JPA 2.0 retrieve entity by business key - jpa

I know there have been a number of similar posts about this, but I couldn't find a clear answer to my problem.
To make it as simple as possible, say I have such an entity:
public class Person implements Serializable {
private Long id; // PK
private String name; // business key
/* getters and setters */
override equals() and hashCode()
to use the **name** field
So, id is the PK and name is the business key.
Say that I get a list of names, with possible duplicates, which I want to store.
If I simply create one object per name, and let JPA make it persistent, my final table will contain duplicate names - Not acceptable.
My question is what you think is the best approach, considering the alternatives I describe here below and (especially welcome) your own.
Possible solution 1: check the entity manager
Before creating a new person object, check if one with the same person name is already managed.
Problem: The entity manager can only be queried by PK. IS there any workaround Idon't know about?
Possible solution 2: find objects by query
Query query = em.createQuery("SELECT p FROM Person p WHERE = ...");
List<Person> list = query.getResultList();
Questions: Should the objects requested be already loaded in the em, will this still fetch from database? If so, I suppose it would still be not very efficient if done very frequently, due to parsing the query?
Possible solution 3: keep a separate dictionary
This is possible because equals() and hashCode() are overridden to use the field name.
Map<String,Person> personDict = new HashMap<String,Person>();
for(String n : incomingNames) {
Person p = personDict.get(n);
if (p == null) {
p = new Person();
// do something with it
Problem 1: Wasting memory for large collections, as this is essentially what the entity manager does (not quite though!)
Problem 2: Suppose that I have a more complex schema, and that after the initial writing my application gets closed, started again, and needs to re-load the database. If all tables are loaded explicitly into the em, then I can easily re-populate the dictionaries (one per entity), but if I use lazy fetch and/or cascade read, then it's not so easy.
I started recently with JPA (I use EclipseLink), so perhaps I am missing something fundamental here, because this issue seems to boil down to a very common usage pattern.
Please enlighten me!

The best solution which I can think of is pretty simple, use a Unique Constraint
public class Person implements Serializable {
private Long id; // PK
private String name; // business key

The only way to ensure that the field can be used (correctly) as a key is to create a unique constraint on it. You can do this using #UniqueConstraint(columnNames="name") or using #Column(unique = true).
Upon trying to insert a duplicate key the EntityManager (actually, the DB) will throw an exception. This scenario is also true for a manually set primary key.
The only way to prevent the exception is to do a select on the key and check if it exists.


Automatic reindex of #IndexedEmbedded field

As far I can understand from reading this part of the documentation of
there's no automatic reindexing on #IndexedEmbedded fields that doesn't have a bidirectional mapping. Am I correct? And if so I'm curious to know what leaded to introduce this, because in Hibernate search automatic reindexing happened when updating a field in an #IndexedEmbedded field. Does this mean that now I'm responsible to update the index?
Here's an example of my use case which leads to a not updated index:
#Indexed(index = "foo_index")
public class Foo {
private Long id;
#ManyToOne(fetch = LAZY)
private Bar bar;
public class Bar {
private Long id;
private String barFieldOne;
private String barFieldTwo;
Then let's say I retrieve the Foo from the db and change a bar field like this:
Foo foo = repository.findById(1);
This will not trigger index update of the foo index despite I'm working through the #Indexed object(Foo in our case). I have a lot of uni directional relations and I don't want to make them bidirectional because I don't need them and they can lead to performance problems. I understand that if I update the bar entity by itself it won't update the index but here I'm updating it through the main #Indexed entity and I expect the index to be updated.
This use case worked flawlessly in hibernate search 5 and in my honest opinion this is an important. Is there a way to make it work here, because this will make my life a lot easier.
You understood well, Hibernate Search cannot trigger reindexing when there's just an unidirectional association between the modified entity and the indexed entity.
There are plans to address that, maybe, one day, but that will still require some configuration:
This use case worked flawlessly in hibernate search 5 and in my honest opinion this is an important
I'm going to need a reproducer for that. I would be very, very surprised if you managed to make it work. If it worked, it was probably just a side-effect of something else: you disabled dirty checking, or you had a transient property on your entity that caused it to be reindexed every single time.
All we did in Search 6 was to make sure we throw an error when you try to use #IndexedEmbedded on an uni-directional association, and force you to explicitly disable automatic reindexing for that association.
It didn't work in Hibernate Search 5 either, but Hibernate Search 5 would ignore these problems silently and you would end up thinking it worked, but it did not.
So really, the only change is that you are now aware of the problem. It existed before.

Simple Tagging Implementation with Spring Data JPA/Rest

I am trying to come up with a way of implementing tags for my entity that works well for me and need some help in the process. Let me write down some requirements I have in mind:
Firstly, I would like tags to show in entities as a list of strings like this:
"tags": ["foo", "bar"]
Secondly, I need to be able to retrieve a set of available tags across all entities so that users can easily choose from existing tags.
The 2nd requirement could be achieved by creating a Tag entity with the value of the Tag as the #Id. But that would make the tags property in my entity a relation that requires an extra GET operation to fetch. I could work with a getter method that resolves all the Tags and returns only a list of strings, but I see two disadvantages in that: 1. The representation as a list of strings suggests you could store tags by POSTing them in that way which is not the case. 2. The process of creating an entity requires to create all the Tags via a /tags endpoint first. That seem rather complicated for such a simple thing.
Also, I think I read somewhere that you shouldn't create a repository for an entity that isn't standalone. Would I create a Tag and only a Tag at any point in time? Nope.
I could store the tags as an #ElementCollection in my entity. In this case I don't know how to fulfill the 2nd requirement, though.
private Set<String> tags;
I made a simple test via EntityManager but it looks like I cannot query things that are not an #Entity in a result set.
#RequiredArgsConstructor(onConstructor = #__(#Autowired))
public class TagListController implements RepresentationModelProcessor<RepositoryLinksResource> {
private final #NonNull EntityManager entityManager;
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<EntityModel<TagList>> get() {
System.out.println(entityManager.createQuery("SELECT t.tags FROM Training t").getFirstResult());
EntityModel<TagList> model = EntityModel.of(new TagList(Set.of("foo", "bar")));
return ResponseEntity.ok(model);
org.hibernate.QueryException: not an entity
Does anyone know a smart way?
The representation as a list of strings suggests you could store tags by POSTing them in that way which is not the case
This is precisely the issue with using entities as REST resource representations. They work fine until it turns out the internal representation (entity) does not match the external representation (the missing DTO).
However, it would probably make most sense performance-wise to simply use an #ElementCollection like you mentioned, because you then don't have the double join with a join table for the many-to-many association (you could also use a one-to-many association where the parent entity and the tag value are both part of the #Id to avoid a join table, but I'm not sure it's convenient to work with. Probably better to just put a UNIQUE(parent_id, TAG) constraint on the collection table, if you need it). Regarding the not an entity error, you would need to use a native query. Assuming that you have #ElementCollection #CollectionTable(name = "TAGS") #Column(name = "TAG") on tags, then SELECT DISTINCT(TAG) FROM TAGS should do the job.
(as a side note, the DISTINCT part of the query will surely introduce some performance penalty, but I would assume the result of that query is a good candidate for caching)

How to properly use Locking or Transactions to prevent duplicates using Spring Data

What is the best way to check if a record exists and if it doesn't, create it (avoiding duplicates)?
Keep in mind that this is a distributed application running across many application servers.
I'm trying to avoid these:
Race Conditions
A simple example:
public class Person {
private long id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
//Getters and Setters Omitted
public interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, Long>{
public Person findByFirstName(String firstName);
Some Method
public void someMethod() {
Person john = new Person();
if(personRepo.findByFirstName(john.getFirstName()) == null){;
//Don't Save Person
Clearly as the code currently stands, there is a chance that the Person could be inserted in the database in between the time I checked if it already exists and when I insert it myself. Thus a duplicate would be created.
How should I avoid this?
Based on my initial research, perhaps a combination of
But the exact configuration is what I'm unsure of. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. To reiterate, this application will be distributed across multiple servers so this must still work in a highly-available, distributed environment.
For Inserts: if you want to prevent same recordsto be persisted, than you may want to take some precoutions on DB side. In your example, if firstname should be unique, then define a unique index on that column, or a agroup of colunsd that should be unique, and let the DB handle the check, you just insert & get exception if you're inserting a record that's already inserted.
For updates: use #Version (javax.persistence.Version) annotation like this:
private long version;
Define a version column in tables, Hibernate or any other ORM will automatically populate the value & also verison to where clause when entity updated. So if someone try to update the old entity, it prevent this. Be careful, this doesn't throw exception, just return update count as 0, so you may want to check this.

Auto generating a String non-primary key value using jpa

Kindly help me to find out a solution to my problem.
I have a property of type String in my entity which is not primary key.
This would act as system generated unique profile id for users in my project.
I want to auto generate this value like a random string of particular size.
Could you please help me to arrive at a solution.
I have tried the #Generator and custom id generator class. but still null is getting inserted to the field in db.
I am using maria db.
Hi you can use the hibernate events.
#PostPersist Executed after the entity manager persist operation is actually executed or cascaded. This call is invoked after the database INSERT is executed.
Starting with Java 5, the UUID class provides a simple means for generating unique ids. The identifiers generated by UUID are actually universally unique identifiers.
Please follow the sample example.
public class TestModel {
private String uid;
//setter and getter for uid
protected void onCreate() {
// set the uid
Please find the below link for more information on #PrePersist.

possible to return only one column using JPA

I have an Open JPA entity and it successfully connects a many-to-many relationship. Right now I successfully get the entire table, but I really only want the ID's from that tables. I plan on calling the database later to reconstruct the entities that I need (according to the flow of my program).
I need only the ID's (or one column from that table).
1) Should I try and restrict this in my entity beans, or in the stateless session beans that I will be using to call the entity beans
2) If I try and do this using JPA, how can I specify that I only get back the ID's from the table, instead of the whole table? So far looking online, I don't see a way that you can do this. So I am guessing there is no way to do this.
3) If I simply just manipulate the return values, should I create a separate class that I will be returning to the user that will return only the required id list to the user?
I could be completely wrong here, but from the looks of it, I don't think there is a simple way to do this using JPA and I will have to return a custom object instead of the entity bean to the user (this custom object would only hold the id's as opposed to the whole table as it currently does)
Any thoughts... I don't think this is really relevant, but people are always asking for code, so here you go...
private List<DistributionList> distributionlistList;
Currently how I get the entire collection of records. Remember I only want the id...
//int daSize = 0;
//System.out.println("Testing 1.2..3...! ");
qlList = emf.createNamedQuery("getQuickLaunch").getResultList();
This is how I call the Entity beans. I am thinking this is where I will have to programatically go through and create a custom object similar to the entity bean (but it just has the ID's and not the whole table, and attempt to put the id's in there somewhere.
What are your thoughts?
I believe I just figured out the best solution to this problem.
This link would be the answer:
my other stack overflow answer post
But for the sake of those too lazy to click on the link I essentially used the #ElementCollection attribute...
private List<Long> distListIDs;
That did it.
Sounds like you want something like this in your quickLaunch class:
public List<Integer> getDistributionListIds () {
List<Integer> distributionListIds = new LinkedList<Integer>();
List<DistributionList> distributionlistList = getDistributionlistList();
if (distributionlistList != null) {
for (DistributionList distributionList : distributionlistList)
return distributionListIds;
I had to guess a little at the names of your getters/setters and the type of DistributionList's ID. But basically, JPA is already nicely handling all of the relationships for you, so just take the values you want from the related objects.