I need 2 paypal accounts to be credited while making a single payment - paypal

I'm developing a B2C site where many shop enroll with the site and sell their products. The Site owner needs to get a 5% of the sales done through their site from the sellers. That is when a customer buys product for $100, $5 must be credited to the site owner's paypal account and 95$ must be credited to Seller's paypal account. Does paypal has this option already.

Yes, it's called chained payments. https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/adaptive-payments/integration-guide/APIntro/#id091QF0I30YK


Offer a discount to a user paying with venmo

We want to enable customers to get discounts through our website. I'm curious whether we can support a discount flow when a customer pays with venmo, specifically.
The situation: a customer comes with a $10 discount to our marketplace website. The $10 discount is paid for by the site, and not the merchant. The customer finds a merchant that they like, and the two agree upon a sticker price of $100. The customer should therefore pay $90, and the merchant should earn $100.
Is it possible to ensure that the customer pays $90, and the merchant earns $100?
No details on the venmo / paypal integration page whether it would be possible to send the merchant $10 separately
To send money to the merchant separately you would need to use a solution like Payouts or Hyperwallet.

PayPal to differents accounts

i want to make a website where a seller can create his products and the buyer can pay directly to his paypal account. i know how to use the IPN notification for a lonely business account per website. Do i have to ask all my seller to configure my IPN Url in their paypal account? or is it enough to use this " $this->paypal->add_field('notify_url',www.site.com/ipn_paypal'));"?
I am just asking if there is another requirement for seller to make this type of sites. Does paypal allow this?

pay seperate paypal accounts a percentage of the sale

I want to set up a button on one of my sites where I sell a product for $100 I want the transaction to split the $100 automatically, $80 to the suppliers PayPal account and $20 to my PayPal account.
How can this be achieved
You would do this via Adaptive Payments via parallel payments. You can apply for it on developer.paypal.com

Does paypal provide offline token or master token?

I have create an application in paypal sandbox account. I want to do when some of the user click 'transfer money' button, then paypal transfer money from my account to user's account (Note: we have user's email id).
So, it possible to transfer money without authentication to paypal account something like offline access method.
Thanks in advanced.
What you want is a billing agreement, where the user authorizes you to make payments against a PayPal account in the same way you would debit a bank account or credit card. Billing agreements are typically set up in the same way Express Checkout works, but you will be provided an ID to refer to when you need to make payments.
A Billing Agreement allows a seller to charge your PayPal account when you purchase goods from them or use their service.
An example of this would be an agreement to pay eBay seller fees for listing items on eBay.

Paypal Merchant account prevent multiple billing agreements

I have a sandbox paypal account configured for reference transactions, and creating the billing agreement is fine.
Does paypal offer a way for us to prevent the same paypal customer account from being used for multiple billing agreements?
The reason for this is two fold. For any given customer on our side, we only want to have one paypal billing agreement. Also, no two customers on our side should link to the same paypal customer account.
If you set the BILLINGAGREEMENTDESCRIPTION to be the same for all the transactions a buyer shouldn't be able to sign up twice.
If you have a system where buyers sign into your site you can do a GetBillingAgreementCustomerDetails to see if the buyer already has a billing agreement with you. If they do, you submit a Reference Transaction. If they don't, you create a new billing agreement.