Does the testandtarget.js file have a purpose? - aem

While analyzing some requests on our dispatcher, we noticed that we continually get a 0 byte file generated from hitting the following path
This file is a ClientLibraryFolder. Its js.txt defines the base file as such:
There is no "source" folder that is a direct child of testandtarget. The testandtarget folder contains two ClientLibraryFolders, mbox and util. The js in these folders is loaded on the page just fine. This is why Test&Target still works. However, the testandtarget ClientLib seems to be wrong by default (this is the OOB 5.5 setup). We get a 0 byte file because the js.txt file's base points to a folder that does not exist.
Is anyone else seeing the behavior? It appears that I could just rewrite the js.txt file. Are there any ramifications for doing so?

As best I can tell, that node is an empty clientlib, but it has a child node of "mbox" with the same clientlibrary category. That clientlibrary WILL produce content, and references a source folder beneath it.
I am not aware of the version history, and whether it used to have valid content, or is planned to in the future.
I would be more tempted to remove or change the category than to play with the js.txt file. Editing the js.txt file will change what content goes into the clientlib. Changing/removing the category would no longer cause a call out to the zero byte file.
<cq:includeClientLib categories="testandtarget" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/etc/clientlibs/foundation/testandtarget/mbox.js">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/etc/clientlibs/foundation/testandtarget.js">


eliminate inline <script> in file generated by doxygen

A proposed change to the Content Security Policy (CSP) of our web server to disallow inline script
is causing a problem with the documentation generated by doxygen. Specifically, the problem occurs
in the generated index.html file, and the following lines:
<!-- Generated by Doxygen 1.8.15 -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="menudata.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="menu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
/* #license magnet:?xt=urn:btih:cf05388f2679ee054f2beb29a391d25f4e673ac3&dn=gpl-2.0.txt GPL-v2 */
$(function() {
/* #license-end */</script>
If the initMenu() code is put into a separate file that is just included like other JavaScript files, everything
works just fine. Is there a doxygen option to put all JavaScript into files rather that inline? We can
post process the generated file to do this, but may not know when the "pattern" of this code may
change due to updates in doxygen itself. And we may not know if using additional doxygen features will result in other inline JavaScript.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
Thank you
Fritz Sieker
First off Content Security Policy is useful but far from being an absolute authority. There are other completely useless headers such as those that block referrers based on "privacy".
Secondly there is no such thing as "text/javascript", perhaps they meant application/javascript?
If you're using good (though very non-common practices) you don't have any script elements in the body element (use defer="true" on script elements in the head). By doing that you'll better understand the structure of JavaScript and that in turn will help you become more proficient/capable/help more people/make more money/etc.
You can use document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].getElementsByTagName('script') to find all the script elements in the body element that don't belong there.
If you do have script elements in the body element beforehand and moving them to the head element is not feasible right now you're likely going to have to work with inherent logic, in short those script elements will always be inserted in to the DOM in a specific and reasonably easily reproducible area of your code (like as the very last elements). In such a case you can find them via the following:
Keep in mind that pressing Enter in your code to make it more readable will insert a textNode so you may want to append nodeName to those instances and look for "script":
There is the DOM TreeWalker that might help you out here, subjective to the end result in your DOM. I don't know offhand if you can transverse all the elements in reverse (probably).
Once you know what you want to delete instead of making everything convoluted just send that object (or id) to the following:
function element_del(id)
if (typeof id=='string' && id_(id) && id_(id).parentNode.removeChild)
else if (typeof id=='object' && typeof id.parentNode=='object') {id.parentNode.removeChild(id);}
I hope this helps!

TYPO3: Where can I find the template created in the backend?

I'm trying to create separate templates for webpages with either a single or a double column structure. Currently my webpage only has one template, placed on the root page which is used by all its subpages.
However, I cannot find the template in myextension/Resources/Private/Templates as this folder is empty. Where is the template located in my extension and where should I add the alternative template?
I assume you use "fluid_styled_template"? Then the templates are in that respective core directory, in "Resources/Private".
If you want to manipulate them, copy them to your sitePackage into "Resources/Private/Extension/fluid_styled_content" (that at least is one of the recommended ways where to place it) and override the TypoScript that "fluid_stlyed_content" provides.
templateis not unique in TYPO3 context. we have:
typoscript records, maybe also as files which are included in a record or by PHP
HTML files, which are define a markup for parts of the website
they can be differed in
Marker-Templated. The old and less and less used kind with markers and subparts as placeholders for data defined in typoscript
Fluid templates. The modern kind with control structures and data objects
with the statemant
my webpage only has one template, placed on the root page
it is not clear what you mean:
records are defined in pages -> typoscript templates
maybe you mean in the root page a template is selected. that could mean HTML templates, probably fluid templates as the path myextension/Resources/Private/Templates matches the usual structure for fluid templates.
assuming fluid templates:
Templates are search in a list of folders. This list is managed in typoscript.
Any usage has it's own list and the list of your main/page template probably is at page.10.templatePaths. You can look for it in the TSOB (Typoscript Object browser)
If the list consists of one entry only you have only the basic config.
As the list of folders is consulted each time a template (,partial, layout) is accessed and only that file with matching name in the folder with highest priority is taken you can add your folders with higher numbers in the list so you do not need to change the original files (use copies in your folder to modify) or add files to the original folder (inside of other extensions).
So you need two things:
create your template file in an appropriate folder
(ext:myextension/Resources/Private/Templates sounds good)
and add this folder to the list of folders for these templates
(e.g. page.10.templatePaths.20 = EXT:myextension/Resources/Private/Templates)

Using JSTL fmt:message in a Eclipse IDE Maven Spring 4 Java Web Project

I googled the following questions, but answers to them I was unable to find. They are interrelated so I am putting them together in one post. I am a Java backend developer using Eclipse IDE, using JSTL fmt:message tags in a Maven Spring 4 Java project.
Question #1:
If you have a jsp file, that includes another jsp file in it, where does the fmt taglib go?
Question #2:
Can the fmt:setBundle tag have a nested fmt:message tag?
Question #3:
Where does the file have to be located for use with the fmt:setBundle tag?
Answer #1:
If you are going to use fmt:message with fmt:setBundle and fmt:setLocale, you will need the fmt taglib. This is obvious I am sure. However, in addition, if you have a jsp file, that includes another jsp file, using the jsp:includes tag, and the included file is the one that contains the fmt tags, then the fmt taglib goes into the included file, and NOT in the wrapper file.
<%# taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""%>
Answer #2:
I was unable to get the following to work. Eclipse said that the fmt:setBundle tag must be empty. However, I did see examples on the web that nested the fmt:message tag within open and close fmt:setBundle tags.
<fmt:setBundle basename="message">
<fmt:message key="name"/>
I WAS able to get the following to work.
<fmt:setLocale value="en_US" />
<fmt:setBundle basename="" var="lang"/> // approach #1
<h1><fmt:message key="name" bundle="${lang}" /></h1>
<fmt:setBundle basename="message" var="lang"/> // approach #2
<h1><fmt:message key="name" bundle="${lang}" /></h1>
To make this code i18n, you can set the locale to whatever you want from the list of language_COUNTRY codes, and if you have a matching property file, the code above will print the value of key "name" to the page. For instance, I created a properties file called "". Since I set the locale to "en_US", and the end of the basename is "message", the properties file I have will be found and the key "name" that is in this file, that matches the fmt:message tag, will end up in the tag above. That part about "lang" in the tags above just seems to be necessary to link the bundle to the message.
Here's a list of language and country codes:
Answer #3:
Ok, look at the code for "approach #1" and "approach #2" again, in Answer #2. Why did I repeat it? I wanted to prove that either approach will work. It seems that it is important to place the properties file in the correct location. However, in a Maven Spring 3 Java web project, you can locate it in a few surprising locations, and it will work for any of them. Take a look at the project setup in the link below:
project setup
First, if you don't have a file, but you do have a file, then the fmt:setBundle tag will still work. Also, you can place your properties file in 3 different places, and it will still work.
a) src/main/java >
b) src/main/resources > com > studypartner > properties
c) src/main/resources
"a" and "b" work for
"c" works for
Where of course you would replace "" with your own package name (a, b) or name of nested folders (c).
Basically, this is what they mean when they say that the properties file has to be on your "classpath".

Matching of data files to pages

I have used the assemble/boilerplate-site as a test bed. Following the examples on I have created a page named test.hbs and a data file named test.yml.
The yaml file contains:
title: stuff
when running grunt assemble, a test.html page is assembled into the destination directory. if my test.hbs contains the tag {{title}} the title is not added from the data file, however a tag of {{test.title}} does add the title from the data file.
on the docs page it states:
When using "external" data files (versus YAML front matter), if name of the data file is the same as the associated template then Assemble will automatically associate the two files.
I also need to use the {{title}} tag in my layout. This works if I use YFM at the top of the page rather than an external data file.
Am I misunderstanding how external data files are associated with a page or am I missing something?
You can use {{page.title}} in your test.hbs and layout.hbs files to access the variable without having to specify the actual page name.

Magento - Where are Anashrias Sandals

I know this has been asked before, but I seem to be going around in circles
Where in the magento file structure is the HTML file that displays amongst other things Anashrias Sandals(as well as Magentos end of summer sale etc...)
Ive installed the sample application to Magento CE V1.7.0.2
I can see the definition in Magento/Admin under CMS->Pages->Home Page->2 Columns with Left Bar, but Ive wondered all through the file system. The PHTML specifies the familiar
echo $this->getChildHtml('content')
But I cant seem to find anything that 'content' could resolve to that display Anashrias graceful feet and sandals
Content.phtml simply states
getPageContent(); ?>
Even turning debugging on puts dashed red lines around every block EXCEPT the content page
Sadly those wonderfully manicured toes must go
...but how
I was going to just comment, but to explain thoroughly I need more space ;)
To answer your comment directly, the content you see isn't necessarily in a file somewhere, the "content" for CMS pages are within your database. By changing the content field on your CMS Page (Magento Admin -> CMS -> Pages -> select a page from the list), you can change the center content for that page. Magento has many different page "types" (Each Parent of the tags in xml (explained later) is a layout handle signifying a page type), common examples are cms, category, product, checkout, cart, customer account, etc.
So, when you see $this->getChildHtml('content');, what you see is a call to the system to pull the child block named "content" from the XML. This changes depending on what page you are on, as dictated by the XML and Magento Core Code.
Layout Files
Lets take a look at the source of where the name "content" comes from. Our current working directory is /app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/. In this folder you will see a list of .xml files, these are the files that dictate how a page is put together. The block named "content" is originally defined in page.xml at around line 91:
<block type="core/text_list" name="content" as="content" translate="label">
<label>Main Content Area</label>
Also, note that this section is "nested" in the <default></default> tags. Those tags are the layout handles I was talking about, and this shows that all pages should be loaded with this xml layout by default. So here is our "content" block, in all its glory. It's actually just a namespace. The other layout pages will each load what they need from within the content block.
Now, let's look at another relevant layout file, cms.xml, around line 45:
<cms_page translate="label">
<label>CMS Pages (All)</label>
<reference name="content">
<block type="core/template" name="page_content_heading" template="cms/content_heading.phtml"/>
<block type="page/html_wrapper" name="cms.wrapper" translate="label">
<label>CMS Content Wrapper</label>
<action method="setElementClass"><value>std</value></action>
<block type="cms/page" name="cms_page"/>
Here, the <reference name="content"> denotes that everything nested here is a child of the "content" block. We don't need to call it like <block name="content"/> because we know it was already defined in page.xml.
From there, they have the "cms.wrapper" block, which basically just sets the div that "wraps" around the rest of the cms content. Nested within the wrapper is our <block type="cms/page" name="cms_page"/>. This is the bad boy that outsources our template job to the cms/page block class, located in app/code/core/Mage/cms/page.php. From there, basically the class will grab our CMS Page detail from the database and present it for all to see.
So, to answer your question in short, there is no file that has the content of the cms pages, it is pulled from the database and generated upon page request.
Block Tag Explained
Blocks have various attributes to it, I'll go over the basics.
type="core/template": The type denotes what kind of block class it is. This refers to the folders nested in the "app/code/core/Mage/" folder (typically, with exceptions*). Here we are referring to app/code/core/Mage/Core/Block/Template.php. The class you set here will be attached to your template. This is responsible for the prolific use of $this->doSomething() in your template files. Basically the template file is calling the class object to do the work. "core/template" is a good general use class to fall back on when adding custom template files, although in certain circumstances you may need to choose something else.
name="content": Here we are giving our block a name. It would be the identifying name of the block, and it's used to reference that block everywhere. The block name is needed for such things as xml references (<reference name="blockName">) and to call blocks from within parent phtml template files (<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('blockName'); ?>). Note that all templates which call it without an argument ($this->getChildHtml('');) means to call ALL child blocks without being explicitly called.
as="content": This signifies an alias identifier. You can use the alias the same as the name above.
template="page/html/callouts.phtml": This sets the template for the block. Magento will look for app/design/frontend/your_package/your_theme/template/page/html/callouts.phtml and use it as the block's layout.
*Exceptions: Third-party extensions typically use either app/code/community or app/code/local folders. If you have to overwrite a core class, copy the directory structure to the local folder and then make your edits to the local version of the class.The classes load in this order: /local/ > /community/ > /core/. If a local version is found it will use that first, followed by community and core, and takes the first class file found with that name.
Let me introduce you to the proper way of modifying your layout. Here, create a file called local.xml in your directory app/design/frontend/your_package/your_theme/layout/. This one file will house all your layout updates, to prevent any conflicts that may arise if you start editing the base layouts. Also, it keeps all your custom changes in one tidy file.
We'll remove some things that the demo store puts in that isn't really needed. Your layout should look like this, to start:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
<!-- Layout Handle -->
<!-- Block Reference -->
<reference name="left">
<!-- Remove by Reference Name -->
<remove name="left.permanent.callout"/>
<reference name="right">
<remove name="right.permanent.callout"/>
Not a whole lot there, but what this will do is remove the callout ads on the left and right side bars. You'll need to refresh your cache upon making layout xml changes.
Read another one of my answers for some more things you can do with local.xml:
Magento Sidebar Customization
Edit 08/16/13:
I glossed over the Magento Design Guide (I had it once, good resource to start off, but by the first time I read it I already had learned everything it had to offer). The fallback structure it speaks of is in regarding the code/template/layout/skin/translation files.
The packages to use are partially set by you, in System->Configuration->Design. If it is not found, then it falls back to default. If default doesn't have what it's looking for, it grabs the base file. Magento does this inherently by design.
Unfortunately I don't see any built in mechanism for falling back database content. The cms content is made up of 4 tables, cms_block, cms_block_store, cms_page and cms_page_store. cms_block_store and cms_page_store each only contain the page/block id and the store id. both ids are primary keys. This is to relate the page/block id to which store it belongs to.
I suppose you could try to instigate a fallback for cms content by having it search for that page with store id, and if not, fall back to the same page ID from a different store. Or perhaps make a "base" store record that is only used as the fallback store id. I wouldn't be sure exactly how to implement either one though.
For your reference these are the cms_block and cms_page tables:
cms_block Table
[block_id] //Internal Id, Auto Increments and is Primary Key
[title] //Block Title as User Defined
[identifier] //Block Identifier, also User Defined
[content] //Block Content Stored Here
[creation_time] //Date-Time the Block was Created (ex. 2013-07-22 17:21:18)
[update_time] //Date-Time the Block was Last Updated
[is_active] //Show(1) or Hide(0) Block.
cms_page Table
[page_id] //Internal Id, Auto Increment, Primary Key
[title] //Page Title
[root_template] //Template Layout (one_column, two_columns_left, etc)
[meta_keywords] //Meta Keywords
[meta_description] //Meta Description
[identifier] //User Defined Page Identifier
[content_heading] //Content Heading to be Displayed
[content] //Page Content
[creation_time] //Date-Time Page Created
[update_time] //Date-Time Page Last Updated
[is_active] //Show(1) or Hide(0) Page (0 = 404 error)
[sort_order] //Legacy(?) Page Sorting Order**
[layout_update_xml] //XML Layout Changes***
[custom_theme] //Override Page w/ Different Theme
[custom_root_template] //Override Page w/ Different Layout than Set Above
[custom_layout_update_xml] //Override Page Layout w/ Different XML***
[custom_theme_from] //Set Date to Start Overriding Page w/ Custom Layout
[custom_theme_to] //Set Date to End Overriding Page w/ Custom Layout
/**I don't see anywhere to set via Admin Back-End. All mine are set to (0),
/ my best guess is it was used to sort page link order in a menu. Either
/ they removed this feature somewhere along the way or I somehow removed
/ it and forgot.
/***Think local.xml without the need to use the layout handle. In other words:
/ You can modify specific pages with the same xml styling as used between
/ the <default></default> tags above. Don't actually put <?xml>, <layout>
/ or <default> (the update handle) tags.
So that's all that is in the cms portion of the database.
When properly configured, Magento will fall back in this order:
<!-- Front End Package/Theme Template and Layout Files -->
<!-- Admin Package/Theme Template and Layout Files -->
<!-- Front End Package/Theme Skin (JS/CSS/Images) Files -->
<!-- Admin Package/Theme Skin (JS/CSS/Images) Files -->
<!-- Magento Code Pool -->
/**Magento will, by default, only look within local folders that currently
/ exist in the core directory, community directory*** OR if an active
/ module has codePool*** set to local.
/***Third-Party modules have to set which codePool they are using, which
/ specifies the default working directory for that module's code.
/ This is defined in the xml located at /app/etc/modules/*. If a module
/ has its codepool set to community, you can override the extension's
/ code by copying it to local.
The "community" codePool is said to be there for legacy reasons, and that new extensions should be made to use the "local" only. I personally don't agree, it would make much more sense for every Third-Party extension to use the community codePool and retain the ability to override the original extension code from "local" without modifying the original.
Okay, I think I'm done with this question, as any more information here would be overload. If I missed anything, start a new question and link me to it ;D.