Using JSTL fmt:message in a Eclipse IDE Maven Spring 4 Java Web Project - eclipse

I googled the following questions, but answers to them I was unable to find. They are interrelated so I am putting them together in one post. I am a Java backend developer using Eclipse IDE, using JSTL fmt:message tags in a Maven Spring 4 Java project.
Question #1:
If you have a jsp file, that includes another jsp file in it, where does the fmt taglib go?
Question #2:
Can the fmt:setBundle tag have a nested fmt:message tag?
Question #3:
Where does the file have to be located for use with the fmt:setBundle tag?

Answer #1:
If you are going to use fmt:message with fmt:setBundle and fmt:setLocale, you will need the fmt taglib. This is obvious I am sure. However, in addition, if you have a jsp file, that includes another jsp file, using the jsp:includes tag, and the included file is the one that contains the fmt tags, then the fmt taglib goes into the included file, and NOT in the wrapper file.
<%# taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""%>
Answer #2:
I was unable to get the following to work. Eclipse said that the fmt:setBundle tag must be empty. However, I did see examples on the web that nested the fmt:message tag within open and close fmt:setBundle tags.
<fmt:setBundle basename="message">
<fmt:message key="name"/>
I WAS able to get the following to work.
<fmt:setLocale value="en_US" />
<fmt:setBundle basename="" var="lang"/> // approach #1
<h1><fmt:message key="name" bundle="${lang}" /></h1>
<fmt:setBundle basename="message" var="lang"/> // approach #2
<h1><fmt:message key="name" bundle="${lang}" /></h1>
To make this code i18n, you can set the locale to whatever you want from the list of language_COUNTRY codes, and if you have a matching property file, the code above will print the value of key "name" to the page. For instance, I created a properties file called "". Since I set the locale to "en_US", and the end of the basename is "message", the properties file I have will be found and the key "name" that is in this file, that matches the fmt:message tag, will end up in the tag above. That part about "lang" in the tags above just seems to be necessary to link the bundle to the message.
Here's a list of language and country codes:
Answer #3:
Ok, look at the code for "approach #1" and "approach #2" again, in Answer #2. Why did I repeat it? I wanted to prove that either approach will work. It seems that it is important to place the properties file in the correct location. However, in a Maven Spring 3 Java web project, you can locate it in a few surprising locations, and it will work for any of them. Take a look at the project setup in the link below:
project setup
First, if you don't have a file, but you do have a file, then the fmt:setBundle tag will still work. Also, you can place your properties file in 3 different places, and it will still work.
a) src/main/java >
b) src/main/resources > com > studypartner > properties
c) src/main/resources
"a" and "b" work for
"c" works for
Where of course you would replace "" with your own package name (a, b) or name of nested folders (c).
Basically, this is what they mean when they say that the properties file has to be on your "classpath".


Doxygen: Customizing the Examples Page

While documenting a project with Doxygen, I encountered the following problem.
I have a set of example programs (demo_1.c, demo_2.c,...) which reside inside the EXAMPLE_PATH set in the Doxyfile. I created a file examples.c with the following content to include the examples:
* \example demo_1.c
* \example demo_2.c
* ...
After running Doxygen, an Examples page is created within the navigation as I want it but the Examples section always looks like:
Here is a list of all examples:
* demo_1.c
* demo_2.c
How can I change this page? I especially want to replace the text "Here is a list of all examples:" with a larger introduction.
I already generated the doxygen layout file and the header/footer files but this does not give me any useful information.
The solution is to create a DoxygenLayout.xml file and customize it with the information you want to appear on the examples page.
Doxygen will produce a template XML file, in the current directory, from the configuration it is using currently via the following command line:
$ doxygen -l
Point Doxygen to this file by editing the Doxyfile configuration file or using the Doxywizard GUI (Expert tab -> Build -> LAYOUT_FILE) to change the LAYOUT_FILE path to your new DoxygenLayout.xml file.
I recommend doing this step explicitly instead of relying on the default behavior to pickup the DoxygenLayout.xml when it exists in the folder Doxygen is run from.
You will need to edit the <tab type="examples"> XML tag and change the existing title attribute and add an intro attribute to suit your needs. The title attribute changes both the name of the header on the page and the TAB name across the top of the HTML browser so something shorter is better.
For example:
<tab type="examples" visible="yes" title="ALI Library Examples" intro="Welcome to the fantastic set of examples I have prepared for your enjoyment."/>
ALI Library Examples
Welcome to the fantastic set of examples I have prepared for your enjoyment.
Note that I could not find any information about the intro attribute in the formal Doxygen documentation. I noticed it while reading the article Adding new user Tab in the Doxygen Layout.

Eclipse : how to disable validation for SVG files

I cant figure a way to disable validation for SVG files in eclipse. I tried to add an exception for xml validation in the validation configuration page, but it did not work. I have a file from bootstrap 3 (glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg) that has an error marker ( dtd compliance probably ) I would like to either exclude this specific file from validation OR disable validation of SVG files all together.
Any help appreciated.
edit : I am using eclipse Luna
The error message in the SVG file says :
Description Resource Path Location Type
The content of element type "font-face" is incomplete, it must match "((font-face-src,(desc|title|metadata))|((desc|title|metadata)+,font-face-src,((desc|title|metadata))?))". glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg /myApp/src/main/webapp/js/vendor/bootstrap-3 line 6 XML Problem
This is a problem related with the validator not with the bootstap SVG file, since the definition is right, if you check the definition of defs Element it allows an font element.
Also from mozilla sources:
Permitted content:
Any number of the following elements, in any order:
Animation elements
Descriptive elements
Shape elements
Structural elements
Gradient elements
<a>, <altglyphdef>, <clippath>, <color-profile>, <cursor>, <filter>, <font>, <font-face>, <foreignobject>, <image>, <marker>, <mask>, <pattern>, <script>, <style>, <switch>, <text>, <view>
Normative document SVG 1.1 (2nd Edition)
So you can add to ignore in eclipse validator, please check this topic: How to exclude specific folders or files from validation in Eclipse?

How can you debug a DITA transformation?

I know XSLT in general can be debugged, but how exactly would one go about debugging a DITA transformation, considering its modular XSLT structure and the fact that stylesheets are pointed to by the catalog.xml file?
I want to be able to step through the code during runtime, and be able to set break points, etc.
If you are using the Oxygen editor, you can debug Toolkit transforms using the technique described here (from the Oxygen 14.2 documentation):
Debugging PDF Transformations
To debug a DITA PDF transformation scenario using the XSLT Debugger follow these steps:
Go to Options > Preferences > XML > XML Catalog, click Add and select the file located at [Oxygen Install Directory]\ frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\plugins\org.dita.pdf2\cfg\catalog.xml;
Open the map in the DITA Maps Manager and create a DITA Map PDF transformation scenario;
Edit the scenario, go to the Parameters tab and change the value of the clean.temp parameter to no;
Run the transformation scenario;
Open in Oxygen XML the stage1.xml file located in the temporary directory and format and indent it;
Create a transformation scenario for this XML file by associating the topic2fo_shell.xsl stylesheet located at OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/plugins/org.dita.pdf2/xsl/fo/topic2fo_shell_fop.xsl;
In the transformation scenario edit the Parameters list and set the parameter locale with the value en_GB and the parameter customizationDir.url to point either to your customization directory or to the default DITA OT customization directory. It's value should have an URL syntax like:file://c:/path/to/OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/plugins/org.dita.pdf2/cfg.
Debug the transformation scenario.
I found this topic by searching for "debug toolkit" in the Oxygen online help.
These instructions are specifically for PDF, but you should be able to adapt these instructions to HTML-based transforms as well.
There is always the good old trick of adding print statements around in the code, which is xslt translates to <xsl:message>. Here is a snippet from my frontmatter transformation:
<xsl:message>artworkPrefix=<xsl:copy-of select="$artworkPrefix"/></xsl:message>
<xsl:message>customizationDir.url=<xsl:value-of select="$customizationDir.url"/></xsl:message>
<xsl:message>imageLogoPath=<xsl:value-of select="$imageLogoPath"/></xsl:message>
<xsl:message>imageNotePath=<xsl:value-of select="$imageNotePath"/></xsl:message>
<xsl:message>imageWatermarkPath=<xsl:value-of select="$imageWatermarkPath"/></xsl:message>
<xsl:message>page-width=<xsl:value-of select="$page-width"/></xsl:message>
<xsl:message>page-height=<xsl:value-of select="$page-height"/></xsl:message>
If I uncomment this, I get a nice debugging block of text in the output log, showing the various values for the settings I use.

Unable to loacte properites file in wicket

In my wicket application i have 3-4 different packages say pack1,pack2 and so on .
In pack1 i have different html and java classes. I am validating the null check by setRequired(true) and getting the message from properties file.I am naming my properties file as ... as i have Send.html and in pack1.In properties file i am mentioning like this
formname.field.Required=The ${label} is missing
I want to validate all the html fields which are present in different html pages of the same package (pack1)in one properties file say .So my question here is will one singe properties will be sufficient for one package where in all the validation will be taken care.
Yes, wicket first looks for the property in the properties file associated to the page, and then in the properties asociated to the package (and after that in parents packages...).
But, as long as I know the package properties file is called (independently of the package name).

poEdit not creating source files

I am using poedit with zend_translate.
I have done everything required in zend. I have created some sample code in zend view files
I have then created a new catalog in poedit.
I specified the initial settings (like base directory, translation function)
I edited php parser tab:
a) *.php to *.php;*.phtml
b) adding '-L php'
Then also its not getting any strings.
Anyone has any idea what i am doing wrong.
Under catalog settings, go to "Keywords" and add "translate" — that should fix it.