PayPal REST SDK - how to validate credit card accounts - paypal

I was able to implement credit card payments on my website. Now my problem is how do I identify if the credit card account is fake or a fraud. What I am doing is I store the credit card info using the vault api then I get those stored accounts for the user to choose what card they will use to purchase my product. However, i can't find a way to add some more validation on how to check if the user is the real user of that credit card account. Right now I can enter any credit card number by just using a card number generator and it directly submits the payment. I can see in my sandbox merchant account that the payment was successful.
So is there a way for me to prevent this?
Thanks to those who could help.

Processing a zero value payment authorization request is the most common way to authenticate the card details are valid without actually taking payment.


PayPal Credit/Debit Card details to save in Db

I am using PayPal smart buttons for Payment processing, where users can pay using PayPal account or Credit/debit card.
I want to save the last four digits of Credit/Debit card entered by the user for payment in the database.
How can I get that Credit/Debit card number?
Thanks in advance.
You cannot get that information. You also cannot get information on whether or not a credit/debit card was used to pay -- some other payment method may have been used to pay. A customer's billing information is kept private to their PayPal account. All you know is that you received a PayPal payment, and this is by design.

How to verify card details in paypal valut Api

I have used paypal vault API to store the credit card details.When Iam saving the card I gave wrong card details.So When Iam trying to make the payment It is throwing error.Iam using the sandbox environment
Is there any process to know whether a card is valid or not while saving the card details?
Currently PayPal does not validate credit card information that is being stored using the /v1/vault/credit-cards. The card will be validated against the processor when you try to charge the buyer using CARD ID. There is no alternate for validating the card.

PayPal Credit Card store API why does not need security Pin?

PayPal Vault store the credit card and return cardId which we can later use to call Payment API.
I am not sure when how does payment get approve since while storing the card or making payment we no where we used security pin of Credit Card.
1.Can any one please explain me how does payment work just with creditcardId given by PayPal ?
2.I want payment to get credited to specific merchant account , I dont see merchantId as parameter to payment API , is payment to specific PayPal merchant possible using stored credit card ?
awaiting for clarification , Thanks !

Store cardholder data in PayPal or other service provider?

I'm working on a e-commerce website with PayPal direct payment. Our customers are supposed to enter their credit card information in the page that hosted by PayPal, so that our server will NEVER touch the cardholder data.
Our problem is that we want to provide the convenience so that the returning customer don't have to enter credit card information every time, and we don't want to store or even touch the cardholder data.
Instead, we want to store this sensitive data in PayPal so that next time we can just provide something like a CustomerID to ask PayPal access the credit card information to complete the purchase.
Is that possible to do with PayPal or other service provider?
PS. We also tried Intuit Payment Wallet. It can store the cardholder data but it need us to transmit these data to their server to create a "wallet".
If it's PayPal you can do it either through Reference Transaction, or Recurring Billing. You also have PayPal's Adaptive Payments pre-approvals, although these require that the buyer have a paypal account.
For true credit card storage, where you only keep a token, you have to use a service like these guys:

Does PayPal always return a payer_id?

I understand that when the customer logs into PayPal and uses their PayPal account, PayPal will send us the customer’s payer_id. But what happens if the customer does not log into PayPal and just uses a credit card to process the payment? Does PayPal still supply a payer_id in that case? And is there any way to fake that in the Sandbox? Does PayPal supply test credit card numbers? One for Success, and others for various types of failure?
(This is PayPal Website Payments Standard.)
The answer I received from the PayPal developer forums was:
A payer_id is returned whether the
buyer pays with a PayPal account or
uses their credit card without logging
into an account.
You can generate test card number in
the sandbox by following the steps
First login to your buyer sandbox
account and generate a test credit
card by following the steps below:
Click on Profile
Click on Credit card
Click on Add
Select the card type (currently, the
sandbox will generate test visa card
Copy the card here and click on cancel
** Don't add the card to your account**
Now use this test card number, any
expiration date in the future, 000 for
the CVV2 number, any address in a
valid format and any name to test
These test cards will result in a
success. For website payments
standard, to simulate failure with a
test card number, you can enter any
random 16 digits for the card number.
However, with website payments
standard, if a transaction fails, no
response is sent to the merchant.