How to make a button in Facebook? - facebook

I need to make a Save button for each post in facebook(This has my own extension functionality).Have to place this in facebook just similar to Like,Share,Comment how i can achieve this?.

The Like button is a simple plugin that lets people quickly share content on Facebook.
Clicking a Like button on a site creates a connection in the graph between the content and the person who clicks the button. Clicking the Like button also publishes an Open Graph Like action, and displays stories on that person's timeline and their friends' news feeds. This story will link back to the site and drive distribution of content.
The story created by the Like action can be enriched by using meta tags to turn a simple HTML page into an Open Graph object. If you plan to use the Like button on any page on your website, you should follow the guide to including meta tags to ensure published stories look great in timeline and news feed and get the best possible distribution. Also read our best practices document on maximizing distribution for hints on how to improve interactions between your content and Facebook.
The Like button itself displays a count of all the likes and shares of the content and a few other metrics listed in the Frequently Asked Questions, below. An option to comment on the story appears when the Like button is clicked, if it is configured correctly. If someone comments after clicking Like, that gives the published story prominence in news feed.
You can use the configurator below to customize the layout and style of Like buttons and implement the plugin in minutes.


Like buttons and posting the correct photo on Facebook

I have an online bachelor catalog and I want people to Like a bachelor and have it appear on their FB feed.
I set up the Like button using the Social Plugins feature on FB. All bachelors are on the same page and they have anchors and the Like button refers to each anchor.
My problem is when the user clicks on Like, it posts the same picture of one bachelor, not of the one that they liked. I didn't see anything in my js file. I also added the og button but that didn't work.
How do I adjust the code so Like button corresponds to the correct photo?
I'm sure it's something simple. Thank you for your assistance.
Im having the same issue really... My current solution is to hard-code the URL of the image in the like button ref code.
The only issue with this is that it will show that image ONLY, on a blank page when someone clicks the liked image on a user's facebook page.
I'm still looking for answers since the only alternative I've found is to create individual pages for each image (each blog post, in my case) and link to THOSE pages. Not ideal and much more work than I'd like.
have a look at my blog page on my website to see what I mean: MarinePix Blog

Is it possible to use the Like Button Social plugin to like a feed from a landing page?

I have a Facebook feed that takes me to a landing page when I click on it. I want to be able to add Facebook's like plugin onto that landing page in order to like the feed I came from. This would be the equivalent of clicking like from the feed post itself. I don't know what to use for the data-href property in order to connect the like button to the feed.
I know the feed id and access_token and have tried the following:
So far I've only been able to like link urls and not the actual feed post.
Is what I'm trying to do even possible? and if so, how do I get the url?
Is what I'm trying to do even possible?
Yes it is possible, but not with the like plugin. I have a production app that pulls in a person's feed from multiple social networks including Facebook. I display a gray star for unliked content and a gold star for liked items. When the user clicks the gray star for a facebook item, I send an HTTP Post to the Graph API with /post_id/likes which likes it. If they click the gold star, then I send an HTTP DELETE to the /post_id/likes which removes it. See: and the "likes" create/delete section near the bottom.

use Facebook OpenGraph with a custom Facebook button?

I want to add Facebook OpenGraph tags to my page, but I also want to stick with the style of Facebook Like button that I currently have (a custom image tag).
The OpenGraph plugin instructions suggest you have to use Facebook's own Like button styles, and the customization options are limited.
Is there any way I can apply the Facebook Like code to my own image button?
UPDATE: to be clear, what I mean is that I have an image on my page that links to I don't have a standard Facebook Like button. Will this mean that the OpenGraph tags on my page don't actually do anything?
The old sharer.php endpoint will read the same meta tags as the Like button - when shared, the Facebook crawler accesses your site and pulls the metadata for the post (image, description, etc)
If you want to generate some sample metadata there's a form on the like button documentation (see 'step 2') to output tags in the correct format.
Use the Debug tool to see what tags Facebook detects on your site.
It's against facebook's policies to try and replicate or re-create the like button.
Adding open graph tags won't affect your page, but they will improve how it appears when shared or liked in Facebook.
You may create a button called share which opens the feed dialog (sharer.php is deprecated) but you must use the real like button, not a custom image tag.

Adding the "Like Button" to my Facebook Page

I've found the code but not where to put it on my Facebook page.. not my website. Everyone keeps referencing dropping it in a code block, but I haven't been able to find an example of how to do this.
There's already a Like button on Facebook Pages if the user viewing the page doesn't already like the page. If you want to add a like button on your Page for another entity (such as a website, article, or a different Page) you'll need to install a tab to your page where you can put HTML content.
There are several third party applications that allow you to do this, one of the popular ones is - you could add a new tab to your page with some static content (images, etc) and include the Like button on that tab.
There is no way to embed a like button for an external entity into a post on the page's wall, which i suspect is what you're currently trying to do.

Facebook Video Like using custom like button

I am developing an iPhone application that lists videos posted on logged-in user's wall. I would like to provide an Like button below each video listed. When the user clicks on this Like button, the corresponding video should be liked in Facebook.
The Like button shown in the UI should match the UI theme of my app. I have gone through Facebook plug-in documentation related to Like button. Following is the link with the documentation:
But, I cannot use this Like button generated using iFrame since I will not be able to customize the look of Like button.
How can I customize my Like button? Or how can I programmatically like a Video URL? I am trying to this since long time. I have seen some iPhone apps already having custom Like button.
Take a look here for a nice how-to on styling:
And the specific policy from Facebook is that as long as you are not deceiving the user, the policy team would consider this practice acceptable.
I could do it using Graph API. New SDK provides support for Graph API.