Perl version of this python servicenow script posting a file - rest

So I am going over the Attachment API for ServiceNow, documented here:
For an application I'm working on, I need to write up some Perl code to handle attachments. Unfortunately, the ServiceNow Perl API libraries do not handle attachments larger than 5mb, so I need to use the stock Attachment API that comes with the instance.
From the above link, I saw this example on how to post files with this python code.
#Need to install requests package for python
#easy_install requests
import requests
# Set the request parameters
url = ''
# Specify the file To send. When specifying fles to send make sure you specify the path to the file, in
# this example the file was located in the same directory as the python script being executed.
data = open('Issue_screenshot.jpg', 'rb').read()
# Eg. User name="admin", Password="admin" for this code sample.
user = 'admin'
pwd = 'admin'
# Set proper headers
headers = {"Content-Type":"image/jpeg","Accept":"application/json"}
# Do the HTTP request
response =, auth=(user, pwd), headers=headers, data=data)
# Check for HTTP codes other than 201
if response.status_code != 201:
print('Status:', response.status_code, 'Headers:', response.headers, 'Error Response:',response.json())
# Decode the JSON response into a dictionary and use the data
data = response.json()
I've used REST::Client a lot for posting, but unfortunately, I can't find a good example on how to handle the above ^^ but in Perl. How does one use REST::Client to post a file like above?
I've done a temp workaround with this by invoking curl in my scripts, but using REST::Client would be more elegant.

You can use LWP::UserAgent Perl module to achieve the same:
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use Fcntl;
use JSON qw[decode_json];
use Data::Dumper;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $url = '';
my $user = 'admin';
my $pwd = 'admin';
$ua->credentials( '', '<REALM>', $user, $pwd);
my $file = 'Issue_screenshot.jpg';
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( POST => $url );
$request->header( 'Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg');
$request->header( 'Accept' => 'application/json');
$request->header( 'Content-Length' => -s $file);
sysopen(my $fh,$file,O_RDONLY);
$request->content( sub {
sysread($fh,my $buf,1024);
return $buf;
my $res = $ua->request($request);
unless($res->code == 201) {
print 'Status: '.$res->code, 'Headers:',$res->headers_as_string,'Error Response:',$res->content;
my $data = decode_json($res->content);
print Dumper($data);


HTTP Basic Authentication in Asana with perl

I'm trying to use Asana API with HTTP Basic Auth. The following program prints
{"errors":[{"message":"Not Authorized"}]}
It seems that LWP doesn't send the auth credentials to the server.
use v5.14.0;
use LWP;
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
$ua->credentials('', 'realm', 'api_key_goes_here' => '');
my $res = $ua->get("");
say $res->decoded_content;
I've run into something similar (on a completely different service), and couldn't get it working. I think it's to do with a realm/hostname mismatch.
As you note - if you hit that URL directly, from a web browser, you get the same answer (without an auth prompt).
But what I ended up doing instead:
my $request = HTTP::Request -> new ( 'GET' => 'https://path/to/surl' );
$request -> authorization_basic ( 'username', 'password' );
my $results = $user_agent -> request ( $request );

How may I bypass LWP's URL encoding for a GET request?

I'm talking to what seems to be a broken HTTP daemon and I need to make a GET request that includes a pipe | character in the URL.
LWP::UserAgent escapes the pipe character before the request is sent.
For example, a URL passed in as:
is passed to the HTTP daemon as
This is correct, but doesn't work with this broken server.
How can I override or bypass the encoding that LWP and its friends are doing?
I've seen and tried other answers here on StackOverflow addressing similar problems. The difference here seems to be that those answers are dealing with POST requests where the formfield parts of the URL can be passed as an array of key/value pairs or as a 'Content' => $content parameter. Those approaches aren't working for me with an LWP request.
I've also tried constructing an HTTP::Request object and passing that to LWP, and passing the full URL direct to LWP->get(). No dice with either approach.
In response to Borodin's request, this is a sanitised version of the code I'm using
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use HTTP::Cookies;
use LWP;
my $debug = 1;
# make a 'browser' object
my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new();
# cookie handling...
'file' => '.cookie_jar.txt',
'autosave' => 1,
'ignore_discard' => 1,
# proxy, so we can watch...
if ($debug == 1) {
$browser->proxy(['http', 'ftp', 'https'], 'http://localhost:8080/');
# user agent string (pretend to be Firefox)
$agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050919 Firefox/1.0.7';
# set the user agent
# do some things here to log in to the web site, accept session cookies, etc.
# These are basic POSTs of filled forms. Works fine.
# [...]
my $baseURL = 'https://hostname/url/doSomethingScript?ss=1234&activities=VALUEA|VALUEB';
#values = ['Lec1', '01', 'Lec1', '02'];
while (1) {
if (scalar(#values) < 2) { last; }
my $vala = shift(#values);
my $valb = shift(#values);
my $url = $basEURL;
$url =~ s/VALUEA/$vala/g;
$url =~ s/VALUEB/$valb/g;
# simplified. Would usually check request for '200' response, etc...
$content = $browser->get($url)->content();
# do something here with the content
# [...]
# fails because the '|' character in the url is escaped after it's handed
# to LWP
# end
As #bchgys mentions in his comment, this is (almost) answered in the linked thread. Here are two solutions:
The first and arguably cleanest one is to locally override the escape map in URI::Escape to not modify the pipe character:
use URI;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $res;
# Violate RFC 2396 by forcing broken query string
# local makes the override take effect only in the current code block
local $URI::Escape::escapes{'|'} = '|';
$res = $ua->get('http://server/script?q=a|b');
print $res->request->as_string, "\n";
Alternatively, you can simply undo the escaping by modifying the URI directly in the request after the request has been created:
use HTTP::Request;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'http://server/script?q=a|b');
# Violate RFC 2396 by forcing broken query string
${$req->uri} =~ s/%7C/|/;
my $res = $ua->request($req);
print $res->request->as_string, "\n";
The first solution is almost certainly preferable because it at least relies on the %URI::Escape::escapes package variable which is exported and documented, so that's probably as close as you're gonna get to doing this with a supported API.
Note that in either case you are in violation of RFC 2396 but as mentioned you may have no choice when talking to a broken server that you have no control over.

Posting to a WEB API from Perl results in a null value in [FromBody]

We have created a WEB API (in .NET framework 4.0) and gave the endpoint info to one of our clients. They created a program in Perl that posts to our endpoint.
Every post they have made so far arrives into our endpoint as null. When we initially started programming, we had that same issue in JQuery when posting by means of $.ajax. We solved it by adding a '=' at the beginning of the post data.
The Perl code they have submitted is the following:
sub _postPackages {
my ($self,$dataToSend) = #_;
use LWP::UserAgent;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("integrationapp/1.0 ");
# Create a request
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $self->{postAddress} );
#print Data::Dumper->Dump([$req]);
# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
my $res = $ua->request($req);
where postAddress is our endpoint and $dataToSend is the message data. Is it possible that they need to add the '=' at the beginning of the $dataToSend message.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This is a bit of pseudo code here..
But I'm guessing you want to do something like this:
# some post sub
my ($self, $data) = #_;
my $ua = $self->get_user_agent();
my $json_xs = $self->get_json_xs();
my $json_encoded = $json_xs->utf8->encode($data);
my $response_body = $ua->post(
'Content' => $self->get_post_data(),
'Content-type' => "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
print STDERR "POSTING NEW RESOURCE: " . Dumper($self);

download file after perl post

This request returns a file of type ZIP how can I retrieve that file from that request?
# put timeouts, proxy etc into the useragent if needed
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my $req = POST $in_u, Content_Type => 'form-data', Content => $in_r;
my $response = $ua->request($req);
if ($response->is_success())
print $response->content;
I think you can use the content method on your $req object to get the raw content returned as a result of the POST. If the content is huge, then content_ref method is more suitable and offers to directly manipulate the content.
my $zfile = $req->content;
and crack on $zfile with Archive::Zip as DVK suggested.
You can use Archive::Zip CPAN module

What's the simplest way to make a HTTP GET request in Perl?

I have some code I've written in PHP for consuming our simple webservice, which I'd also like to provide in Perl for users who may prefer that language. What's the simplest method of making a HTTP request to do that? In PHP I can do it in one line with file_get_contents().
Here's the entire code I want to port to Perl:
* Makes a remote call to the our API, and returns the response
* #param cmd {string} - command string ID
* #param argsArray {array} - associative array of argument names and argument values
* #return {array} - array of responses
function callAPI( $cmd, $argsArray=array() )
// timestamp this API was submitted (for security reasons)
//--- assemble argument array into string
$query = "cmd=" .$cmd;
foreach ($argsArray as $argName => $argValue) {
$query .= "&" . $argName . "=" . urlencode($argValue);
$query .= "&key=". $apikey . "&time=" . $epoch_time;
//--- make md5 hash of the query + secret string
$md5 = md5($query . $secret);
$url = $apiurl . "?" . $query . "&md5=" . $md5;
//--- make simple HTTP GET request, put the server response into $response
$response = file_get_contents($url);
//--- convert "|" (pipe) delimited string to array
$responseArray = explode("|", $response);
return $responseArray;
use LWP::Simple;
$contents = get("http://YOUR_URL_HERE");
LWP::Simple has the function you're looking for.
use LWP::Simple;
$content = get($url);
die "Can't GET $url" if (! defined $content);
Take a look at LWP::Simple.
For more involved queries, there's even a book about it.
I would use the LWP::Simple module.
Mojo::UserAgent is a great option too!
use Mojo::UserAgent;
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
# Say hello to the Unicode snowman with "Do Not Track" header
say $ua->get('www.☃.net?hello=there' => {DNT => 1})->res->body;
# Form POST with exception handling
my $tx = $ua->post('' => form => {q => 'mojo'});
if (my $res = $tx->success) { say $res->body }
else {
my ($err, $code) = $tx->error;
say $code ? "$code response: $err" : "Connection error: $err";
# Quick JSON API request with Basic authentication
say $ua->get('')
# Extract data from HTML and XML resources
say $ua->get('')->res->dom->html->head->title->text;`
Samples direct from CPAN page. I used this when I couldn 't get LWP::Simple to work on my machine.
Try the HTTP::Request module.
Instances of this class are usually passed to the request() method of an LWP::UserAgent object.
If it's in Unix and if LWP::Simple isn't installed, you can try:
my $content = `GET ""`;
I think what Srihari might be referencing is Wget, but I would actually recommend (again, on *nix without LWP::Simple) to use cURL:
$ my $content = `curl -s ""`;
<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<H1>301 Moved</H1>
The document has moved
The -s flag tells curl to be silent. Otherwise, you get curl's progress bar output on standard error every time.