Does INADDR_ANY care about new interface? - sockets

From reading from other posts
understanding INADDR_ANY for socket programming - c
INADDR_ANY is used when you don't need to bind a socket to a specific
IP. When you use this value as the address when calling bind(), the
socket accepts connections to all the IPs of the machine
by default we bind transports to INADDRANY/, so when sending
outgoing (UDP) packets, we rely on the OS to select the correct
interface for us, based on what interfaces are currently online and
the OS's internal routing table. In other words, we just call sendto()
and let the OS "do the right thing". In case of IP address change, we
are also relying on the OS to switch the interface from one interface
to the new one for our UDP transmissions
Supposed that previously I have 2 interface A, B when binding my socket using IADDR_ANY. After that I have interface C available (This is the case on mobile device, when user turns on 3G, Wifi)
Will this socket accept connections from C
If I turn off A, B, will this socket use C to send packets ?
P/S: Answers targeting iOS and Android (both SDK and NDK socket) are more appreciated


Is there an ethernet link layer protocol to get remote IPv4 settings?

Given one or more embedded devices of the same type with some unknown IPv4 addresses or maybe no IPv4 addresses set at all: is there any Ethernet based network protocol to ”find“ those devices in the local net (LAN) from remote (PC) and get their IPv4 settings?
What not works for me:
ARP: IP address must be known or only finds device I communicated with before (or ugly ARP floods …)
LLDP: point to point only (?), so I would only see the switch between device and me. Also, just announces, no response on request (because there are no requests). Further: asking the switch (which supports LLDP) through SNMP is no option when using dumb switches
IP based protocols: I played with UDP and broadcasts (both as request and response), but that does not work reliably if device and me are on different subnets, and it does not work at all if device has no IPv4 set.
DHCP: does not work in networks without DHCP server, maybe no DHCP client on the embedded device
I assume others had the same problem before, take manufactures of network equipment like access points which should be configured remotely, powerline adapters, switches … all those where the vendor gives you some proprietary tool, the device shows up like magic in a list and you can assign some IPv4 then.
Of course the device must have some daemon listening and responding to certain requests, but what would be a standard protocol for such a task? Or do I have to make up some new protocol for that? May some of the above mentioned is possible, but I overlooked something?
Ethernet only provides a layer 2 connection, so anything Ethernet-based can't ever work across a router (ARP, LLDP - LLDP doesn't even cross a decent switch as it's link layer only).
Depending on the network, routed multicasts or directed broadcasts could work - normally they don't. All vendor tools I've seen just use (Ethernet) broadcasts and don't work across routers.
Most often, simple DNS is used for this purpose - the device registers with the DNS server or is preregistered and you just resolve the name.
Edit: without the router problem, the simplest way is to use a UDP broadcast to some unused port. With DHCP unavailable, the device could fall back to zeroconf ( and broadcast from there.
Without IP, you'd need a "raw" Ethernet socket and use an Ethertype that doesn't interfere with normal network operations.

Multicast socket problems on Windows 7

I've setup a UDP server, and joined a multicast group on both localhost interface and the physical ethernet, to be able to receive multicasts from and 192.168.78.* (example).
According to docs, the destination interface for a multicast message is determined through the source address, and I have a client sending messages, but sometimes localhost interface is chosen, and sometimes the ethernet interface. I.e. in the former case the source address is
Question: How can I force a datagram socket to always send multicast messages to the physical interface ? (i.e. having a source address of 192.168.78.xx)
According to docs, the destination interface for a multicast message is determined through the source address
No. It is determined by the route to the multicast address given by looking up the IP routing tables, unless you use the IP_MULTICAST_IF option, which sets the default interface for outgoing multicasts.
I have a client sending messages, but sometimes localhost interface is chosen, and sometimes the ethernet interface. I.e. in the former case the source address is
Question: How can I force a datagram socket to always send multicast messages to the physical interface ? (i.e. having a source address of 192.168.78.xx)
With the option mentioned above.
Source: Stevens et al., Unix Network Programming, 3rd edition, §21.6.

What exactly is Socket

I don't know exactly what socket means.
A server runs on a specific computer and has a socket that is bound to a specific port number. The server just waits, listening to the socket for a client to make a connection request.
When the server accepts the connection, it gets a new socket bound to the same local port and also has its remote endpoint set to the address and port of the client.
It needs a new socket so that it can continue to listen to the original socket for connection requests while tending to the needs of the connected client.
So, socket is some class created in memory? And for every client connection there is created new instance of this class in memory? Inside socket is written the local port and port and IP number of the client which is connected. Can someone explain me more in details the definition of socket?
A socket is effectively a type of file handle, behind which can lie a network session.
You can read and write it (mostly) like any other file handle and have the data go to and come from the other end of the session.
The specific actions you're describing are for the server end of a socket. A server establishes (binds to) a socket which can be used to accept incoming connections. Upon acceptance, you get another socket for the established session so that the server can go back and listen on the original socket for more incoming connections.
How they're represented in memory varies depending on your abstraction level.
At the lowest level in C, they're just file descriptors, a small integer. However, you may have a higher-level Socket class which encapsulates the behaviour of the low-level socket.
According to "TCP/IP Sockets in C-Practical Guide for Programmers" by Michael J. Doonahoo & Kenneth L. Calvert (Chptr 1, Section 1.4, Pg 7):
A socket is an abstraction through which an application may send
and receive data,in much the same way as an open file allows an application to read and write data to stable storage.
A socket allows an application to "plug in" to the network and communicate
with other applications that are also plugged in to the same network.
Information written to the socket by an application on one machine can be
read by an application on a different machine, and vice versa.
Refer to this book to get clarity about sockets from a programmers point of view.
A network socket is one endpoint in a communication flow between two programs running over a network.
A socket is the combination of IP address plus port number
This is the typical sequence of sockets requests from a server application in the connectionless context of the Internet in which a server handles many client requests and does not maintain a connection longer than the serving of the immediate request:
Steps to implement
At Server side
initilize socket()
(wait for a sendto request from some client)
(process the sendto request)
sendto (in reply to the request from the client...for example, send an HTML file)
A corresponding client sequence of sockets requests would be:
so that you can make a pipeline connection ..
for more
I found this article in online.
So to put it all back together, a socket is the combination of an IP
address and a port, and it acts as an endpoint for receiving or
sending information over the internet, which is kept organized by TCP.
These building blocks (in conjunction with various other protocols and
technologies) work in the background to make every google search,
facebook post, or introductory technical blog post possible.
Socket definition
A communication between two processes running on two computer systems can be completely specified by the association: {protocol, local-address, local-process, remote-address, remote-process} We also define a half association as either {protocol, local-address, local-process} or {protocol, remote-address, remote-process}, which specify half of a connection. This half association is also called socket, or transport address. The term socket has been popularized by the Berkeley Unix networking system, where it is "an end point of communication", which corresponds to the definition of half association.

Broadcasting ip:port by socket server

I'm trying to find a way for client to know socket server ip:port, without explicitly defining it. Generally I have a socket server running on portable device that's connect to network over DHCP (via WiFi), and ideally clients should be able to find it automaticaly.
So I guess a question is whether socket server can somehow broadcast it's address over local network? I think UPnP can do this, but I'd rather not get into it.
I'm quite sure that this question was asked on Stack lot's of times, but I could find proper keywords to search for it.
One method of doing this is via UDP broadcast packets. See beej's guide if you're using BSD sockets. And here is Microsoft's version of the same.
Assuming all the clients of the application are on the same side of a router then a broadcast address of (or ff02::1 for IPv6) should be more than adequate.
Multicast is another option, but if this is a LAN-only thing I don't think that's necessary.
Pick a UDP port number (say for the sake of an example we pick 1667). The client should listen to UDP messages on (or whatever the equivalent is. e.g.: IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 1667)). The server should broadcast messages on the same address.
Format Suggestion
UDP Packet: First four bytes as a magic number, next four bytes an IPv4 address (and you might want to add other things like a server name).
The magic number is just in case there is a collision with another application using the same port. Check both the length of the packet and the magic number.
Server would broadcast the packet at something like 30 second time intervals. (Alternatively you could have the server send a response only when a client sends a request via broadcast.)
Some options are:
DNS-SD (which seems to translate to "Apple Bonjour"): it has libraries on macOS, but it needs to install the Bonjour service on Windows. I don't know the Linux situation for this. So, it's multi-platform but you need external libraries.
UDP broadcast or multicast
Some other fancy things like Ethernet broadcast, raw sockets, ...
For your case (clients on a WiFi network), a UDP broadcast packet would suffice, it's multi-platform, and not too difficult to implement from the ground up.
Choosing this option, the two main algorithms are:
The server(s) send an "announce" broadcast packet, with clients listening to the broadcast address. Once clients receive the "announce" packet, they know about the server address. Now they can send UDP packets to the server (which will discover their addresses for sending a reply), or connect using TCP.
The client(s) send a "discover" broadcast packet, with the server(s) listening to the broadcast address. Once the server(s) receive the "discover" packet, it can reply directly to it with an "announce" UDP packet.
One or the other could be better for your application, it depends.
Please consider these arguments:
Servers usually listen to requests and send replies
A server that sends regular "announce" broadcast packets over a WiFi network, for a client that may arrive or not, wastes the network bandwidth, while a client knows exactly when it needs to poll for available servers, and stop once it's done.
As a mix of the two options, a server could send a "gratuitous announce" broadcast packet once it comes up, and then it can listen for "discover" broadcast requests from clients, replying directly to one of them using a regular UDP packet.
From here, the client can proceed as needed: send direct requests with UDP to the server, connect to a TCP address:port provided in the "announce" packet, ...
(this is the scheme I used in an application I am working on)

Multiple sockets required for Zeroconf/bonjour implementation?

Is more than one socket required to implement Zeroconf/bonjour? I'm implementing bonjour on firmware and my chip only supports one socket.
Seems to me at least two would be necessary:
- One socket to monitor the multicast queries and announcements
- At least one more socket to resolve and connect to clients
To quote the rfc:
When this document uses the term "Multicast DNS", it should be taken
to mean: "Clients performing DNS-like queries for DNS-like resource
records by sending DNS-like UDP query and response packets over IP
Multicast to UDP port 5353."
To fully implement mDNS (Bonjour), you need an open socket bound to (the reserved IPv4 address) and port 5353 open to receive queries.
Obviously this just covers the Zeroconf implementation- whatever service you're advertising will require more ports & sockets open.
Depending on what you're trying to achieve, you can use the socket to listen for multicast service announcements, pick a service (e.g. offer a list to the user), close the socket then reuse it to connect to the service. You don't need to keep listening to service announcements if you've already chosen one to choose, and if the service you're using is withdrawn (e.g. the device supplying it is turned off) then you can go back to listening to multicast to find an alternative.