Missing platform-specific plugins in new RCP app - eclipse

If I use New -> Eclipse 4 Application Project, and look into my .product file, there's this
Right. So I know I'm using Eclipse 4.5.1 RCP for Windows x64, but if I configure my target platform so that it points to the Eclipse update sites, I still get the same result.
Mind you that there's no delta pack since 4.5.x! All platform-specific plugins should be in the target platform's update sites.
Am I not including the correct features in the target platform?
Related question here

The plugin list used by this Wizard is out of date. For example the Mac OSX plugins shown as errors no longer exist and I think that applies to the others shown as errors as well.
The 'New > Eclipse 4 Application Project' wizard is being removed altogether in Eclipse 4.6 bug 473575
Instead of this wizard use 'New > Plug-in Development > Plug-in Project'. Check the 'This project will make contributions to the UI' option and 'Yes' for 'would you like to create a rich client application'. On the templates page choose 'Eclipse 4 RCP application'


How to make Exe file in RCP 3.x Application using target definition and product export wizard?

My system configuration:
OS windows 10 64 bit
Eclispe Kepler
Eclipse RCP 3.X
I want to create ".exe" file from product export wizard so I am making a target definition from File > Export... > Plug-in Development > Eclipse Product.
A after creating Target Definition Location Tab-> Click on Add
I selected Software site then
What are the plugin required to to be installed?
Well it depends what you want your target platform to be. It doesn't have to be the same release of Eclipse and can even be something quite different.
For Eclipse target platforms the site is usually something like http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/<release number>. Where 'release number' is something like 4.5 or 4.6.
In the site there should be a 'Eclipse RCP Target Components' section where you can select 'Eclipse RCP'. This gives you a target plaform entry with the core Eclipse RCP. You might need other entries if you need more Eclipse components.
For example this is an Eclipse Neon (4.6) target:

How can I use an existing .target file in Eclipse?

I would like to develop plugins for an RCP Applicaction. Now, they provide a .target file for development.
I tried to read on several Eclipse pages but I could not find out how to use that file. Do I have to load it somewhere? Do I have to add it at a specific location?
I'm sure, I missed something...
Please give me a hint.
Use the target definition editor to open the target file.
You will need to have the Plug-in development tools (PDE) installed to develop plug-ins for RCP applications. PDE can be installed into an existing IDE from the projects download page.
Or you can download an Eclipse package that contains PDE. This page gives an overview which package contains what. However, I recommend to choose the Eclipse for RCP and RAP develoipers
If you have PDE installed and the target file is located in the workspace, it is the default editor (i.e. you can simply doiuble click the respective entry in the package explorer).
Use the Set as target platform in the top right corner of the target editor to make it the current target platform.
The current target platform constitutes the plug-ins which your workspace will be built and run against. It describes the platform that you are developing for.
Once a target platform is known to the IDE it can also the changed through the Plug-in Development > Target Platform preference page.
There is also an option to show the name of the current target platform in the status bar on the Plug-in Development preference page.

How to create an IDE extension with eclipse 4?

I'm trying to learn the new application model thingy in Eclipse 4, coming from the previous 3.x world. One thing that is unclear to me is...How to make a Plug-in project like the plain old Plug-in project in 3.x version?
I'm asking because when I try to create a new Eclipse 4 project:
File -> New -> Other -> Eclipse 4 -> Eclipse 4 Application Project and fill the necessary fields, I get a project that if I right click in the .product file and run it, always get a RCP application.
I tried comparing an old 3.x plugin.xml file from a Plug-in 3.x project with a Eclipse 4 plugin.xml project and I can't see any difference that indicates that is going to be a RCP instead of an IDE extension...
I guess I can go with creating a 3.x Plug-in project, but I keep wondering why I can't simply develop IDE extensions using the new Eclipse 4 application model (which I kinda like...)
What I'm missing here? Any ideas? Is it not possible (yet) to develop IDE extensions using Eclipse 4?
You can use the normal New Plug-in Project to create a plug-in for Eclipse E4. Be sure not to select the 'This plug-in will make contributions to the UI' check box as that will introduce Eclipse 3 dependencies.
Use 'New / Eclipse 4 / New Model Fragment' if you want to add an Eclipse 4 model fragment to the plug-in.

I don't have "Dynamic Web Project" option in Eclipse new Project wizard

I have download the Eclipse IDE for Java developer, HELIOS. I click 'File -> New -> Project...', but I only have "General, CVS, Java project, Examples". I would like to be able to create "dynamic web project", why do I not have this option?
I searched from internet, and the reason is probably I don't have Eclipse Web Development Tools, but how can I get it?
I know by install Eclipse IDE for Java EE developer can solve the problem. But, I am working under Linux Ubuntu, how to get Eclipse Java EE version for Ubuntu Linux machine?
Not all of them are required (I think), but after installing the components listed below I got the "Dynamic Web Project" template added to my Eclipse (Indigo). The list is:
Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools
Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools
Eclipse Web Developer Tools
Eclipse XML Editors and Tools
You can install those packages by clicking on "Help" > "Install New Software", selecting the repository that corresponds to your Eclipse build (i.e http://download.eclipse.org/releases/indigo for Indigo). The packages are grouped under "Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development".
I think you need the Web Tools Platform package for this. Not very sure though. You can add it to your current eclipse through Help > install new software.
Then add the software repository site location for WTP for your version of eclipse. This is how you can install plugins in eclipse.
"http://download.eclipse.org/releases/kepler"(If you have Eclipse Kepler)
Based on your eclipse choose above link and copy in
help>Install new software
paste in "work with" click add
give any name you want - plugin
In the list select>"Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development">Eclipse Java EE
Developer Tools. select and install it.
After restart you will have your Dyanmic web project option.
Thank You.
Like me if it worked please
You only need to install
Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools
and you will be able to see "Dynamic web project" wizard.
Download Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, everything you need should be included inside. This is the most painless way of obtaining Web Development Tools.
If you want to leave your existing Eclipse IDE, you can go to 'Help -> Install New Software' and find WDT to install them, although I haven't personally tried to go this route, so I can't guarantee everything will work out of the box.
Edit: not sure if it's included in Ubuntu's repository. One other way to do it is to download Linux 32-bit (or 64-bit, depending on your machine) version of Eclipse EE, but you'll have to check if it's the source you have to compile yourself, or an already compiled binary.
Fwiw, I downloaded the standard Java EE version of the Mars version of Eclipse, and ran into the same deal -- didn't see a Web option if I tried File >>> New >>> Project wizard.
The good news: Probably no extra installation needed.
It looks like what I wanted was to select the Other option rather than the Project item (strangely this is what comes up when you hit Ctrl-N, but that also lets us know we're probably on the right track):
After you select "Other", you'll see the "Select a wizard" screen, where you can select "Dynamic Web Project" and profit.
Install New Software
In Work With input box paste this url: http://download.eclipse.org/releases/{version}/
Replace version with your eclipse's version (eg: LUNA)
Hit enter
Underneath box will have different options, select package of your need.
Maybe Eclipse WTP plugin has been accidently removed. Have you tried re-installing WTP using this location ? If I were you I would have reinstall Eclipse from strach or even better try Spring ToolSuite which integrates with Google Plugin for Eclipse seamlessly (usign Extenstions tab on STS Dashboard)
Just download any eclipse with "EE" letters
I had a similar problem, you may find that going to the top right corner of your page in Eclipse and click "Java EE" instead of "Java" will solve your problem. I had EE installed correctly like you, and this solved the issue for me. Hope I helped :)
Go to Eclipse --> Help
and click--->Install new software
then you can see a window ...There a click add
Then put below url in url box: http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/repository/juno/
i am having juno
if u have any other means put that name .
then click ok.
Make sure to check dynamic web app in "other section" i.e File>New>Other>Web or type in "dynamic web app" in your wizard filter. If dynamic web app is not there then follow following steps:
In work with test box simply type in your eclipse version, which is oxygen in my case
Once you type in yur version something like this "Oxygen - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/oxygen"will be recommended to you in drop down
If you do not get any recommendation then simply copy " http://download.eclipse.org/releases/your-version" and paste it. Make sure to edit your-version.
After you Enter the address and press enter bunch of new softwares will be listed just ubderneath work with text box.
Scroll, find and Expand WEB, XML, Java EE .... tab
Select only these three options: Eclipse Java EE Developer Tools, Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools,Eclipse Web Developer Tools
Next, next and finish!
The easiest way to handle this is to install the full package installer with all weblogic add ons from the oracle site. This will install eclipse with all the features/plug ins you need.
This helped me find the "Dynamic web project" in Eclipse 2020-12 version. Restart the eclipse and go to file->new->other->web and you will see
project will be available.
This option might be missing because more than one and other than Tomcat runtime is selected. At the marked spot I was shown that I have selected Java JDK runtime. After unselecting it Dynamic Web Module reappeared.

Problems in Installation of Blackberry JDE Plugin for Eclipse

I am having issues installing the BlackBerry JDE plugin. I have downloaded and installed the plugin from the BlackBerry site. The installation ran smoothly and completed. However when I open Eclipse the option for BlackBerry is not showing.
I don't know what the problem is exactly. I tried many things but I am heading nowhere. I want to know how to add the plugin and get started on BlackBerry development.
The default download of the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse is a combination of Eclipse and the BlackBerry Eclipse plugin. For version 1.3 and 1.5, the install directory will contain a full Eclipse Helios installation, along with the BlackBerry plugin. You should start eclipse from that directory.
From the download page, one of the new features for version 1.5 is:
Ability to download and install the BlackBerry Plug-in into an existing Eclipse environment by providing the BlackBerry Plug-in through an Eclipse update site.
So to take advantage of that, follow the instructions on "BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse Update Site" which explain how to add the site to your existing Eclipse setup, and then install the plugin from the site.
There are 2 options, as noted above.
The blackberry way: you download the full plugin (the name is misleading, since it's a full eclipse install including the plugin) from here.
The eclipse way: you install a 32-bit Java 6 SDK (64-bit is not supported and Java 7 has known problems with the code signing tool), then download the 32-bit Eclipse (I use version 3.7 "Indigo"), and install the plugin from Eclipse (Menu Help->Install new software, type the url "http://www.blackberry.com/go/eclipseupdate/3.6/java" inside the "Work with" box, then you need to select the plugin and at least a Blackberry SDK from the list)
If everything works, you should see the blackberry icon in the "About" box.
You should also see a Blackberry perspective (under Window->Open Perspective), a Blackberry menu item under "Project"), and a Blackberry section if you create a new project.
There is no such thing as a "Blackberry tab". The Blackberry development tools are integrated with the environment.
you could have done some mistakes while the installation. I am also using in windows 7 only. Its working perfectly for me. Please delete the current eclipse and try to install as shown in this tutorial.
I have installed it on my new laptop just yesterday. Simple, follow the steps and you will be done. Note that the latest eclipse is Indigo and not Helios; I am using Indigo and I advocate it.
Go grab your Indigo
Unzip into ANY dammed directory. You must see a folder with "eclipse" created.
Double click the Violet eclipse Icon. You must now be seeing eclipse smiling at you.
Select the menu Help->Install New Software
Select a hyperlink present at label "Find more software by working with the "Available Software Sites" preferences"
Now select Preferences and the select the button "Add".
Fill up Name and Location values with the following
Name:BlackBerry Java Plug-in Update Site, Value: "http://www.blackberry.com/go/eclipseUpdate/3.6/java"
Select OK.
That's it!