SQLite update to change double-double quotes ("") to regular quotation marks (")? - iphone

working on an iPhone app. I just imported some records into a SQL Lite database, and all my regular quote marks have been "doubled". An example:
Desired final format:
The song "ABC" will play at 3 PM.
The record is currently appearing in the database as:
The song ""ABC"" will play at 3 PM.
Does anyone know how to do a SQL update to change all "double-double" quotes to just regular quotation marks?
Just to clarify, I'm looking directly at the database, not via code. The code will just display these as "double-double" quotes just as they appear in the database, so I want to remove them. The "double-double" quotes are actually in the import file as well, but if I try to remove them, then the import fails. So I kept them there, and now that the records are successfully imported into the database, now I just want to correct the "double-double" quote thing with a mass SQL update if it's possible. Thanks in advance for any insight!

SQLite uses single quotes to escape string literals. It escapes single quotes by adding another single quote (likewise for double quotes). So technically as long as your SQL is well constructed, the import process should work properly. The strings should be enclosed in single quotes, and not double quotes. I suspect that your code may be constructing the SQL by hand instead of binding/properly escaping the values.
SQLite has a built in function to quote string's. It's called quote. Here are some sample inputs, and the corresponding output:
sqlite> SELECT quote("foo");
sqlite> SELECT quote("foo ""bar""");
'foo "bar"'
sqlite> SELECT quote("foo 'bar'");
'foo ''bar'''
So you could remove the twice escaped double quote before it even goes to SQLite using NSString methods.
[#"badString\"\"" stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"\"\"" withString:#"\""];
If the database already contains bad values, then you could run the following update SQL to clean it up:
UPDATE table SET column = REPLACE(column, '""', '"');


Postgres storing and retrieving double quotes

I am storing data which includes single and double quotes in a column which has a type of text.
I have a function that returns that column but it always returns the double quote character being doubled up. I tried to escape the character \" but that just returned \"". I have the same process working in MySQL well. I am trying to move to Postgres for greater scaling and stability but it seems it does not work well. I have noticed in pgAdmin when I look at the data output, it seems to show the data correctly so I am wondering what is being done there for it to work correctly?
Also I am getting a (" at the start of the returned value and ") at the end.
Can someone help please?
Use pg_escape_string to escape quote characters in your string.

postgresql - pgloader - quotes handling

I am new to postgresql and just starting to use it. I am trying to load a file into a table and facing some issues.
Sample data - the file file1.RPT contains data in the below format
Below is the load script that is used
INTO table1
WITH truncate,
fields optionally enclosed by '"',
fields escaped by '"'
fields terminated by '|'
However, the above script is not working and is not loading any data into the table. I am not sure whats the issue here. My understanding is that first row data has to be successfully loaded (since I have given optionally enclosed by) and the second row also must be loaded (since I am trying to escape the double quote).
Request help in getting the same rectified.
Thank you.
We cannot escape and optionally quote the same character. If the double-quote will be part of the data, then it can be ignored using field not enclosed option. The default option is field optionally enclosed by double-quote.
Apparently, you're not escaping the quote in the second row, because either you must use a backslash (or another quoting character) before:
or you should enclose the entire line with quote
another alternative is to accept to have quotes in the first field, then you should use the following:
fields not enclosed
in your load script

Single quotes stored in a Postgres database

I've been working on an Express app that has a form designed to hold lines and quotes.
Some of the lines will have single quotes('), but overall it's able to store the info and I'm able to back it up and store it without any problems. Now, when I want do pg_dump and have the database put into an SQL file, the quotes seem to cause some things to appear a bit wonky in my text editor.
Would I have to create a method to change all the single quotation marks into double, or can I leave it as is and be able to upload it back to the database without causing major issues. I know people will continue to enter in lines that contain either single or double quotations, so I would like to know any solution or answer that would help greatly.
Single quotes in character data types are no problem at all. You just need to escape them properly in string literals.
To write data with INSERT you need to quote all string literals according to SQL syntax rules. There are tools to do that for you ...
Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL
However, pg_dump takes care of escaping automatically. The default mode produces text output to be re-imported with COPY (much faster than INSERT), and single quotes have no special meaning there. And in (non-default) csv mode, the default quote character is double-quote (") and configurable. The manual:
Specifies the quoting character to be used when a data value is quoted. The default is double-quote. This must be a single one-byte character. This option is allowed only when using CSV format.
The format is defined by rules for COPY and not by SQL syntax rules.

SQLite table name invalid characters

I want to give name "" to a table in SQLite.
I am creating the table dynamically. How can i achieve this, as SQLite is not allowing me to create a table with this name?
Any help will be appreciated.
use square brackets [] when creating your table
Choose a different name for your table. It is not possible.
Why does the name have to be like that in the first place? It sounds a little dodgy...
There are three methods to create identifiers with special characters: double quotes, backticks, and square brackets.
Double quotes are standard SQL, while backticks and square brackets are supported only for compatibility with MySQL and SQL Server, so it's recommended to use the former:
Double quotes and backticks that occur inside the identifier can be escaped by doubling them; this is not possible with the closing square bracket:
CREATE TABLE """"(...) -- table name is one double quote

read double quotes and single quotes from Sqlite database

In my application I am trying to read some data from sqlite database into UITextView.
This text has double quotes as well as single quotes, for ex:
she said : "Katie's purse has been
when I do this, I get strange characters in place of double and single quotes. Please help me with a solution to scrub these characters off.
If you get one strange character (or set of characters) replacing " and another replacing ', you can just scan the string and replace. If you aren't, then:
That's very strange, and
You should post your code.