What is hotkey to manually check a C function api in vscode? - visual-studio-code

Sometimes when I write the function name, the api is shown above its name automatically, but sometimes it doesn't work and I have to rewrite the function name to get that, so is there a shortcut key for it?
(I know man function_name but I used to CTRL+Q in NetBeans to get the same thing quickly but I can't find one for vscode.)

ALT+F12 seems to do the job. It's called "peek definition" which is available in the right click options too.
Also note that the opened window doesn't go away by clicking somewhere else outside of it, however, instead you can still use the ESC from keyboard.


Keybindings with mouse click

I am developing in C#, and when I hold down cmd (macOS) and Click a method, I am taken to it's Definition. I am looking for a way to be able to hold down cmd+shift and click the method, and be taken to the methods Implementation. I have searched and tested for some time without finding anything; I am starting to think it is not possible.
Does anyone know how, or if it even is possible?
It's currently impossible. Mouse clicks are not considered modifiers and cannot be customized right now. There's an open issue for this: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/3130.
You can still press command+F12 to jump to Implementation (which may be unhandy, since you have to press Fn as well). Besides, some applications or specific mouses allow you to map keys.

How to go straight to the definition without the dialog in vscode?

when I try to go to certain definition I am getting always this annoying dialog
How can it be removed, and I will be navigated strait to the required definition?
The solution was to check "goto" in Multiple Definitions instead of peek
Check if this answer helps you toggle off the feature How to remove popup window showing function definition in VSCode
It seems that you can't go directly to the definition, but the shortcut is already defined.

How do I select all text in vistual studio code?

In visual studio code (1.29.1) ctrl+a doesn't do anything for me. I checked keyboard shortcuts and it's mapped to a few select all actions (editor.action.selectAll, etc.) but when I'm in a file and press it nothing happens. How do I select all text in the current file in visual studio code?
Thanks for the comments, it make me realize it must be an environmental issue. Turns out if you have any mapping starting with a key combination that will lock that mapping to the key combo and you can't use it for anything else.
To make save all ctrl+shift+s I had to re-map save as and I mapped it to ctrl+a+s, so everytime I hit ctrl+a it just waiting for second key. In the status bar at the bottom of my editor it said something like "Ctrl+a detected, waiting for second keystroke", which means Ctrl+a won't work on its own. I re-mapped Save As to some unused key combo and it fixed select all.
This question was luckily answered on another thread
I'll post the OG answer here, nonetheless.
Most new comers to VS-Code could resolve this issue with the 2nd method provided by the OG answer:
Goto File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
in the search bar type this Select All
There's should a couple of results, you'll obviously want the "Select All" result
right click on his line and click on Change When Expression
a textbox would be highlight for you to fill in text. type editorFocus
press enter and done!
The OG answer provides image if you need to confirm that you're doing it right.
side-note: This issue bugged for more than 3 years and is the main reason my I used VS-Community over VS-Code.
So it's nice to finally be able to work normally in this very robust customizable IDE text-editor.

SQLDeveloper jump between Package body and Package spec

I'm currently using Oracle SQLDeveloper a lot more that I have ever used and I'm starting to like the tool.
I use Shift+F4 a lot to jump into a package/function/procedure. But one thing that I don't really get is how to jump directly to the package body or as an alternative some kind of shortcut that toggles between the spec and the body of a package.
Toad has something like this and I'm unable to find this feature in SQLDeveloper.
I'm also aware that you have the object tree on the left side of the screen but it's not really the best way to navigate to a package body when you are already looking at its specification. Especially if you have something like 300 packages with similar names...
For someone that uses SQLDeveloper to work everyday and does a lot of development with packages there has to be a way to do this...
I'm hoping for some magical shortcut or some obscure plugin.
see the picture above-- the downward pointing side arrow -- click on it-- it will open up the function defintion.
After opening the package spec using Shift+F4, press Ctrl+Shift+F12 to open or toggle between body and spec
Go to VIEW menu, click on find DB objects option. In the find db object pane put the name of the package and select the DB.
Both, the spec and body will appear, double click to open.
You have a couple of questions:
how to 'jump into' a pl/sql object AND
how to toggle from spec to body and vice versa
How to 'jump into' a pl/sql object
Ctrl+Mouse Hover+Click
If you don't like this mouse-kung-fu, you can also assign a keyboard shortcut, I show you how to do this here.
How to toggle from spec to body and back
You can use the arrows in the gutter, they point up or down, you can use the toolbar button, or you can use the keyboard shortcut.
If you use the 'arrow' in the gutter, you'll go straight to that item's corresponding bit in the spec or body. Using the toolbar button/kb shortcut will just take you to line 1 of the spec or body.
I talk about these PL/SQL features and more on my blog.
(this is at least with my PLSQL-DEv version (, default settings)
The shortcut to view Spec. + Body is SHIFT+ F5, then CTRL+ H to toggle to the "body" tab.
This works if you have certain rights to view the package's body, especially the DEBUG right: ask your DBA to do you a
GRANT DEBUG on <package_you_want_to_view_the_body_of> to <your_user>
GRANT DEBUG on <package_you_want_to_view_the_body_of> to PUBLIC
Note sure but you might also need the EXECUTE right just to view. Same thing if needed, ask your DBA similar above grant.
Another thing I had to do in Oracle 12c for Code assistant to view the packages when typing: check the "Use DBA Views if available" in Tools > preferences:

Special keys in Eclipse Issue - IDE always asks for confirmation

Last days I have an issue with eclipse when I press special keys inside the eclipse
e.g when I press Ctrl+C
then a small window appears on the bottom right corner of the IDE which
is like this:
Copy | Ctrl+C
The same is for other keys.. I got:
Inline Editing|Enter (when press Enter)
Paste|Ctrl+V (when Ctrl+V)
It is really slowing down typing because it gets the focus and need confirmation clicking
on the right part of the small window.
Does anyone know how can I fix it?
Thank you!
The pop-ups you are seeing are the "keybinding conflict" popups. These are common when you have two different plugins defining the same keybinding and looks like these. This may happen if you installed some plugin which attempts to override the default bindings.
You may investigate your current bindings using "Window>Preferences>General>Keys". Enter the binding (eg. "Ctrl+C") in the filter field (it has "type filter text") and see all the commands that have this key combination bind to. If you have two different commands with same "When" parameter, then there's a conflict.
You may "unbind command" and then bind it again. Or try using "Restore command" button.
Also you may try to un-install the ill-behaving plugin, if you don't need it actually.