Cross Domain Tracking with Facebook Connect - facebook

I have a series of applications for an e-commerce service that I'd like to track visitors with; the user enters a site of static pages and then is directed to an application where they place their order, and then directed once more to our payment gateway. Now, Google Analytics has good documentation on how to do this, but our users authenticate through Facebook Connect. This point of authentication causes the tracking to cut off since GA sees this as the user leaving the site.
I'm wondering if there is a way to track the user through this connection, to track their flow from entering the site, all the way to the payment page.

Consider running the FB authentication in a pop up window and once it's complete call a JS on the parent window. I think GA should hold the session.
This answer has an example of refreshing the parent window, your solution should be similar.


How does one add "integration flow for an end user to connect their Instagram business account(s)" - FB Graph API (For IG) question

We have a simple app that summarizes the total number of mentions your instagram account gets using the IG-User/tags endpoint on the graph api (
The pre-requisite of the app is the user has their fb account linked to their IG - Business or IG - Creator account.
Unfortunately every time we've submitted it for review so far it has come back with the same comment from FB:
"Although we were able to login to your app using the Facebook Login authentication, we were unable to test the steps to connect an Instagram business account. As a result, you'll need to implement an integration flow for an end user to connect their Instagram business account(s)"
Now as I understand it there is no way I can get the user to link their IG account to FB or to a FB page using the API. The "link account" action is purely handled using the Instagram app. Or am I missing something here.
Well after 3 weeks of back and forth with multiple seemingly segmented facebook support teams I have been able to get this permission from them.
Turns out that there's an unexplained flow here:
This is verbatim from the information I received from their chat support (but is not found anywhere in the documentation)
"You have needed to provide Test Users on your App Dashboard, grant the test user the Instagram_manage_comments permission and then provide us with the login details. We would then link that to an internal Instagram Business Account."(sic)
The part where they link an internal business account to the test user happens on their end and outside the scope of the app. I confirmed this and even then I failed the review multiple times because apparently the steps to approve IG business permissions have not been standardized yet and sometimes the approver simply doesn't know what needs to be done. It's a strange state of affairs and the answer it seems is to just keep pushing.
I'm having the same problem and looking forward to see some comments to your post since the first day. But I started to think it will never come.
I believe they want a new user to start with minimum permissions (which is the email permission) and add other permission only as they are needed. This requires a mechanism in your app that guide a new user logged in with only email permission to give other permissions (e.g. taping a button that opens up user’s IG business account needs instagram_basic and manage_pages permissions. Or taping “post comment” button needs manage_comments permission.) So your app should open up a window that the user can give permissions when any of these events fires. (or when user decides to take permission(s) back)
This is what I understand from “steps to connect an Instagram business account”.
But I am not sure if my understanding is correct. I would definitely like to hear if you found any solutions.
I'm also having the same problem as you as I'm developing similar service to IGBlade ( & Social Blade (
I'm beginning the wonder if I should change my app review request so that I would inform Facebook that the permissions my app is requesting work serverside and therefore there's no need to implement an integration flow for an end user to connect their Instagram business account(s) to my app.
Any thoughts?
Here is what I have done to get the approval
Create a Facebook test user with correct permissions
Log in with this user
Create a Facebook Page
Edit settings on Facebook Page and add Instagram Business account (personal one)
Submit Facebook review with both credentials (Facebook test user + personal Instagram user).
Wait for review and do not forget to change your personal Instagram user password after the review.

Setup a Facebook Messenger Robot for another user?

I am developing a generic Messenger Robot that walks the user through a structured conversation. The user of the Robot can share whatever they like through configuration. For example someone could setup their life story and go through it in stages, childhood, college, professional life. Each of those stage could be broken down into sub-stages and so on.
Is there a way I can setup the bot for FB users? I don't want to have to go on the user FB profile in order to create a bot for them. I'd like my website or FB app to be able to set it up for the user without an fuss on their part. The user would just give the story and allow FB access while all the technical details would be handled in the background.
Ideas are appreciated,
Just to wrap this up, a 3rd party can access a users Pages via the Facebook Login feature. Once logged in the 3rd party can generate an Access Token for the page. With the Access Token, the 3rd party can receive and send messages with a Bot.

Using facebook with my robot

I develop a robot which is connected to the user Facebook profile. If the user receives a message, the robot tells the user to check his inbox (or it can even read the message aloud).
For that, I want to create a website where my users can register, and where they can connect their accounts with Facebook profiles. The website communicates with Facebook to receive any new information. And the robot connects to the user page on the website to get that information.
My question - is it possible to make it that way? Does the API rules allow it?
EDIT: Especially, I want to know if API rules allow it.
You could make use of the Realtime Update API (
Therefore, you need to setup an endpoint (service) with handles the push notification from the Facebook platform.
Once you did that, you can "listen" to the inbox connection of the user object. FB will tell you if something changed, but not what exactly has changed. So you need to implement an active pull of /{user_id}/inbox and compare the actual result to a cached past result.
Be sure to gather the "read_mailbox" permission with your app.

pyrocms social module: how to register new user with facebook connect

I'm still new to CI and PyroCMS, and am trying to implement a Facebook login using the Social module in a custom module, which looks like it does everything I want, but I'm clearly missing some basics (I can't find any documentation other than the brief readme)!
So far, I've watched the intro video, and have enabled Facebook successfully. I can connect via FB and see FB listed in /social/linked, but some confusion exists in my mind between the two user groups I've got: admin and user.
The flow I'm trying to construct is:
user arrives at the site and is presented with a survey
user fills in the survey, then is asked to signup (I understand that this is unconventional)
/signup has a facebook connect button, supplied by the social module
user clicks the connect button, and grants permission in facebook's popup window
user should be directed back to /signup, (or maybe redirected to /user/registration) with some details filled in from facebook (eg. email, name)
on submit, user should be added to the users table, as a member of the 'users' group (not admin) with no email activation required
an email is sent, thanks page is displayed
on returning to the site, the user should access their on-site profile using facebook connect.
I've read a bunch of threads on the subject, which have shaped these expectations...
Here's where I'm at:
user arrives, fills in survey, clicks the connect button
user is redirected to the homepage, which displays a standard page (not handled by my module). I need to return to /signup!
Based on this, I've tried setting:
$this->session->set_userdata('redirect_to', '/signup');
in what I believe is the correct controller method (checks to see if the user is logged in before sending the email, then calls template build to display the social buttons), to no avail.
(edit: I now see that the code above relates to the user module, not the social module.. maybe i can transplant some changes...)
My questions:
am i on the right track, or going about this the wrong way?!
am i right in thinking that the FB account will be matched with an existing user if the email addresss exists in the system?
I have only one FB account, which I is authorised for the app, and I'm using to connect with as a user - will this work, or do I need a separate FB account to test as user?
Other notes:
I am testing the site in Chrome, logged in as admin in Firefox.
Facebook is my testcase, I'm looking at supporting FB, LinkedIn, google and Twitter eventually.
Phew! Grateful for any feedback, Tim
I will try to answer some of your questions since i'm currently experimenting with the exact same social module as well and with some addons to it.
am i right in thinking that the FB account will be matched with an
existing user if the email addresss exists in the system?
Yes you are. I checked it myself while troubleshooting the fact that my google (gmail address) could'nt connect while my hotmail (registered email) could. You will have to sync your emails in all your social sites, change the loginsystem (allowing username login for example) or manually connect multiple emails in your account settings..
I have only one FB account, which I is authorised for the app, and I'm using to connect with as a user - will this work, or do I need a separate FB account to test as user?
I suggest u let someone with another FB account test the system (better save then sorry) but in my case I didn't have any troubles using other (normal) accounts to log in.
am i on the right track, or going about this the wrong way?!
This was your first question, but I'll answer this as the last on since I didn't test is myself:
The Facebook App has a setting called "Site URL". This is the url to which will be redirected. Simply change it to the page you wish it to be. You can also try to change the following lines in social/controllers/social.php:
Line 245 (redirect: user is logged in after FB connect)
redirect($this->input->get('success_url') ? $this->input->get('success_url') : 'social/linked');
Line 283 (redirect: user has to fill in some additional fields to complete registration)
Good luck!
The intro video shows off the entire extent of the social module. Frontend registrations, frontend user account linking, and backend account linking for the entire system.
If you wish to integrate custom functionality, custom user flows and other stuff as listed in your question then you will need to do a little custom work with the module. Hack it, extend it, send in some pull requests, whatever, but sadly it cannot do "everything to integrate with everywhere ever" out of the box. :-/

Is it possible to implement facebook authentication without popup

We are integrating an application as a facebook app at work. I want to be able to detect whether the user has logged in to facebook, and if not, to prompt for authentication.
So far we have successfully used the facebook SDK and the login functionality it provided. However, this causes an authentication popup window to be created by our application, and it is being blocked by most of the browsers, so our priority task is to re-implement the authentication logic not to use popups.
According to the this tutorial from the facebook documentation it could be done either by using event subscription for user status change requests (which did not work when the user is logged out) or by obtaining access token. The problem is that the token is returned as request parameter to the top window (the url I specify as a return url after the user authenticates). Since some cross-domain and browser restrictions exist, I am unable to use client scripting to obtain the value, and I am stuck.
Related questions here have been asked and the common issue is that most apps are being ran on localhost. However, the case with our app is that we have deployed our app to local webserver, that is exposed by a public domain, but still has the cross-domain restriction issues. It is being referenced by its public domain name within the facebook app configuration. I am completely confident in that the domains are fully accessible from outside.
In general, our case is that we would like to host the app while it is being used by facebook users. Perhaps this approach might be incompatible with our requirement? Is it possible to configure cross-domain communication to avoid the issue? Are any other ways to do avoid facebook login popups?
First of all, default settings for popup blockers in modern browsers are so that they only block popups that are called without user interaction. If you call FB.login automatically on page load, it is likely to get blocked. But if you offer a link/button to the user saying “log in here” and only call FB.login on click on that link/button, then the popup is rather likely to be shown and not blocked.
If you are not willing to do it that way – then your other option is to use the server-side auth flow. You can just redirect the user to the auth dialog, which will happen in the same window, and he will be directed back to your app afterwards.