Beginner programmer using eclipse. Error: Could not find or load main class. - eclipse

I have read the other posts asking the same question but was unable to get my code to work. I have deleted my meta data and imported my files back in to no avail.
I have my workspace inside my dropbox folder to allow me to code from home or while away. Currently I am using my laptop which is not my primary coding machine. The project worked yesterday on this laptop however.
any help would be much obliged, I will provide any information that is required

First go to the Project menu and select "Clean...". That might solve it right off the bat.
If not, next you should right click on your "src" folder and select "Build Path" -> "Use as Source Folder". Then Clean again.
Try those two things and then report back with results.


sync custom entities using ide?

right now we are using svn to share code for our project. It works great controllers, components, pages and static resources.
The problem is it seems the salesforce.schema file is not really a local file, its a placeholder that checks your server and tells you your current schema.
We want to baseline our schema changes/updates to a file so we can share in svn.
I found this:
But we cant seem to figure out what do do/how to get it to work.
So in a nutshell, we are looking for a way for Developer A to create a custom schema object in their own SF Sandbox, somehow get this info into a file in svn (ideally through the ide), then check it in so developer B can check it out and apply it to their server. (the same way we do for code).
Any help would be great!
Ok, we finally figured this out through trial and error:
To make this work:
right click on project, click " Remove Metadata Components"
go down to custom ojbjects, open that up, make sure all your custom objects are checked, click apply, then say "NO" to dialog
then right click on src and click " with Server, find your objects, and click "Apply Server to Project"
now your files will be local, check them into SVN and you are golden.

Create a folder using the file explorer in NetBeans 7.3

I am kind of new to NetBeans and am having trouble understanding the project explorer. I am in a HTML project with existing sources, and I can do everything just fine. Except that I can't figure out how to create a folder using the file explorer.
It seems to me like there should be a folder button, but there's not, and I cant figure it out.
I did find that if I copy a folder that I create somewhere else and then press Ctrl+V (paste) it puts it in there, but I don't want to have to do that.
I am pretty sure this is not a question for SO. However, since you have asked it, go to "other". A window will open. From there go to "other" (again) then select "folder"... That should do it.

How to modify Xcode 4 Project to be Machine independent like Visual Studio or Eclipse behave

I'm very surprised not to be able to open my Xcode project on another mac, I have never that kind of problem with Visual Studio or Eclipse. I have tried this Info.plist file "no such file" error but it's not enough.
I have other errors like MyAppViewController files not found in some folder whereas I checked that the files are actually there.
So how do I modify XCode 4 project so that it can be opened on any mac ?
Update: contrary to what is claimed here Duplicating / importing Xcode projects from one Mac to another copying isn't enough
Update 2: should I be obliged to buy that kind of tools to do so ?
Copying the files over is enough, as long as you copy all files over and no files are referenced from your project file using absolute paths.
Note that you don't have to choose to have absolute paths. I'm unsure of the exact details, but I've ended up with absolute paths in projects without doing so explicitly.
For example, here's a project with a missing file:
When I select the missing file, I can see that it's using an absolute path:
At this point, you have two options:
You can click the button in the bottom right of that red box I've drawn to find the file. Make sure you pick the right file; if you pick one with a different name, Xcode will happily replace DetailViewController.m with SomeUnrelatedFile.m and you'll have lost the hint about the original file. After finding it, make sure to pick Location: Relative To Group (usually, that'll be the right choice anyway) to avoid this happening again.
Possibly safer, go back to the original computer. For any file that you know is missing on the destination computer, pick Location: Relative To Group. Then copy everything over again.
I'm not sure if this is what you're after but it might help; I use git on to keep my two laptops in sync with a single project. I don't have any file missing errors and it comes with all those other repository benefits.
You shouldn't need any tools to do this, Xcode projects can be moved, shared between other members of your team and opened on any supported machine.
There must be another problem you have, so you need to post the error.
And when you get it resolved.... using a free remote source control service such as bitbucket, would be good for you to know and get into the practice of using.

Easily Open Existing Non-Eclipse Project in Eclipse?

Alright, this has caused me enough grief. The answer may be dead simple, but I need some help.
I figured it would be simple to open an existing project in Eclipse, but I'm having quite a time actually making this work. I don't want to change where it's located. I don't want to pull a bunch of strings to get Eclipse to point to it. I just want to take the project directory from where it is now and open it in Eclipse.
Is there any way to do this?
Not sure that I entirely follow, but here's my general routine for creating projects in Eclipse.
I go to File > New > Project and
pick out what sort of project I
want, and hit Next.
I enter the name I want to use for
the project, and the path where I
want to store it. I never store
stuff in my workspace folder.
For projects with existing code, I
just put the path to the existing
folder, and Eclipse just imports the
Hoping that answers your question, but if not let me know.

Adding existing project folders to the project explorer in eclipse

Probably a very straight forward solution here, but can't seem to find an answer. I recently changed my eclipse workspace to my dropbox folder, so I can work on my netbook when in college and on my desktop when at home. I copied and pasted all my project folders from the old workspace into the dropbox workspace, changed the workspace location in eclipse, but none of the projects are showing up in the project explorer now. Having refreshed the project explorer many times now to no avail, is there any way to add these projects into the project explorer? Thanks
From the main menu bar, select File > Import. The Import wizard opens.
Collapse or click + in General > Existing Project into Workspace and click Next.
Choose either Select root directory or Select archive file and click the associated Browse to locate the directory or file containing the projects.
Under Projects select the project or projects which you would like to import.
Click Finish to start the import.
I have had this problem in many versions of Eclipse and followed the process outlined by #vijin-paulraj, but frustratingly kept failing...
Until I noticed that the checkbox at the bottom of the wizard "Copy projects into workspace" is checked by default, and does not have an eventhandler attached to it. So if you do not clear this box before selecting the directory it will tell you that "Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace." Clearing the checkbox after this will not trigger a form refresh and the Finish button will remain disabled.
TIP: once the checkbox is cleared, select the directory again will trigger form validation and allow you to proceed.
Try importing existing project:
The answer for me was to make sure that I was in the correct working set.
I was in the working set from training and had not placed my new project into a working set at all.
While the above answers will most likely place your project into Eclipse, a working set will exclude you from seeing any project that is not placed in it from the package explorer.
My personal answer was to create a new working set to keep it separate from work, via the context menu from the upside down triangle at the top left of the package explorer.
Yours may be to modify your current set by adding the new project to it. This option is also located in the same menu.
My circumstance could have been avoided in the "new project" wizard, if I had placed it in a set from there.
I hope this has been useful. Please, feel free to ask for clarification.