Search verb in HTTP API - rest

What is best practice for search in API?
GET + query parameters, example: GET /search?q=phone
GET + parameters in body, example: GET /search {"query": "phone"}
POST + parameters in body, example: POST /search {"query": "phone"}

Don't include a body with a GET request. That's against the spec:
A payload within a GET request message has no defined semantics;
sending a payload body on a GET request might cause some existing
implementations to reject the request.
There are tradeoffs between the other two options. GET requests are cacheable, safe, and idempotent. They're also limited in size.
POST requests are not reliably cacheable, safe, or idempotent, and have no size limit. There's also more flexibility baked in - you can later create a filter resource on the server side in addition to returning the search result, and later searches can use that filter, possibly with a GET, although be careful if you allow caching and changes to the filter definition after it's created.
Looking at your specific example, supporting a single "search" endpoint can get messy pretty fast. If you haven't already, I would encourage you to consider other options.

POST requests are considered to change or create data on the server. GET is considered as a "Safe Method" which have no effect on the server database.
Since search requests do normally not change any data you should use a GET request. The limit is at least 2000 symbols (IE) so most of the times you are pretty safe.

Definitely do 1, GET using query parameters. It is much more likely to be cached.
If nothing in the data model changes on the server, your request should be GET. Server ops like logging is OK, but creation of a filter (as another answer suggested), as distinct from a query cache, say, is not.


Is it using Post parameters much better than Get parameters to execute a procedure in a REST API?

I was reading this answers, and wondering, why is it so much better to "modify resource" / "execute procedures" using a parameters inside a POST than in a GET for a RESTful API?
URL length is limited - browsers usually limit it to 2048 symbols so you can not put too much information in the GET parameters
URL allows only simple key/value pairs as query parameters - you will have to URL-encode JSON values which may quickly reach the URL length limit
GET requests may be cached at various points between the client and the server - so the client can not be certain that the API response is recent or cached (for example, if you try to rename an entity an intermediate proxy may reply with the result of your previous GET for renaming the same entity)
You can not upload a file with GET
why is it so much better to "modify resource" / "execute procedures" using a parameters inside a POST than in a GET for a RESTful API
Because the semantics of GET are specified to be safe
Request methods are considered "safe" if their defined semantics are essentially read-only; i.e., the client does not request, and does not expect, any state change on the origin server as a result of applying a safe method to a target resource.
This shared contract says that I can produce a GET request targeting any resource in the world and know that my action is harmless (or, more precisely, that if it isn't harmless, it isn't my fault).
That semantic guarantee allows things like crawlers, that are able to navigate the web archiving representations of resources without needing to know anything about any specific resource.

Which HTTP Verb for Read endpoint with request body

We are exposing an endpoint that will return a large data set. There is a background process which runs once per hour and generates the data. The data will be different after each run.
The requester can ask for either the full set of data or a subset. The sub set is determined via a set of parameters but the parameters are too long to fit into a uri which has a max length of 2,083 characters.
The parameters can easily be sent in the request body but which which is the correct HTTP verb to use?
GET would be ideal but use of a body 'has no semantic meaning to a GET request' HTTP GET with request body
PUT is not appropriate because there is no ID and no data is being updated or replaced.
POST is not appropriate because a new resource is not being replaced and more importantly the server is not generating and Id.
GET (read) would seem to be the most appropriate but how can we include the complex set of parameters to determine the response?
Many thanks
POST is the correct method. POST should be used for any operation that's not standardized by HTTP, which is your case, since there's no standard for a GET operation with a body. The reference you linked is just directly mapping HTTP methods to CRUD, which is a REST anti-pattern.
You are right that GET with body is to be avoided. You can experiment with other safe methods that take a request body (such as REPORT or SEARCH), or you can indeed use POST. I see no reason why the latter is wrong; what you're citing is just an opinion, not the spec.
Assuming that the queries against that big dataset are not totally random, you should consider adding stored queries to your API. This way clients can add, remove, update queries (through request body) using POST DELETE PUT. Maybe you can call them "reports".
This way the GET requests need only a reference as query parameter to these queries/reports, you don't have to send all the details with every requests.
But only if not all the requests from clients are unique.

Rest POST VS GET if payload is huge

I understand the definition of GET and POST as below.
GET: List the members of the collection, complete with their member URIs for further navigation. For example, list all the cars for sale.
POST: Create a new entry in the collection where the ID is assigned automatically by the collection. The ID created is usually included as part of the data returned by this operation.
MY API searches for some detail in server with huge request payload with JSON Message in that case Which Verb should i use ?
Also can anyone please let me know the length of the characters that can be passed in query string.
The main difference between a GET and POST request is that in the former, the entire request is encoded as part of the URL itself, whereas in the latter, parameters are sent after the header. In addition, in GET request, different browsers will impose different limits on how big the URL can be. Most modern browsers will allow at least 200KB, however Internet Explorer seems to limit the URL size to 2KB.
That being said, if you have any suspicion that you will be passing in a large number of parameters which could exceed the limit imposed on GET requests by the receiving web server, you should switch to POST instead.
Here is a site which surveyed the GET behavior of most modern browsers, and it is worth a read.
Late to the party but for anyone searching for a solution, this might help.
I just came up with 2 different strategies to solve this problem. I'll create proof of concept API and test which one suites me better. Here are the solution I'm currently thinking:
1. X-HTTP-Method-Override:
Basically we would tunnel a GET request using POST/PUT method, with added X-HTTP-Method-Override request header, so that server routes the request to GET call. Simple to implement and does work in one trip.
2. Divide and Rule:
Divide requests into two separate requests. Send a POST/PUT request with all payload, to which server will create necessary response and store it in cache/db along with a key/id to access the data. Then server will respond with either "Location" header or the Key/id through which the stored response can be accessed.
Now send GET request with the key/location given by server on previous POST request. A bit complicated to implement and needs two requests, also requires a separate strategy to clean the cached responses.
If this is going to be a typical situation for your API then a RESTful approach could be to POST query data to a buffer endpoint which returns a URI from which you can GET your results.
Who knows maybe a cache of these will mitigate the need to send "huge" blobs of data about.
Well You Can Use Both To get Results From Server By Passing Some Data To server
In Case Of One Or Two Parameters like Id
Here Only One Parameter Is Used .But 3 to 4 params can Be used This Is How I Used In angularjs
Prefer : Get
Example : $http.get('/getEmployeeDataById?id=22');
In Case It Is Big Json Object
Prefer : Post
Example : var dataObj =
name : $,
age : $scope.age,
headoffice : $scope.headoffice
var res = $'/getEmployeesList', dataObj);
And For Size Of Characters That Can Be Passed In Query String Here Is Already Answered
If you're getting data from the server, use GET. If you want to post something, use POST. Payload size is irrelevent. If you want to work with smaller payloads, you could implement pagination.

Proper RESTful way to handle a request that is not really creating or getting something?

I am writing a little app that does one thing only: takes some user-provided data, does some analysis on it, and returns a "tag" for that data. I am thinking that the client should either GET or POST their request to /getTag in order to get a response back.
Nothing is stored on the server when the client does this, so it feels weird to use a POST. However, there is not a uniform URI for the analysis either, so using a GET feels weird, since it will return different things depending on what data is provided.
What is the best way to represent this functionality with REST?
The "best way" is to do whatever is most appropriate for your application and its needs. Not knowing that, here are a few ideas:
GET is the most appropriate verb since you're not creating or storing anything on the server, just retrieving something that the server provides.
Don't put the word get in the URI as you've suggested. Verbs like that are already provided by HTTP, so just use /tag and GET it instead.
You should use a well-understood (or "cool") URI for this resource and pass the data as query parameters. I wouldn't worry about it feeling weird (see this question's answers to find out why).
To sum up, just GET on /tag?foo=bar&beef=dead, and you're done.
POST can represent performing an action. The action doesn't have to be a database action.
What you have really created is a Remote Procedure. RPC is usually all POST. I don't think this is a good fit for REST, but that doesn't have to stop you from using simple URLs and JSON.
It seems to me like there would probably be a reason you or the user who generated the original data would want the generated tag to persist, wouldn't they?
If that's a possibility, then I'd write it as POST /tags and pass the /tags/:id resource URI back as a Location: header.
If I really didn't care about persisting the generated tag, I'd think about what the "user-generated data" was and how much processing is happening behind the scenes. If the "tag" is different enough from whatever data is being passed into the system, GET /tag might be really confusing for an API consumer.
I'll second Brian's answer: use a GET. If the same input parameters return the same output, and you're not really creating anything, it's an idempotent action and thus perfectly suited for a GET.
You can use GET and POST either:
GET /tag?data="..." -> 200, tag
The GET method means retrieve whatever information (in the form of an
entity) is identified by the Request-URI. If the Request-URI refers to
a data-producing process, it is the produced data which shall be
returned as the entity in the response and not the source text of the
process, unless that text happens to be the output of the process.
POST /tag {data: "..."} -> 200, tag
The action performed by the POST method might not result in a resource
that can be identified by a URI. In this case, either 200 (OK) or 204
(No Content) is the appropriate response status, depending on whether
or not the response includes an entity that describes the result.
according to the HTTP standard / method definitions section.
I would use GET if I were you (and POST only if you want to send files).

Why do we need anything more than HTTP GET, PUT, POST?

What is the practical benefit of using HTTP GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, HEAD? Why not focus on their behavioral benefits (safety and idempotency), forgetting their names, and use GET, PUT or POST depending on which behavior we want?
Why shouldn't we only use GET, PUT and POST (and drop HEAD, DELETE)?
The [REST][1] approach uses POST, GET, PUT and DELETE to implement the CRUD rules for a web resource. It's a simple and tidy way to expose objects to requests on the web. It's web services without the overheads.
Just to clarify the semantic differences. Each operation is rather different. The point is to have nice HTTP methods that have clear, distinct meanings.
POST creates new objects. The URI has no key; it accepts a message body that defines the object. SQL Insert. [Edit While there's no technical reason for POST to have no key, the REST folks suggest strongly that for POST to have distinct meaning as CREATE, it should not have a key.]
GET retrieves existing objects. The URI may have a key, depends on whether you are doing singleton GET or list GET. SQL Select
PUT updates an existing object. The URI has a key; It accepts a message body that updates an object. SQL Update.
DELETE deletes an existing object. The URI has a key. SQL Delete.
Can you update a record with POST instead of PUT? Not without introducing some ambiguity. Verbs should have unambiguous effects. Further, POST URI's have no key, where PUT must have a key.
When I POST, I expect a 201 CREATED. If I don't get that, something's wrong. Similarly, when I PUT, I expect a 200 OK. If I don't get that, something's wrong.
I suppose you could insist on some ambiguity where POST does either POST or PUT. The URI has to be different; also the associated message could be different. Generally, the REST folks take their cue from SQL where INSERT and UPDATE are different verbs.
You could make the case that UPDATE should insert if the record doesn't exist or update if the record does exist. However, it's simpler if UPDATE means UPDATE and failure to update means something's wrong. A secret fall-back to INSERT makes the operation ambiguous.
If you're not building a RESTful interface, then it's typical to only use GET and POST for retrieve and create/update. It's common to have URI differences or message content differences to distinguish between POST and PUT when a person is clicking submit on a form. It, however, isn't very clean because your code has to determine if you're in the POST=create case or POST=update case.
POST has no guarantees of safety or idempotency. That's one reason for PUT and DELETE—both PUT and DELETE are idempotent (i.e., 1+N identical requests have the same end result as just 1 request).
PUT is used for setting the state of a resource at a given URI. When you send a POST request to a resource at a particular URI, that resource should not be replaced by the content. At most, it should be appended to. This is why POST isn't idempotent—in the case of appending POSTS, every request will add to the resource (e.g., post a new message to a discussion forum each time).
DELETE is used for making sure that a resource at a given URI is removed from the server. POST shouldn't normally be used for deleting except for the case of submitting a request to delete. Again, the URI of the resource you would POST to in that case shouldn't be the URI for the resource you want to delete. Any resource for which you POST to is a resource that accepts the POSTed data to append to itself, add to a collection, or to process in some other way.
HEAD is used if all you care about is the headers of a GET request and you don't want to waste bandwidth on the actual content. This is nice to have.
Why do we need more than POST? It allows data to flow both ways, so why would GET be needed? The answer is basically the same as for your question. By standardizing the basic expectations of the various methods other processes can better know what to do.
For example, intervening caching proxies can have a better chance of doing the correct thing.
Think about HEAD for instance. If the proxy server knows what HEAD means then it can process the result from a previous GET request to provide the proper answer to a HEAD request. And it can know that POST, PUT and DELETE should not be cached.
No one posted the kind of answer I was looking for so I will try to summarize the points myself.
"RESTful Web Services" chapter 8 section "Overloading POST" reads: "If you want to do without PUT and DELETE altogether, it’s entirely RESTful to expose safe operations on resources through GET, and all other operations through overloaded POST. Doing this violates my Resource-Oriented Architecture, but it conforms to the less restrictive rules of REST."
In short, replacing PUT/DELETE in favor of POST makes the API harder to read and PUT/DELETE calls are no longer idempotent.
In a word:
In a few more words:
GET = safe + idempotent
PUT = idempotent
DELETE = idempotent
POST = neither safe or idempotent
'Idempotent' just means you can do it over and over again and it will always do exactly the same thing.
You can reissue a PUT (update) or DELETE request as many times as you want and it will have the same effect every time, however the desired effect will modify a resource so it is not considered 'safe'.
A POST request should create a new resource with every request, meaning the effect will be different every time. Therefore POST is not considered safe or idempotent.
Methods like GET and HEAD are just read operations and are therefore considered 'safe' aswell as idempotent.
This is actually a pretty important concept because it provides a standard/consistent way to interpret HTTP transactions; this is particularly useful in a security context.
Not all hosters don't support PUT, DELETE.
I asked this question, in an ideal world we'd have all the verbs but....:
RESTful web services and HTTP verbs
HEAD is really useful for determining what a given server's clock is set to (accurate to within the 1 second or the network round-trip time, whichever is greater). It's also great for getting Futurama quotes from Slashdot:
~$ curl -I
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2008 05:35:13 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.41 (Unix) mod_perl/1.31-rc4
X-Powered-By: Slash 2.005001227
X-Fry: That's a chick show. I prefer programs of the genre: World's Blankiest Blank.
Cache-Control: private
Pragma: private
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
For cURL, -I is the option for performing a HEAD request. To get the current date and time of a given server, just do
curl -I $server | grep ^Date
To limit ambiguity which will allow for better/easier reuse of our simple REST apis.
You could use only GET and POST but then you are losing out on some of the precision and clarity that PUT and DELETE bring. POST is a wildcard operation that could mean anything.
PUT and DELETE's behaviour is very well defined.
If you think of a resource management API then GET, PUT and DELETE probably cover 80%-90% of the required functionality. If you limit yourself to GET and POST then 40%-60% of your api is accessed using the poorly specified POST.
Web applications using GET and POST allow users to create, view, modify and delete their data, but do so at a layer above the HTTP commands originally created for these purposes. One of the ideas behind REST is a return to the original intent of the design of the Web, whereby there are specific HTTP operations for each CRUD verb.
Also, the HEAD command can be used to improve the user experience for (potentially large) file downloads. You call HEAD to find out how large the response is going to be and then call GET to actually retrieve the content.
See the following link for an illustrative example. It also suggests one way to use the OPTIONS http method, which hasn't yet been discussed here.
There are http extensions like WebDAV that require additional functionally.
The web server war from the earlier days probably caused it.
In HTTP 1.0 written in 1996, there were only GET, HEAD, and POST. But as you can see in Appendix D, vendors started to add their own things. So, to keep HTTP compatible, they were forced to make HTTP 1.1 in 1999.
However, HTTP/1.0 does not sufficiently take into consideration
the effects of hierarchical proxies, caching, the need for
persistent connections, or virtual hosts. In addition, the proliferation
of incompletely-implemented applications calling themselves
"HTTP/1.0" has necessitated a protocol version change in order for
two communicating applications to determine each other's true capabilities.
This specification defines the protocol referred to as "HTTP/1.1". This protocol includes more stringent requirements than HTTP/1.0 in order
to ensure reliable implementation of its features.
GET, PUT, DELETE and POST are holdovers from an era when sophomores thought that a web page could be reduced to a few hoighty-toity principles.
Nowadays, most web pages are composite entities, which contain some or all of these primitive operations. For instance, a page could have forms for viewing or updating customer information, which perhaps spans a number of tables.
I usually use $_REQUEST[] in php, not really caring how the information arrived. I would choose to use GET or PUT methods based on efficiency, not the underlying (multiple) paradigms.