tinyMCE upload image to cloud instead of server - tinymce

I am using tinyMCE 4.x latest version and it has Moxie Manager integrated, but it uploads my image files directly on server. I need to avoid that because my website is hosted at AppFog where is not possible to store information because it's PaaS. Can anyone tell me is it possible to redirect the image upload to cloud service or other storage method capable with AppFog or maybe Heroku, because I found that Moxie Manager wants 700Euro to give me plugin for image upload to Amazon S3, but 700Euro is impossible to pay. I will be very thankful for other plugins that can be integrated to tinyMCE its not necessary to use Moxie Manager ( it looks great but this price... )


I’m using (gulp) HTML,sass,js . How can I upload it to my online seever?

I am using Gulp, and I have build one admin template just for practice purpose. I'm searching on Google and YouTube but I didn’t find any solution.
Am I able to upload this website to my server? If I remove node modules and then upload it to the server, will it work?

Can API Platform be deployed in a LAMP env' on shared hosting, like Hostgator?

I currently have a reseller account through Hostgator and am wondering if API Platform can be deployed there. The documentation states "The server part of API Platform is basically a standard Symfony application, that you can also easily deploy on your own servers." but it's not clear to me whether or not the server part (e.g., /api) can be broken out of Docker and installed in a standard LAMP lamp env. It seems feasible but I'm not certain it would work like that.
Any guidance will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Yes it can! The Docker integration is 100% optional.
Because the content of this directory is actually just the Symfony Skeleton + the configuration for the API Platform bundle, you can just upload the content of the api/ directory on any LAMP server. Set the appropriate environment variables (for instance the RDBMS), and you’re done.

Push app package using REST API

I have installed a standalone cluster on my server. I see almost all of the commands are supported by tools but can't find a way to push an app package using the REST API.
Is that possible?
I ended up using sfctl CLI to manage the cluster. It uses HTTP connection.
From the docs, I found that Upload File could be used to upload the app package to image store.
sfctl application upload command may be a better option for uploading an application to the image store in the selected cluster.
sfctl application upload --path path-to-directory-with-ApplicationManifest.xml --show-progress

Is there integration with Alfresco and OwnCloud?

Is there integration with Alfresco and Own-cloud? Or how to deploy alfresco to own-cloud?
I do not believe that it is possible to deploy Alfresco to OwnCloud. It also looks like OwnCloud does not (at the time of writing) support CMIS (see https://github.com/owncloud/core/issues/17563) so I think that it will be hard if not impossible to create an integration between Alfresco and OwnCloud.
But I saw a free web application before called MultCloud that can access all cloud storage in one place. There are more than 20 cloud services supported, including ownCloud and Alfresco.
Once you add your accounts into it, you're able to sync or transfer files among them directly from the web page. I use this tool to manage my Dropbox, Evernote and ownCloud. It would give a help from my point of view.

facebook-unity-sdk parse.com can't get it working

I try to add facebook sdk on my unity game with following the tutorial ( https://developers.facebook.com/docs/unity/tutorials/games/ setup part) i follow the instruction and use parse.com for deploy the game because i don't have web server but i don't understand how to use parse.com for deploy the game there is no option for upload file, its possible to upload it (and how?) or it's a feature only reserved for Pro/enterprise plan ?
(Otherwise what web service i can use for deploy a unity webplayers? other than dropbox)
Solved found the parse.zip for the parse console and can upload with it