I am trying to edit a custom metadata value of a JPG file (static image of a Live Photo created by iPhone). Tried the exiftool but it doesnt work for me.
For reference this is the metadata of one of the file - https://www.metadata2go.com/result/93287b28-1c16-4491-affe-8ffbd6d9dd1a
the field I would like to edit and update is
Content Identifier DF64C2AE-ED3C-4778-BFCA-C15277E521D2
I tried updating the field with exiftool
exiftool -ContentIdentifier=5A0FFB8D-5410-4464-A343-61AE4A6C1109
It always throw error like file cannot be read or Warning: Tag 'ContentIdentifier' is not defined
Nothing to do.
Anyone can help me with this or guide me with another method to change the value ?
I want to save image taken in app with some information as current location(latitude, longtitude),around places(restaurant or something nearest place) ,some variables .this photo wil be shown in application in other page.At the moment i am saving image with rename file and get all infos from file name.Have any other method to save infos with image
AT the moment I am saving image as
Can anyone have other stategy for save share please
If you are using the google map package, there is a method exists in the instance which is called takeSnapShot.
ex: mapController.takeSnapShot();
My flutter app does not show the album art of my music files that I'm trying to load with AssetImage().
I debugged all the way down to asset_bundle.dart and asset is null as you can see in this debugging screenshot:
When I check out that image file on my phone and open it with any image displaying app it works.
Could the fact that the file ending is missing be the problem?
If so, how can I tell my app to try to interpret such files without a file ending as .png?
If you're curious about the exact code of the project: here
TinyMCE 4: I have implemented the image file/upload from local source, using php to save the uploaded file into a directory, with tinyMCE referencing this image. Works fine. This leaves a simple html text file to save in the database.
However, I see that the user can just cut and paste an image directly into the textbox, resulting in the image showing up and becoming a base64 image string, which defeats the purpose of storing only html text. Now the text could become extremely long if this base64 image is not prevented.
Is there a way to prevent this image paste action in tinyMCE? Or better yet, a way to automatically convert this paste into an image file and have it stored in the same place as the other images on the fly?
I know I could convert base64 images to a jpg files and store after submitting the form to a php handler, but would seek a simpler answer if possible.
The documentation is your friend for this issue. TinyMCE can certainly help you convert the images on the fly as they are pasted into the editor:
You can also stop the images from appearing in the first place if that is your preference:
I have added a ImagePlugin as described in https://www.tinymce.com/docs/plugins/imagetools/#sdkinstallation.
I can modify a photo in an editor but I don't know how to save it after modifications.
After posting a form with wysiwyg I get :
Cannot convert
blob: to
Blob. Resource might not exist or is inaccessible.
When you use the image editing tools to modify an image the editor creates a Base64 encoded new image. This exists (right after the editing) only in the browser. To permanently save the image to something other than Base64 you need to follow these instructions:
The net is that the editor can be configured to send the image binary to a script of your choice. That script needs to save the image somewhere appropriate and return JSON with the path to the new image's location.
I have a typo3 site.
Where i need to resize the images with user defined names and then store it in a folder
Any idea how can we do this ?
Maybe this TypoScript option helps:
config.meaningfulTempFilePrefix = 1
Now when resizing an image and by this storing the resulting file in typo3temp the filename won't be gibberish only but still containing the original filename.