Grails one to many relationship - rest

In Grails if there is a many to many relation ships for example book has many authors
Lets says book1 has author1,autho2,author3,author4 values .Now a PUT request is sent saying that book1 has only author1,author3 then the other two values are deleted from the table.
Now for the same scenario with one to many relation ship lets say book1 has author1,autho2,author3,author4 values now if a PUT request is done with only author1,author3
Is it suppose to delete the other two i.e, author2 and author4 values?? i expect the behavior to be so..
Below is my model for book and author
class Author {
String name;
static hasMany = [books: Book]
static mapping = {
books cascade: 'all-delete-orphan'
class Book{
String name
static belongsTo = [author: Author]
When i emplement the all-delete-orphan i get the followinh error
A collection with cascade="all-delete-orphan" was no longer referenced by the owning entity instance

It depends on the cascade options set. If you are using belongsTo on the Author table grails uses cascade all by default. This means that the Author objects are removed if they are not used by any other Book. You can customize this behaviour using the cascade option (all-delete-orphan should be the value you are interested in).


Attaching an related entity to new entity, without retrieving from database

I've just started working with Web API this week, and I'm struggling with something which I think should be quite simple, but haven't been able to find the answer for yet. Perhaps I'm searching using the wrong terms.
One of the calls to the API passes through a GUID. I need to create a new entity (using Entity Framework) and set one of the relations to this newly passed in GUID. This GUID is the ID of a different entity in the database.
I'm struggling to attach the entity via the relation without fetching the whole entity too.
For example,
public void DoWork(IList<Guid> userGuids)
Order order = new Order() // This is an entity
CreateDate = DateTime.Now,
CreatedBy = "Me",
Items = (from i in this.Model.Items
where i.Id == userGuid
select i).ToList<Item>();
In the above, I have to do a database call to attach the Item entities to the Order. Is there not a way around this? Seems very redundant to retrieve the whole entity objects when I only require their IDs (which I already have anyway!)!
One solution is stub entities as asked here: Create new EF object with foreign key reference without loading whole rereference object
Link to the source blog referenced:
Snip from the blog - to be applied to your situation:
Category category = new Category { ID = 5};
Product product = new Product {
Name = “Bovril”,
Category = category
This way (in the example) the Product is saved without ever loading the Category object.

Maintain Many to Many References

I have a product that I am trying to associate categories to. The list of categories is static. I have set up a bi-directional many-to-many relationship up between Product and Category using Set<?> properties like so:
class Product {
public Set<Category> categories;
class Category {
#ManyToMany(mappedBy = "categories")
public Set<Product> products;
I would like certain users to maintain this relationship, but the only previous way I have seen is to just use a List<Long> to pass back to the controller and add appropriately. This works fine until the user needs to edit these mappings. I have tried clearing the relationship, but that doesn't prove to be simple either.
Is there a decent way to maintain this relationship? If my only option is to "loop and delete" the references, can someone point me in the right direction how to do so appropriately? So far my failed attempts look like this:
for(Category category : product.categories) {
Category.delete(" = ?",
Maintaining the relationship: Yes, passing the IDs to the controller and fetching the entities there is okay.
The relationship proper, there are some things to note:
First, you need to set the cascade annotation, without it nothing in the assocation will get deleted:
public Set<Category> categories;
Second, one Entity is the owner of the relation. In your case it's correctly set as the Product class (as the Categoryclass uses mappedBy). Updates only reflect when done on the owner, so to remove all categories from a product you would do
products.categories = new Set<Product>();
if you want to remove a single categorie, just remove it from the products.categories.

JPA 2.0 retrieve entity by business key

I know there have been a number of similar posts about this, but I couldn't find a clear answer to my problem.
To make it as simple as possible, say I have such an entity:
public class Person implements Serializable {
private Long id; // PK
private String name; // business key
/* getters and setters */
override equals() and hashCode()
to use the **name** field
So, id is the PK and name is the business key.
Say that I get a list of names, with possible duplicates, which I want to store.
If I simply create one object per name, and let JPA make it persistent, my final table will contain duplicate names - Not acceptable.
My question is what you think is the best approach, considering the alternatives I describe here below and (especially welcome) your own.
Possible solution 1: check the entity manager
Before creating a new person object, check if one with the same person name is already managed.
Problem: The entity manager can only be queried by PK. IS there any workaround Idon't know about?
Possible solution 2: find objects by query
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE = ...");
List<Person> list = query.getResultList();
Questions: Should the objects requested be already loaded in the em, will this still fetch from database? If so, I suppose it would still be not very efficient if done very frequently, due to parsing the query?
Possible solution 3: keep a separate dictionary
This is possible because equals() and hashCode() are overridden to use the field name.
Map<String,Person> personDict = new HashMap<String,Person>();
for(String n : incomingNames) {
Person p = personDict.get(n);
if (p == null) {
p = new Person();
// do something with it
Problem 1: Wasting memory for large collections, as this is essentially what the entity manager does (not quite though!)
Problem 2: Suppose that I have a more complex schema, and that after the initial writing my application gets closed, started again, and needs to re-load the database. If all tables are loaded explicitly into the em, then I can easily re-populate the dictionaries (one per entity), but if I use lazy fetch and/or cascade read, then it's not so easy.
I started recently with JPA (I use EclipseLink), so perhaps I am missing something fundamental here, because this issue seems to boil down to a very common usage pattern.
Please enlighten me!
The best solution which I can think of is pretty simple, use a Unique Constraint
public class Person implements Serializable {
private Long id; // PK
private String name; // business key
The only way to ensure that the field can be used (correctly) as a key is to create a unique constraint on it. You can do this using #UniqueConstraint(columnNames="name") or using #Column(unique = true).
Upon trying to insert a duplicate key the EntityManager (actually, the DB) will throw an exception. This scenario is also true for a manually set primary key.
The only way to prevent the exception is to do a select on the key and check if it exists.

LLBLGEN related array not populating in entity

i'm struggling with LLBLGEN and i guess ORM's in general.
i have created an entity, lets use a library example to explain:
i want to display a book object and also return a list of users who have loaned the book.
so i need to return the book object which contains a list of users.
DTO Book::
int bookId,
string bookName
additionally i wish to return with my book a collection of users who have loaned the book:
List<user> Loans
loans table might look like this:
int id
int userid
int bookid
currently my loans entity has now created this:
DTO Loans
int id
User user // user entity
Book book // book entity
im struggling to understand how this example would work in llblgen. can anyone assist with guidance or point me in the way of a tutorial?
at the moment, when i come up to update my model Book with a new loan associated to a book, im getting stackoverflow errors. i assume this is creating some sort of loop when attempting to update my Book object.
i noticed when running a profiler on SQL that the sql statement didnt include any join statements onto my relationship entities.
this was because my domain query didnt include prefetch items for my relationships, i added the following to my query:
var query = new DomainSearch<T>
SearchText = searchText,
PrefetchItems =
new Prefetch(typeof(Users))
To make sure, you are looking for a list of User entities that have loaned a particular Book entity. Is this the correct use case, or are you looking for a list of User entities that have borrowed the particular book?
Regardless, LLBLGen's support for these cases is great with referencing relationships between entities and using related entities quickly and easily.
Presuming you're looking up a book by unique BookId/ISBN/etc....
// Get the specific book entity
BookEntity book = new BookEntity(bookId);
foreach(UserEntity user in book.users)
// do stuff with list of users
It's just that simple assuming you've defined your relationships between entities.

ADO.NET Entity Data Model: Auto-generated classes

I have a table structure like the following:
Companies Addresses
********* *********
AddressID ...
BillingAddressID ...
AddressID and BillingAddressID are foreign keys which are present in the Addresses table. When I generate my model based on this table instead of getting what I would expect to get (the AddressID, BillingAddressID) in the company class. I get the following:
public Addresses Addresses { .. }
public global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityReference<Addresses> AddressesReference { .. }
public Addresses Addresses1 { .. }
public global::System.Data.Objects.DataClasses.EntityReference<Addresses> Addresses1Reference { .. }
It seems to be replacing BillingAddress with Addresses1 (not quite sure why that's happening). Also this seems to be common wherever I have a foreign key i.e. instead of the ID I get Table then the TableReference.
I think I can see whats happening i.e. instead of giving me the ID alone, it will be doing a lookup and finding the actual record the ID refers to. However, I am not quite sure what the TableReference field is for....
Can explain this a little better for me?
Thanks in advance.
Relationships are represented as objects in Entity Framework, in the same manner as entities. Even if you are not going to work a lot directly on them, relationship object are first class citizens in EF. EF kreates ObjectStateEntry objects for tracking changes on relationships, just like it does it for entities.
That is why there are two references. First one, AddressesReference is a reference to the relationship object, not the exact entity, and second one Addresses is actual entity.
Peter Chan (link), and Julia Lerman in her book Programming Entity Framework, 1st Edition, say that understanding how relationship works in EF is very important. Also they mention that this is first thing that is confusing developer when they start using EF.
The foreign keys are replaced by a reference to the entity (collection) the foreign key points to.
So to add an address to a company you would do something like:
Address a = new Address();
// ... set variables for address here
currentCompany.Addresses = a;
// or, the other way round (for collections)
EF uses the table names as the reference point when it builds the model and this is why you see "Addresses" and Addresses1". You can open up the entity model in the GUI format and click on each of the associations. These can be renamed to whatever you like, just click on the reference, view the mapping, ensure it is the one that maps "BillingAddressID" to "BillingAddressID" and rename that reference to "BillingAddress".
Note the current "Addresses" reference may be the one mapping the "BillingAddressID" so you have to check both references.
It would probably be best to change the mapping for "AddressID" to be "Address" instead of "Addresses" if it is a one to one mapping as well.