Analytics Kit - When Response Content From Connection inputStream operation exception! 40 - huawei-mobile-services

I'm trying to implement Huawei Analytics Kit in the app, but unfortunately I faced with a problem, when in debug mode my custom event's are not displaying on the web in App debugging. In logs I can see the following error, that is saying that I have no network or no Internet permission which is NOT true in my case.
W/HiAnalyticsSDK: HttpClient=> When Response Content From Connection inputStream operation exception! 401
W/HiAnalyticsSDK: StreamUtil=> closeQuietly(): Exception when connHttp.getInputStream()!,There may be no network, or no INTERNET permission
I/HiAnalyticsSDK: ReportInstance=> response code : 401
I/HiAnalyticsSDK: SendTask=> events PostRequest sendevent TYPE : oper, TAG : _openness_config_tag, resultCode: 401 ,reqID:530a86a50e7643cb83ec1328b5332fbf
I/HiAnalyticsSDK: SendTask=> is debug mode
Could you suggest me please the source of this kind of problem, because I've already made a full research of documentation and didn't find the solution of this problem. Thanks.

Would you mind provide some further info for further check?
-The version number for Huawei Analytics SDK
-Data storage area selected when analysis service is enabled
-A complete Huawei Analytics SDK log, from initialization to error occured

Error code 401 means unauthorized access or invalid login credential. Please make sure that you have include your agconnect-services.json in your app directory, enable and configure Analytics API correctly in your developer console.
You can refer to this FAQ -
Please go over this doc and make sure that you don’t miss any step -


Identify reasons for 500 errors Google auth

We have an api deployed on Azure that uses Google authentication. Over the weekend, the API started to throw 500 errors that were resolved after restarting the API. Is there a way to identify what the underlying cause for these errors might be?
Check if you have custom error mode in web.config file to “on” or “Remoteonly”. If
yes then turn it off. Add the following line to System.web element in web.config
Enable custom logging/instrumentation in the code which can help you in more
ASP.NET applications can use the System.Diagnostics.Trace class to log information to
the application diagnostics log. For example
System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceError("If you're seeing this, something bad happened");
Enable Detailed Error Messages - Detailed version of the html files produced when
your website responds with an error message. This is good to enable for debugging
some error responses in your website. It is stored in the website's file system.
Web Server Logging - Also known as HTTP logs or IIS logs, this will log all requests
to your website in W3C Extended Log File Format.
Failed Request Tracing - Also known as FREB, here you can get lots of information
from IIS through its different stacks for each failing request.

403 - accessNotConfigured error while the required API is enabled

I'm experiencing a strange 403 error that keeps popping up since 26.09.2017. Here are the error details:
[domain] = usageLimits
[reason] = accessNotConfigured
[message] = Access Not Configured. Google Analytics API has not been used in project ******** before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting******** then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.
[extendedHelp] =********
The problem is that the project in question has the Google Analytics API enabled since years (around 2013).
I really can't figure out what could be the problem, it seems to be an API bug.
The error suddenly showed up, without any changes to the application or API Project, it just started raising at the end of September.
One more thing, the project also has access to the limited beta program for the Relatime Reporting API.
Any ideas?

Email/Password Authentication Mongodb-stitch Android API

This seems to be on a very new topic because the "stitch" or "mongodb-stitch" tags do not exist yet.
I have a mongodb altas cluster on The page only teaches how to do things with JS but I don't have server side JS on hand. Instead I tried to figure out how to do things with the StitchClient on the Android API.
I was able to register an email/password pair using StitchClient.register(email,pwd) and got an email from with the token/tokenId. I copied them and used StitchClient.emailConfirm(token, tokenId) but failed. The error was:
Unexpected response code 404 for
which sounds strange! I opened a browser and paste that in the URL and got 404 too. I even did
curl --data "token=432...345&tokenId=435..334"
and still got 404.
Is this a bug or an outage of the server?

Where do I find the Spotify auth.js script?

I'm trying to use Spotify's auth.authenticateWithFacebook API and am getting the following error in the console log:
Uncaught Error: Failed to read "sp://import/scripts/api/auth.js"
This occurs when the following is execute:
var auth = sp.require('sp://import/scripts/api/auth');
Is the auth module public yet?
I am trying this as a result of a response to "How do I connect my Spotify App to Facebook Connect?" where they suggest the use of the auth module.
I have downloaded the latest client preview with no difference.
Download the preview version from this post.
This is a really old post, but in case anyone ends up here from a search engine or a related SO post, I'd just like to add that Facebook authentication has since been added to the API (version 1.x.). Please see this page for documentation around auth.

Working on Twilio iOS SDK

Is anybody here who have ever worked on Twilio iOS SDK Client.
Actually i am running one of the Twilio SDK Examaples. and i am getting weired Error.
i put my auth.php and Helper Libraries and basic-call.pnh files onto my Local Server but when i tried to connect it through my application from iPhone it gives me the following error:
2012-01-24 14:11:26.694 HelloMonkey[5346:7403] Error establishing connection due to error: Status Code domain: TwilioHTTPErrorDomain code: 487
2012-01-24 14:11:29.677 HelloMonkey[5346:7403] Error establishing connection due to error: Status Code domain: TwilioHTTPErrorDomain code: 408
These errors occurs after 5 - 10 minutes after my connection successful.
Also i am not hearing any response from basic-call.php.
My Basic call.php has simple code that says "Welcome to Twilio Client". But its not saying it.
Can any body help.
Twilio Client Mobile suffered a short outage around the time that your question was asked. Can you please try running your code again and see if you get the same error?
Check out whether the VoiceURL in your application setting page of Twilio points to basic-call.php.Whatever URL mentioned under VoiceURL only twilio attempts to call.