Long, lngR As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Byte
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet
lngC = (.Cells(17, 4).End(xlToRight).Column - 4) * 4
For i = 4 To lngC Step 4
lngR = .Cells(.Rows.Count, i).End(xlUp).Row
For c = 1 To 3
.Columns(i + c).EntireColumn.Insert
Next c
.Cells(17, i).AutoFill Destination:=.Range(.Cells(17, i), .Cells(17, i + 3)), Type:=xlFillCopy
.Range(.Cells(28, i + 1), .Cells(lngR, i + 1)).Value = .Cells(18, i).Value
.Range(.Cells(28, i + 2), .Cells(lngR, i + 2)).Value = .Cells(18, i).Value + .Cells(19, i).Value
.Range(.Cells(28, i + 3), .Cells(lngR, i + 3)).Value = .Cells(18, i).Value + .Cells(20, i).Value
.Shapes.AddChart2(332, xlLineMarkers).Select
With ActiveChart
.SetSourceData Source:=Union(ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveSheet.Cells(17, i), ActiveSheet.Cells(17, i + 3)), _
ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveSheet.Cells(28, i), ActiveSheet.Cells(lngR, i + 3)))
' .Legend.Delete
.ChartTitle.Text = ActiveSheet.Cells(17, i).Value
.ChartTitle.format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text = ActiveSheet.Cells(17, i).Value
With .ChartTitle.format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters(1, Len(ActiveSheet.Cells(17, i).Value)).ParagraphFormat
.TextDirection = msoTextDirectionLeftToRight
.Alignment = msoAlignCenter
End With
With .FullSeriesCollection(3).format.Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.Transparency = 0
End With
With .FullSeriesCollection(4).format.Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
.Transparency = 0
End With
With .FullSeriesCollection(2).format.Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.ForeColor.ObjectThemeColor = msoThemeColorText1
.ForeColor.TintAndShade = 0
.ForeColor.Brightness = 0
.Transparency = 0
.Visible = msoTrue
.DashStyle = msoLineDash
.Weight = 1.5
End With
With .FullSeriesCollection(1).format.Line
.Visible = msoTrue
.Weight = 3
End With
.FullSeriesCollection(1).Smooth = True
.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScaleIsAuto = True
End With
Next i
End With
' Sort and Arrange Charts, but another Position to Start would be nice.. (for example A100)
Dim MyWidth As Single, MyHeight As Single
Dim NumWide As Long
Dim iChtIx As Long, iChtCt As Long
MyWidth = 300
MyHeight = 200
NumWide = 4
iChtCt = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count
For iChtIx = 1 To iChtCt
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(iChtIx)
.Width = MyWidth
.Height = MyHeight
.Left = ((iChtIx - 1) Mod NumWide) * MyWidth
.Top = Int((iChtIx - 1) / NumWide) * MyHeight
End With
' Remove the Markers, but it removes all, i would really like to remove them only for
' FullSeriesCollection(2).format.Line
' FullSeriesCollection(3).format.Line
' FullSeriesCollection(4).format.Line
Dim cht As ChartObject
Dim srs As Series
Dim MarkerCount As Long
For Each cht In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
For Each srs In ActiveChart.SeriesCollection
If srs.MarkerStyle <> xlMarkerStyleNone Then
srs.MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleNone
MarkerCount = MarkerCount + 1
End If
Next srs
Next cht
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

How to find the first value of Bollinger Bands when bar open

Actually, the Bollinger Bands code is:
study(title="AAAA", shorttitle="AAAA", overlay=true)
len = 5
multi = 2
bb5med = sma(close, len)
devBB5 = mult2 * stdev(close, len)
bb5top = bb5med + devBB5
bb5bot = bb5med - devBB5
I would want to find the first value of those 3 lines when the new bar comes, means, when close==open.
Also, I need it to work when I change the len to 20, 50 and/or when I change the multi to 3
Please help me. Thank you.
indicator("BB Open", overlay = true)
len =
mult = input.float(2.000)
basis = (math.sum(close, len - 1)[1] + open) / len
float dev_sum = 0.0
for i = 1 to len - 1
dev_sum += math.pow(basis - close[i], 2)
dev_sum += math.pow(basis - open, 2)
stdev = math.sqrt(dev_sum / len)
up = basis + stdev * mult
dn = basis - stdev * mult
plot(basis, color = color.yellow)
Function :
f_BBopen(_close, _open, _len, _mult) =>
_basis = (math.sum(_close, _len - 1)[1] + _open) / _len
float _dev_sum = 0.0
for i = 1 to _len - 1
_dev_sum += math.pow(_basis - _close[i], 2)
_dev_sum += math.pow(_basis - _open, 2)
_stdev = math.sqrt(_dev_sum / _len)
_up = _basis + _stdev * _mult
_dn = _basis - _stdev * _mult
[_basis, _up, _dn]
[basis, up, dn] = f_BBopen(close, open, len, mult)

Why is TIC-80 giving me the attempt to index a nil value error?

So I am building a game for a game jam over at, and I'm using this really neat Fantasy Console called TIC-80, found at My issue is that while I understand what the error message is and what it means, I don't understand as to why it's giving me this error.
Error Message (In the TIC-80 console):
>[string "-- title: The Clone
Wars..."]:144: attempt to index a nil
value (field '?')
stack traceback:
[string "-- title: The Clone
Wars..."]:144: in function 'TIC'
The Code in question:
-- title: The Clone Wars
-- author: DinoNuggies
-- desc: Help the jedi destroy the clones!
-- script: lua
function sign(n) return n>0 and 1 or n<0 and -1 or 0 end
function lerp(a,b,t) return (1-t)*a + t*b end
function tablelength(T)
local count = 0
for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end
return count
--End of Functions
player = {
spr = 256,
sprMod = 0,
x = 1,
y = 1,
vx = 0,
vy = 0,
dirX = 0,
dirY = 0,
flip = 0,
shoot = false,
gun = {
t = 0,
spr = 258,
sprMod = 0,
x = 0,
y = 0,
modX = 0,
modY = 0,
flip = 0,
rot = 0,
tile = {
r0 = 0,
r1 = 0,
l0 = 0,
l1 = 0,
u0 = 0,
u1 = 0,
d0 = 0,
d1 = 0,
m = 0,
m = {
x = 0,
y = 0,
left = false,
right = false,
middle = false,
cam = {
activate = true,
x = 120,
y = 64,
--Bullet Class & Functions
bulletMod = 0
bullet = {}
function bullet:new()
local this = {
spr = 260,
x = player.x,
y = player.y,
vx = 0,
vy = 0,
mx = m.x - (player.x + cam.x),
my = m.y - (player.y + cam.y),
t = 0,
return this
function bullet:remove()
local this = {
spr = nil,
x = nil,
y = nil,
vx = nil,
vy = nil,
mx = nil,
my = nil,
t = nil,
return this
--End of Variables
function TIC()
if cam.activate then
cam.x = math.min(120, lerp(cam.x, 120-player.x, 0.05))
cam.y = math.min(64, lerp(cam.y, 64-player.y, 0.05))
ccx = cam.x / 8 + (cam.x % 8 == 0 and 1 or 0)
ccy = cam.y / 8 + (cam.y % 8 == 0 and 1 or 0)
map(15 - ccx, 8 - ccy, 31, 18, (cam.x % 8) - 8, (cam.y % 8) - 8, 0)
--End of Camera
--Gun Physics
m.x, m.y, m.left, m.middle, m.right = mouse()
gun.x = player.x + cam.x
gun.y = player.y + cam.y
bullets = tablelength(bullet) - 2
flick = (time() // 16) % 16 == 0
if m.left then m.leftp = flick else m.leftp = false end
--Gun Display
if m.x > player.x + cam.x + 4 then
gun.flip = 0
gun.modX = 4
gun.flip = 1
gun.modX = -4
--Gun Firing
if m.leftp == true then
bullet[bullets] = bullet:new()
if m.x > player.x + cam.x + 4 then
bullet[bullets].vx = 8
bullet[bullets].vx = -8
--End of Gun Physics
--Bullet Physics
if bullets > 0 then
for i=0,bullets-1 do
bullet[i].x = bullet[i].x + bullet[i].vx --LINE 144, THE ONE IN QUESTION
bullet[i].y = bullet[i].y + bullet[i].vy
spr(bullet[i].spr, bullet[i].x + cam.x, bullet[i].y + cam.y, 0, 1)
bullet[i].t = bullet[i].t + 1
if bullet[i].t > 16 then
bullet[i] = bullet:remove()
bullet[i] = nil
bullets = tablelength(bullet) - 2
--End of Bullet Physics
spr(player.spr + player.sprMod, player.x + cam.x, player.y + cam.y, 0, 1, player.flip)
spr(gun.spr + gun.sprMod, gun.x + gun.modX, gun.y + gun.modY, 0, 1, gun.flip, gun.rot)
print("Debug:", 1, 1, 11)
print("X: " .. (player.x // 8) + 15 .. " Y: " .. (player.y // 8) + 9, 1, 8, 11)
print("BLTs: " .. bullets .. " ", 1, 16, 11)
--End of Drawing
--Player Movement
player.x = player.x + player.vx
player.y = player.y + player.vy
if key(1) and player.x > -120 then
player.vx = -1
player.sprMod = 1
player.dirX = 0
elseif key(4) then
player.vx = 1
player.sprMod = 0
player.dirX = 1
player.vx = 0
if key(23) and player.y > -64 then
player.vy = -1
player.dirY = 0
elseif key(19) then
player.vy = 1
player.dirY = 1
player.vy = 0
if btnp(0) then player.y = player.y - 1
elseif btnp(1) then player.y = player.y + 1
elseif btnp(2) then player.x = player.x - 1
elseif btnp(3) then player.x = player.x + 1
--End of Movement
--Player Collision
tile.r0 = mget(((player.x + 7) // 8) + 15, ((player.y - 9) // 8) + 9)
tile.r1 = mget(((player.x + 7) // 8) + 15, ((player.y - 2) // 8) + 9)
tile.l0 = mget(((player.x - 2) // 8) + 15, ((player.y - 9) // 8) + 9)
tile.l1 = mget(((player.x - 2) // 8) + 15, ((player.y - 2) // 8) + 9)
tile.u0 = mget(((player.x - 1) // 8) + 15, ((player.y - 10) // 8) + 9)
tile.u1 = mget(((player.x + 6) // 8) + 15, ((player.y - 10) // 8) + 9)
tile.d0 = mget(((player.x - 1) // 8) + 15, ((player.y - 1) // 8) + 9)
tile.d1 = mget(((player.x + 6) // 8) + 15, ((player.y - 1) // 8) + 9)
if player.dirX == 1 then
if fget(tile.r0, 0) or fget(tile.r1, 0) then
player.vx = 0
elseif player.dirX == 0 then
if fget(tile.l0, 0) or fget(tile.l1, 0) then
player.vx = 0
if player.dirY == 0 then
if fget(tile.u0, 0) or fget(tile.u1, 0) then
player.vy = 0
elseif player.dirY == 1 then
if fget(tile.d0, 0) or fget(tile.d1, 0) then
player.vy = 0
--End of Player Collision
if keyp(3) then
if cam.activate then
cam.activate = false
cam.activate = true
--End of Misc
-- <TILES>
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-- 000:1a1c2c5d2810814428ca9581ffcd7575ae442495482571793c55c22c9dfae20000000000f4f4f494b0c2566c86333c57
What triggers the error, is after the player fires the second bullet. After firing one, the bullet is created, displayed, and despawned on queue, but after the second bullet starts existing, it stops and gives me the error. I've switched things around quite a bit, and it seems like every time I reference to one of the bullet objects values when more then one exists, it sends me the error, which is what I don't understand, as i thought I had already solved that problem with the for loops.
So if you noticed anything right off the bat that doesn't look quite right, let me know, and if you don't know anything about TIC-80 or what the API does, I'm sure the TIC-80 website can explain it way better then me.
If you want to run the game, to see the issue in action and mess around with the code, download TIC-80 from the website and run this file:
Let's take a look at your bullet handling
First call to TIC:
bullets is 0. We add one bullet into bullet[0]
Second call:
bullets is 1. We add one bullet into bullet[1].
Now, as bullets > 0 we enter the bullet physics if statement.
We do some calculations to that bullet and increment bullet[0].t
The following calls we do the same. We add a bullet and process all but the new bullet as we did above.
When a bullet's t field becomes > 16 we remove it from bullet.
So first we remove the oldest bullet bullet[0]. But in the following call we again start our loop at i = 0. so bullet[i] is nil and hence indexing it in bullet[i].x causes the observed error.
Side note:
This makes no sense.
function bullet:remove()
local this = {
spr = nil,
x = nil,
y = nil,
vx = nil,
vy = nil,
mx = nil,
my = nil,
t = nil,
return this
A table with all nil values is just an empty table. So simply return an empty table.
On top of that you don't need that function as it does nothing useful.
bullet[i] = bullet:remove()
bullet[i] = nil
The first line is non necessary. You don't have to assign an emtpy table and then nil. Just assign nil.
If you'd just keep the bullets in the array part of the table you wouldn't need your own tablelength function and then subtract 2 btw.
Then you could also use table.remove to remove bullets without creating unexpected gaps in your bullet list.

whenever I try to run the code with Lua I get the error :Error Map.lua:107: attempt to call method 'makepyramid' (a nil value)

Map = Class{}
local SCROLL_SPEED = 62
function Map:init()
self.spritesheet ='graphics/spritesheet.png')
self.sprites = generateQuads(self.spritesheet, 16, 16) ='sounds/music.wav', 'static')
self.tileWidth = 16
self.tileHeight = 16
self.mapWidth = 30
self.mapHeight = 28
self.tiles = {}
self.flag = self.mapWidth - 3
self.pyramid = self.mapWidth - 4
self.pyramidHeight = 8
self.gravity = 15
-- associate player with map
self.player = Player(self)
-- camera offsets
self.camX = 0
self.camY = -3
self.mapWidthPixels = self.mapWidth * self.tileWidth
self.mapHeightPixels = self.mapHeight * self.tileHeight
for y = 1, self.mapHeight do
for x = 1, self.mapWidth do
self:setTile(x, y, TILE_EMPTY)
local x = 1
while x < self.mapWidth do
if x == self.flag then
self:setTile(x, (self.mapHeight / 2) - 3, POLE_TOP)
self:setTile(x, (self.mapHeight / 2) - 2, POLE_MIDDLE)
self:setTile(x, (self.mapHeight / 2) - 1, POLE_BOTTOM)
self:setTile(x+1, (self.mapHeight / 2) - 3, FLAG_TILE)
for y = self.mapHeight / 2, self.mapHeight do
self:makepyramid(x, y, TILE_BRICK)
x = x+1
This the code that I have written it does require other files to work but the core problem exists within this code: most probably with "makepyramid" in "map init()"
please suggest some possible changes that I can make to make this code work properly. comment down if you need more chunks of code to try some solutions.

form a number using consecutive numbers

I was puzzled with one of the question in Microsoft interview which is as given below:
A function should accept a range( 3 - 21 ) and it should print all the consecutive numbers combinations to form each number as given below:
3 = 1+2
5 = 2+3
6 = 1+2+3
7 = 3+4
9 = 4+5
10 = 1+2+3+4
11 = 5+6
12 = 3+4+5
13 = 6+7
14 = 2+3+4+5
15 = 1+2+3+4+5
17 = 8+9
18 = 5+6+7
19 = 9+10
20 = 2+3+4+5+6
21 = 10+11
21 = 1+2+3+4+5+6
could you please help me in forming this sequence in C#?
So here is a straightforward/naive answer (in C++, and not tested; but you should be able to translate). It uses the fact that
1 + 2 + ... + n = n(n+1)/2,
which you have probably seen before. There are lots of easy optimisations that can be made here which I have omitted for clarity.
void WriteAsSums (int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
if (n = (j * (j+1) - i * (i+1))/2) // then n = (i+1) + (i+2) + ... + (j-1) + j
std::cout << n << " = ";
for (int k = i + 1; k <= j; k++)
std::cout << k;
if (k != j) // this is not the interesting bit
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " + ";
This is some pseudo code to find all the combinations if any exists:
function consecutive_numbers(n, m)
list = [] // empty list
while m != n
if m > n
first = list.remove_first
m -= first
last = list.last_element
if last <= 1
return []
list.push_back(last - 1)
m += last - 1
return list
function all_consecutive_numbers(n)
m = n / 2 + 1
a = consecutive_numbers(n, m)
while a != []
print_combination(n, a)
m = a.first - 1
a = consecutive_numbers(n, m)
function print_combination(n, a)
print(n + " = ")
foreach element in a
print(" + " + element)
A call to all_consecutive_numbers(21) would print:
21 = 11 + 10
21 = 8 + 7 + 6
21 = 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1
I tested it in ruby (code here) and it seems to work. I'm sure the basic idea could easily be implemented in C# as well.
I like this problem. Here is a slick and slightly mysterious O(n) solution:
void DisplaySum (int n, int a, int b)
std::cout << n << " = ";
for (int i = a; i < b; i++) std::cout << i << " + ";
std::cout << b;
void WriteAsSums (int n)
N = 2*n;
for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
if (~(N%i))
int j = N/i;
if (j+i%2)
int a = (j+i-1)/2;
int b = (j-i+1)/2;
if (a>0 & a<b) // exclude trivial & negative solutions
Here's something in Groovy, you should be able to understand what's going on. It's not the most efficient code and doesn't create the answers in the order you cite in your question (you seem to be missing some though) but it might give you a start.
def f(a,b) {
for (i in a..b) {
for (j in 1..i/2) {
def (sum, str, k) = [ 0, "", j ]
while (sum < i) {
sum += k
str += "+$k"
if (sum == i) println "$i=${str[1..-1]}"
Output for f(3,21) is:
Hope this helps. It kind of conforms to the tenet of doing the simplest thing that could possibly work.
if we slice a into 2 digit, then a = b + (b+1) = 2*b + (0+1)
if we slice a into 3 digit, then a = b + (b+1) + (b+2) = 3*b + (0+1+2)
if we slice a into n digit, then a = b + (b+1) +...+ (b+n) = nb + (0+1+n-1)
the last result is a = nb + n*(n-1)/2, a,b,n are all ints.
so O(N) Algorithm is:
void seq_sum(int a)
// start from 2 digits
int n=2;
int value = a-n*(n-1)/2;
if(value < 0)
// meet the quotation we deduct
if( value%n == 0 )
int b=value/n;
// omit the print stage