How can resize the image with user defined names with user defined folder in typo3 - typo3

I have a typo3 site.
Where i need to resize the images with user defined names and then store it in a folder
Any idea how can we do this ?

Maybe this TypoScript option helps:
config.meaningfulTempFilePrefix = 1
Now when resizing an image and by this storing the resulting file in typo3temp the filename won't be gibberish only but still containing the original filename.


Edit Custom Metadata on a JPG file - Live Photo

I am trying to edit a custom metadata value of a JPG file (static image of a Live Photo created by iPhone). Tried the exiftool but it doesnt work for me.
For reference this is the metadata of one of the file -
the field I would like to edit and update is
Content Identifier DF64C2AE-ED3C-4778-BFCA-C15277E521D2
I tried updating the field with exiftool
exiftool -ContentIdentifier=5A0FFB8D-5410-4464-A343-61AE4A6C1109
It always throw error like file cannot be read or Warning: Tag 'ContentIdentifier' is not defined
Nothing to do.
Anyone can help me with this or guide me with another method to change the value ?

tinyMCE - is it possible to prevent the cut and paste of images (base64) in the textbox?

TinyMCE 4: I have implemented the image file/upload from local source, using php to save the uploaded file into a directory, with tinyMCE referencing this image. Works fine. This leaves a simple html text file to save in the database.
However, I see that the user can just cut and paste an image directly into the textbox, resulting in the image showing up and becoming a base64 image string, which defeats the purpose of storing only html text. Now the text could become extremely long if this base64 image is not prevented.
Is there a way to prevent this image paste action in tinyMCE? Or better yet, a way to automatically convert this paste into an image file and have it stored in the same place as the other images on the fly?
I know I could convert base64 images to a jpg files and store after submitting the form to a php handler, but would seek a simpler answer if possible.
The documentation is your friend for this issue. TinyMCE can certainly help you convert the images on the fly as they are pasted into the editor:
You can also stop the images from appearing in the first place if that is your preference:

typo3 flexslider should user original image and not cropped one

In my typo3 7.6.19 Website I want to user the flexslider plugin.
That works fine, my problem is that the image is a cropped one and not the original file I uploaded.
How can I change it to use the original picture?
Thanks in advance
The plugin sets up a TypoScript constant
You can modify this value in your TypoScript template (Module Template > Constant Editor > select "PLUGIN.TX_WSFLEXSLIDER"
About your other problem that is artifacts in the reduced image, I think that when resizing an image from 2550px to 800px, it is probable that the quality will be reduced :) You could check those settings in Install Tool >All Configuration > Image Processing [GFX] and see if you can improve them.
A last word: I would not use images of 2550px, it seems that they will be very heavy! I would try to set a compromise (e.g. plugin.tx_wsflexslider.maxwidth=1200px).
You could also evalutate the extension EXT:image_autoresize
to automatically resize the images when uploading them and limit the weight or dimensions of the images that your editor will upload.
From this answer typo3 uses crop images how can I avoid this I see that (of course) you can also modify the partial that renders the image and avoid using the TypoScript constants at all, but for the reasons I mentioned above, I would not recommend it.
In TYPO3 10.4.x and ws_slider 0.9.8, it was not a constant but:
<f:image image="{item.foregroundMedia.0}" maxWidth="600" />

Export pagetree with images?

Is it possible to export a pagetree to .t3d with images? Images are embedded as "Text & Images" elements. I could export pages, but images didn't follow.
Images has to be moved separately to the same path (either in fileadmin or in uploads) in order to do a proper export/import. If you check the file, all file paths are there in the export.

How to handle correctly converting images to thumbnails

I'm building out an admin area for an ecommerce site where the user can create a new product and upload multiple images to be used for the product. I have a table that lists all of the products, each row shows the first image returned from the database. I can scale down a large image to 100px x 100px but the user is still downloading a big image, not a true thumbnail.
I see two ways of doing this:
1. I can make the user choose which img will be the thumbnail so that the regular img is upload and also a smaller version of the file.
2.I can create thumbnails for every img that is uploaded and append to the filename of the thumbnail img so that I can return the first image that ends with a certain string.
Is there a more elegant way to do this or am I on the right track?
Create a cache directory, then create a script called something like image.php. Link your images like this
<img src="image.php?path=images/img.png&width=100&height=100">
Then in image.php, it should first check in the cache directory if the file exists.
Call the file "img.png&width=100&height=100" and save it in the cache directory. That way you can easily check if it exists, but there is enough entropy for someone to change it to width=101 and height = 101 so that the image will be regenerated.
Each time you create the thumbnail, just store it in the cache directory. If it exists, do a header() call and an echo file_get_contents() and then die().