Tfs connect project and map it - azure-devops

I'am having problem with team foundation server.( I created project from there( And I click Open New Instance of Visual Studio.
And Team Explorer is look like:
Then i click File>New Project and clicked Add to Source Control and selected My project name in TFS. So i uploaded my project and it added to my tfs project. But i dont know how can i share my project in tfs. I tried this:
Entered my friend live id(hotmail). Then he signed up and he did same steps like me. But how can he download project that already exist? I did not see specific setting for that.
What i must supposed to do?

He must use the menu File > Open > Team Project. Visual Studio will probably ask for a TFS server, when you set the server URL, he will be able to see the collections and projects, then, he can open the project.
Or, on the window you showed (Team Explorer), he can click on Source Control Explorer and open the solution from there.
Visual Studio will ask for a mapping directory.

If you are trying to connect to Team Foundation Service via VS 2008 following steps have to be done,
Install VS 2008 SP1, Team Explorer 2008 and GDR update (VS90SP1-KB2673642-x86)
Connect manually to Team Foundation Service
Team Explorer -> Servers -> Add -> type
Make sure to add /DefaultCollection.


Unable to do a 'get' using Eclipse TEE Plugin (TFS)

I am running into an issue where the Eclipse TEE/TFS plugin is not allowing me to download the latest scripts out of TFS. When I right click in Project Explorer & select Team, none of the features are available (Get latest version, Rollback, etc). Only Apply Patch and Share Project appear under 'Team' sub menu item. I am connected to the TFS project under Team Explorer and my Local Path is appearing properly. Workspace and project appears to be setup properly - I setup the same way on another machine, yet I'm running into this issue.
A workaround is browsing to the files in Source Control Explorer.
Also. try to create a new eclipse workspace and import the project from TFS to see whether your issue can be solved.
The root "RF Scripting" folder you opened in the Project Explorer is not a workspace, so the plugin does not consider it and all its sub folders as TFS working folder.
If you want to get the TFS options from Project Explorer, click "File -> Open Projects from File System... -> Directory..." and then choose "C:\RFTestAutoDev\RF Scripting\xxxTest Automation (I suspect this is the folder you configured as workspace)" as the directory.

Setting up TFVC repo in Visual Studio Code for Mac

I am trying to to set up a Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) repository hosted in VSTS on my Visual Studio Code for Mac. I haven't used Visual Studio at all. Apparently, my client is using TFVC system as their main approach for repo management.
However, I tried downloading the source as a Zip from the VSTS web site but Visual Studio Code for Mac (with the VSTS extension configured) did not identify that folder is a VSTS repo (Showing the "team" icon).
Tutorial I followed to configure -
May I know what I am not doing right here? or simply is it because you can't work with VSTS with MacOS system.
I don't have a PC btw
You can't download the source as zip.
You can create workspace and get the source through tf command (TEE cli): Cross-Platform Command-Line Client- Beginner's Guide.
Then click File > Open Folder > Select that folder to open, then click Team icon to login.
On the other hand, you can use TEE in eclipse to do that through UI way.

Eclipse with TFS plugin - project missing in project selection

My Eclipse suddenly facing some problem when start up:
And the project that I want to connect in TFS server is missing in Project Selection: (not the two I erase in the image, is the third one)
I am sure I have the access to the project as my Microsoft Visual Studio which connect to same project is working fine.
Does anyone have idea how to solve it?
Please try below items to narrow down the issue:
Check if there are any unsupported characters in your machine name
and workspce path. If it it, jsut remove them eg "My-PC" update to
Remove the TFS server first from TEE, then re-add it again.
Unintall the TFS plugin (TEE), clean caches, then reinstall the TFS
plugin, add and connect to the TFS server to check that again.
#Andy-MSFT, thanks a lot for your support so far. My colleague have solve the problem by doing few steps:
Remove all the workspace in Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Startup And Shutdown -> workspace
Untick in Windows -> Preferences -> Team Foundation Server
Click use different Credentials and re-login your account:
The project now appears in the project selection and it is working fine.
Thanks again for the support #Andy-MSFT.

Does the Microsoft Installer Project extension for VS2017 work correctly with Team Services?

We've updated to Visual Studio 2017 and switched to Team Services (VSTS) as our source control. I've migrated a few old projects and am using the Microsoft Installer Project extension to provide compatibility for the original setup projects.
However, there seems to be a potential issue with source control when working with the setup projects. Attempting to make any change results in the error:
The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file 'Setup[Productname].vdproj' is under source code control and is not checked out.
Modifying files of other projects within the solution work correctly and trigger checkout from the repository.
I have not been able to determine a way to properly check out the setup project and work with it under the new source control. I'm unsure if it's a bug with the extension or if it simply lacks support for VSTS.
Has anyone successfully been able to work with setup projects (.vdproj) in conjunction with VSTS? If not, is there a workaround?
Image of context menu:
You can apply the following workaround, since it seems to be a bug in the installer extension:
Choose 'Open file in File explorer' in your context menu
Open the project file in your favorite texteditor
Make a dummy change (adding a space character in an empty spot is enough)
Visual studio will prompt to reload the project and has explicity checked out the project file.
see also here
I submit a feedback here: The command you are attempting cannot be completed because the file 'Setup[Productname].vdproj' is under source code control and is not checked out
The workaround is that you can check out the project manually. (Right click the installer project > Check out for edit)

Team Foundation Services: Adding non-project file to source control

I'm trying out the new Team Foundation Services and I'm wondering how people manage source control of non-VS-Project files. So my solution is added to the TFS source control, but if there's some Word Templates, Crystal Report files, etc that aren't part of the solution, but are supplementary to the application that need to be source controlled as well how would I go about doing that?
Have you installed the Team Explorer into Visual Studio - I suspect you have.
Use Source Control Explorer to Manage Files under Version Control
Open Source Control Explorer
Do one of the following:
From the menu bar choose View, Other Windows, Source Control Explorer.
From Team Explorer, choose Home, and then choose Source Control Explorer.
Then in the Source Tree just right click and select Add Files.
See here for lots more info Working within Team Explorer