Prevent creating DOM element in the controller and use view instead - coffeescript

As you may know Spine controllers create their DOM elements ( <div> by default ).
How could we prevent creating such elements and use only markup in the view?
I read the documentation but didn't find any information.

The relevant line is, which says:
#el = document.createElement(#tag) unless #el
In order to avoid having the element be created, you can pass in an el to the constructor. Alternatively, you can call #replace() in your render method to replace the div with your own element.


Cannot programmatically add content to simple HTML DIV Element in XML view

I have a simple XML view (fragment) like this:
<html:div id="holder"></html:div>
I want to add content programmatically like this:
var holder = this.byId("holder");
var label = new sap.m.Label({
text: "Label"
Effect is nothing, no error, no added content.
Why does it not work?
This is because content is not an aggregation (an easy mistake to make, since content usually is an aggregation).
sap.ui.core.HTML's content metadata object is a property of type string. From the jsdoc:
HTML content to be displayed, defined as a string.
You will need to use a different container for your label, such as sap.ui.layout.VerticalLayout, or you could just use raw HTML to stick in your holder object, rather than that sap.m.Label type.
Here is a jsbin that takes the XML view part of this question out of the equation.
Note: See #hirse's comment below for an important distinction when using html:div in XML views
The HTML element and the UI5 Controls are not directly compatible. UI5 Controls are JavaScript objects that have a render function. The render function creates a html fragment on demand. That html fragment ist then inserted into the page.
I have never tried it, but a solution could be to use the placeAt() method of your label:
If you are using an XML View, the holder id will be prefixed. Then you should use something like this:
You can get DOM element of UI5 control by using getDomRef of sap.ui.core.Element class.
Then add your content to this DOM element by using placeAt()
Here is working example.

AEM 6.0: Additional parameters when using data-sly-resource?

I am trying to implement something which I hope is relatively straight forward... I have one component (lets call it the wrapper component) which contains another component (lets call it the inner component) inside it via the data-sly-resource tag:
<div data-sly-resource="${ 'inner' # resourceType='/projectname/components/inner' }"></div>
I would like to pass in some additional parameters with this tag, specifically a parameter that can be picked up by sightly in the inner component template? I am trying to specify whether the inner templates outer html tag is unwrapped based on a parameter being passed in when the component is called via data-sly-resource.
After experimenting and perusing the sightly documentation, I can't find a way of achieving this.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
Many thanks,
You can use the Use-API to write and read request attributes if the alternatives proposed here don't work for you.
A quick example of two components where the outer component sets attributes that are then displayed by the inner component:
outer/ [cq:Component]
inner/ [cq:Component]
utils/ [nt:folder]
/content/outer/ [sling:resourceType=siteName/components/outer]
inner [sling:resourceType=siteName/components/inner]
<div data-sly-use="${'../utils/setAttributes.js' # foo = 1, bar = 2}"
<dl data-sly-use.attrs="${'../utils/getAttributes.js' # names = ['foo', 'bar']}"
<dt>${item}</dt> <dd>${attrs[item]}</dd>
use(function () {
var i;
for (i in this) {
request.setAttribute(i, this[i]);
use(function () {
var o = {}, i, l, name;
for (i = 0, l = this.names.length; i < l; i += 1) {
name = this.names[i];
o[name] = request.getAttribute(name);
return o;
Resulting output when accessing /content/outer.html:
<dt>bar</dt> <dd>2</dd>
<dt>foo</dt> <dd>1</dd>
As commented by #AlasdairMcLeay, this proposed solution has an issue in case the inner component is included multiple times on the request: the subsequent instances of the component would still see the attributes set initially.
This could be solved by removing the attributes at the moment when they are accessed (in getAttributes.js). But this would then again be a problem in case the inner component is split into multiple Sightly (or JSP) files that all need access to these attributes, because the first file that accesses the request attributes would also remove them.
This could be further worked-around with a flag telling wether the attributes should be removed or not when accessing them... But it also shows why using request attributes is not a good pattern, as it basically consists in using global variables as a way to communicate among components. So consider this as a work-around if the other two solutions proposed here are not an option.
There is a newer feature that request-attributes can be set on data-sly-include and data-sly-resource :
<sly data-sly-include="${ 'something.html' # requestAttributes=amapofattributes}" />
Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be possible to construct a Map with HTL (=Sightly) expressions, and I don't see a way to read a request attribute from HTL, so you still need some Java/Js code for that.
unfortunately, no. there is no way to extend sightly functionality. you cannot add new data-sly attributes or modify existing ones. The best you can do is write your own helper using the USE API
If you just need to wrap or unwrap the html from your inner component in different situations, then you can just keep the html in the component unwrapped, and wrap it only when needed by using the syntax:
<div data-sly-resource="${ 'inner' # resourceType='/projectname/components/inner', decorationTagName='div', cssClassName='someClassName'}"></div>
If you need more complex logic, and you need to pass a value to your inner component template, you can use the selectors. The syntax for including the resource with selectors is:
<div data-sly-resource="${ 'inner' # resourceType='/projectname/components/inner', selectors='mySelectorName'}"></div>
The syntax to check the selectors in the inner component is:
${'mySelectorName' in request.requestPathInfo.selectorString}"
${'mySelectorName' == request.requestPathInfo.selectorString}"

Zend Form changing element type in controller

I have my Zend_Form, and sometimes, one of the fields should be hidden, and not seen by the user. Is there a way when I call the form in my controller, I could change one of the fields to be hidden?
You can remove the element using:
in the controller.
You could also create two forms, one overriding the other, in which the child calls $this->remove('my-element-name').
Or, you could make the form constructor accept a boolean $flag that determines whether to add the field to the form.
So, as you can see, lots of different ways to structure it.
To change that field to one of type "hidden" (i.e. <input type="hidden">) is a different thing, but I'm not sure that's what you mean/need/want.
The best solution I have for this is to add a specific class to the element when it needs to be hidden. It may not be the perfect solution, but let me explain.
First, its very difficult to switch from one element type to another in Zend Form. Your elements are actually classes. So the text is Zend_Form_Element_Text - so its not just as easy as changing the 'type' attribute.
If the element must remain on the form (so, not removing it like the answer above suggests), your only other option would be hiding it with CSS.
Try the following code when it needs to be hidden:
$element = $form->getElement('MyElement');
$newClass = trim($element->getAttrib('class') . ' hidden');
$element->setAttrib('class', $newClass);
Then, of course, create CSS for the .hidden class.
Hope this helps!

Get property data from outer context

I am trying to access the parent data from a nested template.
According to this, I am trying to do somehing similar but I am getting Error: data.parent is undefined.
In my 'master' template I have the declaration
{{for Rooms tmpl="#RoomTmpl" layout=true /}}
and in the #RoomTmpl
<script id="RoomTmpl" type="text/x-jsrender">
{{for #data}}
I tried various combinations but always I get an error
Does anyone knows how to do this?
the correct synatx is
You want to step up through the views and get the data from a parent view. A view is the result of rendering a template, and so nested block tags, such as {{for...}}...{{/for}} or {{if...}}...{{/if}} will add child views. If you pass an array to a 'for' tag, {{for myArray}}, it will iterate over the data array and it leads to one child view whose data property is the array, and that view will then have collection of child views for each rendered item.
So you need to know that #view is the view, #view.parent is the parent view, is the parent view's data etc. #foo is short for, so #data is the data, #parent the parent view etc.
Now the only issue is to count the number of parents correctly. You can debug into what is going on by adding a method to your data: { ... properties ..., test: function() {debugger;} }. Now add {{:test()}} anywhere in a template for that data item, and step into the compiled temmplate: look at the view, its parents etc.
Another trick. If you set a template variable on any block tag, you can then access it from any nested template. So In your example, you can put
{{for Rooms tmpl="#RoomTmpl" ~label=Room1Label layout=true /}}
and then access it from a nested template as:
That way you no longer need to worry about stepping up through the parent views.

JQuery. Accessing Elements in the DOM below and object

I'm using an API that returns a JQuery Object which is a reference to a DIV container. I know my structure inside of the DIV container. I basically need to read some attributes from the first .
I've tried chaining the standard selectors off of my object but I get an error.
XML filter is applied to non-XML value ({selector:"div.panes > div.slice(0,1)", context:({}), 0:({}), length:1})
[Break on this error] var svideo = $(api.getCurrentPane()).('a').get(0);
Change your code to use .find() when you're going for descendant elements, like this for the DOM element reference directly:
or if you want a jQuery object...