Facebook Api callback not working - perl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use WWW::Facebook::API;
use WWW::Facebook::API::Auth;
use WWW::Facebook::API::Canvas;
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP;
use CGI; # load CGI routines
$q = CGI->new; # create new CGI object
print $q->header, # create the HTTP header
$q->start_html('Facebook App'), # start the HTML
$q->h1('Facebook Authentication'), # level 1 header
$q->end_html; # end the HTML
my $facebook_api = '-------------';
my $facebook_secret = '----------------';
my $facebook_clientid = '---------------------';
my $client = WWW::Facebook::API->new(
desktop => 0,
api_version => '1.0',
api_key => $facebook_api,
secret => $facebook_secret,
callback => 'http://localhost/perl/facebook.pl',
Afterlogin to facebook the callback url is not working getting the facebook appication is underconstruction. I dont want to specify the call back url in facebook itself. I want to specify the callback in the source code.

callback => 'http://localhost/perl/facebook.pl',
Facebook can't make the callback request to http://localhost - your localhost is not their localhost!
You have to use a public facing URL.


Perl version of this python servicenow script posting a file

So I am going over the Attachment API for ServiceNow, documented here:
For an application I'm working on, I need to write up some Perl code to handle attachments. Unfortunately, the ServiceNow Perl API libraries do not handle attachments larger than 5mb, so I need to use the stock Attachment API that comes with the instance.
From the above link, I saw this example on how to post files with this python code.
#Need to install requests package for python
#easy_install requests
import requests
# Set the request parameters
url = 'https://instance.service-now.com/api/now/attachment/file?table_name=incident&table_sys_id=d71f7935c0a8016700802b64c67c11c6&file_name=Issue_screenshot.jpg'
# Specify the file To send. When specifying fles to send make sure you specify the path to the file, in
# this example the file was located in the same directory as the python script being executed.
data = open('Issue_screenshot.jpg', 'rb').read()
# Eg. User name="admin", Password="admin" for this code sample.
user = 'admin'
pwd = 'admin'
# Set proper headers
headers = {"Content-Type":"image/jpeg","Accept":"application/json"}
# Do the HTTP request
response = requests.post(url, auth=(user, pwd), headers=headers, data=data)
# Check for HTTP codes other than 201
if response.status_code != 201:
print('Status:', response.status_code, 'Headers:', response.headers, 'Error Response:',response.json())
# Decode the JSON response into a dictionary and use the data
data = response.json()
I've used REST::Client a lot for posting, but unfortunately, I can't find a good example on how to handle the above ^^ but in Perl. How does one use REST::Client to post a file like above?
I've done a temp workaround with this by invoking curl in my scripts, but using REST::Client would be more elegant.
You can use LWP::UserAgent Perl module to achieve the same:
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use Fcntl;
use JSON qw[decode_json];
use Data::Dumper;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $url = 'https://instance.service-now.com/api/now/attachment/file?table_name=incident&table_sys_id=d71f7935c0a8016700802b64c67c11c6&file_name=Issue_screenshot.jpg';
my $user = 'admin';
my $pwd = 'admin';
$ua->credentials( 'instance.service-now.com', '<REALM>', $user, $pwd);
my $file = 'Issue_screenshot.jpg';
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $url );
$request->header( 'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg');
$request->header( 'Accept' => 'application/json');
$request->header( 'Content-Length' => -s $file);
sysopen(my $fh,$file,O_RDONLY);
$request->content( sub {
sysread($fh,my $buf,1024);
return $buf;
my $res = $ua->request($request);
unless($res->code == 201) {
print 'Status: '.$res->code, 'Headers:',$res->headers_as_string,'Error Response:',$res->content;
my $data = decode_json($res->content);
print Dumper($data);

HTTP Basic Authentication in Asana with perl

I'm trying to use Asana API with HTTP Basic Auth. The following program prints
{"errors":[{"message":"Not Authorized"}]}
It seems that LWP doesn't send the auth credentials to the server.
use v5.14.0;
use LWP;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->credentials('app.asana.com:443', 'realm', 'api_key_goes_here' => '');
my $res = $ua->get("https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/users/me");
say $res->decoded_content;
I've run into something similar (on a completely different service), and couldn't get it working. I think it's to do with a realm/hostname mismatch.
As you note - if you hit that URL directly, from a web browser, you get the same answer (without an auth prompt).
But what I ended up doing instead:
my $request = HTTP::Request -> new ( 'GET' => 'https://path/to/surl' );
$request -> authorization_basic ( 'username', 'password' );
my $results = $user_agent -> request ( $request );

Twitter LED Timeline

Hello I have put together a script for a twitter timeline it works apart from i dont know how to authorize my twitter api key my led sign is just saying "Bad Authentication data"
here is my code
require LWP::UserAgent;
use JSON;
my $lwpua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $uagent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/";
my #header = ( 'Referer' => 'http://api.twitter.com/', 'User-Agent' => $uagent );
my $twuser = '<twitter_name>';
my $twurl = "http://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=$twuser";
my $response = $lwpua->get( $twurl, #header );
my $return = $response->content;
my $json = JSON->new->allow_nonref;
my $json_text = $json->decode($return);
my #tweets = #{$json_text};
my $message;
foreach $tweet (#tweets) {
$message .= $tweet->{text} . "\n";
use Device::MiniLED;
my $sign = Device::MiniLED->new( devicetype => "sign" );
data => "$message",
effect => "scroll",
speed => 4
$sign->send( device => "/dev/ttyUSB0" );
First: use strict; and use warnings;. Even if you're the awesomest programmer ever, this should be your first port of call if you're having problems. (And everyone makes typos).
Secondly: $json_text is a hash ref, not an array ref. You probably want to use values or similar.
Thirdly: Bad Authentication Data is a twitter api error, not a code error. You need to authorize it with oAuth, and you're doing no twitter auth at all. From: https://dev.twitter.com/overview/api/response-codes
215 - Typically sent with 1.1 responses with HTTP code 400. The method requires authentication but it was not presented or was wholly invalid.
E.g. you can't do what you're doing without authenticating. I think what you need is this:
Specifically - the 'easy answer' is generate an account specific authentication token, and send that in your request.
Once you have done this this web page on Twitter:
allows you to generate a (time limited) example command that you could use to fetch your timeline. But you'll most likely need to build authentication into your script in order to do what you're trying to do. (user_timeline.json is a restricted access API). (There's a 'test oAuth' button on the app webpage).
Reading through the docs on creating authentication tokens, makes me thing that installing Net::Twitter or Net::Twitter::Lite might be the way to go.
First follow the instructions here: https://dev.twitter.com/oauth/overview/application-owner-access-tokens
Specifically, on https://apps.twitter.com/ you need to:
create an application
generate a token (from the application page).
(Under 'keys and access tokens' on the app specific page).
This will give you the 4 things you need to speak to twitter:
a consumer key
a consumer secret
an access token
an access token secret
By default, your access token will be read only. This is fine for what you want to do.
The process for turning them into Twitter auth is a bit complicated and involves RSA-HMAC encryption. So just let Net::Twitter do it for you: (I've removed my keys, because I'm not quite daft enough to post the equivalent of my Twitter password)
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Net::Twitter;
my $twitter = Net::Twitter->new(
traits => [qw/API::RESTv1_1/],
consumer_key => 'long_string_of_stuff',
consumer_secret =>
access_token => '12345-long_string_of_stuff',
access_token_secret =>
ssl => 1,
my $tweets = $twitter->user_timeline();
print Dumper \$result;
my $message;
foreach my $tweet ( #{$tweets} ) {
$message .= $tweet->{text} . "\n";
print $message;
Tested this with my account, and it prints a list of my recent tweets, which I think was what you wanted?

Posting to a WEB API from Perl results in a null value in [FromBody]

We have created a WEB API (in .NET framework 4.0) and gave the endpoint info to one of our clients. They created a program in Perl that posts to our endpoint.
Every post they have made so far arrives into our endpoint as null. When we initially started programming, we had that same issue in JQuery when posting by means of $.ajax. We solved it by adding a '=' at the beginning of the post data.
The Perl code they have submitted is the following:
sub _postPackages {
my ($self,$dataToSend) = #_;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("integrationapp/1.0 ");
# Create a request
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $self->{postAddress} );
#print Data::Dumper->Dump([$req]);
# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
my $res = $ua->request($req);
where postAddress is our endpoint and $dataToSend is the message data. Is it possible that they need to add the '=' at the beginning of the $dataToSend message.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This is a bit of pseudo code here..
But I'm guessing you want to do something like this:
# some post sub
my ($self, $data) = #_;
my $ua = $self->get_user_agent();
my $json_xs = $self->get_json_xs();
my $json_encoded = $json_xs->utf8->encode($data);
my $response_body = $ua->post(
'Content' => $self->get_post_data(),
'Content-type' => "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
print STDERR "POSTING NEW RESOURCE: " . Dumper($self);

How can I log in to YouTube using Perl?

I am trying to write a Perl script to connect to me YouTube account but it doesnt seem to work. Basically I just want to connect to my account but apparently it is not working. I don't even have an idea on how I could debug this! Maybe it is something related to https protocol?
Please enlighten me! Thanks in advance.
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use strict;
my $login="test";
my $pass = "test";
my $res = "";
my $ua = "";
# Create user agent, make it look like FireFox and store cookies
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20051213 Firefox/1.0.7");
$ua->cookie_jar ( {} );
# Request login page
$res = $ua->request(GET "https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=youtube&hl=en_US&passive=true&ltmpl=sso&uilel=3&continue=http%3A//www.youtube.com/signup%3Fhl%3Den_US%26warned%3D%26nomobiletemp%3D1%26next%3D/index");
die("ERROR1: GET http://www.youtube.com/login\n") unless ($res->is_success);
# Now we login with our user/pass
$res = $ua->request(
POST "https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLoginAuth?service=youtube",
Referer => "http://www.youtube.com/login",
Content_Type => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
Content => [
currentform => "login",
next => "/index",
username => $login,
password => $pass,
action_login => "Log+In"
# YouTube redirects (302) to a new page when login is success
# and returns OK (200) if the login failed.
#die("ERROR: Login Failed\n") unless ($res->is_redirect());
print $res->content;
what i am doing is learning the web features of perl, so i dont want to use any library except wwwlib or mechanize to get the job done.
how can i just connect to my account using a perl script? this is my objective for now
hope someone can post a script or correct mine.
thank you guys for you help.
i am testing Webscarab now..
What data are you trying to grab? Why not just using an existing implementation like WebService::YouTube
Some comments on your code: I always avoided the shortcut $ua->request(GET/POST) method since I always ended up needing more flexibility that only the use of HTTP::Request and HTTP::Response allowed. I always felt the code was cleaner that way too.
Why is your code not working? Who knows.
Make sure your cookiejar is adding your cookies to the outgoing HTTP::Request. I'd suggest dumping all your headers when you do it in a browser and compare with the headers and data that libwww is sending. There may be some additional fields that they are checking for that vary for every hit. They may be checking for your UserAgent string. If you are just looking to learn libwww I'd suggest using a different site as a target as I'm sure YouTube has all sort of anti-scripting hardening.
Are you using YouTube's stable documented API?
Use an HTTP proxy such as WebScarab to watch the data flow.
Trey's suggestion to use somebody else's CPAN package for the mechanics is a good idea too.
Right right by and large, what you want to do is define a cookiejar for most of these websites that have a redirection login. This is what the package has done. Also the package tunes a lot of the lookups and scrapes based on the youtube spec.
Ajax content for example will be rough since its not there when your scraping
You just picked a somewhat rough page to start out with.
I'm actually working on this issue myself. Before, I would suggest read over this the API guide from Google as a good starting reference. If I'm reading it correctly, one begins with passing user credentials through a REST interface to get a Authentication Token. To handle that, I'm using the following:
sub getToken {
my %parms = #_;
my $response = LWP::UserAgent->new->post(
Email => $parms{'username'},
Passwd => $parms{'password'},
service => "youtube",
source => "<<Your Value Here>>",
my $content = $response->content;
my ($auth) = $content =~ /^Auth=(.*)YouTubeUser(.*)$/msg
or die "Unable to authenticate?\n";
my ($user) = $content =~ /YouTubeUser=(.*)$/msg
or die "Could not extract user name from response string. ";
return ($auth, $user);
And I call that from the main part of my program as such:
## Get $AuthToken
my ($AuthToken, $GoogleUserName) = getToken((
username => $email, password => $password
Once I have these two things -- $AuthToken and $GoogleUserName, I'm still testing the LWP Post. I'm still writing this unit:
sub test {
my %parms = #_;
## Copy file contents. Use, foy's three param open method.
my $fileSize = -s $parms{'File'};
open(VideoFile, '<', "$parms{'File'}") or die "Can't open $parms{'File'}.";
binmode VideoFile;
read(VideoFile, my $fileContents, $fileSize) or die "Can't read $parms{'File'}";
close VideoFile;
my $r = LWP::UserAgent->new->post(
Host => "uploads.gdata.youtube.com",
'Authorization' => "AuthSub token=\"$parms{'auth'}\"",
'GData-Version' => "2",
'X-GData-Key' => "key=$YouTubeDeveloperKey",
'Slug' => "$parms{'File'}",
'Content-Type' => "multipart/related; boundary=\"<boundary_string>\"",
'Content-Length' => "<content_length>",
'video_content_type'=> "video/wmv",
'Connection' => "close",
'Content' => $fileContents
print Dumper(\$r->content)
And that is called as
&test((auth=>$Auth, user=>$user, File=>'test.wmv'));