Do apps still need to support iPhone 3GS? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Are new iPhone apps still required to support the old iPhone 3GS and other non-retina devices? I'm wondering because I already have a full set of retina graphics and I want to submit the app without having to create a set of non-retina graphics.

This is a matter of personal preference. Apple Inc. says that you must support the retina display but there is nothing that prevents you from supporting the lower versions of the iPhone. If you want to reach those who still use older iDevices, you can. But there are not many left out there. It is up to you, though. I believe you have a wide audience using devices that use retina display, but using a lower target deployment is not a bad idea for increasing the sales of your application.

iOS 7 isn't going to run on a 3GS, so if you want to run on iOS 7 only, then you don't have to worry about it.


How to make the application for all version in iPhone [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am beginner in iPhone.
I want to make the iPhone app that compatible for all iPhone versions like 3 and above.
Please help me What to set in the project to make it compatible to all version.
Thanks in advance.
You should set the deployment target in the target summary.
Edit: Xcode 4.5.x only supports iOS 4.3 and later so you can't support iOS versions below it.
Edit 2: If you are using and old version of Xcode this might be helpful for you. iOS 3.x support in Xcode 4
But you should think twice before writing an application that targets iOS4 and above.
Targeting to old versions of iOS means that you must not use any of the API's of the next iOS versions such as ARC and auto layout. As a result your code will be harder to maintain and some features would be impossible to implement.
Before going on with it, think about how many users will you satisfy by supporting iOS4. Read these thousand words from apple and then decide for yourself

Will upgrading iPhone 3GS from 4.3.5 -> 5.0 work? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm looking at upgrading my development iPhone 3GS from iOS4.3.5 to iOS5. Now that Apple even rejects apps that use the older SDK and contain an iPhone 5 launch image, I see no need to keep my iPhone 3GS on iOS4.
Even though the latest s/w for iPhone 3GS is iOS6, will an upgrade to iOS5 be successful through the server verification. I ask because I tried to restore in a similar situation previously on a different device (and different iOS versions) but it wouldn't let me so I had to upgrade to the latest compatible version of iOS.
Success/failure stories would be much appreciated.
PS. this may not be a techy question, but as a community of developers, this seems to be the best place to ask!
Apple no longer signs iOS5 meaning that you can't restore to iOS5 unless you have previously saved the SHSH blobs either in Cydia or with a tool such as TinyUmbrella.
See Explained: SHSH Blobs

iphone choice for a developer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have been developing some iOs stuff using the simulator and a real iPad. Now I think I really need an iPhone but I am not really into taking it around, my Nokia is just perfect for my needs.
I was wondering: isn't it better for a developer to get a second hand 3g - 3gs instead of an expensive 4/4s so that the apps can be tried with the lowest-end device? what do you think? Am I losing something with this choice besides the possibility of trying it with a newer retina screen?
Edit: I don't want to use it as a phone, it's just for the development. I would like to know if from a developer point of view all the versions 3g up are the same, besides screen resolution. In this case, since I'd do audio application, I would have the possibility of testing the slowest hardware, that can be a good choice for me. Thank you!
Are you developing phone specific functionality? If not then you could use an iPod Touch. The current generation has a camera and the retina screen; last generation has the lower resolution screen and might not have the camera.
I think it would be a mistake to get a 3Gs to target at this point, given that probably by the end of the year the 4 or 4s will take the place of the 3Gs as the low-end device.
Targeting the 3Gs for testing makes sense for perhaps another year or two, if you don't mind upgrading past that point.
One other consideration is that if you are really going after augmented reality, you'll probably want to use some of the hardware advances from the iPhone 4 on, so from that standpoint also an iPhone 4 makes more sense as a test device than a 3Gs.

Is it possible to downgrade from iOS 5? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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On the Apple developer site, it states that "Devices updated to iOS 5 beta can not be restored to earlier versions of iOS." I believe this is new, and remember seeing that Apple is changing the way it provides older versions of iOS. I'd like to be able to install iOS 5, knowing that I can revert to iOS 4 if need be, since I have some apps that may not be compatible.
Does anyone know if this is possible? And if so, A) is it hard, and B), does it actually violate Apple's TOS?
Apple has repeatedly said that there is no officially supported way to downgrade from iOS beta OS versions. Don't play with beta OS versions except on test devices which you don't need for running apps that may not be compatible with the beta OS. e.g. you need a spare device to temporarily trash.

Does all new apps have also to work on iPad to pass the appstore approval process? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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A friend of mine told me that there is a new rule to pass the appstore approval process. The app also have to work on iPad otherwise it would get rejected. I didn't find something which supports his statement. Does somebody know what is true?
Yes, it is part of the new App Store guidelines posted by Apple.
Section 2.10 says: iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution.
You normally need a dev account to read these guidelines, but in the meantime they have been mirrored by other people. Google for "app store guidelines" and you'll find the document.