Intellij idea missing one feature from eclipse - eclipse

In eclipse, when debugging, let's say you have a method call with parameters, and then when you press step into, it'll evaluate parameters first and only then will go into function. But in eclipse there is a hotkey, so you put your mouse cursor on function name, press it, and debugger will stop inside that function, so it'll skip parameters evaluation (it will evaluate them, but won't stop there). Is there such function in intellij idea?
EDIT: there is a workaround for this, go inside method, put a breakpoint, then resume your application and it'll stop at that breakpoint. But is there a way without setting an additional breakpoing?

If i well understanding,you can you the Smart Step Into debugging features(Smart Selective Step Into). When you press shift+F7 a popup ask you into witch method you want to step into.
You can select the method directly, avoiding the parameters evalutation.


What is hotkey to manually check a C function api in vscode?

Sometimes when I write the function name, the api is shown above its name automatically, but sometimes it doesn't work and I have to rewrite the function name to get that, so is there a shortcut key for it?
(I know man function_name but I used to CTRL+Q in NetBeans to get the same thing quickly but I can't find one for vscode.)
ALT+F12 seems to do the job. It's called "peek definition" which is available in the right click options too.
Also note that the opened window doesn't go away by clicking somewhere else outside of it, however, instead you can still use the ESC from keyboard.

Event listener breakpoints in Google Chrome Devtools

Event listener breakpoints in Google Chrome Devtools offers various number of options, but for me, they are not really of great use since they always throw me to some irrelevant part of code.
What I would like to know is if it is possible to limit it to just one class? For example onMouseClick send me to the 1st method that executes after mouse click, inside specific class. If none of the methods are fired inside this class, than simply do nothing.
You can set the breakpoints for each script and each line individually.
First open the debug-tools and chose a script in the sources-tab:
Then you can click on the line-number (here only no. 1) and it looks like this:
As you see now is the line marked, but also in the right col your individual breakpoint is listed.
After having marked the breakpoint you still have to reload the page that the scripts are executed again till to the breakpoint. Afterwards you can use the icons above the right col to step in or step over the commands following the breakpoint.
Having minified scripts, breakpoints are hard to use, so it's better to have a script where each line has only one command, it's much easier then to debug.
So for debugging you should change the corresponding script in your page to the non-minified version, perhaps also with a map-file if available.

Is there a plugin for Eclipse that immediately evaluates a highlighted expression?

A colleague of mine uses Netbeans, and I noticed a tremendously useful feature it has in debug mode: it immediately shows what a highlighted expression evaluates to in a tooltip. I'm not sure whether this is a standard feature in Netbeans, but I would definitely find it useful in Eclipse as well.
Does anyone know a plugin or a similar way of using this in Eclipse?
Eclipse provides tooltips for single variable evaluation and expressions evaluation in the expressions view. This is not what I need. In Netbeans, you can highlight an expression (possibly containing more than one variable) and it gets evaluated in a tooltip.
In Eclipse debug mode you can add needed expression to Expression view and check its value or you can hover mouse over variables and check theirs values
In Eclipse, when you're running your program in the debugger, you should be able to add a Watcher for a variable, or just simply evaluate an expression (I believe) in the Watcher tab. Sorry, I don't actually use Eclipse full-time, this is just from memory as I have used it in the past...
Three years later (don't know if it was before) you can Inspect the selected expression.
Select it, right click and choose Inspect, or press Ctrl+Shift+I (personally I changed that shortcut to one more reachable F12).

Does eclipse have a debugger "step into selected" option that prompts for the method to step into?

I have used IntelliJ Idea on a few projects and I really like the feature it has in the debugger where I can step into a line of code, but choose which of the methods I REALLY want to step into, instead of going through them all until I hit the one I want.
For example, the debugger stops at this line:
String restult = getMyResult(getParam(), buildSomething(), nextOption(x));
I want to hit ctrl+F5 and have a list popup with:
and I can select getMyResult and step into that method while skipping the other three.
It sure miss that feature when I am debugging in eclipse, does anyone know if there is something comparable?
I know about the Step Filtering options in Eclipse, but that is not quite what I want.
You can simply put a cursor on method you want and hit Ctrl-F5, so no additional selection needed.
Alternatively you can use Ctrl+Alt-Clik using mouse do do the same.
You can:
Select the text of the method call you want to jump into
Then right-click into context menu
Choose "Step into selection" from there.
Does not work all of the time tho.
In IntelliJ Idea 10.5
It is called Smart Step Into
In menu it can be found "Run -> Smart Step Into"

Finding event handlers in source trees

So, I'm trying to implement a looping mode in the totem movie player. I would like to do this by adding a checkbox under "Edit" that turns looping on.
I'm trying to figure out what code gets called when "Edit" and the "Shuffle Mode" option under it is clicked. Is there any easy way to find where the appropriate event handler is?
My usual method of code reading (stepping through it with the debugger) didn't work because this is a GUI program, and as soon as you get to the main loop it doesn't stop until there's a breakpoint, and where to put the breakpoints is basically what I'm trying to find out.
I've been using Netbeans for this, and I should note that I can't use Eclipse.
Thank you.
The UI for Totem and the callback names for each element defined in the GtkBuilder file, data/totem.ui.
This file says that the handler for the "Shuffle Mode" action is shuffle_mode_action_callback. Then you can use grep:
grep -r shuffle_mode_action_callback totem-git/src
The result of this command indicates that this function is defined in src/totem-menu.c.