Beta testing an iOS app with iOS 7 beta - iphone

I'm working on an application that I want to test on iOS 7, but I have no devices that can run iOS 7.
A friend living far away from me with an iPhone 5 is willing to beta-test the app.
I've added his UDID to my developer profile.
What else would his phone need to test the app properly?
I think he needs the provisioning profile/certificate installed on his phone?
Would his phone then be able to install the iOS 7 beta without any problems?
From my understanding, phones that are not tied to a developer account are bricked if they try to install the beta.

General Notes
Might I recommend you look into Among other things, it will ensure:
You have his UUID without error
He can download your app
You can collect feedback, crash reports, and "checkpoint" information about his usage.
You can enlist the help of others as well using this (and similar) services, making this whole problem a lot easier to manage now and in the future.
How to enable iOS Beta version installs:
Once you're sure you have his UUID, put it into your developer account's device list using the Apple Developer Portal, and he will be able to install iOS 7 Beta using iTunes. You may want to either add his apple ID to your developer account so he can download the beta, or otherwise arrange to get the .DMG to him.
How to distribute your app:
You need to create a distribution profile for your app which includes the device UUID you received from your friend. This can be done on the Apple Developer Portal under Certificates. After you create the profile, download and install it on your development computer. When you create an IPA, be sure to sign it with this profile. You can then use testflight, or some other means to distribute the app.


Flutter app on my iPhone without Apple Store

Good evening, I was wandering if there is the possibility to fully download (not just debug) an app made by me with Flutter on my own iPhone without passing through the App Store and without the developer account of Apple. Thanks in advance!
Edit: If I develop the app with React Native instead of Flutter is the same or in that case can I download it?
Actually, you can't do that because you have to need developer account to install the app on your phone. That's iOS requirements, but you can create free amount then you create free certificate just one week.
To install a Flutter app on an iOS device you need to either generate an IPA file or publish your application in the App Store. To be able to achieve that you need two things :
A MacOS machine with XCode
An Apple developer account
For 1 there are solutions. If you do not own a Mac you can use services like appollo to configure and build your app. It's pretty easy to use.
For 2, you do not really have a choice. To be able to install an app on a physical device you have to add the device UDID in your developer account. Otherwise the IPA will not be installed.

Generate ipa without paid apple developer account

Can we generate ipa from Xcode without paid apple developer account? I want to share ipa so that it can be installed on any of the iPhone.
No, unless the iphones are jailbroken, you cannot run unsigned code on iOS devices. There's not way to generate a signed IPA for iOS without a developer account. A free developer account will allow you to build an app that will run for 7 days on a pre-defined set of devices (you would need to register any devices on which you want the code to run).
But if you could build and deploy an app without the signing process, developer could bypass the App Store, which is something Apple doesn't want for multiple reasons.

Unable to deploy iOS app to iPhone with Xcode 7

I recently downloaded the Xcode 7 Beta in hopes of using the new feature that allows you to test apps on your phone without paying their developer fee. I followed the steps in the answer to this question
Test iOS app on device without apple developer program or jailbreak
However, I am unable to choose my device in the scheme because it is under ineligible devices. When I click 'Fix Issue', I get the error "Unable to create a provisioning profile because your team has no devices registered in the Member Center. Please connect a device, enable it for development, and add it to the Member Center using the Organizer." However, I cannot do any of this because I do not have a paid Apple developer account. How can I get Xcode to create a free provisioning profile and allow my phone to be used for testing?
To deploy an app to a device, it has to be registered in the member center. Since this functionality isn't available until iOS 9 is released, you won't be able to run it until then.
Xcode 7 doesn't change anything about that.
Join the developer forums or just log in to the developer centre with your Apple ID and then things will start to work as you will have joined the free tier of the developer program and Xcode 7 will show your apple ID as having free ios and mac development under accounts in the Xcode preferences section.
I've had no problems testing on an iPhone 6 and old iPad 3 both with iOS 8.whatever :)
Xcode 7 automatically registers your device, installs two development certificates in your keychain (Mac & iOS) and provides provisioning profile management ... thats kind of the whole point :)

How to run an iOS Application on a real device

I had developed an iOS Application using PhoneGap Framework. It's working good and well in simulator. Now I would like to test it in real device i.e iPhone 5 with iOS 6.0. I Googled thoroughly. I have two ways: jailbreak the device (not acceptable to me) or bidding the account in Apple portal.
Is there any other way to test my device my application in real device? Is there anybody here to solve my issue?
The official way is to enter the iOS Developer Program (99$), so that you will get the possibility to create certificates and provisioning profiles required. You will also get the chance to distribute your apps through the App Store.
If you are not willing to do it, the other way is jailbreaking your device, which is basically a way to circumvent the need to use certificates for your apps. Your app would then be distributed through an alternative app store like Cydia (i.e, no Apple App Store).
A third option could be getting in touch with an iOS developer friend of yours, and ask him/her to build the app for your device, so you can install it through iTunes.
There are no other options.
You have to register for a developer certificate in Apple.Developer.Then create provisioning profiles and install it. Otherwise you cant install your app in a real device.
You can refer this link for more info

do iphone app beta testers need a developer's license?

I'd like to distribute my app to a beta tester (ad hoc distribution). Do they need to have the apple developer's license? Do they need a Mac? Or is it enough for them to just have iTunes?
also, is the ad hoc distribution process different for Xcode 4? I know the process for submitting it to the app store is different.
Taking your questions in order:
Beta testers don't need a developer licence.
Nor do they need a Mac.
They don't even need iTunes. (You can deploy via a link they open in Safari on the device itself.)
The process is somewhat different for Xcode 4. (It's quite a bit easier that said.) Whilst I don't like to link to off-site resources, there's a very good blog article that details ad-hoc provisioning using Xcode 4 at:
ad hoc distributin works via itunes. only the perso who makes the app needs a developer account. you will need to provision the app you make to all the devices you want it to install on. via itunes this involves the insane process of clicking on a long serial number which does not look at all clickable to reveal an even longer uuid.
not sure about xcode 4 compared to anything else. only ever used one version of xcode.
No, beta testers don't need to be registered developers.
To make beta testing of iOS apps really simple, please have a look at Hockey Framework:
Beta testers receive their test app over the air and the Hockey Framework even informs them automatically, when a new beta update is available OTA.
Additional reading:
No, they don't need a developer licence. Actually, if your user has iOS 4 or higher, they don't even need iTunes. You can use something like iOS Beta Builder. They do, however, need to tell you the UDID of their device. You can get that in iTunes or there are apps in the App Store that find it.
No, beta testers don't need to be approved iOS developers. You will still need to whitelist the UDID of the testers though.
I'd suggest you use Diawi to share your ad-hoc builds with beta testers wirelessly without iTunes, I've tried several solutions and I found it to be the simplest of the pack.
Also try to distribute your Adhoc builds. You can keep track of the installs and even crash logs.
P.S I don't work at testflight, but find it a lot helpful for beta testing.