Getting internal error while setting pushnotification on MoonAPNS - moonapns

I am getting System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: An internal error occurred
when initialize push notification using:
Dim push = New PushNotification(False,"PushDistributionCertificates.p12", "mypswd")
in MoonAPNS.
This is working fine on desktop but not working on web.
any suggestions, appreciate your help.

I was getting the same error. You need to go to your application pool and make a change:
application pool - Advanced Settings - Load User Profile - True
Otherwise, .NET cannot open the certificates.


Push Notifications: error occurred while loading the keystore: invalid null input

[] Ionic application doesn't receive Push Notifications. I send it using tool, but I everytime see the error in the tab History and Schedule: error occurred while loading the keystore: invalid null input.
Has anybody dealt with this before?
It happens if you use the wrong Push Notification certificate or the wrong password of that certificate. Please generate a new one and build the app again, it should work well

Azure communications Web Calling issue

When i use the CallClient of #azure/communication-calling SDK to create a CallAgent, i'm getting 'No CommunicationTokenCredential provided' error even though i'm passing a valid CommunicationTokenCredential
Ex: this.callAgent = await this.callClient.createCallAgent(tokenCredential);
I'm able to successfully deploy a standalone react app & run the following sample application and make a web call as suggested in Microsoft docs.
But, when I integrate this into my existing React App, I start having issues in creating a CallAgent with the following error:
'azure:ACS:error 27/10/2021, 18:13:48:96 CallClient1:CallAgent1 op:Initialize failed, message=No CommunicationTokenCredential provided,'
I am passing the CommunicationTokenCredential properly while calling the createCallAgent(token) (verified by printing the token as well).
But still, I get this error. Has anyone else faced this issue?

Analytics Kit - When Response Content From Connection inputStream operation exception! 40

I'm trying to implement Huawei Analytics Kit in the app, but unfortunately I faced with a problem, when in debug mode my custom event's are not displaying on the web in App debugging. In logs I can see the following error, that is saying that I have no network or no Internet permission which is NOT true in my case.
W/HiAnalyticsSDK: HttpClient=> When Response Content From Connection inputStream operation exception! 401
W/HiAnalyticsSDK: StreamUtil=> closeQuietly(): Exception when connHttp.getInputStream()!,There may be no network, or no INTERNET permission
I/HiAnalyticsSDK: ReportInstance=> response code : 401
I/HiAnalyticsSDK: SendTask=> events PostRequest sendevent TYPE : oper, TAG : _openness_config_tag, resultCode: 401 ,reqID:530a86a50e7643cb83ec1328b5332fbf
I/HiAnalyticsSDK: SendTask=> is debug mode
Could you suggest me please the source of this kind of problem, because I've already made a full research of documentation and didn't find the solution of this problem. Thanks.
Would you mind provide some further info for further check?
-The version number for Huawei Analytics SDK
-Data storage area selected when analysis service is enabled
-A complete Huawei Analytics SDK log, from initialization to error occured
Error code 401 means unauthorized access or invalid login credential. Please make sure that you have include your agconnect-services.json in your app directory, enable and configure Analytics API correctly in your developer console.
You can refer to this FAQ -
Please go over this doc and make sure that you don’t miss any step -

An internal error has occurred. The application may still be initializing or the URL used is invalid

When I try opening the dashDB console from Bluemix, I occasionally get the following error message:
An internal error has occurred. The application may still be
initializing or the URL used is invalid. Check the URL and try again.
For more information, view the server log files.
How can I fix this?
The problem seems to be a cookie caching issue.
Get the domain name from the browser window that is displaying the error message. E.g.
Open cookie page, for example in firefox:
Search for cookies with the YOUR domain name from step 1.
Select all those cookies and delete them by clicking the 'Remove Selected' button.
You should be able to launch now.
WARNING: the above worked for me, but use the above advice at your own risk.

Push Notification Error

I am trying to display push-notifications in my application. I have created ApId's, enabled the push-notifications and created the P12-certificates. I sent a request to the server, but the following error occurred:
Error - An error occurred while reading Apple response for token 90241600842ee12f13378b33b03a1600200000009cff033fa037160000b00f00 - Input string was not in a correct format.
What should I do?
In case anyone else comes across this question later, this error is given when you use a production certificate in the sandbox environment.