How to create an IDE extension with eclipse 4? - eclipse

I'm trying to learn the new application model thingy in Eclipse 4, coming from the previous 3.x world. One thing that is unclear to me is...How to make a Plug-in project like the plain old Plug-in project in 3.x version?
I'm asking because when I try to create a new Eclipse 4 project:
File -> New -> Other -> Eclipse 4 -> Eclipse 4 Application Project and fill the necessary fields, I get a project that if I right click in the .product file and run it, always get a RCP application.
I tried comparing an old 3.x plugin.xml file from a Plug-in 3.x project with a Eclipse 4 plugin.xml project and I can't see any difference that indicates that is going to be a RCP instead of an IDE extension...
I guess I can go with creating a 3.x Plug-in project, but I keep wondering why I can't simply develop IDE extensions using the new Eclipse 4 application model (which I kinda like...)
What I'm missing here? Any ideas? Is it not possible (yet) to develop IDE extensions using Eclipse 4?

You can use the normal New Plug-in Project to create a plug-in for Eclipse E4. Be sure not to select the 'This plug-in will make contributions to the UI' check box as that will introduce Eclipse 3 dependencies.
Use 'New / Eclipse 4 / New Model Fragment' if you want to add an Eclipse 4 model fragment to the plug-in.


How do I link between the new Eclipse and Scene Builder?

I have downloaded the latest version of eclipse and the latest version of javafx, created a new user library which contains all of the javafx files (I have used this tutorial).
I've noticed that unlike older eclipse versions, there is no "scene builder path" setting in the latest eclipse, and when I attempt to create a new project there is no such thing as "JavaFX Project" (I remember having this option that automatically created an fxml file and control,main classes.)
My question is how do I make it all work together like it used to in the older eclipse versions?
(I know that there's something called e(fx)clipse but I believe it is outdated since it refers to javafx 2, and I have downloaded version 11)
Just go to the eclipse marketplace and install e(fx)clipse. It is not outdated and should provide you with the functionality that you are looking for.

Activate JavaFX in already existing netbeans project

I have an already existing netbeans project and i would like to have the possibility to add javaFX files from the netbeans menu. Is there any way to active JavaFx on an already existing project?
Javafx is always available for any project even a swing application. For integration of the two see this :

Missing platform-specific plugins in new RCP app

If I use New -> Eclipse 4 Application Project, and look into my .product file, there's this
Right. So I know I'm using Eclipse 4.5.1 RCP for Windows x64, but if I configure my target platform so that it points to the Eclipse update sites, I still get the same result.
Mind you that there's no delta pack since 4.5.x! All platform-specific plugins should be in the target platform's update sites.
Am I not including the correct features in the target platform?
Related question here
The plugin list used by this Wizard is out of date. For example the Mac OSX plugins shown as errors no longer exist and I think that applies to the others shown as errors as well.
The 'New > Eclipse 4 Application Project' wizard is being removed altogether in Eclipse 4.6 bug 473575
Instead of this wizard use 'New > Plug-in Development > Plug-in Project'. Check the 'This project will make contributions to the UI' option and 'Yes' for 'would you like to create a rich client application'. On the templates page choose 'Eclipse 4 RCP application'

Eclipse 4 RCP - how to create project?

I am using eclipse 4 application platform for building custom ide like app, but i am still not sure what libraries i can use.
For instance i can't find some API which is responsible for maintaining projects.
Is it even possible to create project or this is just part specific for eclipse as IDE and can't be used if i am using e4 rcp?
The org.eclipse.e4.rcp, org.eclipse.emf.core and org.eclipse.emf.ecore Eclipse features list all the plugins that a pure e4 application uses.
The list includes most of the plugins but not the org.eclipse.core.resources plugin which contains the workspace code (things like IFile and IWorkspace).
So if you want projects and workspaces you would have to write you own code for that - which would not be compatible with any other Eclipse 3.x plugins.

How to create, use and run the tutorials from "The Java EE 6 Tutorial" in Eclipse?

The Java EE 6 Tutorial references java ee example projects available through the java ee 6 sdk update tool. The tutorial is oriented towards users of NetBeans and not Eclipse, but NetBeans is not an option for me.
I am new to Java EE and don't know how to take these samples and make an eclipse project from them.
The reason I don't just create a project and copy in the source is that I don't know which eclipse template or project structure I should use for each sample.
So, what should I do with these sample projects to get them up and running in Eclipse?
Thanks in advance.
Assuming you have all the required software to run the Java EE tutorial:
Install latest Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers.
Install Maven Integration for Eclipse (M2E) plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace (Main Menu: Help -> Eclipse Marketplace).
Install Subclipse plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace.
Install Glassfish tools plugin for your Eclipse version. Eg: Glassfish tools for Luna.
Add Glassfish server to Eclipse.
Get the Java EE Tutorial code using the Glassfish Update Tool. In my case, the Glassfish Update Tool did not bring all the codes from the example, so I checked out the Java EE tutorial code from the SVN. (File -> Import -> SVN -> Checkout Project from SVN). Create a new repository location specifying the URL. Example URL:
Ones you have the examples imported to an Eclipse workspace, you can build an individual example projects as follows:
From the Eclipse project explorer window select the project folder you want to build. Example: examples/web/jsf/hello1
Right click on the project folder and select import -> Maven -> Existing Maven projects option. Tick the option to add the project to your workspace.
From the project explorer window, now select the newly added project folder.
Now build the project using option Project -> Build project option.
After the successful build, run the application using Run -> Run As -> Run on Server option.
This worked for me. I had exactly the same question and being new to everything Eclipse, I had trouble figuring this out.
From the link you provided there is a Required Software section. Basically you would need to follow all those instructions except for where NetBeans IDE is concerned.
For Eclipse related configuration I would recommend the Eclipse (Helios) online documentation. Indigo is the latest version of Eclipse but not all plugins support that version.
There is a section in the documention for creating enterprise applications:
Creating an enterprise application project
After familiarising yourself with how enterprise projects are created within Eclipse you should be able to import the sample source applications used in the Java EE tutorial without too much hassle.
You would probably want to install the GlassFish plugin for Eclipse as well.