Mix of query and form params in REST service? - rest

We have a REST API which, for certain operations, we provide the option of asynchronous requests. For async requests, the service will return immediately with a token which can be used to query for completion, while for synchronous requests, the response will not be returned until the operation completes.
The current design for this looks something like this:
URL: PUT /api/orders/1234?async=true
Request Body: customerName=My Company&city=Dallas
Intuitively, it seems wrong to mix query and form params like this, however the query param (async) is providing options to the service call and not an attribute of the resource. That was the primary reason we did not include it in the request body.
Does this approach seem like a good design, or is there a better more "REST-y" way to accomplish the same?

The Prefer header is designed to do exactly what you are trying to do. See the spec.

An URL like this
POST /api/orders/1234?async=true
is not RESTful. Why POST? This looks like RPC over HTTP.
What are your resources? If there is some computation involved, model the computation as resources. POST to a collection of compuations to create a new one. Receive a Location header for the result of the computation.
POST /api/orders
custoerName=My Company
This could return a response like:
201 Created
Location: /api/orders/1234
Then the client could GET the result:
GET /api/orders/1234
And the server would respond:
200 OK
Some result body.
How to make this asynchronouse?
You write:
however the query param (async) is providing options to the service call and not an attribute of the resource
This is plain wrong. Everything that is in the URI is used to identify the resource. REST is not about calling methods with parameters.
I recommend to always use the two-step-approach described above when modeling compuations/transactions/shopping carts as resources. Create it, retrieve it.


RESTFUL API: Using path parameters vs Query parameters

First, I do know path parameters need to be used when you are pointing at a resource and query parameters are meant to be used when you define something that can add a "property" (or change in time).
However, let's assume i need to get data belong to a user.
In this case, I am a fan of writing the REST API URL like this.
AND not
In the way I write the REST API, i will call the URL like /user/getbyid?id=1. In the way I DO NOT write the API, you will call it /user/get/1.
Since I write my API calls like /user/getbyid, /user/getbyname, /user/getbyuid I rarely use Path parameters. 99% of the time i am using Query parameters.
Considering the way I write my api calls, am I going against the best practices? Or what I do is right or ignorable?
I do know path parameters need to be used when you are pointing at a resource and query parameters are meant to be used when you define something that can add a "property" (or change in time).
That's not actually right - you are welcome to encode information into either the path or the query as you prefer; the machines don't care, as long as your identifiers are consistent with the production rules defined in RFC 3986.
The "resource identifier" includes both the path and the query_part.
Since I write my API calls like /user/getbyid, /user/getbyname, /user/getbyuid I rarely use Path parameters. 99% of the time i am using Query parameters.
Yup, that's fine.
Considering the way I write my api calls, am I going against the best practices? Or what I do is right or ignorable?
Ignorable, I'd say. Resource identifiers are a lot like variable names; people can spend hours arguing about variable names, and the machines don't care. The same is true of resource identifiers.
Could these identifiers be improved? I think so; the key idea being that we're identifying a resource, rather than identifying the implementation details of how the resource is implemented. The identifier is, in a sense, the "name of the document".
Removing the getby... path segment would also be fine.
... but, depending on your routing implementation, disambiguating those three resources might be clumsy. Adding additional path segments to make the routing easier is fine.
The best practices to design a REST API to perform the basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, use a combination of HTTP methods GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE, URL and/or parameter(s).
Assuming you want to design a REST API to perform CRUD operation for User
1. Create
To perform create, design an endpoint /users with POST http method.
# http method URL parameters
POST https://<yourdomain>/users, { first_name: "Peak", last_name: "Gen"}
2. Read
To perform Read, design an endpoint /users/<id> with GET http method.
# http method URL parameters
GET https://<yourdomain>/users/1
2. Update
To perform Update, design an endpoint /users/<id> with PUT or PATCH http method.
# http method URL parameters
PUT https://<yourdomain>/users/1, { first_name: "Nitin", last_name: "Sri"}
To perform Delete, design an endpoint /users/<id> with DELETE http method.
# http method URL parameters
DELETE https://<yourdomain>/users/1
If you notice, the same URL is being used in Read, Update and Delete while their HTTP methods are different. Means the same URL routes to different actions based on their HTTP methods.
Read more about REST API

Is it a good practice to use 'createModel' in REST?

I'm looking for a best way for implementing an endpoint of REST-full application that will be responsible for creating a new library orders. Let's assume that I have the following resources.
If I want to get all books of a particular author I can use the next endpoint:
If I want to fetch all orders of a particular book I can use the endpoint provided below:
My question is what will be the most suitable URL and a request model for an endpoint that will create orders?
From my perspective it can be
And one more question. Is it a good practice in REST to use request models like CreateOrder? If I want to create a REST-full web application can I use the following request model:
class CreateOrder
AuthorId: number;
BookId: number;
ClientId: number;
Sometimes it makes me confused. Should request models look like our resources or not?
Let's assume that I have the following resources.
Your "resources" look suspiciously like "tables". Resources are closer to (logical) documents about information.
what will be the most suitable URL and a request model for an endpoint that will create orders
For the most part, it doesn't matter what URL you use to create orders. In a hypermedia application (think HTML), I'm going to submit a "form", and the meta data associated with that form are going to describe for the client how to compose a request from the form data.
So the human, or the code, that is manipulating the form doesn't need to know anything about the URL (when is the last time that you looked to see where Google was actually sending your search?)
As far as general purpose web components are concerned, the URL/URI is just an opaque identifier - they don't care what the spelling means.
A thing they do care about is whether the spelling is the same as something that they have cached. One of the consequences of a successful POST /x message is that the cached representation(s) of /x are invalidated.
So if you like, you can think about which cached document should be refreshed when an order is created, and send the request to the identifier for that document.
Should request models look like our resources or not?
It's not necessary. Again, think about the web -- what would the representation of create order look like if you were POSTing form data?
or maybe
If the "who is creating an order" is answered using the authorization headers.
In our HTTP requests and responses, we are fundamentally sending message representations - sequences of bytes that conform to some schema. There's no particular reason that those sequences of bytes must, or must not, be the same as those we use elsewhere in the implementation.
Your end-point does not need to always start with /books. You can introduce another end-point /orders for creating or getting orders. So , to create an order , you can :
And does the 'request model' that you mean is the HTTP request body structure ? If yes, it does not need to be 100% match with your back-end persisted/domain model. Just include enough parameters that the server needs to know in order to create an order. (e.g. Include bookId rather than the whole book object etc.)
BTW , to get all books for a particular author , it is more common to use query parameter such as :
What you are doing is not REST, it is CRUD over HTTP. REST does not care about your URI structures and resources are very far from database tables. If CRUD is all you need, then download a CRUD generator library https://github.com/search?q=crud+generator&type=Repositories, which will generate all the upper and you won't need to write it manually.

Search verb in HTTP API

What is best practice for search in API?
GET + query parameters, example: GET /search?q=phone
GET + parameters in body, example: GET /search {"query": "phone"}
POST + parameters in body, example: POST /search {"query": "phone"}
Don't include a body with a GET request. That's against the spec:
A payload within a GET request message has no defined semantics;
sending a payload body on a GET request might cause some existing
implementations to reject the request.
There are tradeoffs between the other two options. GET requests are cacheable, safe, and idempotent. They're also limited in size.
POST requests are not reliably cacheable, safe, or idempotent, and have no size limit. There's also more flexibility baked in - you can later create a filter resource on the server side in addition to returning the search result, and later searches can use that filter, possibly with a GET, although be careful if you allow caching and changes to the filter definition after it's created.
Looking at your specific example, supporting a single "search" endpoint can get messy pretty fast. If you haven't already, I would encourage you to consider other options.
POST requests are considered to change or create data on the server. GET is considered as a "Safe Method" which have no effect on the server database.
Since search requests do normally not change any data you should use a GET request. The limit is at least 2000 symbols (IE) so most of the times you are pretty safe.
Definitely do 1, GET using query parameters. It is much more likely to be cached.
If nothing in the data model changes on the server, your request should be GET. Server ops like logging is OK, but creation of a filter (as another answer suggested), as distinct from a query cache, say, is not.

Which HTTP Verb for Read endpoint with request body

We are exposing an endpoint that will return a large data set. There is a background process which runs once per hour and generates the data. The data will be different after each run.
The requester can ask for either the full set of data or a subset. The sub set is determined via a set of parameters but the parameters are too long to fit into a uri which has a max length of 2,083 characters. https://www.google.co.uk/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=uri%20max%20length
The parameters can easily be sent in the request body but which which is the correct HTTP verb to use?
GET would be ideal but use of a body 'has no semantic meaning to a GET request' HTTP GET with request body
PUT is not appropriate because there is no ID and no data is being updated or replaced.
POST is not appropriate because a new resource is not being replaced and more importantly the server is not generating and Id.
GET (read) would seem to be the most appropriate but how can we include the complex set of parameters to determine the response?
Many thanks
POST is the correct method. POST should be used for any operation that's not standardized by HTTP, which is your case, since there's no standard for a GET operation with a body. The reference you linked is just directly mapping HTTP methods to CRUD, which is a REST anti-pattern.
You are right that GET with body is to be avoided. You can experiment with other safe methods that take a request body (such as REPORT or SEARCH), or you can indeed use POST. I see no reason why the latter is wrong; what you're citing is just an opinion, not the spec.
Assuming that the queries against that big dataset are not totally random, you should consider adding stored queries to your API. This way clients can add, remove, update queries (through request body) using POST DELETE PUT. Maybe you can call them "reports".
This way the GET requests need only a reference as query parameter to these queries/reports, you don't have to send all the details with every requests.
But only if not all the requests from clients are unique.

Make a RESTful API call that updates many related entities

We have a model that looks like this
Login <- Email Addresses <- Person -> Teen
And a stored procedure which takes some properties from teen, some from person, and some from Login, and creates a new teen, returning a person entity.
Looking from a classic RPC perspective, this is easy...just expose a method InsertTeen and have it call the stored procedure.
I've been trying to wrap my head around the RESTful idea of having URLs as my resources (nouns), and the only actions being HTTP actions (verbs). Obviously, a URL like /api/InsertTeen is not RESTful at all.
But here I'm not dealing with any particular resource.
The only thing I can thing of here would be to expose a resource like insertTeenRequest.
Are there any other ideas of how to do this? Am I being too much of a "zealot"?
If you want to be really RESTful, you should use several requests to your API in this case. For example first you create Teen with POST to /api/teens/, then create Person with POST to /api/persons/ and so on.
Pretty new to REST myself, but my thinking is that here you would use a "POST" with the body of the request containing the data needed to create a 'Teen', in whatever format you are using, usually JSON or XML. Here, I'm not sure whether you treat Teens as Persons with additional properties, or a Teen is modeled as an entity itself:
<person login="abc" email="abc#foo.com">
<teen login="abc" email="abc#foo.com">
Regarding the URI, I believe the segments should be nouns rather than verbs since the URI is supposed to address a resource, so /api/teens rather than /api/InsertTeen.
/api/teens with an HTTP GET would return a list of all Teens, and /api/teens with an HTTP POST would insert a new Teen. To round out the CRUD operations, /api/teens/{id} using HTTP GET would return a specific Teen, /api/teens/{id} with an HTTP PUT would update a Teen using the values passed in the request body, and /api/teens/{id} called with HTTP DELETE would delete the specified Teen.
Read over your question again, and I may have misunderstood. If you aren't treating 'teens' as a resource, but only 'people', then I would consider /api/people with an HTTP POST, and depending on the values passed in the body of the request, do whatever is appropriate to store that 'person'. So, if the request contained 'teen' values, call your stored procedure that creates a 'Teen' and returns a 'Person'.